/vt/ League FAQ

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  • Are these real players/people playing each other?

No, this is AI vs AI with some instructions from real people.

  • How serious is this? Is this an e-sport?

No, this is not an e-sport. Nor is it particularly serious as a competition. Victory is determined by many factors, but it is mostly a matter of luck. When participating, whether it be managing, caretaking or just watching, focus on having fun with your thread and enjoying the show more than winning. /vt/ League is not, and is not designed to be, a display of personal skill or tactical ability. With the above said, you should still try to win, but know you are mostly the benefactor or victim of PES's insane luck swings.

  • I want to make a team!

Ask your thread about it, see if they're interested, and if they are, try and make a 23-player roster.

  • What if my thread isn't always around?

If you truly care about the thread/team, maybe try making a thread and asking. If you're getting deleted off the board for whatever reason, give it some time and try again later. If it's still happening, you'll probably have to shelf any ideas about that team being around in full capacity. /vt/ League does not accept threads/topics that are actively being deleted from /vt/.

  • What should a team roster be like?

We're looking for a roster with 23 unique and distinguishable players that represent the thread/general/idea's culture the team is based on. Think memes rather than [streamer name]. Give your roster some soul. Try and minimize players that are extremely similar to other teams, as well as avoiding giving too much focus on specific posters unless they're truly thread legend. Avoid players that are simply a Vtuber's name or are very generic ("Loli"-"name" or similar ideas) unless they suit your thread strongly. Managers/caretakers should not be on their team's roster under any circumstances.

  • Can I revive a dead team? Or a team that's missed a few leagues?

Of course, by all means, revive any teams you want to see play again if you really do want them to play again. You don't have to be associated with the former staff of that team (they are likely gone anyway) if you do not wish. Simply treat the revival of a team as if it were like any other team.

  • What are managers? What are caretakers?

Managers are required to be verified by the organizer via the Discord server, to prove they have good intentions and want to represent the thread they are managing in good faith. They are in charge of the following for their team: Tactics, Aesthetics, Music, Thread Relations, and the Roster. A manager may also caretake one additional team, if they wish. Caretakers do not have to do tactics for their team. They also are not required to be verified. Their team will be provided tactics by the Organizer. For their team, they are still in charge of: Roster, Music, Aesthetics, and Thread Relations. You may caretake 2 teams if you are not a manager.

  • I want to caretake/manage a team, but I can't do aesthetics!

You should still go for it; we'll help you learn how to do aesthetics if you care to learn. If not, we can provide and meet some of your requests for aesthetics (no promises though). If not, cardheads/boxheads are a basic, moderately respectable solution that requires only a image editing program like GIMP or paint.net.

  • I want to make tactics as a manager, what should I do?

First, you must verify as a manager with the Organizer. If confirmed, you will be allowed to make tactics for your managed team. To do this, you must install the relevant version of Pro Evolution Soccer here. You must also grab a save editor, for which a new one is made to automatically check for rules-compliance each League. The latest version can be grabbed from the >Discord, but the /vt/ League 5 editor is here for reference. You should learn aesthetics before trying to make tactics.

  • How should team music be?

Goalhorns and Anthems can be as long as you want, really. Try not to have a 10+ minute Victory Anthem though, please. Also, understand that anywhere from 60 seconds to the whole length of your Goalhorn(s) might play during a match. Make sure they are long enough to avoid looping on the first or second goals, at least. Your Anthem will play for about 30-45 seconds every match. Chants are random short audio clips played for the funny - they should not be music or covers etc.

  • What is an export and where do I send them?

An export is the final version of a team's aesthetics, music, or tactics. When everything is assembled and ready, go the the Exports page for the current /vt/ League and paste a link in your team's designated spot.

  • How do I make a wiki page?

Search your team's name on the wiki, exactly as you want it, and then click the red link that comes up to make a new page. You can go to Edit on another team's page and take their code to get yourself a team box and roster box, to start.

  • How do I make sure my team plays? How do I sign them up? What is POI?

Roughly a month before any League iteration, sign-ups will open on their own page. There, teams can be signed up by the caretaker or manager. The team can be signed up and then the manager or caretaker is responsible for sending PoI (proof of interest) to the Organizer. Proof of Interest is documentation in the form of archived threads or posts that show your thread wants a team - polls do not count, but roster suggestions and discussion do.

  • Alright, I think I understand. Where do I go next?

Please check out the /vt/ League Rules for more in-depth info. Please send questions to the Organizer about anything you don't understand or need help with on >Discord. It is far better to ask and get help than to assume and fuck it up.