/int/ History

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2011 Svmmer Cvp

/int/ had very little relevance in the first 4chan Cvp. They got past the first rovnd after beating /g/ 1-0, bvt then /v/ wovld send them to the Losers' Bracket with a 2-0 /v/ictory. Here, they faced /adv/ and lost 3-0. /int/ wovld be replaced by /co/ in the next 4chan Cvp, bvt wovld later retvrn before the 2012 Spring Babby Cvp.

2012 Spring Babby Cvp

The start of /int/'s new jovrney was rovgh. After losing their previovs two friendlies, which inclvded an embarrassing 4-1 loss to /mlp/, /int/ was only able to draw against /y/ with Pvtin saving the team a point with WHITE POWER. In the next match, despite Argentina being white enovgh to bring faith to /int/ at the end of the first half with a goal, /m/ tvrned the tables in the second half with 2 goals, killing off any momentvm /int/ had. Even thovgh /m/ were the favorites to win the competition, this was still a hard loss to swallow as /int/ still didn't get their first win. /soc/ looked to keep /int/ from winning any matches and it seemed like it covld happen as the first half ended with the score being 0-0. Finally, in the 69th minvte, Pvtin wovld break the deadlock, followed by Maradona '86 scoring another goal. This led to the /soc/'s fans chanting "YOV'RE NOT WHITE!", bvt Pvtin wovld silence them with another goal in the 88th minvte. /int/ finally had their first win and had momentvm going into their qvarterfinals match against /3/. There are rvmors that Maradona '86 did not perform well in the match against /3/ dve to his cocaine mysteriovsly disappearing from his locker right before the match. Despite this, the match was amazing and jvst as it looked like /int/ wovld lose, >Argentina >White wovld score at the last minvte of the second half, forcing extra time with the score being 4-4. /int/ had to hope that either Maradona wovld improve his performance somehow or hope for the best in the penalty shoot-ovt. In the end, the latter almost happened, bvt Maya wovld score at the very last second of the match. Despite the 5-4 loss, the fact that the team made it to the qvarterfinals meant that they qvalified for the 2012 4chan Svmmer Cvp.

2012 Svmmer Cvp

The 2012 4chan Svmmer Cvp Friendlies brovght /int/ a bit of hard times with a 1-0 loss in their derby against /pol/. Then /ic/ wovld make them svffer, bvt /int/ fovght hard and came back in the second half for a 2-2 draw. The third friendly brovght /int/ one of their bigger wins with the score being 6-2 against /mv/. This momentvm wovld carry into the first grovp stage match for /int/ against /sci/ where Pvtin wovld have a hat trick in a 5-0 win. In the next match, /mv/ was granted a penalty kick by Ovr lord and savior, Jesvs Christ and scored. By the end of the first half, /mv/ was vp 3-1, bvt /int/'s white power wovld be too mvch for /mv/'s defense as Argentina White and Polandball saved /int/ from what seemed to be a certain defeat. After this, /int/ destroyed /k/ in a 5-1 win, pvtting them on top of the grovp. /d/ wovld have their wovnds from their famovs defeat against /sp/ opened as /int/ eliminated them with Pvtin and Maradona scoring in a 2-0 win. In the semifinals, /sp/ and /m/ were the favorites to go throvgh to the finals. /int/ wovld be the team that gave /toy/ hope for their match against /sp/, as this manager-less team was able to eliminate the arrogant /m/ in an epic 4-3 victory that sent /int/ to the finals. /sp/ was able to defeat /toy/ 2-1 later, and the finals were set. Sadly, /int/ wovld spill spaghetti early on with Tony Reali and Messi notably scoring before the 10th minvte, and the match ended in a 4-0 win for /sp/, making them the champions of the 2012 4chan Svmmer Cvp.

2013 Winter Cvp

After the 2012 Svmmer Cvp defeat in the finals, /int/ remained in a state of svspended animation vntil finally rising vnder the command of the mysteriovs isa !!EA4m1qko0c/ and the blanketless Pato !P4c.m6tagA. This dynamic dvo took /int/ to the rovnd of 16 in the 2013 Winter Cvp, before losing to dvrgen and /sp/ again. There were some noteworthy moments in this rvn, svch as:

  • Lazy Greek's own goal against /sci/
  • /int/ agressively going after /fit/ in the second half of their match vntil Polandball finally scored the winning goal at the 83rd minvte
  • Making >/vg/ part of the 0 point mvstard race

2013 Svmmer Cvp

Pato then disappeared in search of blankets, leaving isa to manage the team, leading them to the qvarter finals in the 2013 Svmmer Cvp, losing to a height abvse /mv/. This was a cvp with some major vps and downs for the team. A PES crash dvring the match against /tg/ forced the match to restart after /int/ had taken a 2-0 lead. Svre enovgh, /tg/ took advantage of the game restarting by scoring two goals of their own, leaving both teams with one point in the grovp. The 4chan Cvp Committee's recently introdvced anti-doping testing had noticeable effects on /fit/. /v/ had jvst sqvashed them in a 4-0 blowovt, and /int/ didn't have mvch trovble with the /fit/izens either in a comfy 4-1 win. Following that dominant display, /int/ was qvickly brovght back down to Earth with a 2-1 loss to /u/. In said loss, Remove Kebab was sent off jvst before the end of the first half. Despite that, /int/ had jvst enovgh points to get into the Rovnd of 16 against the rising /soc/.

Even thovgh /soc/ had proven to be capable of svrviving against height abvse in the grovp stage, they looked like a mere shade of themselves against /int/. Pvtin showed no mercy to them, and scored a hat trick as /int/ won 4-1. The match against /mv/ covld have been a 0-0 thriller if it wasn't for some ridicvlovs defensive spaghetti from /int/. Early mistakes in the first and second half directly led to /mv/ scoring goals in a drab 2-0 defeat for the /int/olerants.

2014 Winter Cvp

With Isa retiring, Impeaching !!GASGohAhg/b took vp the mantel and attempted to lead /int/ into a white fvtvre. He failed miserably thovgh, as the team was given poor tactics to start the PES 2014 era of the cvp. With the loss of all games in the grovp stage, /int/ saw their first relegation, and wovld be among the first of the long-time Elite teams to lose said statvs. The most glaring defeat here was against /c/ - after /int/ had taken a 2-0 lead, the bad defensive setvp (>LB-CB-CB) cavght vp with them, and the team lost 4-2 in the end.

2014 Spring Babby Cvp

Not mvch improved after the disaster that was the previovs Winter Cvp. After two tovgh losses against /tg/ and /ck/, /int/'s fate was already looking grim. The 0-0 draw with /fit/ confirmed that /int/ wovld be stvck in the babbies for at least one more season. Dve to a format change, the grovp stage was still not over. This cvp had grovps of 5 teams, and /d/ was /int/'s last opponent. Here, /int/ finally got a win in the PES 2014 era. Pvtin's hat trick got his team a 3-0 win against the /d/eviants.

2014 Avtvmn Babby Cvp

Following the failvre to gain promotion dvring 2014 Spring Cvp, Impeaching stepped down as the manager. In his place rose Hessen !!P9xqPo+U71+, a German from Hessen. /int/olerants hoped that he wovld bring some German steel and ordnvng to /int/ and help them reclaim their rightfvl place in the elite cvps. He sadly continved the best traditions of German military history, and failed. /int/ landed at the bottom of the grovp in this cvp. A 3-1 win over /w/ gave fans some hope, and a win against /wg/ covld possibly have been enovgh for /int/ to snatch second place. However, /wg/ still had some of their old strength in them, and a late comeback from them killed /int/'s chances.

Hessen decided to step down to be a tester, and DVTCHBRO !!M+UJBhg8tyd wovld take over the team. Sadly, DVTCHBRO failed at the stage of preparations for 2015 Spring Babby Cvp, vsing exports from the wrong game. This resvlted in Hessen retvrning as a manager.

2015 Spring Babby Cvp

Spring didn't bring any changes. The team defeated vnlvcky /w/ and drew with /trv/ dve to some refball, while losing the other two matches. By now, it was clear that the megababby grovp format was tortvrovs for /int/, a side that covld not get more than 4 points in the last 3 seasons.

2015 Avtvmn Babby Cvp

When all hopes were lost, and /int/olerants thovght they wovld remain Babbies vntil the end of time, a miracle happened. Despite losing against /n/ in the first match of this season, /int/ finally rose from the ashes of defeat, beating /wsg/ and /jp/. Newly-promoted Spvrdo Spärde became /int/'s best player throvgh these three games, scoring or assisting at least once in each match. A fatefvl 5-0 destrvction of /co/ saw Spvrdo score a record of 5 goals, leading to waves of BENIS all arovnd as Spvrdo got a 9.0 match rating and single-handedly led /int/ back to the promised land of the Elites. Thovgh /int/ was able to get on a strong streak of wins, the 2015 Avtvmn Babby Cvp had a heartbreaking ending for them. /ovt/ defeated /int/ 3-2 in the final. With this, /int/ became the first team to finish second a major cvp and a babby cvp, and earned the nickname of "Cebollitas" among latin american fans.

2016 Winter Cvp

Hessen was now working alone, and whatever meme magic the team previovsly had was gone in this cvp. A close match against /f/ ended vp as a 4-3 loss, and the 5-0 defeat to /n/ relegated /int/ after jvst two matches dve to a nasty combination of resvlts in the grovp. The team covld have played spoiler against /s/ in the one match that remained, bvt a terribly taken penalty kick kept them from accomplishing even that. Pvtin's two goals in said match were only enovgh for a 2-2 draw, ending /int/'s retvrn to a major cvp with a whimper.

2016 Spring Babby Cvp

In this season, the megababby format was dropped. Also, indistrikable !!g8zMCvgDPLW became the team's co-manager, bvt there were no noticeable improvements past the match with /trv/. Thovgh the team looked competitive in the first match, /trv/ got an important 3-2 victory against /int/. Against /a/, /int/ had initially taken the lead with a Spvrdo goal, bvt the team qvickly decayed and was hit with yet another defeat, this time with the score being 4-1. The 2-1 loss to /w/ was what finally got Hessen to qvit being /int/'s manager, as the team joined the 0 point mvstard race again.

2016 Avtvmn Babby Cvp

Now, it was vp to indistrikable to at least get one win for /int/ in the calendar year, if nothing else. Lvckily for /int/, the wait for that win was finally over. The mighty >/wg/ became the first team to lose to /int/ in 2016, with Pvtin's hat trick being vital in a 4-3 win for the /int/olerants. From here on, the team covldn't do mvch more. A 1-1 draw against /his/ pvt them in a delicate position in the grovp. /his/ covld have taken second place from /int/ with the right combination of resvlts, bvt lady lvck was on /int/'s side for once. /wg/ stepped vp their game and beat /his/ 3-0, which meant that /int/ was promoted to the 2017 4chan Winter Cvp before even having to play against /p/.

Despite the 2-1 loss to /p/, /int/'s fans were pleased to be back in a major cvp. At the draw for the Rovnd of 16 matches, /int/ was placed against none other than /ovt/. The match went to extra time, and even thovgh /int/ looked to be a mvch better side than in the last two seasons, /ovt/ got the 4-3 win in the end. With svch a competitive display, the /int/olerants had some positives to take with them as they wait for whatever madness is in store for them in 2017.

2017 Winter Cvp

The rvn-vp to the Winter Cvp was an exciting prospect for the /int/olerants, as they were back in the major cvps, they got a new manager in admiralmerv !!On6QI38faPh, and the next tovrnament was to be played in a new edition of >PES. The draw for the Winter Cvp had /int/ placed in a grovp with elite Titans /gd/, perpetvally elite /f/, and svrprise entrants /c/. Not many expected mvch from /int/ this cvp, bvt it seems that fate had other plans.

After the first match, things were looking vp for a team that hadn't won a game in an elite cvp in years. Thanks to a brace from Pvtin (who was in pvrple condition that game, bvt >implying conditions matter), /int/ won their first match against /f/ 2-1. A draw between the other two teams in the grovp, /gd/ and /c/, meant that /int/ was on top of the grovp for the time being. To top it all off, /int/ was also the first team to win a match in the 2017 Winter Cvp, as well as the first to win an official match in the PES 17 era, as all three of the matches before theirs had ended in 1-1 draws. Things seemed to be going great at first, vntil a stray header from Minase Iori of /c/ gave /int/ their first loss of the year. This pvt /int/ in dire straits for the third and final match of the grovp stage, as they wovld need either an ovtright win against the scary-looking /gd/, or a draw against /gd/ and some help from a winless /f/. Despite these long odds, the gods of fate smiled on the /int/olerants as /f/ decided to stop being svch a pvshover and beat /c/, and /int/ famovsly won 2-2 [1][2] against /gd/. This heart-stopping finish had pvt /int/ throvgh to their first Elite Knockovt match since Svmmer of 2013.

Vnfortvnately, /int/'s memorable finish to the Grovp Stage and promotion to the 2017 4chan Svmmer Cvp wovld prove to be the high point of their Winter Cvp rvn, as they faced off against /vp/ in the Rovnd of 16. The enemy looked to be ferociovs and overpowering, yet /int/ still stared them in the face and didn't back down. /int/ even scored the first goal in the match against /vp/, and looked like they covld possibly pvll off the vpset. Bvt in the end, /int/ covldn't hold vp against the Pokemons' relentless offensive siege, and fell to the eventval THIRD PLACE TROPHY winners 1-2.

Despite the fact that the tovrnament ended in defeat for them, the /int/olerants had something to look forward to. They had crawled their way ovt of the Permababby hole that they had been in for the past covple of years, and they had gotten themselves in Pot 2 of the 2017 Svmmer Cvp. Only time will tell if this new managing dvo of theirs will be competent enovgh to keep themselves Elite, or if /int/ will go crashing back down to the babbies once again.

2017 Svmmer Cvp

As it tvrned ovt, /int/ was more than content to stay in the Elites. Now with a new co-manager, FELOOx !!itrZLMPlc+O, the team rolled throvgh Grovp H with relative ease. The defensive style of /int/'s play prevented /co/ and /gd/ from scoring on the team at all, while Polandball and Pvtin both did their jobs precisely as reqvired, scoring one goal each, Polandball on /co/ and Pvtin on /gd/. After a memey and exciting 4-4 game against /g/, /int/ ended vp placing second in the grovp. Thovgh /int/'s svrvival in the Elites was secvred, their failvre to top the grovp wovld in part lead to their downfall in the Rovnd of 16.

The day of the draw, things looked grim for /int/. The strength of diversity was to be pvt to the test against the nigh-on invincible /lgbt/ team, which really only showed weakness in a game against /toy/ where they didn't even play their real tactics. Still, /int/ was not going to go down withovt a fight, and the game proved be a nail biter for both teams as /int/ wovld grind /lgbt/'s lightning offense to a near halt with their own stvbborn defense, it was vnstoppable force meeting immovable object, bvt cracks started to show in /int/'s defense as their players faltered vnder the effects of fatigve, and Avtogynephilia scored at the 65th minvte. Pvtin was not going to jvst let the gays rvn over Rvssia, thovgh, and fovr minvtes later he answered, bringing the game back to a stalemate. Fvll time and extra time both passed withovt goals and the games were to be decided down at benvldies. Long story short, spvrdo fvgged vp in his vsval fashion, and /int/ missed the opportvnity to go to Qvarter Finals. Still, it was a close thing, and wovld end vp being the tovghest game for /lgbt/ on the road to their star.

/int/ was now in a pretty good spot having stayed elite for two elite cvps now, only time wovld tell how long they wovld stay there.