The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/co/ Summer 2015 roster poll results

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These are the results of /co/'s most recent survey poll. A total of 50 people checked in, with 2 votes being thrown out due to spamming of character suggestions, bringing it to a total of 48 suggestions. Raw results can be viewed here.

Keep or Sack?

These were the votes of who to keep on the roster and who was getting the boot. The 11 with the most votes will be the starting 11 for /co/

Name Percentage For Percentage Against
Doom 92% 8%
Professor Zoom 84% 16%
Ronnie 84% 16%
40 Cakes 82% 18%
Gaston 81% 19%
/co/lette 76% 24%
Hope Corgi 76% 24%
Dead Parents 72% 28%
Win O'Thread 72% 28%
Archer 70% 30%
Bad News 70% 30%
Alan Moore 68% 32%
Work on Your Art 66% 34%
T.O.M. 64% 36%
Aku 62% 38%
Rightclops 62% 38%
Hypercrisis 58% 42%
Brock Samson 58% 42%
Mogo 54% 46%
The Flash 46% 54%
/co/mblr 44% 56%
Cheesecake 42% 58%

New Players

These players are going to be the newest additions to the /co/ roster as they received the most suggestions.


  • Brian "Understanding the Gays" Bendis
  • Bojack "So Totally a Zelda" Horseman
  • Judge "I AM THE LAW" Dredd
  • Shocker (Herman "I-I Beat Spider-Man Once..." Schultz)

Better Luck Next Time

  • Wakfu rep
  • Steven Universe rep
  • Gravity Falls rep
  • RW/BY rep
  • Rick and Morty rep
  • /co/nrad
  • >>>/tv/

Medal Players

Doom and /co/lette will keep their gold status as well as Hope Corgi keeping his silver status. Professor Zoom will join as the newest Silver addition