/gd/ spring 2020 roster poll results

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The Spring 2020 /gd/ Roster Poll++ got 6 votes, all valid. The thread ran for one and a half weeks (Marth 3rd to the 17th) without incident.

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The poll was formatted as a 8 question survey as opposed to a more simple yay/nay player vote.

When it comes to our roster /gd/ is a team that... [Everyone answered]

Could use one or two new players      1
Could use three or four new players   0
Could use many new players            4
Doesn't need new players              1

Choose current players to drop from the team [1 respondent abstained]

Full Frontend Focus           5
Retro Revival                 2
Please Buy Affinity           2
Glitch Art                    1
Vaporwave                     1
Untitled-1.JPG                1
Logo Redesign                 1
Rate My Logo                  1
Font Share Thread             1
>bumping /gd/                 1
Dodge Tool Crack Pipe         1
Golden Ratio                  1
All Other Players             0

Choose additional medal player(s) [2 respondents abstained]

Minimalism [incumbent]          2
>>>/wsr/ (aka >>>r)             2
Fuck You Pay Me                 1
Vaporwave                       1
Graphic Design Is My Passion    1
All Other Players               0

Is this still "Helvetica Now" or do we go back to "Helvetica"? [everyone answered]

Helvetica      6
Helvetica Now  0

Keeper Suggestions [3 respondents abstained]

.jpg, or .jpeg, even

New Player Suggestions [4 respondents abstained]

Bring Back Cracked, or at least a reference to the endless "how do I get an adobe product for free" threads. Otherwise maybe rep for the fine art thread, unless retro revival already represents that.

Kerning Suggestions [everyone abstained]

Any other thoughts/feelings/hot takes/shitposts? [4 respondents abstained from shitposting]



  • As expected after a bad few cups, a missed elite, and a poll at a weird time turnout was a little low. Though not required another poll will probably be held before Summer (fingers crossed) to solidify these hot takes.
  • The grand majority of people still choose to say the team needs only a few new players, one wanted more, one wanted less. A modest three player turnover is planned.
    • Missed Retro Revival is sacked. A first time player that due to PES 18 aesthetic screaming used the visuals of ANOTHER one cup wonder Art and Arch. This player's identity never really solidified in a satisfying way.
    • Missed Please Buy Affinity is sacked. Simply put the shills backed off. I can't believe Adobe didn't die bros. This was, as you guessed, another one cup player.
    • Missed Full Frontend Focus is sacked. The final new player from the last poll is also gone and also was a bit of a non factor. Ever since these question started being asked the default result has been to sack the new blood. Not sure this is an issue but it is something to think about.
    • Scored A new player based on flat design. We had for a short time a player KINDA about this [Comfy Bonfire] but this will probably be a new face instead that better explains the concept in how it looks.
    • Scored Oh fuck someone wanted Cracked back, and they also killed the other EEEEEEE player so it wouldn't feel so redundant. There's a chance this WON'T be Cracked and instead a new player based on the general concept of idiots who don't know how not to get sucked into the Adobe SaaS shitshow however.
    • Scored A new player based on the still going Fine Art General thread. Don't expect the player to literally be called /fag/. We may or may not include this lad based on how how it shapes up visually and if /fag/ suddenly stops being a thing. The same guy made the previous suggestion too so it's a bit of a fielder's choice here in terms of which (or both) gets in.
    • Scored In the unlikely but not impossible event that less than all three of the players above get their aesthetic shit together in time we've got a low effort backup player planned if needed.
  • Minimalism managed to split the vote with >>>/wsr/ for second silver. Are all the Minimalism fans fairweather? In any case which gets it will be based on who looks better at export deadline time. Obviously Minimalism has hit something of a local limit on how he can look, but /wsr/ could use a lot of love and could definitely surpass him for this cup.