The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/gd/ autumn 2020 roster poll results

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The Autumn 2020 /gd/ Roster Poll++ got 8 votes, all valid. The thread ran for a little over two weeks (Sept 5rd to the 20th) without incident.

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The poll was formatted as a 9 question survey as opposed to a more simple yay/nay player vote.

When it comes to our roster /gd/ is a team that... [1 respondent abstained]

Could use one or two new players      3
Could use three or four new players   2
Could use many new players            0
Doesn't need new players              1
dunno [write in]                      1

/gd/ hasn't won many games recently, has that had an impact on your enjoyment of the team? [1 respondent abstained]

1 - No Impact     2
2 -               2
3 -               1
4 -               2
5 - Big Impact    0

Choose current players to drop from the team [2 respondents abstained]

Cracked                   2
Lens Flare                2
Fine Art                  2
Untitled-1.JPG            2
Dodge Tool Crack Pipe     2
Random Album Art Thread   2
Font Share Thread         2
Just Rip Something Off    2
>bumping /gd/             2
All Other Players         1
Logo Redesign             0
>>>/wsr/ (aka >>>r)       0

Choose additional medal player(s) [1 respondent abstained]

Minimalism [incumbent]             3
>>>/wsr/ (aka >>>r) [incumbent]    3
Fuck You Pay Me                    3
Cracked                            1
Graphic Design Is My Passion       1
Read The Sticky                    1
Vaporwave                          1
Random Album Art Thread            1
All Other Players                  0

Graphic Design Is My Passion's Sign [everyone answered]

Remove The Box Art      4
Keep The Box Art        4

New Player Suggestions [6 respondents abstained]

Anything I could think of is a player related to the "Please edit this drawing/character/person" threads (I guess this fits >>>/wsr/ more since these are requests but your choice really)
/gd/ (threads, you know the ones) | bring back flags of the world

Old Player Visuals Suggestions [everyone abstained]

Kerning Suggestions [7 respondents abstained]

if /hr/ ever revives an HD texture kerning, /wg/ kerning should be way taller

Any other thoughts/feelings/hot takes/shitposts? [5 respondents abstained from shitposting]

please get good, and look out for yourself incoming
I'm tired
be good pls


  • I thought we needed POI but we apparently didn't but we held the poll anyway!
  • One or two added players remains more or less the baseline for turnover, though a couple wanted more and for the first time in a while some didn't seem to want any. Either two or three players will be added.
    • Missed Due to rather inconclusive polling WHO to sack is a bit of an open question. Who eventually dies is something you'll probably have to wait until Autumn proper to know. If you've got stock in saving or killing any of the lads who got two votes in the poll get in touch.
    • Scored Aesthetic Flags Of The World is making a comeback! Now wave your flag, now wave your flag, now wave your flag...
    • Scored After a long hiatus Edit This Face may be returning. But don't be shocked if he doesn't quite look the same...
    • Scored Research on "/gd/ (threads, you know the ones)" is ongoing.
  • Based on feedback from viewers alongside the poll the box art for graphic Design Is My Passion will stick around a bit longer, but will be made a lot smaller. If you remember how kerning used to sit on demon kerning's shoulder, it'll be like that.
  • A three way split between >/wsr/, Minimalism, and dark horse candidate Fuck You Pay Me for second silver status. This isn't out of nowhere, Fuck You has had a few diehards pushing for this for a while now. So you know what? It's been that kind of year, we're going with Fuck You Pay Me! (disclaimer: For Autumn, it might revert to another player if Winter happens)
  • Thank you for the well wishes