/gd/ winter 2019 logo poll results
The Winter 2019 /gd/ Logo Poll was run in celebration of /gd/'s star winning performance in the 2019 4chan Winter Cup.
Submissions for new logos and stars on the current logo opened immediately following /gd/'s victory on March 3rd and ran for three weeks through the 24th. Voting followed immediately thereafter for a week, ending on the 31st. 27 votes were tallied during this period, but for a few reasons (explained in takeaways) only 23 of them were counted. These cut votes are still represented in the raw analytics provided here.
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Logo Gallery (contains the number key for the poll results)
The poll was formatted as a 3 question survey. The first question was to measure the popularity of added star designs. Likewise the second was reserved for entirely new logos. On both questions you could vote for as many or as few logos as you wanted. The third question was was a generic question asking if we should adopt a wholly new logo, or simply add a star to the existing one. Whichever option won this third question would dictate if we used the most popular new logo, or the most popular added star logo.
During the submission phase 32 added star logos and 48 new logo candidates (representing 26 new logos) were submitted. For completeness every single logo was voted upon, even the really obvious shitposts.
Shortly after polling began one additional new logo (#60) appeared, and while it wasn't voted on it is included in the logo repository above for completeness and usage in promotional material.
Question 1: If we added a star to the existing logo, where should we put it and what should it look like? [25 respondents]
#1 0 #2 6 #3 1 #4 6 #5 4 #6 4 #7 5 #8 3 #9 2 #10 2 #11 4 #12 3 #13 10 #14 0 #15 0 #16 2 #17 5 #18 3 #19 0 #20 0 #21 2 #22 5 #23 11 #24 1 #25 0 #26 0 #27 0 #28 3 #29 5 #30 7 #31 1 #32 0
Question 2: If we were to adopt a new logo, which of these logos would you like to see? [27 respondents]
#33 1 #34 0 #35 0 #36 3 #37a 3 #37b 2 #38 0 #39a 0 #39b 1 #40a 3 #40b 9 #40c 4 #40d 2 #41a 3 #41b 5 #42 1 #43 4 #44 3 #45 1 #46 0 #47 0 #48a 0 #48b 0 #48c 3 #49a 1 #49b 1 #49c 0 #49d 0 #50 3 #51 1 #52 1 #53 1 #54 0 #55a 1 #55b 0 #55c 0 #55d 1 #55e 4 #55f 1 #55g 3 #55h 8 #55i 2 #55j 7 #55k 9 #56 0 #57 0 #58 11 #59 2
Question 3: Do you think we should adopt a new logo or should we stick with what we have? [27 respondents]
We should adopt one of the new logos. 9 We should keep the current logo and add a star to it 14
This optional box is here for commentary on your selections from the first two questions. If you have tweaks to suggest this would be the place to say so. Please use the numbers when describing the logos. [10 respondents]
1 #5 could stand to benefit from a little space between the star and the pen tip, #2 is brilliant but not exactly futureproof --- 2 Grug like square logos, grug no like circles, as evidenced by selected choices --- 3 55k: Slightly more space in the pen nib's vertical bar. Thicker white and grey border for the shield. Increase the size of the 20 13. General tweaks for it to be a little more clear at small sizes. --- 4 My primary issue with #7 is that the thickness of the ""shield"" is inconsistent with the pen above the greater shield of the logo; I feel as though it's nearly impossible to escape the optical illusion that anything under ""GD FC"" is the bottom part of the pen. In this regard, #8 and #9 are both consistent, but then the issue becomes the visibility of the star; a good benchmark for this, in my opinion, is to consider how visible the star will be when placed into the cup wallpaper which Legendairyman does for every cup, and which you're familiar with if you've ever listened to the opening roll with Rise of Nations for every Elite. Either way, if these concerns can be combined and addressed, this is easily the best choice for me. The dotted-line star in #10/11 is promising, but I am not a fan of stars above the logo; for one, it takes up too much space up there, leaving a great deal of wasted transparency which is thus inconsistent with /gd/'s stated aim of making the logo bigger (at least in in-game display). This may sound like a shitpost, but it's not; there's no fun if it can't be as big as possible in every regard imaginable. Aesthetically speaking, the dotted-line star (especially the colored variant) will, I think, work best on logo #23, and is likely to clash on other variants. For logo #24, I'm more in favor of a white background, not the transparent one as shown, and I am aware that choice of star is independent from positioning, but I am voting for it regardless just to be sure that my interest in that version of the star is registered. Regarding variants #4 and #16, I'm a fan of the placement and coloring, but can't help but feel that the stars could use some alignment or tilt parallel to the diagonals instead of being aligned to 0 degrees. Any variants of #55 are with the supposition that the CMYK variant is considered for every version that was posted using the current colors. --- 5 #7 and #8: The line weights of the pen's body do not match up with the nib. There's also the issue of the pen nib clearly being behind the shield such that there is a disconnect between the nib and body. #13: The star gives the pen nib purpose. Personal favourite. #5 looks a little cramped. #55a-e: /adv/ has a new logo in a similar shape, so I'm hesitant on adopting these. #55h: Ink reservoir should be inverted. #55j: As there are invitationals for other sports, I'm not sure about putting a football there. Anything with Kerning: Needs to be taken out back and shot. None of the new logos really strike that balance between sport and /gd/ like the old one does. --- 6 For 55j, I think it would be better if the ball looked more like the 4cc ball. Would be more on theme --- 7 Star 18 would be my preference if the star was larger --- 8 I'm definitely erring towards a new logo rather than modifying the current one, though if we were to continue using it I think something subtle would fit, even #2, though the star is a bit small. I like the idea of having a literal star (#43) but something more subtle might be better. There are a lot of good ones but #55 (f, j and g in particular) feel fresh and modern, like a proper, professional (implying) football club. The ones with the crown are nice too but aren't as balanced. I'd pick one of these three if I had to choose a new logo. Stuff like #48 and #53 are too weird and the lines are too thin on #49, #50 and #52, at least in my opinion. There is a sort of morbid draw to the meme logos of #34, #35 and #59, but since it might be used for a long time I'd say let's not. --- 9 Of the logos in the 55 series, 55k is probably the best, though I'd like to see what putting the crown on the shape of 55f looks like. And if not just adding a star, or going with a 55 series, go with 58 /gd/ universe for the memes, since it's actually a really well executed meme entry when compared to horrid things like 34 or 59. --- 10 I really just want to see something unconventional
My relation to /gd/ is that... (whatever most applies) [27 respondents]
I visit the board at least occasionally and follow the cup - 11 I watch the team in the cup but don't really visit /gd/ - 7 I don't watch the cup, but I still use /gd/ and am interested in the making of this logo - 5 I watch the cup, but don't view myselfas fan of /gd/ as a team or as a board - 2 I just came here to shitpost - 2 I don't watch the cup or use /gd/, how did I even get here??? - 0
1 Make it TWO stars soon also keming is cute --- 2 I still can't believe >we WON AN ELITE CUP WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO --- 3 Congrats --- 4 Choosing the right logo is very serious business. Please don't let people choose wrong. --- 5 Note: By adding this product to your cart you confirm that you are not Anish Kapoor, you are in no way affiliated to Anish Kapoor, you are not purchasing this item on behalf of Anish Kapoor or an associate of Anish Kapoor. To the best of your knowledge, information and belief this material will not make it's way into the hands of Anish Kapoor. --- 6 Thanks for organising. --- 7 >PES18 --- 8 I would highly recommend that IF any variant with a star on the nib wins that you also take the liberty of updating /4ccg/'s logo's star-stealing shtick and find the best place to put the nib before any of the wiki autists who don't know the slightest thing about logo redesigns does it for you. Congrats on the star. --- 7 Whatever the logo ends up being, just make sure it's larger than the other teams in the cup. --- 8 half shitpost/half serious comment: Cam on /gd/ update your fakin' match history page on the wiki!!! --- 9 In '87, Huey released this; Fore!, their most accomplished album. I think their undisputed masterpiece is "Hip To Be Square". A song so catchy, most people probably don't listen to the lyrics. But they should, because it's not just about the pleasures of conformity and the importance of trends. It's also a personal statement about the band itself --- 10 congratulation --- 11 I want to sniff your toes --- 12 Sneed --- 13 FUCK COMMIES AND FUCK COREL --- 14 No --- 15 Nice multiple endgames depending on the last choice poll lmao. Thank you Incoming, very cool. I wanted to pick ""4cccore"" option but you tempted me with this choice, and I fell for the minimalism meme so I'm going to answer all of the question from there here (you only have yourself to blame) >Have you voted in any /gd/ roster polls? If so do you remember which? Honest answer: none. Attempting-to-pass-verification-answer? Sure. Lemme check the archive. And https://implyingrigged.info/wiki/Category:Official_team_survey_results Pshhhhh, Nothing personnel kid. *teleports behind your roster poll results* You call your gameday threads #333 Thread, a tradition taken over from Smugleaf, and >your co. (I also discovered /gd/ has a Kerning thread around Christmas, which is pretty neat). You call your roster polls Roster Poll++. I could quote some questions from those polls, but they are in the link above, so there's no need to. >Thoughts on that final? As a lifelong /3/ fan, WE WERE ROBBED /3/ BROS. OH NO NO NO NO. IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE /3/'S YEAR, MARCH 3 AND ALL. NOT LIKE THIS 3DBROS. On a more serious note, it's been pretty comfy (and you provided /3/ with a chance to win a star on /3/rd finals appearance now). I have indeed been a lifelong /3/ for this cup, and it was a wild and fun ride, but I'm not mad at all or anything at /gd/ winning. The moment both finalists were known, I was already happy with the outcome (except that my nigga /football/ can never win, because it's rigged so it can never win in Knockouts. 8 years still no star ;_;). For boards I don't frequent, I divide teams into nice teams (the teams I like and want to win) and meh teams (the other ones) based on board's topic/general feelings toward team/board, or just cause (FUCK ANIME, AND FUCK ALL ANIME TEAMS btw). And for me, /gd/ is definitely in the nice boards category (I wouldn't answer this poll honestly if it weren't). >How long have you been following /gd/ in the cup? Any early memories to share? (Insert obligatory IT'S TWOOOOOOO IT'S TWOOOOOOO IT'S TWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO here) Nah, I actually haven't been there to witness that live. At first, I was only watching /myteam/ matches (and I remember you relegated /myteam/ in RO16 on its way to back-to-back second star), but later started watching everything and meming in the chat. So, I haven't been seeking out /gd/ games in particular, if that's what you mean, but I have been watching them, usually. (Insert obligatory Helvetica goal from half across the pitch here (which btw was ROBBED FROM DESERVED AWARD BY GACHA GANG, I CANNOT BELIEVE IT)) >DESIGNATED SHITPOST BOX (optional) INSIDE DESIGNATED SHITPOST BOX Don't know if this counts as shitposting if it isn't ironic, but, anyways, I'm one of the crossboarders from the thread (in case you couldn't tell) (please don't mistake me for the victim complex horsefucker lad from first thread though), feel free to throw out this vote, or use it to rig /yourlogo/ to win, as a tiebreaker, or whatever. It's been fun hanging out in those threads, I even made a couple of suggestions, and submitted three meme logos (can you tell which?). But a crossboarder is still a crossboarder, you can't say it's only a half. So, here's your honour system bro. And I've spent way too much time answering this poll. I̶ ̶p̶o̶u̶r̶e̶d̶ ̶m̶y̶ ̶h̶e̶a̶r̶t̶ ̶c̶o̶n̶t̶e̶n̶t̶s̶ ̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶d̶o̶o̶r̶s̶t̶e̶p̶ I showed you my benis, now answer me. Dab on me baby. (Though I'm indeed curious if you're going to count my vote or not (>implying it isn't thrown out already), so if you could somehow tell me that later on that'd be great) Now, with that out of the way, AHEM INCOMING HOME INCOMING HOME INCOMING /t/'S INCOMING HOME T IS FOR HEROES DRESSED IN RED HAVE PLANS FOR BABBY DAY STAY ON NET POST AWAY LIBERATE MY AFRICAN AMERICAN FRIEND /t/ RELEASE MY MELANIN ENRICHED COMPADRE /t/ FREE MY NIGGA /t/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mdMDdAFW7d4 dabbinutorrent.png Animation Not Final is doing a /t/ pose... Coincidence? Really activates my thinking almonds... Don't let all this talking distract you from the fact that It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears male and female, pleasing the male when she's tired, and vice versa. Slowly sliding my lips up and down his thick shaft, tasting his pre-cum on my toungue. Once he's had enough of that, he rolls over onto his back, lifting me up as though I weighed nothing. Gently placing me on his cock, I guide him in, feeling him stretch me wide open. I moan with pleasure, feeling him fill me up. He growls softly, I feel it rumble deep in his chest, vibrating all the way down his body and through mine. He continues to lift me up and then pull me down. He's doing all the work for me, it feels so good, the warmth of the fur, his paws either side of my waist. He is in total control, I'm just nothing comapared to his vast size and strength, but I have total trust in him, I know he won't hurt me. I feel the pace quicken, almost imperceptibly. I slowly stroke myself, feeling myself nearing the point of no return coming closer with every stroke. I can hear the growl getting louder now, he speeds up even more, forcing me further and further down onto his thick cock. If it wasn't for the fact I my body is reasing so many endorphines, I would probably be screaming in agony. Except I am panting and whining, just like a bitch, begging her mate to fill her up. I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! 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I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. I LOVE HORSES THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! I LOVE HORSES, BEST OF ALL THE ANIMALS. 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Try shortening some answers.
Four votes were dropped: two for admitting they were actually aligned with another team, one for voting immediate after an 11th hour leak on /4ccg/, and one for picking "I just came here to shitpost" option which openly warned you it'd disqualify your vote.
Another person voted the shitpost category, but since they shatpost valid responses for an actual vote that one actually counted.
We were only a couple votes from being pepsi.
I will find use for all the new logos. They were all very admirable efforts, and should not be wasted.
Having a /gd/ thread that was actually about /gd/ directly brought out some lads who probably don't vote in the roster poll, it was cool to see and I need to figure out a way to get them to show up more often.