The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/pol/eague 4 Exports

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List your team here and its Tactical/Aesthetical export. Please don't .cpk anything.
Invitational 01 (831): Auspol icon.png /auspol/ Tactics
Invitational 02 (832): Balk icon.png /balk/Fixed Tactics Gusic
Invitational 03 (833): Britpol icon.png /britpol/ Export Jobcentre background music
Invitational 04 (834): Cg icon.png /cg/ Music and Export! ACTUAL FIXED EXPORT !
Invitational 05 (835): Fsg icon.png /fsg/ // Tactics // Aesthetics // Music
Invitational 06 (836): Italypol icon.png /italypol/ ostruzionismo tictocs
Invitational 07 (837): Krautpol icon.png /krautpol/ Fuck Niggers and Jannies too Assthetics (Put short untucked kits on everyone so the kits are not fucked)
Invitational 08 (838): Leftypol icon.png /leftypol/ Music and tactical exports
Invitational 09 (839): Mlpol icon.png /mlpol/ Music Auticstacs UNFUCKED/SaveFix Auticstacs
Invitational 10 (840): Nsg icon.png /nsg/ Tactical Exbord
Invitational 11 (841): Pay icon.png /pay/ Tactics
Invitational 12 (842): Polder icon.png /polder/ Tactics
Invitational 13 (843): Ptg icon.png /ptg/ Tacticool export Fixed export fixed tictacs and aesthetic player values Music pack
Invitational 14 (844): Sag icon.png /sag/ Musiek Tacs
Invitational 15 (845): Sg icon.png /sg/ Tactics
Invitational 16 (846): Tcr icon.png /tcr/ | Tactics | Music