The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/s4s/ Autumn 2018 Roster Poll Results

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"this was a gud form :^) lole"

30 responses. Posted in multiple cup threads along with the official S4s icon.png /s4s/ team Discord.


Current Roster

"Which players on the current roster do you want to be in the team's starting lineup? Select 11 of the 23 players."

Name Votes Percentage
Patrick Bateman 27 90%
Keksandra 26 86.7%
Nice Grill 25 83.3%
Swaglord 23 76.7%
Topkek 22 73.3%
ses 21 70%
:^) 17 56.7%
Cowe 16 53.3%
Yosho 16 53.3%
Spikeman 15 50%
wew lad 15 50%
Bury Ebil 14 46.7%
snek court 14 46.7%
#fortune 12 40%
Ass 10 33.3%
BAVI 10 33.3%
Ebin 10 33.3%
Youd Be Suprise 10 33.3%
Eh? You've Never Seen A Pair Of Breasts Before? 9 30%
le millenom grill 8 26.7%
Ojamajo Doremi 8 26.7%
Flowre 8 26.7%
D A N K M E M E S 5 16.7%

"Which players on the current roster would you be okay with replacing? Select at most 5 players."

Name Votes Percentage
Ojamajo Doremi 14 46.7%
le millenom grill 9 30%
Spikeman 9 30%
Eh? You've Never Seen A Pair Of Breasts Before? 8 26.7%
D A N K M E M E S 8 26.7%
BAVI 6 20%
Cowe 6 20%
Yosho 6 20%
Bury Ebil 5 16.7%
snek court 5 16.7%
Youd Be Suprise 5 16.7%
Fortune 4 13.3%
Ass 4 13.3%
wew lad 4 13.3%
ses 3 10%
:^) 3 10%
Flowre 3 10%
Swaglord 2 6.7%
Nice Grill 2 6.7%
Keksandra 2 6.7%
Topkek 1 3.3%
Patrick Bateman 0 0%

Medal Selection

"Are you pleased with the memes/personas currently selected as [s4s]'s Medal players?"

Yes: 26 votes, 86.7%
No: 4 votes, 13.3%

New/Returning Players

"Are there any memes in the team's "Reserves" that you would wish to see become part of the team?"

Name Votes Percentage
Introducing 14 46.7%
Jack Ruselel 13 43.3%
Dubs 11 36.7%
Gippo Dudee 8 26.7%
Doge 6 20%
Donut Man 6 20%
Yee 5 16.7%
Shrek 4 13.3%
qeq 3 10%
Cory Baxter 1 3.3%
N/A 3 NaN%

"Are there any memes you would like to see on the team that are not currently on it?"

Note: Italicized entries were write-in suggestions.

Name Votes Percentage
Flube 16 53.3%
Unchecked Dubs on Page 9 8 26.7%
zrg 7 23.3%
Merula 6 20%
lole 5 16.7%
qaq 2 6.7%
Akko Kagari 2 6.7%
I failed life 2 6.7%
pige 1 3.3%
clam 1 3.3%
HE 1 3.3%
Robbie Rotten 1 3.3%
zzz... 1 3.3%
Beary Smolhead 1 3.3%
Bune Raven 1 3.3%
Grape Dude 1 3.3%
jellysquishe 1 3.3%
sxe 1 3.3%
N/A 3 NaN%


"What name should Keksandra go by in-game, and what name should she have on the back of her kit?"

Option Votes Percentage
Keksandra as the player name AND the kit name (no change) 23 76.7%
Keksandra as the player name, [s4s]-Tan as kit name 4 13.3%
[s4s]-Tan as the player name AND the kit name 3 10%
[s4s]-Tan as the player name, Keksandra as the kit name 0 0%

"What name should Patrick Bateman have on the back of his kit?"

Option Votes Percentage
P. Bateman (no change) 18 60%
Bateman 9 30%
Batemessi 3 10%

"What name should Swaglord have on the back of his kit?"

Option Votes Percentage
Swaglord (no change) 19 63.3%
Best Mod 11 36.7%

Final Changes

  • Ojamajo Doremi, le millenom grill, Spikeman, Eh? You've Never Seen A Pair Of Breasts Before?, D A N K M E M E S, and BAVI all demoted to Reserve Status
  • Introducing, Jack Ruselel, and Dubs promoted from Reserves to the first team
  • Flube, zrg, and Merula added as new players
  • #fortune, Dubs, Flube, and :^) promoted to Starter status and/or replaced former Starters, Cowe and Bury Ebil demoted to bench player status
  • No changes to any player or kit names


  • Although Unchecked Dubs On Page 9 received more votes to be added to the team as a new player, Dubs had also already been added to the team, and multiple Dubs-based representatives felt a bit overkill.