/r9k/ Winter 2019 roster poll results

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"tfw too overweight to compete in real sports"
— Someone

The Winter 2019 roster poll was held from Jan 19 to Jan 27, with 3 cup threads, and little spamming in some /r9k/ generals, /britfeel/, /r9gay/ and MBTI, collecting a total of 56 valid votes.

How familiar were the voters with the 4chan Cup?

Options Votes %
I've been following the cup for years 14 25%
I've watched some matches before 16 28,6%
I've heard about it, but i don't really know how it works 14 25%
Never heard about this 4chan Cup before 12 21,4%


Medal Players

People were asked whether we should keep our current medal players or not. Results is 2 points for every vote for gold, 1 for silver and -1 for remove the player as medal. All players have received an high approval to keep their medal status.

Name Vote for gold Votes for silver Back to regular Result
Elliot Rodger 42 9 5 88
>tfw no gf 21 29 6 65
Sadfrog 13 33 10 49
Wizard 8 22 26 12
Kissless Hugless Handholdless Eye-Contactless Virgin 11 28 17 33

Current Roster

Name Stay Out % Approval Diff
Britfeel 34 22 60,71% Increase.png 2,71
Chad Thundercock 42 14 75,00% Decrease2.png 9,00
Chicken Tendies 36 20 64,29% Decrease2.png 9,71
Devilish 34 22 60,71% Decrease2.png 5,29
Forever Alone 29 27 51,79% Decrease2.png 16,21
Good Boy Points 33 23 58,93% Decrease2.png 7,07
Greentext 31 25 55,36% Decrease2.png 10,64
INTP 34 16 60,71% Increase.png 8,71
Neckbeard 36 20 64,29% Increase.png 2,29
Neet 49 7 87,50% Decrease2.png 4,5
Pee Pee Poo Poo 34 22 60,71% Decrease2.png 1,29
Piss Bottle 41 15 73,21% Increase.png 12,79
Robot9001 43 13 76,79% Decrease2.png 11,21
Spaghetti 27 29 48,21% Decrease2.png 20,79
That Kid 32 24 57,14% Decrease2.png 18,86
Wagecuck 45 11 80,36% Decrease2.png 3,64
White Knight 24 32 42,86% Decrease2.png 9,14

New Players

Name Join the team GET OUT REEEE N° Votes % Approval
Ideal GF 20 31 51 39,21%
Orbiter 13 38 51 25,49%
Weak Chin 13 36 49 26,53%
Numale 13 38 51 25,49%
Guangzhou Guy 20 31 51 41,67%
Roastie 18 33 51 39,22%
Manlet 30 21 51 58,82%
Sadboy 10 41 51 19,61%
>intelligent but lazy 29 22 51 56,86%
Mental Illness 27 24 51 52,24%
Racebait 11 40 51 54,55%
Harold Shipman 12 36 48 21,57%
ISTP 4 23 27 14,81%
Autismous Maximus 13 9 22 59,09%



Song Votes %
Linkin Park - Crawling 27 48,20%
Mr. Robot 7 12,5%
Gilbert O'Sullivan - Alone Again 2 3,6%
Pixies - Where Is My Mind 12 23,52%
Linkin Park - In The End 6 11,76%
Type O Negative - I Don't Wanna Be Me 1 1,8%


Song Votes %
The Shivers - Wish I was never born 5 8,9%
Bob Marley - Three Little Birds 6 10,7%
Styx - Mr. Roboto 7 12,5%
Mac DeMarco - Chamber of Reflection 1 1,8%
Chad Marco - The Santa Barbara Massacre 1 1,8%

Regular Goalhorn

Song Votes %
- Pumped up Kicks (current goalhorn) 44 78,6%
Grand Finale - Forever Alone 6 10,7%
Streetlight Manifesto - That'll Be The Day 6 10,7%

Elliot Rodger Horn

Song Votes %
WOW Elliot Rodger Here 24 44,4%
I'm walking on sunshine 17 31,5%
Big Gucci Bando - Elliot Rodger 5 9,3%
Chad Marco - The Santa Barbara Massacre 4 7,4%
George Michael - Father Figure 2 3,7%
Chad Marco - The Santa Barbara Massacre 1 1,8%