The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/vg/ League Historical Rosters

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If you contribute to the squad archive, make sure to edit the table below this list accordingly to reflect on what exists and what does not.
If you're creating a new page check if the name displayed below is actually correct (pages of the same cup should have the same number of teams.
If you're creating one page for /vg/ League X you might get an exceeding template error, if so, 3 pages are needed.

Cup Player Lists Medals Numbers Positions Captains Overall
/vg/ League 1 /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done Old team pages should have almost all the data
/vg/ League 2 To do To do To do To do To do Old team pages should have almost all the data
/vg/ League 3 Done Done Some teams with missing numbers Done Done VODs might help in finding missing numbers
/vg/ League 4 /d2g/ done /d2g/ done To do /d2g/ done To do VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 5 /ink/ done /ink/ done /ink/ done /ink/ done /ink/ done VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 6 Qualifiers /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 6 /ink/ done /ink/ done /ink/ done /ink/ done /ink/ done VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 7 Qualifiers /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done To do /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 7 To do To do To do To do To do VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 8 Qualifiers To do To do To do To do To do VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 8 To do To do To do To do To do VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 9 Qualifiers To do To do To do To do To do VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 9 To do To do To do To do To do VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League X /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done /tf2g/ done VODs and edit files have all the data
/vg/ League 11 Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 12 Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 13 Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 14 Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 15 Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 16 Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 17 Qualifiers Done Done Done Done Done Done
/vg/ League 17 Done Done Done Done Done Done