The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/wotg/ Roster

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The roster for /wotg/

Sub Starter Silver Gold


MAUS Maus.jpg MAUS STRONG. Waiting patiently in goal, utilizing it's side scraping capabilities, no shot will pen this goal.
Skycancer Skycancer.jpg Using XVM, Skycancer identifies the best players to pass long range goal kicks too. That is, if RNG doesn't screw it up.
Only Constant OnlyConstant.jpg Why is it you can't get your winrate above 53%? What is the single constant factor in every game you have ever played? The answer is you. You, the only constant has swapped positions from the midfield to goal, carrying the burden of the team as a crucial keeper for /wotg/.


Protekt Arta Protektarta.jpg Using its mobility to get into position quickly and its great view range to detect any incoming threats from afar , Protekt Arta stays behind the main force to ensure the safety of Skycancer and goal.
Stug Lyfe Stuglyfe.gif You didn't choose the Stug Lyfe, You were conscripted into the Wehrmacht. Stug Lyfe holds the back line ready to ambush the opposition with effective counter attacks.
Stalinium Stalinium.jpg The 119th element obtained from the blood of Josef Stalin himself. 1000x stronger than steel and combined with top secret black hole technology, there is no doubt that tanks with Stalinium won the war. In VGL Stalinium hopes to galvanise the defence of /wotg/.
Won the War 1378907384815.jpg British tank design is often mocked, but you can’t deny the crucial contribution that the Cromwell and the Churchill made to the Allied victory of the second world war. Won the war keeps a stiff upper lip in the back line.
Tomato Tomato.jpg A term coined to describe those with poor stats in world of tanks. Your team is often full of tomatoes. Fortunately red is a good thing in PES.
Autoclapper Autoclapper.jpg Fair and balanced. Autoclapper is ready to burst down the opposition as they attempt to break our line.
3v27 3v27.jpg Platoon Up! Defeat the hordes of the enemy team and your own team with your favourite friends. 3 vs 27 holds the defensive line with the other defenders despite the assault of the enemy team and the ineptitude of /wotg/’s midfield.
Warpack Warpack.jpg Perfectly legal. All the pro clans use it. Warpack provides the team with knowledge on enemy weakspots and 'foresight' into the oppositions passing lines.
Dedclan Dedclan.png THIRD, NTR, PLSGO, SOFUN, GUP. ded clan, ded game. Dedclans will forever be remembered with the original oldguard across NA and EU holding the defensive line.
NA Refugees NA Refugees have banded together and formed a new clan as BENIS in their own server. However, they still insist in squatting in the EU teamspeak. Their cheer, optimism and shitposting keeps /wotg/ alive and boosts the morale of /wotg/’s defence.


Meaty Jongles MeatyJongles.jpg Meaty Jongles, In his age unable to play football anymore, Arrives in his Portuguese poon pickup vehicle; the TOG II. He leads the midfield with his distinct chortle.
Inner Circle Inner circle.PNG A mysterious group that holds all the power in NOFUN, the Inner circle has ‘somehow’ found itself on /wotg/’s starting lineup as a CMF as close it can be to the centre circle. Some might say that this is the doing of the manager of /wotg/, who is rumoured to be part of this exclusive group.
Anime Heavies Anime Heavies.jpg As big as Maus, Anime Heavies, block the opposition but also deliver powerful shots and long passes, after ruining games in WoT, Anime Heavies is ready to ruin games in PES.
T62a Sport T62aSport.jpg Perhaps the only player in the squad, with actual football experience. T-62a Sport serves as DMF and a aggressive playmaker.
/awg/ Armored Warfare.png /awg/ The stillborn armoured warfare general joins the team as a brand new DMF ready to defend for /wotg/ and what's left of it’s own pride. It’s a shame that /wotg/ vs /awg/ will never happen.
Skill Rounds SkillRounds.jpg When the going gets tough and you need to secure that win. Load Gold. Skill rounds is /wotg/'s number 1 substitution.
9.11 Did Not Happen 9.11 never happened.jpg With Wargaming pulling out of the 9.10 Rubicon patch at the last minute meant the game would move onto the next patch release. Wargaming however decided to deny that 9.11 had ever happened and instead moved onto patch 9.12. 9.11 has since found itself a home in the ranks of /wotg/’s VGL team.


serB SerB.jpg SerB Captain of the squad, SerB administers doses of shit RNG to the enemy team and preys upon unprepared enemy defences. SerB hopes to use his VGL winnings in order to fund his space program.
SiemaPl Siemapl.jpg Siema Pl, witam. Moją ulubioną grą jest World of Tanks. Jestem bardzo dobry w tanka. kto Pluton? Beware of red siema pls, although not much of a threat, ignore them long enough and that shitter luck might kick in and carry the game.
Rapid Foetus RapidFoetus.jpg A unicum player that started out like most other World of Tanks players: he sucked at it. Over the coming months Rapid Foetus began to improve his gameplay though hard work, good tactics, learning the ins and outs of each tank and never giving up despite overwhelming odds by loading gold. Currently AcceleratingToddler streams on twitch 3 times a week and usually platoons with fellow world of tanks players such as Meaty Jongles. Don't be fooled into thinking that ZippyZygote can't hold his own because he can carry games by himself with regularity. Overall, SwiftAbortion shows off amazing skills and entertains all who decide to tune in on his stream. A gentleman and a scholar, EnergizedEmbyro takes his gaming seriously and shows off just how well teamplay and determination can bring home the wins.


Historically Accurate HistoricallyAccurate.jpg From a top sekrit soviet source. Historically accurate is adaptable in changing conditions with just a little bit of historical revisionism. (Former Forward)
Jaegeroo Jaegeroo.jpg Jaegaroo,demolishes incoming offenses with strong armour and devastating HEAT rounds, watch out!(Former midfield)
Uninstall.Pl Unistallpl.jpg A website dedicated to handing out free gold to poverty stricken polish tankers. Losing to /wotg/ might make you consider visiting to this site. (Former midfield)
Ricochet Ricochet.jpg That one bounced! Ricochet Leaves the goal open and lets the trollpost do all the work. (Former GK)
Anime Shitposting AnimeShitposting.jpg Panzer Vor!~ With anime shitposting no longer prevalent the quality of /wotg/ has improved, although their departure has placed the general on it's death throes. Even with the new GUP film anime shitposting has failed to make any sort of comeback.(Former Midfield and goal scorer)
ZTOP RRRRRRROTATE GUN. ZTOP issues a simple command in a thick Russian accent to stop balls from entering the net. (Former GK)
>NOFUN NOFUN.png Replaced for better memes. More clans NA side have arisen. Still the No.1 EU clan though :3. >NOFUN has been benched for previously being filler after no new memes came around during /wotg/ death throes. (Former Defender)
>Match rigging Remember to be on your best behavior during campaigns tanker, So as not to get banned for match rigging! Has nothing to do with the outcome of previous games. (Former Midfield)