The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

2014 Winter Cup Save Fixes

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List your team and its fixes here

Google Doc:


>ROTOSCOPING needs player form to be set to 6 and weak foot to 4/4

aesthetics stuff

These things need to be set manually because override stuff. Sorry Bors

  • Jojo
    • Physique: Head length +2, Head width 0, Head depth +1
    • Hairstyle: Short Straight 59, color 2 down and 6 right (light grey)
  • Rei
    • Physique: HL 0, HW +1, HD -2
  • Inferno Cop
    • Phys: HL HW HD all +7
  • Bebop
    • Phys: HL +3, HW -1, HD 0
  • Database
    • Phys: Neck width -7
    • Hair: Medium Straight 51. Use custom color (R 18, G 20, B 26)
  • Meguca
    • Phys: HL -3, HW +7, HD 0
  • >Rotoscoping
    • Accessories: Glasses #4, white color
  • Guillotine Gorilla
    • Phys: HL +6, HW +6, HD 0
  • Yamakan
    • Hair: change to Medium Straight 51, keep it black
  • Renge-chon
    • Phys: HL -1, HW +2, HD 0
  • Ryuuko
    • Phys: HL HW HD all 0
  • Tomoko
    • Phys: HL 0, HW +5, HD +1

In edit > teams > squad numbers please change to these numbers:

  • Rei #99
  • Mugi #8
  • Inferno Cop #66
  • One-Punch Man #1
  • Meguca #11
  • Kaiki #40
  • Guillotine Gorilla #16



For Faces, --->

Override the current one. This is meant for EVERY player. You shouldn't need to do anything, however; all players should be mapped already.

DON'T FUCK THIS PART UP. Give every player but James Holmes skinhead (1) hair. Holmes is to have the following:

Hairstyles: Medium

Hair Type: Permed

Hair Variation: 5

Hair Color:


-Non-medals need 88 D.P.

-Reduce the height of every benched player by 3 cm with the exception of the GK.

-Install Gentoo is meant to be a CF and replace his A in CB with his C in CF. The same to the current CF in field but change from CF to CB.

-The above players must switch positions on field.

-Make everyones names lowercase to ruse Powdinet autism

/asp/ even newer kits export with new home/away kits added
make CENAWINSLOL the short free kick taker Spotmonkey (talk) 22:30, 12 February 2014 (UTC)


Set all CB registered players to A in CB.
Fix the spelling mistake in Suicide Hotline's name (Hotine). Clrs (talk) 13:24, 9 February 2014 (UTC)


Formations presets 1. 2. (move the LWF/RWF up to proper field location) 3.

Dramu Is a CF


Not a Fetish 195cm NiggaMoon 180cm Vendetta 180cm 50 Dicks 180cm Getagoddamnwig 180cm Gazabo 170cm Suger Daddy 180cm CircleJerk 185cm Coscom 180cm TaoBao 190cm Mr. Yan 185cm Tunamelt Chan 180cm


Some stuff might be borked because I put the Cup export on the /ck/ page and not on the export page. The name of the file should be TEXPORT09.bin and Nachos should have the Sombrero card.

Gordon Ramsey needs to only have Track Back as his only card.
Shave 2cm off of >Tipping and Fatty McAutism.

And in case you don't have the kits:


-Haru (CB) has C in every position. Needs to be A for CB.
-Dio Brando has three S-Cards (only two for silvers allowed). Take S10 (One-Touch Pass) off, give him P03(Speeding Bullet).
-Kaworu Nagisa has four S-Cards (only three for golds allowed). Take S06 (Long Range Drive) off, give him P01 (Trickster).
-Shuu Iwamine is not supposed to have S05 (Precise Touch). Take it off.
-Take off Kurokos S18 (Track Back).
-That should be it for now. --Freeman (talk) 8 February 2014

Derp, I just saw the whole thing regarding no addition of new cards. I don't know how lax you will be on this rule (considering what is happening right now, I see my chance fading away), so should you count above fixes as not rule conform:
-Just remove the cards mentioned above for Dio Brando and Kaworu Nagisa without replacing 'em.
-But Shuu Iwamine can keep his card due to new room for one.
-And of course giving Haru the right ranking for his position (A for CB).
-Take off Kurokos S18 (Track Back).
I would be really happy if you would use the first fix, but whatever happens happens.
--Freeman (talk) later than above, 8 February 2014



May need a config.txt file taking from some other team. Take your pick


  • Make >police station 194cm
  • Make Untitled-1.psd 199cm
  • Make 205cm
  • Remove the Incisive Run card from Helvetica
  • Remove the Incisive Run card from Kerning
  • Remove the Super-Sub card from I'm 17, Never...
  • Assign >bumping to the DMF position ingame
  • Assign >>>/r/ to the AMD position ingame

AmandaBynes (talk) 02:33, 10 February 2014 (UTC)


Make Haunted Areum's height 187cm.
New additional aesthetics:



Give slavsquat supersub

Lower polandball's height by 1cm, Raise Fuck off we're full's height by 1cm, Raise huehuehue's height by 10cm, Lower best Korea's,ordnung's and the janitor's height by 4cm. Lower french industry's height by 3cm. lower best korea's jump to 66 and raise tenacity to 77


Remove GK Long Throw from Iron Giant. Update Guy (talk) 20:33, 9 February 2014 (UTC)



Vocaroo should have 99 Defensive Prowess. --Sexcopter (talk) 01:29, 7 February 2014 (UTC)

/sp/ - updated kits - 5 faces added


Move Matty onto the midfield line all the way to the side of the pitch as possible while still being in a valid position.
Move Optimus Prime onto the midfield line all the way to the side of the pitch as possible while still being in a valid position.
Move the out of position CB into the middle of the CBs, just drag him straight down
Move whoever else is out of position back into position to a place where they're valid to be in.


  • Stadium for PES 14 Link


Bump Homucifer's form to 8.


  • Chad's stats are all kinds of messed up.
  • Standard players only have 77 Defensive Prowess
  • We've some extra cards: Please remove Chad Warden and Trip's GK Throw cards, and Phoenix Wright's Man Marking card.
  • My face guy has yet to get back to me so I'm going to put up kits:


New kits:


  • Make UFO Hunter 180 cm