/gd/ summer 2019 roster poll results

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The Summer 2019 /gd/ Roster Poll++ got 9 votes, all valid. The thread ranfor one and a half weeks (June 19th to the 30th) without incident.

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The poll was formatted as a 10 question survey as opposed to a more simple yay/nay player vote. As mentioned in the winter 19 poll results unsigned player suggestions from that poll were offered in this poll.

When it comes to our roster /gd/ is a team that... [Everyone answered]

Could use one or two new players      7
Could use three or four new players   1
Could use many new players            1
Doesn't need new players              0

Choose current players to drop from the team [Everyone answered]

Cracked                       4
Art and Arch                  3
Comfy Bonfire                 3
Random Album Art Thread       1
Logo Redesign                 1
Lens Flare                    1
>>>/wsr/ (aka >>>r)           1
Graphic Design Is My Passion  1
Fuck You Pay Me               1
Read The Sticky               1
All Other Players             0

Choose additional medal player(s) [everyone answered]

Minimalism [incumbent]          8
Golden Ratio                    2
Rate My Logo                    2
Pepsi Universe                  2
Vaporwave                       2
>>>/wsr/ (aka >>>r)             2
Art and Arch                    1
Fuck You Pay Me                 1
All Other Players               0

Helvetica Now: Does it matter? [everyone answered]

Helvetica should be Helvetica Now   6
Helvetica should still be Helvetica 3

Logo Redesign's new redesign [everyone answered]

Porthole Design  7
Shield Design    2

Replace Untitled-1.jpg? [everyone answered]

Keep Untitled-1.JPG for now  4
Untitled-1.DDS               2
Untitled-1.XCF               2
Untitled-1.PDN               1
Untitled-1.CDR               0

Old New Player Suggestions [everyone answered]

Nostalgia Player                       5
Affinity shill Player                  4
Web Design Player                      4
None of these                          2
Get out of /gd/ Player                 1
Handpaint Masking (write in)           1

Kerning Suggestions [3 respondents abstained from offering any suggestions]

1 Flat paper Kerning to match /i/ players. Super Crown Kerning for /aco/. You should meme hard on /mlp/, but I don't have any ideas.
2 Plate with chicken tendies for /r9k/ in his hands/on his head (you know it's gonna happen)
3 Cyberpunk Kerning against /v/ or /vg/
4 Idol clothing for /u/ and /c/, japanese nat'l team jersey for /jp/, shredded kerning for /fit/, team rocket design for /vp/, all I got boss
5 The obvious ones: 
  - /int/ kerning could just be Kerning with a roll of country flags over his body similar to Coning (the /wsg/ version)
  - /i/ Kerning should be a flat 2D kern similar to how /i/'s players look, you know the ones
6 For /s4s/ games, make Kerning into Kerningsandra. There was a drawing of him with her dress, a Top Kem hat and a shoe on his tail. USE IT.

Any other thoughts/feelings/hot takes/shitposts? [2 respondents abstained from shitposting]

1 Can we sack vaporwave now? :^) I jest, she's pretty relevant and I like her.
  Interested to see how our boy will look now with the 18 limits n' all.
  If you need help with aesthetics, just you know, ask. https://puu.sh/DIhzF.PNG
2 I really liked the Starfucker Kerning. That was awesome.
3 All the best!
4 Thank you.
5 Thanks again for leading the team to success last winter :) 
6 If the Pepsi logo wins the Summer logo contest I'll eat my hat.
7 keming a good kitty he dindu nuffins


  • The turn out was a little smaller than I expected, but those that DID show up were far more engaged than usual. None of the real questions were skipped by anyone despite them all being optional.
  • The grand majority of people still choose to say the team needs only a few new players, but a couple would like more. Because of rampant ties between 2nd and 3rd and to please that three players will be leaving /gd/ and three others will be joining:
    • Missed Cracked is finally sacked. He first played in Autumn 17 and is the oldest retiring player this wave. You know what you need to do to see him again.
    • Missed Art and Arch is sacked. Like Aesthetic Flags of the World before him he turned out to be a one cup wonder for Winter 19. Picked a good season to join!
    • Missed Comfy Bonfire is sacked. The other new player from Winter 19 also died. A pattern seems to be emerging that new players die fast in /gd/. Not enough time to grow memorable maybe?
    • Scored A Nostalgia in Graphic Design style player will join. Remember the good old days, designs were simpler then... well no actually they were more complicated but the THEORY was simpler.
    • Scored A player based around Affinity shilling on /gd/ will join. The Adobe killer is here! Again! For sure this time! Maybe!
    • Scored A player based on web design / front end programming will join. Are rounded edges coming back again? God I hope not.
  • Minimalism continues to be the player of choice for second silver. Nearly everyone wants him. Multiple player selections were allowed in case we went back to GSSBB (fucking RIP). Other players that did well here will likely make the starting line up.
  • Did you hear they made a new Helvetica? Yes Helvetica Now is (now) here, and it's... slightly easier to read on mobile devices? Sure monotype that's worth relicensing everything. Rest assured that Helvetica Now is still Helvetica in terms of stat keeping.
  • Hank survived! Shocking, but the format of the question might have saved his bacon. The next poll won't be so merciful.