The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

2016 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football

From Rigged Wiki
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/wc/ (Team Example)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sp icon.png GK Based GLT - -
Sp icon.png CB Colombian Nazi Weed Pope - -
Sp icon.png CB Smiling Argentinian - -
Sp icon.png CB >Marclelo - -
Sp icon.png DMF #NoEraPenal - -
Sp icon.png CMF Hamez - -
Sp icon.png AMF The Flying Dutchman of Fair Play and Anti Rigging - -
Sp icon.png AMF ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh puto - -
Sp icon.png SS >5pa1n >bra7-1l - -
Sp icon.png SS Le Cut Inside Man Vice-captain - -
Sp icon.png CF ayyy lmao Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK CONCACAF STRONK - -
Sp icon.png CB >Yurop - -
Sp icon.png CB >1 (one) point - -
Sp icon.png DMF Ghanian Witch Doctor - -
Sp icon.png CF #FreeSuarez - -

team Unbearable Responsibilities Mk. VI

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
D icon.png GK H*nd H*lding - -
Wsg icon.png CB Fucking Legend - -
F icon.png CB Rakeman - -
Tv icon.png CB Cleganebowl - -
S4s icon.png DMF Awoo~ - -
An icon.png CMF Scanned Snake - -
Mu icon.png CMF Vaporwave - -
An icon.png AMF >Outdoor Cat - -
F icon.png SS Daily Dose Captain - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride Vice-captain - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Fit icon.png CB Julius - -
Asp icon.png RB Lava Golem - -
Wsg icon.png DMF Sensible Chuckle - -
D icon.png DMF Giantess - -
S icon.png SS Thunder Thighs - -

Team Concussion Dragons

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
Mu icon.png CB hell be fine - -
Tv icon.png CB Dan "The Daughter Defiler" Schneider - -
Pol icon.png DMF Doompaul - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
D icon.png AMF Faye Artemis - -
D icon.png SS Dmitrys Vice-captain - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Gd icon.png CB Read The Sticky - -
Mu icon.png CB Phil Elverum - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Asp icon.png AMF American Dragon - -
Gd icon.png RWF Fuck You Pay Me - -

Fabrosi's Fantasy Friendship Fucks-Redemption Edition

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK The Burdened - -
Mlp icon.png CB Fuck Your Marker - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - -
F icon.png DMF Xiao Mei Mei - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
F icon.png CMF Heap Of Trouble - -
Ck icon.png LWF Perfect Coffee - -
Asp icon.png CF Box/MT + Judo/BJJ Vice-captain - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
S icon.png CB Small Tits - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
Fit icon.png DMF High Test - -
S icon.png CMF Preggo - -
S icon.png CF Banned - -

Team Just me and the lads m8

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Jackie Chan Tulpa - -
Tv icon.png CB Dan "The Daughter Defiler" Schneider - -
Pol icon.png CB We Wuz Kangz - -
S4s icon.png CB wew lad - -
S4s icon.png RB :^) - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
Mlp icon.png LMF Princess Twilight - -
Tv icon.png RMF Sheev - -
Asp icon.png AMF American Dragon Captain - -
Asp icon.png SS CENAWINSLOL Vice-captain - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult - -
Out icon.png LB Everyday Carry - -
Sp icon.png DMF Chat Shit Get Banged - -
Out icon.png CMF Leave No Trace - -
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips - -

Team Major Shitpost Update 3.5

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
A icon.png CB Keit-Ai - -
Out icon.png CB Geocache - -
Int icon.png CB Sweden Yes - -
N icon.png DMF Blimp Train - -
G icon.png CMF GNU/Linux - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Tg icon.png AMF Jace - -
Wg icon.png SS Descartes Captain - -
Sp icon.png SS TSUUUUUUUUUUUUU Vice-captain - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Pol icon.png GK Build Wall - -
K icon.png CB Flammenwerfer - -
Vp icon.png CB Smogonsword - -
B icon.png DMF Trolled 2 Death - -
An icon.png CMF Spacebat - -
Tv icon.png CF For You - -

Team Fuck Anime in their ugly 2D butts

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Pol icon.png GK Build Wall - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
Ck icon.png CB Al/ck/oholic - -
Fit icon.png CB No Homo - -
Pol icon.png CB Rapeugees Welcome - -
Ck icon.png DMF Alton Brown - -
Gd icon.png DMF Long Shadow Faggotry - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
Mu icon.png AMF Michael Gira Vice-captain - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby - -
Ck icon.png CF Nachos Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
An icon.png GK Erebus - -
Gd icon.png RB >bumping /gd/ - -
Asp icon.png LB Not /asp/ - -
An icon.png DMF Honeybadger - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
TBD icon.png CF - -

Mansnibbit "I Won Last Fantasy Or Not Vaughan The Suspense Is Killing Me" Unabbit FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Mlp icon.png CB Horsefucker - -
Mu icon.png CB Kendrick Lamar - -
Asp icon.png CB Multiple Attackers - -
Mu icon.png DMF 8.4 Best New Midfielder - -
Out icon.png CMF Innawoods - -
S4s icon.png CMF D A N K M E M E S - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - -
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - -
Mlp icon.png SS Best Pony Captain - -
U icon.png SS Purest Form Of Love Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - -
F icon.png CB Rakeman - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
S icon.png DMF Preggo - -
Asp icon.png CMF Pipebomb - -
Asp icon.png SS CENAWINSLOL - -

Team Anyone But /mlp/

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
H icon.png CB River Shitting - -
Mu icon.png DMF /shugazi/ - -
Out icon.png CMF Innawoods - -
S4s icon.png CMF Awoo~ - -
Mu icon.png AMF David Bowie - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
S4s icon.png CB Donut Man - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
An icon.png CMF Spacebat - -
F icon.png DMF HAAAAAAAAAN~ - -
Pol icon.png CF Donald Trump - -

Team >Complaining about anime on an anime imageboard

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
H icon.png GK Faceless Fatguy - -
U icon.png CB Lesbodynamics - -
Pol icon.png CB Winter-chan - -
F icon.png LB Nipaa - -
S4s icon.png DMF Awoo~ - -
Mu icon.png CMF emo is moe - -
Wsg icon.png CMF Shinobu Oshino - -
N icon.png AMF Bepsi - -
A icon.png AMF Cowboy Bebop Captain - -
Soc icon.png SS Lain Iwakura Vice-captain - -
O icon.png CF Takumi - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
D icon.png GK H*nd H*lding - -
Vp icon.png LB Bulbapedo - -
Cm icon.png RB Killua Zoldyck - -
B icon.png DMF Delicious Loli - -
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - -
Tg icon.png SS Cultist-chan - -

Sheev and Van Darkholme's best new reissue: The second stage of squidgirls (Subtitled, "Lou Reed's Meme Machine Music")

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Ck icon.png GK Cast Iron Skillet - -
Mu icon.png CB Anthony Fantano - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
Pol icon.png CB We Wuz Kangz - -
F icon.png DMF Van Darkholme - -
Gd icon.png CMF >>>/r/ - -
Tv icon.png RMF Sheev - -
S4s icon.png AMF Nice Grill - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser Vice-captain - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
F icon.png RB Koopa Girl - -
Asp icon.png RB Lava Golem - -
S4s icon.png CMF Yee - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
Tv icon.png SS For You - -

Leicester City Since 2015

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
U icon.png LB But We're Both Girls - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
Wsg icon.png CB VLC Glitch - -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult - -
Ck icon.png DMF /ck/ Challenge - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
S4s icon.png SS Topkek - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride Vice-captain - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
S icon.png GK Groped - -
Ck icon.png CB Al/ck/oholic - -
Asp icon.png CB Multiple Attackers - -
F icon.png DMF Xiao Mei Mei - -
D icon.png CMF /d/ Sized Cock - -
An icon.png CF Canadian Goose - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
Fit icon.png CB Snap City - -
An icon.png CB Pug - -
Out icon.png CB Geocache - -
U icon.png DMF Feito-chan - -
Asp icon.png DMF Bruce Lee - -
An icon.png AMF >Outdoor Car - -
Out icon.png CF Smokey The Bear Captain - -
Pol icon.png CF Donald Trump Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
S4s icon.png LB Ebin - -
F icon.png CB Megumi - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
F icon.png DMF Van Darkholme - -
Wsg icon.png SS Duane - -

Kitfag FC's Straight Outta /out/b/a/ck/

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - -
Out icon.png CB Geopooper - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
Out icon.png RB >Ultralight - -
Gd icon.png DMF Long Shadow Faggotry - -
F icon.png CMF Heap Of Trouble - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
S icon.png AMF You Love You Lose - -
Gd icon.png SS Fuck You Pay Me - -
Mlp icon.png SS Best Pony Vice-captain - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tv icon.png GK James Cameron - -
U icon.png CB Lesbodynamics - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
Fit icon.png DMF Rippletits - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
Wsg icon.png CF Duane - -

Semen Slurpers FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark X - -
Vp icon.png LB Elevator Rotom - -
Out icon.png CB Geocache - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
Asp icon.png CMF Pipebomb - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Cm icon.png AMF Mikazuki - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby Captain - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N - -
F icon.png SS Daily Dose - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
Sp icon.png CB HGH Parm - -
Soc icon.png CB Snapchat - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
D icon.png CMF /d/ Sized Cock - -
B icon.png CF Triforce - -

Team Gonna Try to Figure Out What The Fuck I'm Doing Again

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Mu icon.png CB hell be fine - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
An icon.png CMF Scanned Snake - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
S icon.png AMF You Love You Lose - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser Vice-captain - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N Captain - -
F icon.png CF Da Hood - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Asp icon.png LB Not /asp/ - -
Gd icon.png RB >bumping /gd/ - -
D icon.png CMF /d/ Sized Cock - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative - -

Team Illinoisemakers

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Fit icon.png GK Read The Fucking Sticky - -
S4s icon.png LB Ebin - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
S4s icon.png RB :^) - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Mu icon.png AMF David Bowie - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser Vice-captain - -
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls - -
Ck icon.png CF Nachos Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Asp icon.png CB Multiple Attackers - -
Asp icon.png RB Mishael Cardozo - -
Mlp icon.png CMF IWantToCumInDashie - -
S icon.png AMF ITT: Shit Taste - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -

Okhotsk FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Jackie Chan Tulpa - -
Gd icon.png LB Font Share Thread - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
Tv icon.png CB Mike "AMPF" Stoklasa - -
Gd icon.png RB Random Album Art Thread - -
Gd icon.png DMF Dodge Tool Crack Pipe - -
Mlp icon.png CMF IWantToCumInDashie - -
Out icon.png CMF Innawoods - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
S icon.png SS Thunder Thighs Vice-captain - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
F icon.png LB Nipaa - -
Out icon.png RB >Ultralight - -
F icon.png DMF Van Darkholme - -
U icon.png CMF Macarons - -
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips - -

>Page 9

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
S4s icon.png LB Ebin - -
S4s icon.png CB wew lad - -
S4s icon.png RB :^) - -
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe - -
An icon.png CMF Spacebat - -
An icon.png AMF >Outdoor Cat - -
An icon.png AMF What Is This? - -
Gd icon.png SS Fuck You Pay Me - -
Mu icon.png SS Jeff Mangum - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
U icon.png LB Science Babies - -
U icon.png RB Befriending - -
D icon.png CMF /d/ Sized Thread - -
TBD icon.png CMF - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Vice-captain - -

Team Kylo Ren-chon

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Fit icon.png GK Read The Fucking Sticky - -
U icon.png RB Befriending - -
Fit icon.png CB No Homo - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
Ck icon.png DMF Alton Brown - -
Mu icon.png DMF /shugazi/ - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Tv icon.png CMF Traitor - -
Mu icon.png SS Jeff Mangum Captain - -
F icon.png SS Daily Dose - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Ck icon.png CB Vertical Recipes - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
F icon.png DMF Xiao Mei Mei - -
Tv icon.png RMF *record scratchs* - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz - -

FF Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. REEEEEEEE WAAAAH :DDDDD

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
S icon.png GK Groped - -
Pol icon.png CB Rapeugees Welcome - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
S icon.png AMF You Love You Lose - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
Mlp icon.png RMF Tracy - -
Gd icon.png SS Helvetica Vice-captain - -
Mlp icon.png SS Best Pony - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
S icon.png CB Ratchet & Skank - -
Ck icon.png CMF Alton Brown - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
S icon.png CF Banned - -

How to Either Win FF or Advance v0.1 FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Fit icon.png LB SS + Gomad - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
Out icon.png RB >Ultralight - -
F icon.png DMF Xiao Mei Mei - -
Mu icon.png CMF emo is moe - -
Mu icon.png AMF David Bowie - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser Vice-captain - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Pol icon.png GK Build Wall - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
S4s icon.png RB :^) - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz - -

Bet Rigtor Inc.

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Out icon.png GK Bigfoot - -
Fit icon.png LB SS+GOMAD - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
U icon.png CMF Macarons - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby Vice-captain - -
S4s icon.png SS Top Kek - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser - -
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK >de gay - -
D icon.png LB Succubus - -
Mlp icon.png RB >No Hooves - -
Out icon.png CMF Innawoods - -
Ck icon.png AMF Food From Japan - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Fit icon.png LB SS + Gomad - -
Asp icon.png CB Multiple Attackers - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
Asp icon.png DMF Pipebomb - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
Tv icon.png RMF Sheev - -
Pol icon.png AMF Jews - -
Mu icon.png AMF David Bowie - -
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain - -
Pol icon.png CF Donald Trump Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tv icon.png GK James Cameron - -
Mlp icon.png LB Crotchtits - -
Mlp icon.png RB >No Hooves - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
Tv icon.png RMF *record scratches* - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape - -

Team Plastic Morons

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Asp icon.png GK Black Ref - -
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
Out icon.png CB Geocache - -
Tv icon.png RMF Sheev - -
U icon.png CMF Macarons - -
TBD icon.png - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - -
Asp icon.png AMF Bruce Lee - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Vice-captain - -
F icon.png CF Da Hood Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Out icon.png GK Bigfoot - -
F icon.png CB Rakeman - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
U icon.png CMF Kuma Shock - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride - -

Team Xhe Xhi Xho Xhum I Smell the Blood of CIS Scum

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
S4s icon.png CB Donut Man - -
Pol icon.png CB We Wuz Kangz - -
Pol icon.png CB Current Year - -
F icon.png DMF Mongolian Throatsinging - -
Tv icon.png CMF Traitor - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
Wsg icon.png SS Gabe The Dog - -
D icon.png SS Dmitrys - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tv icon.png GK Blacked - -
TBD icon.png - -
Mu icon.png CB Kendrick Lamar - -
Mu icon.png CMF Kanye West - -
Tv icon.png LMF Capeshit - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -

Hyperdimension Fantasy Football

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All - -
K icon.png CB Operator - -
Tg icon.png CB Quest Master - -
D icon.png CB BDSM General - -
Vr icon.png RB Aeris Dies - -
S4s icon.png DMF D A N K M E M E S - -
H icon.png CMF Delicious Flat Chest - -
B icon.png AMF Giga Puddi Vice-captain - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N - -
U icon.png SS Purest Form Of Love Captain - -
H icon.png CF Titty Monster - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
F icon.png GK Snoop Dogg - -
H icon.png CB Slut Girl - -
Tv icon.png CB Dan "The Daughter Defiler" Schneider - -
B icon.png DMF It's A Trap - -
Vr icon.png CMF Bootlegs - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug - -

Team I should have downloaded PES16 and tested, but I'm doing this instead

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Pol icon.png GK Build Wall - -
S4s icon.png RB :^) - -
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - -
Pol icon.png CB We Wuz Kangz - -
F icon.png DMF Van Darkholme - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
Tv icon.png CMF Traitor - -
Ck icon.png LWF Perfect Coffee Vice-captain - -
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls - -
Ck icon.png CF Nachos Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
U icon.png CB Lesbodynamics - -
U icon.png CMF How Two Girls Have Sex - -
S4s icon.png CMF Awoo~ - -
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips - -

¡Please Clap!

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
An icon.png GK Erebus - -
Out icon.png CB Geopooper - -
Fit icon.png CB No Homo - -
S4s icon.png CB wew lad - -
Pol icon.png DMF ¡Jeb! - -
Fit icon.png DMF High Test - -
Out icon.png CMF Innawoods - -
Pol icon.png AMF Jews - -
S4s icon.png SS Top Kek - -
F icon.png SS Da Hood Vice-captain - -
Pol icon.png CF Donald Trump Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
An icon.png GK /herp/ - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
F icon.png CB Rakeman - -
F icon.png DMF Mongolian Throatsinging - -
Out icon.png CMF Bug Out Bag - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Fit icon.png GK Read The Fucking Sticky - -
F icon.png CB Rakeman - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
Pol icon.png CB We Wuz Kangz - -
Fit icon.png DMF Rippletits - -
Mu icon.png CMF emo is moe - -
Gd icon.png CMF Pepsi Universe - -
Mu icon.png AMF Michael Gira - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N Vice-captain - -
Mu icon.png CF MC Ride Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Black Ref - -
Asp icon.png CB Multiple Attacker - -
Tv icon.png CB Dan "The Daughter Defiler" Schnieder - -
Out icon.png CMF Innawoods - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls - -

Team Delay Delay Delay

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Tv icon.png CB Dan "The Daughter Defiler" Schneider - -
Wsg icon.png CB Wasted - -
S4s icon.png RB :^) - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
S icon.png CMF Not /r/ - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
Out icon.png AMF Mora Batoning - -
F icon.png SS Daily Dose - -
An icon.png CF Canadian Goose - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Fit icon.png GK Read The Fucking Sticky - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
D icon.png CB Vore - -
S4s icon.png CMF Awoo~ - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bork Lazer - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape - -

I Have A Cat It's Such A Beautiful Cat Her Name Is Cookie FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Tv icon.png CB Dan "The Daughter Defiler" Schneider - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
An icon.png CB Sun Bear - -
D icon.png DMF Giantess - -
F icon.png DMF Xiao Mei Mei - -
S icon.png CMF Not /r/ - -
U icon.png CMF Teru Time - -
An icon.png AMF What Is This? Vice-captain - -
An icon.png SS Canadian Goose Captain - -
Tv icon.png CF For You - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
F icon.png GK Anonymous D - -
S icon.png CB Big Tits - -
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - -
Tv icon.png DMF Cinema Falcon - -
Mu icon.png DMF /shugazi/ - -
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips? - -

Team Memester City

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
Fit icon.png CB No Homo - -
Mu icon.png CMF emo is moe - -
Mu icon.png CMF Sufjan Stevens - -
Tv icon.png CMF Traitor - -
An icon.png AMF >Outdoor Cat - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
Tv icon.png SS For You Vice-captain - -
Out icon.png CF Smokey The Bear Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tv icon.png GK James Cameron - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Gd icon.png RB >bumping /gd/ - -
Pol icon.png CMF Moonman - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
An icon.png CF Canadian Goose - -

You will be upset that I win FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - -
O icon.png LB Autotragic - -
S icon.png CB Ratchet & Skank - -
Soc icon.png CB Snapchat - -
Wsg icon.png DMF Sensible Chuckle - -
Wg icon.png CMF Nature And Shit - -
Cm icon.png AMF Mikazuki - -
D icon.png AMF Faye Artemis - -
Soc icon.png AMF Selfie - -
O icon.png SS WAT Racing Vice-captain - -
S icon.png SS Thunder Thighs Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Mlp icon.png GK The Burdened - -
O icon.png LB Dorifto - -
S icon.png CB Big Girl - -
Wg icon.png CMF Spacecat - -
Cm icon.png AMF Sorey - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer - -

Team /)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Deal With It - -
Mlp icon.png LB Cringe - -
Mlp icon.png CB Invasive Species - -
Mlp icon.png RB Milking - -
Mlp icon.png DMF That Guy - -
Mlp icon.png DMF Fatty McAutism - -
TBD icon.png - -
Mlp icon.png LMF Princess Twilight Vice-captain - -
Mlp icon.png AMF Jews Captain - -
Mlp icon.png CF Titty Monster - -
Mlp icon.png CF [s4s]-tan - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Mlp icon.png GK BTFO - -
Mlp icon.png CB Quality - -
Mlp icon.png CB Poo Fans - -
Mlp icon.png DMF Cuck - -
Mlp icon.png DMF Ncekbeard - -
Mlp icon.png CF Kerning - -

No fun allowed

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Tg icon.png GK Tankred - -
B icon.png LB Cringe - -
Tg icon.png CB Atlas - -
B icon.png RB 2edgy4me - -
Tv icon.png LMF Capeshit - -
Tv icon.png CMF Traitor - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata - -
Tv icon.png RMF Sheev - -
Ck icon.png CF Nachos - -
Tg icon.png CF Doomrider Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - -
Ck icon.png CB Irish Stew Autist - -
Asp icon.png CB Airshit - -
Asp icon.png CMF Eye Poke Jones - -
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -

Team Teams that are going to top their groups part dox

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - -
U icon.png RB Befriending - -
U icon.png LB Science Babies - -
Tv icon.png CB JDIMSA - -
Fit icon.png DMF Rippletits - -
Fit icon.png DMF High Test - -
S icon.png AMF You Love You Lose - -
Mu icon.png AMF Michael Gira - -
Mu icon.png AMF David Bowie - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Vice-captain - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
S icon.png RB Gingerpuss - -
S icon.png CB Big Girl - -
Gd icon.png AMF Minimalism - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
Mlp icon.png SS Best Pony - -

The Planeteers

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves - -
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - -
Fit icon.png CB No Homo - -
D icon.png RB Cumflation - -
Tg icon.png DMF Rigger - -
K icon.png CMF Cheeki Breeki - -
Asp icon.png CMF Pipebomb - -
Pol icon.png AMF Jews - -
B icon.png AMF Giga Puddi - -
B icon.png SS #REKT - -
B icon.png CF Triforce Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK BTFO - -
Mu icon.png CB Kendrick Lamar - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
Pol icon.png DMF Moonman - -
Fit icon.png CMF Dom Mazzetti - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Vice-captain - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Tv icon.png GK Blacked - -
Fit icon.png CB No Homo - -
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin - -
Fit icon.png CB Julius - -
Mu icon.png DMF /shugazi/ - -
Mu icon.png DMF Varg Vikernes - -
Mlp icon.png LMF Princess Twilight - -
Mlp icon.png RMF Tracy - -
Wsg icon.png SS Gabe The Dog - -
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Vice-captain - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tv icon.png GK James Cameron - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
U icon.png CB Ayayayaya - -
Mu icon.png DMF 8.4 Best New Midfielder - -
Pol icon.png DMF Cuck - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer - -



2016 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
1 Increase.png1 Team Gonna Try to Figure Out What The Fuck I'm Doing Again 350
2 Increase.png23 Team Anyone But /mlp/ 346
3 Increase.png14 Team Teams that are going to top their groups part dox 343
4 Increase.png4 Team Kylo Ren-chon 340
5 Decrease2.png1 How to Either Win FF or Advance v0.1 FC 333
6 Increase.png17 Bet Rigtor Inc. 332
7 Increase.png15 WHITE WHALE HOLY GRAIL 322
9 Decrease2.png4 Team Plastic Morons 308
10 Decrease2.png9 Team Memester City 306
11 Increase.png16 Okhotsk FC 298
12 Decrease2.png3 >Page 9 288
13 Increase.png8 Semen Slurpers FC 282
14 Increase.png14 Leicester City Since 2015 278
15 Decrease2.png5 team Unbearable Responsibilities Mk. VI 267
16 Decrease2.png13 Team Illinoisemakers 261
18 Decrease2.png4 Team Delay Delay Delay 256
18 Decrease2.png2 I Have A Cat It's Such A Beautiful Cat Her Name Is Cookie FC 256
20 Decrease2.png8 ¡Please Clap! 239
21 Increase.png5 benis 238
22 Decrease2.png8 Sheev and Van Darkholme's Collective of "Just Shit on my Chest" (Subtitled: "Where is the Meme Synthesis?"), sometimes featuring Family and Friends 237
23 Steady.png Team I should have downloaded PES16 and tested, but I'm doing this instead 223
24 Increase.png14 Team Xhe Xhi Xho Xhum I Smell the Blood of CIS Scum 220
25 Increase.png12 Team Fuck Anime in their ugly 2D butts 216
26 Increase.png3 Team Just me and the lads m8 210
27 Decrease2.png10 Hyperdimension Fantasy Football 208
28 Increase.png4 Mansnibbit "I Won Last Fantasy Or Not Vaughan The Suspense Is Killing Me" Unabbit FC 193
29 Decrease2.png17 Team Concussion Dragons 192
30 Decrease2.png23 Fabrosi's Fantasy Friendship Fucks-Redemption Edition 191
31 Decrease2.png1 FF Error: Our system thinks your post is spam. Please reformat and try again. REEEEEEEE WAAAAH :DDDDD 186
32 Increase.png2 Kitfag FC's Straight Outta /out/b/a/ck/ 181
33 Decrease2.png16 You will be upset that I win FC 167
34 Decrease2.png23 No fun allowed 158
35 Decrease2.png1 Team /) 153
36 Decrease2.png3 Team >Complaining about anime on an anime imageboard 133
37 Decrease2.png6 Team Major Shitpost Update 3.5 121
38 Decrease2.png4 The Planeteers 120


Teams are to be put on the wiki before the scheduled starting time of the first match of the tournament. This team will count for the whole tournament.

Teams must consist of: a team name, eleven starting players and six substitutes, a captain and a vice-captain. The eleven starting players must follow these guidelines:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 3-5 defenders, with a maximum of 1 LB and 1 RB. CBs are limitless
  • 3-6 midfielders, with a maximum of 1 LMF, 1 RMF, 3 AMFs, 3 CMFs, 3 DMFs, and at least one CMF or DMF.
  • 1-3 forwards, with a maximum of 1 LWF and 1 RWF. CFs and SSs are limitless

The substitutes must consist of one goalkeeper, two defenders, two midfielders and one forward.

A team must have exactly two gold and two silver players. Additionally, the team will get a medal substitute, who can be either gold or silver without affecting these limitations - however, a medal substitute cannot fill in for a lower class, so a gold player substitute cannot fill in for a silver nor can golds or silvers fill in for non-medals. Furthermore, a team may have no more than three players overall from any one board.

If a player in the team's starting eleven does not play in a round, a substitute who does may take their spot. The player must be from the same category, but specific position differences are allowed (so a CB may fill in for a LB, but not for a DMF).

For each round of matches, all players who take the field will receive a score for their performance. The team's score will be calculated at the end of each round as the sum of the scores of their eleven players. If a player does not play and is not covered by a substitute, they will count 0 towards the team's score.

Following the group stages of a cup, teams are allowed to remove eliminated players and replace them with players still in the tournament. The team must run the same formation but can change the individual positions (so a CB may swap for an RB if it does not break the maximums listen above). Medals must remain in the same section of defence, midfield or attack but can change positions. If there are no more players at a level, you are permitted to move the player up or down to the nearest available spot to replace the player. For instance, if you have a gold CB in the team and that was the only team with a gold CB, you then look to teams with a gold DMF then CMF, LMF/RMF, AMF, SS, LWF/RWF, CF in that order. The reverse can be used for non medal strikers. Captains and vice captains can change at this stage.


Points are accumulated as follows:

  • 1 point for each full point of match rating in excess of 4.
  • 6 points for a defender or goalkeeper scoring a goal.
  • 5 points for a midfielder scoring a goal.
  • 4 points for a forward scoring a goal.
  • 3 points for a goal assist.
  • 4 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 3 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they took the field yet played less than 60 minutes.
  • 1 point for a midfielder if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 1 point for every 2 saves made by a goalkeeper.
  • 5 points for a goalkeeper saving a penalty (not if it is missed).
  • -2 points for a player who misses a penalty.
  • 3 points if a player is judged Man of the Match by PES.
  • 2 points if the player's match rating is equal to or higher than the Man of the Match's.
  • 1 point if the player's match rating is 0.5 less than the Man of the Match's.
  • -1 point for every 2 goals conceded by a defender or goalkeeper's team while the player was on the field.
  • -1 point for the player receiving a yellow card.
  • -3 points for the player receiving a red card.
  • -5 points for the player receiving a red card from 2 yellow cards.
  • -2 points for the player scoring an own goal.

After these scores are tallied, the captain will have his score doubled, and if he did not play then the vice-captain's score will be doubled instead.

Once scores have been calculated for each match day, they will be posted. The competition will run for the duration of the cup. At the conclusion of the tournament, the team with the highest score will be awarded the Hatte Saburo trophy.