The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/r9k/ Spring 2018 roster poll results

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"I am lonely and this has given me some sense of control"
— Anon, 2018


Medal Players

People were asked whether we should keep our current medal players or not. Results is 3 points for every vote for gold, 2 for silver, 1 for bronze and -1 for remove the player as medal. All players have received an high approval to keep their medal status.

Name Vote for gold Votes for silver Votes for bronze Vote against Result
Elliot Rodger 34 5 4 7 109
>tfw no gf 18 26 3 3 106
Sadfrog 7 30 12 1 92
Wizard 7 10 24 9 59
Kissless Hugless Handholdless Eye-Contactless Virgin 12 11 21 6 73

Current Roster

Name Stay Out % Approval
Neet 46 4 92,00%
Robot9001 44 6 88,00%
Chad Thundercock 42 8 84,00%
Wagecuck 42 8 84,00%
Spaghetti 39 11 78,00%
That Kid 38 12 76,00%
Chicken Tendies 37 13 74,00%
Forever Alone 34 16 68,00%
Greentext 33 17 66,00%
Good Boy Points 33 17 66,00%
Devilish 33 17 66,00%
Neckbeard 31 19 62,00%
Pee Pee Poo Poo 31 19 62,00%
Britfeel 29 21 58,00%
White Knight 26 24 52,00%
INTP 26 24 52,00%
Baby Boomer Dad 22 28 44,00%
Misogynist 20 30 40,00%

New Players

Name Join the team GET OUT REEEE N° Votes % Approval
Reviewbrah 24 25 49 48,98%
Sucide 35 14 49 71,43%
Ideal GF 24 24 48 50,00%
Piss bottle 29 19 48 60,42%
Roastie 20 28 48 41,67%
Orbiter 15 32 47 31,91%
Pinkpill 9 38 47 19,15%
Numale 13 26 39 33,33%
Weak Chin 16 22 38 42,11%
Stanley Phillips 7 28 35 20,00%
Guangzhou guy 18 15 33 54,55%
Poop jug 8 21 29 27,59%
Acid Man 9 18 27 33,33%
Fembot 6 17 23 26,09%
Manlet 8 6 14 57,14%
Asian GF 4 10 14 28,57%
Girl (male) 3 4 7 42,86%
Sadboy 4 3 7 57,14%
LARPer 2 4 6 33,33%
>intelligent but lazy 4 2 6 66,67%
Sexy kev (from britfeel) 1 0 1 100,00%
2D Feet 1 0 1 100,00%
A prison gay 1 0 1 100,00%
comfy 1 0 1 100,00%



Song Votes
Linkin Park - Crawling 21
Oingo Boingo - On The Outside 7
Mr. Robot 12
Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again 5
Portugal. The Man - Creep In A T-Shirt 1
ELO - Mr Radio 1
Foster The People - Pumped up Kicks 1
No Tendies On My Plate 1

Victory Anthem

Song Votes
Radiohead - Creep 9
Bob Marley - Everything's Gonna be Alright 8


Song Votes
Forever REEEEEE 21
Foster the People - Pumped up Kicks 9
Pumped up Kicks (remix) 15
Styx - Mr. Roboto 1
Gary Jules - Mad World 1
No tendies on my plate 1

Write in suggestions