/pol/eague 3 Exports

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List your team here and its Tactical/Aesthetical export. Please don't .cpk anything.
Recommended: check the tactical export with AutoATF
Invitational 01 (831): Balk icon.png /balk/ balk tictacs (fixed) balk pastebin balk music balk aesthetics, dont yell at me if broken
Invitational 02 (832): Britpol icon.png /britpol/ remove muslims World Cup songs
Invitational 03 (833): Cg icon.png /cg/ All /cg/ exports (Update 17/9
Invitational 04 (834): Italypol icon.png /italypol/ Tactics to stop immigration Aesthetics
Invitational 05 (835): Fsg icon.png /fsg/ fuk da commies
Invitational 06 (836): Lrg icon.png /lrg/ tacticslast minute brokenas fuck aestethics aesthetic music export
Invitational 07 (837): Mlpol icon.png /mlpol/ Aesthetics | Tactics | Music
Invitational 08 (838): Nsg icon.png /nsg/ Tacticool only (No aesthetics yet) Music Export
Invitational 09 (839): Ptg icon.png /ptg/ TICTACS Music Export
Invitational 10 (840): Sg icon.png /sg/ Idlib battle plan New SAA uniforms made out of moderates' leather
Invitational 11 (841): Sng icon.png /sng/ Tictacs + Pastebin
Invitational 12 (842): Tcr icon.png /tcr/ Aesthetics | Tactics | Music

If you need to move a team from a slot to a different one, use the Transfer Tool, available here.