Mlp logo.png Congratulations /mlp/! Mlp logo.png
Winners of the 2025 4chan Winter Cup

2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Fantasy Football

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Individual Player Scores



Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow Vice-captain - - 9 - 9
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme 3 - 6 - 9
X icon.png CB Self-induced Mental Illness 10 0 2 - 12
G icon.png RB GIVE IT BACK JAMAL 3 - - - 3
His icon.png DMF Carthago Delenda Est - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CMF ogey rrat 4 10 2 - 16
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei 2 4 4 - 10
O icon.png CMF I Know What I Got - 7 4 - 11
Tv icon.png SS Somehow... Frank Has Returned... 2 7 12 - 21
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain 12 36 4 - 52
Fa icon.png CF Sleazecore 13 7 2 - 22
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves - - - - 0
Tv icon.png LB Watch It Chrissy - 0 7 - 7
Ck icon.png CB "Cooking" with Ja/ck/ - 6 - - 6
S4s icon.png CMF TopKek 2 2 - - 4
Vt icon.png CMF heart heart heart - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CF For You - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

V icon.png GK No Way Fag 6 - - - 6
O icon.png CB 3k Civic With A Couple Of Simple Mods 2 - - - 2
X icon.png CB Self-induced Mental Illness - 5 2 6 13
V icon.png RB STR vs DEX 5 - - - 5
His icon.png DMF Carthago Delenda Est 4 - - - 4
X icon.png CMF Take Your Meds - 4 2 - 6
O icon.png CMF I Know What I Got 4 - - - 4
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg 4 - - - 4
Tv icon.png SS Somehow... Frank Has Returned... 7 - - - 7
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Vice-captain 8 - - - 8
Tv icon.png CF For You Captain 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves - - - - 0
Tv icon.png LB Watch It Chrissy - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB "Cooking" with Ja/ck/ - - - - 0
Fit icon.png CMF The Architect 4 - - - 4
Fit icon.png CMF Bloatmaxing - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CF Surly King Of The Eggfort - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

His icon.png GK 26th Battle Of The Isonzo - - 3 - 3
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ 4 9 6 - 19
Vp icon.png CB Masuda 4 3 7 - 14
Mu icon.png RB Viper The Kidnapper 5 3 2 - 10
Toy icon.png DMF Creepy Miku - - 1 - 1
Vr icon.png CMF Expand Dong - - 2 - 2
X icon.png CMF Goatman 4 4 - - 8
I icon.png CMF Nikki Vice-captain 1 4 2 - 7
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg 8 17 21 - 46
Pol icon.png SS Assad 2 23 2 - 27
His icon.png CF Charles II Captain 34 26 32 - 92
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vp icon.png GK OMP OMP OMP - 7 - - 7
Vg icon.png LB Jack Frost - - - - 0
V icon.png CB Mr. Bones - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Oh And One More Thing... 5 0 - - 5
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik 9 2 10 - 21
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

His icon.png GK 26th Battle Of The Isonzo - - - - 0
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ 5 - - - 5
Vr icon.png CB It's Not Over Yet, Snake! 3 1 - - 4
An icon.png RB Smashed Slammed - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 - - - 4
Vr icon.png CMF Expand Dong 4 2 - - 6
X icon.png CMF Goatman 4 - - - 4
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg 4 - - - 4
Pol icon.png AMF Just Like We Drew It Up Jack - - - 2 2
Pol icon.png SS Assad Vice-captain 5 14 7 2 28
His icon.png CF Charles II Captain 14 2 - - 16
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vm icon.png GK DOOR STUCK 6 2 7 7 22
X icon.png LB The Grey 6 5 2 - 13
V icon.png CB Mr. Bones - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Oh And One More Thing... - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 - - 2
Vm icon.png SS D-Boys - - 6 2 8

this is a test delete me

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars 2 3 - - 5
Vg icon.png LB Mobius One 2 - - - 2
Wg icon.png CB Hey /wg/ It's My Birthday 2 6 3 - 11
Biz icon.png CB XMR-Chan 10 10 2 - 32
O icon.png RB Burgerking 1 2 3 - 6
An icon.png CMF African Elephant 0 4 4 - 10
Ck icon.png CMF Cock Sauce - 4 5 - 9
H icon.png AMF Unwilling Elf 8 5 4 - 21
Vp icon.png SS Miror B. 1 2 2 - 5
B icon.png SS #REKT Captain 18 4 6 - 30
Vg icon.png CF YOUR FATE IS OVER RETARD Vice-captain 2 10 10 - 22
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - - 9 - 9
T icon.png LB Mystery Magnets - 5 - - 5
Fa icon.png RB WAYWT - - - - 0
H icon.png CMF Grimm 2 - - - 2
I icon.png CMF Got A Blog? - - - - 0
Vst icon.png SS Wololo - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

When Minos Prime says “die”, this is actually a subtle reference to the fact that he's gonna kill you

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars 2 3 - - 5
Mu icon.png LB For Less Than A Big Mac - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CB Masuda 4 3 7 - 14
Vp icon.png CB Proud Of Its Power 2 - - - 2
Mu icon.png RB Viper The Kidnapper 5 3 2 - 10
Vst icon.png DMF Karl Franz -3 - - - -3
Vrpg icon.png CMF Geralt - 1 - - 1
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 4 5 - 11
Vm icon.png AMF TSUUU of the Wolves 8 3 22 - 33
B icon.png CF ▲ ▲ ▲ Vice-captain 20 2 9 - 31
Vm icon.png CF G-TEK Captain 44 2 14 - 60
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - - 12 - 12
F icon.png CB Dontshityourpants 3 - - - 3
F icon.png RB Eddie! - 3 3 - 6
O icon.png DMF [C O O L V I B R A T I O N S] - - 8 - 8
O icon.png CMF Shitbox 4 2 2 - 8
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Pol icon.png GK Election Year Shill 11 7 3 3 24
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ 5 - - - 5
His icon.png CB Decisive Tang Victory 6 2 - - 8
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin 1 - - - 1
Tv icon.png RB Real Human Being 3 - - - 3
Fit icon.png CMF The Architect 4 - - - 4
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 - - 2
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 - - - 2
Vm icon.png AMF TSUUU of the Wolves 10 10 19 10 49
Vm icon.png CF G-TEK Captain 20 20 24 6 70
B icon.png CF ▲ ▲ ▲ 7 - - - 7
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - - - - 0
Vm icon.png CB H o n k ! - 5 6 - 11
Biz icon.png CB XMR-Chan - 4 - - 4
O icon.png DMF [C O O L V I B R A T I O N S] - - - - 0
O icon.png CMF Shitbox 2 - - - 2
H icon.png CF Can't Beat The Cock Vice-captain - - - - 0

Hail to the ALIEN BASTARDS, baby

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

G icon.png GK Stallman 2 15 14 - 31
Vrpg icon.png CB The Nameless One 3 6 - - 9
Vst icon.png CB Metal Boxes - - 4 - 4
F icon.png CB Dontshityourpants 3 - - - 3
X icon.png CMF Taste The Pain 5 - 2 - 7
Vr icon.png CMF What Is A Man 2 - - - 2
Vg icon.png CMF Grigori - 2 4 - 6
Toy icon.png AMF O.T Chainsaw 3 8 4 - 15
Biz icon.png SS Sminem 2 2 2 - 6
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer Captain 4 12 4 - 20
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 7 2 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - - - - 0
G icon.png LB No Time For Love - - 6 - 6
Vrpg icon.png RB Arueshlae - - 2 - 2
Fit icon.png DMF Activated Almonds - - - - 0
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei 2 4 4 - 10
M icon.png CF Mazinger Z - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved 3 - - - 3
An icon.png LB Scanned Snake 3 - - - 3
K icon.png CB Is That A Famas? 2 1 3 6 12
Tv icon.png RB Lynched 2 - - - 2
Fit icon.png DMF Activated Almonds 4 - - - 4
Vr icon.png CMF What Is A Man - 7 - - 7
X icon.png CMF Taste The Pain - 4 2 2 8
V icon.png AMF Todd Howard Captain 8 - - - 8
Biz icon.png SS Sminem 13 1 - - 14
O icon.png SS Manuel Transmisión 6 - - - 6
X icon.png CF /x/-tan Vice-captain 19 17 2 6 44
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vmg icon.png GK iToddler - 1 - - 1
V icon.png CB Dewrito Pope - - - - 0
H icon.png RB Licensed To Breed - - - - 0
B icon.png CMF 60s Spiderman - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 - - - 4
Vm icon.png CF G-TEK - 10 12 3 25

i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vr icon.png GK Can't Beat Airman - 7 11 - 18
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - 3 6 - 9
Vrpg icon.png CB Frank Horrigan - - 2 - 2
Mu icon.png RB Trust Funds - - - - 0
Vr icon.png DMF Satoru Iwata 1 4 - - 5
Vg icon.png CMF HEH, FREAK - 2 4 - 6
Vrpg icon.png CMF Why Contain It? - - 4 - 4
Vr icon.png AMF Kacho Arino Vice-captain 4 9 8 - 21
Mu icon.png SS John Lennon Beat His Wife 10 7 7 - 24
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior 1 10 2 - 13
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain 12 36 4 - 52
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch Em All 2 - - - 2
F icon.png LB Hightensionjapanesegoburin 3 3 - - 6
S4s icon.png CB BAVI - 2 1 - 3
F icon.png DMF Monday Approaches - - - - 0
Vp icon.png RMF Gary Motherfucking Oak 8 - 3 - 11
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vr icon.png GK Can't Beat Airman - 8 - - 8
O icon.png LB Boobaru - - - - 0
An icon.png CB Isopod 5 - - - 5
An icon.png CB *nibbles on your cables* - - - - 0
Vr icon.png DMF Satoru Iwata 4 - - - 4
Tv icon.png CMF Sneed Feed And Seed 0 - - - 0
An icon.png CMF Jefrey 4 - - - 4
Vr icon.png AMF Kacho Arino Vice-captain 16 9 - - 25
O icon.png SS Manuel Transmisión 6 - - - 6
X icon.png LWF Let's All Be Lain 5 1 1 2 9
O icon.png CF Twingo Captain 4 - - - 4
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
X icon.png GK Jesus Saves 6 - - - 6
X icon.png CB Shadow Wizard Money Gang 5 - - 3 8
Tv icon.png RB Real Human Being 3 - - - 3
V icon.png CMF Christopher Robin - - - - 0
V icon.png CMF Captain Falcon - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CF For You - - - - 0

Giant Gacha Gazonkas

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

H icon.png GK Stopman - - - - 7
Vg icon.png LB SHONBORI RUDOLF 2 3 - - 5
Vg icon.png CB Wild Cunt - - 3 - 3
H icon.png CB Blowjob Face 3 10 6 - 19
H icon.png RB Rape Correction - 7 - - 13
Vmg icon.png DMF the 'sex Captain - - - - 8
Vt icon.png CMF ogey rrat 4 10 2 - 16
Vt icon.png CMF BAU BAU! - - 2 - 2
Vg icon.png SS Jefooty 1 9 7 - 17
Pol icon.png SS Hitler 1 18 14 - 69
Vt icon.png SS Lia from Phase Connect Vice-captain 9 10 2 - 21
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully - - 7 - 7
C icon.png LB Where Has The Time Gone... 3 - - - 3
Pol icon.png RB Tay, My Beloved 4 - - - 14
His icon.png DMF Dilrewagner - - 4 - 8
Pol icon.png CMF Two Terms - - - - 21
Tv icon.png CF For You - - - - 1

Delicious Flat Chests FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day 6 7 2 - 15
C icon.png LB Fluffy 2 - - - 2
C icon.png CB The Haya Captain - 6 4 - 10
F icon.png CB HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~ - - 6 - 6
G icon.png RB AMD-chan 2 11 10 - 23
O icon.png DMF [C O O L V I B R A T I O N S] 2 - 8 - 10
Vp icon.png CMF Citizen Snips 4 2 5 - 11
F icon.png CMF Osaka Vice-captain 4 4 4 - 12
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 4 5 - 11
Vp icon.png SS Miror B. 1 2 2 - 5
Vg icon.png CF YOUR FATE IS OVER RETARD 2 10 10 - 22
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - - - - 0
Vr icon.png LB Arle Nadja 3 3 3 - 9
S4s icon.png CB Jack Ruselel - 0 - - 0
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "white Power Every Hour" Stoklasa - - - - 0
O icon.png CMF Shitbox - 2 - - 2
V icon.png CF Sanic - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved 3 - - - 3
Vr icon.png LB Arle Nadja Captain - 6 - - 6
Vm icon.png CB >tfw no friends 0 - - 3 3
Tv icon.png CB K I N O - - - - 0
H icon.png RB Rape Correction 6 - - - 6
O icon.png DMF [C O O L V I B R A T I O N S] Vice-captain 1 - - - 1
O icon.png CMF Shitbox 2 - - - 2
Vmg icon.png CMF Dragalia...Lost... 4 8 - - 12
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 - - - 2
Vr icon.png SS Doomguy 10 22 - - 32
V icon.png CF Sanic 1 - - - 1
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vmg icon.png GK iToddler - 1 - - 1
Ck icon.png CB Cringy Foodtubers 3 - - - 3
Vm icon.png RB POTTIS 3 - 3 - 6
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "white Power Every Hour" Stoklasa - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 - - 2
X icon.png LWF Let's All Be Lain - 1 1 2 4

I would cut off my left arm to suck a tanned traps dick once daruku my beloved

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day 6 7 2 - 15
Vt icon.png LB The Age of 30 is in Demand - - 6 - 6
Vrpg icon.png CB Thighza - 6 - - 6
Biz icon.png CB XMR-Chan 10 10 2 - 22
B icon.png DMF Tiny Shota - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CMF BAU BAU! - - 2 - 2
Vt icon.png CMF heart heart heart - - - - 0
C icon.png CMF No Lewding 4 10 4 - 18
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 4 5 - 11
B icon.png SS #REKT Captain 18 4 6 - 28
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHH Vice-captain 6 2 5 - 13
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative eating - - - - 0
C icon.png RB Do You Think /an/ Remembers - - 2 - 2
H icon.png RB Rape Correction - 7 - - 7
C icon.png DMF Kemono Kawaii~ - - 1 - 1
Toy icon.png CMF Drossel - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Biz icon.png GK Quantitative eating 7 2 - - 9
Fit icon.png CB Feelin Fit Buddy? 1 - - - 1
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin 1 - - - 1
Biz icon.png CB XMR-Chan 6 4 - - 10
B icon.png DMF Tiny Shota 4 - - - 4
V icon.png CMF Post Them Purple Characters 2 - - - 2
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 - - - 4
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 - - - 2
Tv icon.png AMF Kinoplex Robert 4 - - - 4
B icon.png SS #REKT Captain 2 - - - 2
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHH Vice-captain 12 2 - - 14
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Tv icon.png GK However - - - - 0
Fit icon.png CB Snap City - - - - 0
H icon.png RB Rape Correction - - - - 0
V icon.png CMF Captain Falcon - - - - 0
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg - - - - 0
Vmg icon.png SS The BEAST - - - - 0

Fuck DST tbh

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

T icon.png GK qStalled - 2 7 - 9
B icon.png LB Its A Trap 3 3 - - 6
Wg icon.png CB Zdzisław Beksiński - 3 2 - 5
Vr icon.png RB Predictabo 3 3 4 - 10
H icon.png DMF Liru - - - - 0
K icon.png CMF John Moses Browning 8 - - - 8
Vp icon.png LMF KANTOOOOOOOOO - - 4 - 4
F icon.png RMF Party Hard Vice-captain 8 2 2 - 12
V icon.png AMF Todd Howard 4 16 4 - 24
Vst icon.png SS Wololo 7 1 2 - 10
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls Captain 28 18 4 - 50
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative eating 11 - - - 11
M icon.png CB Iron Giant 2 - - - 2
His icon.png CB Finno-Korean Hyper War - - - - 0
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "white Power Every Hour" Stoklasa - - - - 0
O icon.png CMF Shitbox 4 2 2 - 8
C icon.png CF Do It For Her - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vmg icon.png GK iToddler 9 1 - - 10
B icon.png LB Its A Trap - - - - 0
Fit icon.png CB No Homo 2 - - - 2
Vr icon.png RB Predictabo - 1 - - 1
H icon.png DMF Liru - - - - 0
K icon.png CMF John Moses Browning - - - - 0
An icon.png CMF Great White Shark 4 - - - 4
V icon.png AMF Todd Howard 4 - - - 4
His icon.png AMF Bomber Harris Captain 16 16 - - 32
Tv icon.png SS Somehow... Frank Has Returned... 7 - - - 7
B icon.png CF ▲ ▲ ▲ Vice-captain 7 - - - 7
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative eating - - - - 0
His icon.png CB Finno-Korean Hyper War 6 6 - - 12
An icon.png CB *nibbles on your cables* - - - - 0
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "white Power Every Hour" Stoklasa - - - - 0
O icon.png CMF Shitbox 2 - - - 2
Pol icon.png SS Hitler - 14 2 7 23


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

His icon.png GK Taft 11 5 - - 16
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme 3 - 6 - 9
Pol icon.png CB Sam "The Candyman" Hyde 6 3 6 - 15
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 6 4 - - 10
His icon.png DMF More Wives, Your Grace? 5 4 - - 9
Vr icon.png DMF Segata Sanshiro 2 - - - 2
Fit icon.png CMF Ahnold 2 4 0 - 6
K icon.png AMF Saint Paul Harrell The Exalted 10 3 5 - 18
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior Vice-captain 1 10 2 - 13
Fit icon.png SS Scooby 0 2 14 - 16
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain 12 16 26 - 54
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - - - - 0
Tv icon.png LB Watch It Chrissy - - 7 - 7
V icon.png RB Senator Armstrong - 2 - - 2
Vg icon.png DMF Giant Man-Eating Jews - - 4 - 4
Fa icon.png DMF Mullet - - 2 - 2
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

His icon.png GK Taft 13 2 - - 15
Vm icon.png LB ROCK AND STONE 17 2 6 - 25
Pol icon.png CB Sam "The Candyman" Hyde - 6 6 5 17
Vr icon.png RB Predictabo - 1 - - 1
Vr icon.png DMF Segata Sanshiro - 4 - - 4
His icon.png DMF More Wives, Your Grace? 4 - - - 4
Fit icon.png CMF Ahnold 2 - - - 2
K icon.png AMF Saint Paul Harrell The Exalted 8 7 4 4 23
Fit icon.png SS Scooby 2 - - - 2
V icon.png SS Dante Vice-captain 1 - - - 1
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain 16 - - - 16
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - - - - 0
Tv icon.png LB Watch It Chrissy - - - - 0
V icon.png RB Senator Armstrong - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CMF Boomer Rocks 4 - - - 4
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - - - - 0
Vr icon.png SS Doomguy - 22 - - 22

ArchitectChads FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

G icon.png GK Stallman 2 15 14 - 31
H icon.png LB Skeb-chan 5 10 3 - 18
H icon.png CB Ugly Bastard 6 - - - 6
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin 2 10 6 - 18
G icon.png RB AMD-chan 2 11 10 - 23
Fit icon.png CMF The Architect Vice-captain - 2 8 - 10
K icon.png CMF The Z-team - - - - 0
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 4 5 - 11
Fit icon.png SS Scooby 0 2 14 - 16
Vt icon.png SS Lia from Phase Connect Captain 18 20 4 - 42
Vt icon.png CF Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe Perfect Nenechi 14 9 2 - 25
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vt icon.png GK Negligible - - - - 0
X icon.png CB Self-induced Mental Illness - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CB Holy Fucking Shit Dude How Big Is Your Monito - 6 2 - 8
V icon.png DMF FFFFRIDAY NIGHT - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 10 8 - 22
His icon.png SS >holy>roman>empire - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vmg icon.png GK iToddler 9 1 - - 10
H icon.png LB Skeb-chan 3 - - - 3
Fit icon.png CB Gains Goblin 1 - - - 1
H icon.png CB Ugly Bastard 6 - - - 6
Vmg icon.png RB Barry Steakfries - 5 - - 5
Fit icon.png CMF The Architect Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
K icon.png CMF The Z-team - 10 4 4 18
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 - - - 2
Fit icon.png SS Scooby 2 - - - 2
His icon.png SS >holy>roman>empire Captain 20 14 - - 34
K icon.png CF Zergface 7 19 19 2 47
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Pol icon.png GK Election Year Shill - - 3 3 6
X icon.png CB Self-induced Mental Illness - 5 2 6 13
V icon.png RB STR vs DEX 5 - - - 5
V icon.png DMF FFFFRIDAY NIGHT - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 - - - 4
Tv icon.png CF For You - - - - 0

Long Names FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vst icon.png GK Good luck! I'm behind 7000 Powerliches 8 3 1 - 12
O icon.png CB 3k Civic With A Couple Of Simple Mods 3 3 2 - 10
Tv icon.png CB Can The Suffering Of Dr. Who Finally End? 10 - 6 - 21
Wg icon.png CB Holy Fucking Shit Dude How Big Is Your Monito 2 6 2 - 10
Vrpg icon.png RB Masterworks All You Can't Go Wrong - 6 6 - 12
Tv icon.png DMF Dan "Age Is Just A Suggestion" Schneider - - 5 - 5
T icon.png CMF 50 Threads Of Pure Japanese Titties 4 11 9 - 24
Vst icon.png CMF "Glad you could make it, /vst/." 3 2 3 - 8
Wg icon.png RMF it was the best wallpaper ive ever known 4 2 2 - 8
K icon.png AMF Saint Paul Harrell The Exalted Vice-captain 10 3 5 - 41
Vt icon.png CF Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe Perfect Nenechi Captain 28 18 4 - 50
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
T icon.png GK Yes, Your Personal Seedbox! - - - - 0
Vst icon.png LB You Must Construct Additional Pylons 6 - - - 6
Pol icon.png RB Happening Of The Last Millisecond - 6 - - 12
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "white Power Every Hour" Stoklasa - - - - 0
G icon.png CMF International Blue Screen Day - - - - 0
Vg icon.png SS I believe in the happy ending - - - - 0

Short Names FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

His icon.png GK Taft 11 5 - - 31
Fa icon.png LB w2c 9 - 2 - 11
C icon.png CB Hors 3 - 3 - 6
Fit icon.png CB Sir 2 6 0 - 8
T icon.png DMF TPB - - - - 0
Vr icon.png CMF CRT - - - - 4
Vp icon.png LMF >75 - - - - 0
An icon.png AMF Birb 4 4 4 - 20
Mu icon.png SS Ye 7 3 2 - 12
C icon.png SS Yui Vice-captain 2 2 2 - 6
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain 14 4 4 - 22
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Fit icon.png GK Nofap - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CB BAVI - 2 - - 2
G icon.png RB SICP - 3 - - 3
K icon.png DMF F-35 - - 4 - 7
H icon.png DMF Liru - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHH - - - - 14

Alphabet Abuse FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

K icon.png GK 2nd Amendment 7 7 - - 23
V icon.png LB AAA Type BS 3 2 - - 10
T icon.png CB Abandonware - 0 3 - 3
Toy icon.png RB All Waves Get Mega Man - 2 6 - 8
Fit icon.png DMF Activated Almonds - - - - 4
Vst icon.png DMF Abiba Toot - - 10 - 10
An icon.png CMF African Elephant 0 4 4 - 10
Ck icon.png AMF Al/ck/oholic 10 4 5 - 21
M icon.png SS Alteisen Vice-captain 2 9 9 - 20
I icon.png LWF Bait-chan 9 6 1 - 16
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHH Captain 12 4 10 - 54
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
His icon.png GK 26th Battle Of The Isonzo - - 3 - 3
K icon.png CB Air Defense Cuckold 6 - 7 - 25
Fa icon.png RB Alpha M 2 - - - 2
B icon.png DMF Actual True Story Inbound 4 2 - - 6
Fit icon.png CMF Ahnold 2 4 - - 8
Pol icon.png SS Assad - - - - 28

Reverse Alphabet Abuse FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

T icon.png GK Yes, Your Personal Seedbox! 7 - - - 7
Vst icon.png LB Zerg Rush Kekekeke - - 4 - 4
Wg icon.png CB Zdzisław Beksiński - 3 2 - 5
Vst icon.png CB Zsinj 3 3 4 - 10
Biz icon.png DMF You Will conform to the ESG - - 1 - 1
Pol icon.png CMF YWNBAW 2 14 - - 18
F icon.png CMF Zone - - - - 0
Pol icon.png AMF Just Like We Drew It Up Jack 4 9 2 - 17
Mu icon.png SS Ye 7 3 2 - 12
K icon.png CF Zergface Vice-captain 9 9 10 - 75
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain 12 16 26 - 70
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK Uhhh, Union and Id? - 6 7 - 13
Vt icon.png LB YUBI YUBI 3 10 - - 13
Toy icon.png CB You Knoe Who? 2 - - - 2
Vmg icon.png DMF Yandookie 4 6 - - 14
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei 2 4 4 - 10
C icon.png SS Yui - - - - 0

PES 17 Best PES

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Pol icon.png GK Election Year Shill 8 9 6 - 47
C icon.png LB Fluffy 2 - - - 2
H icon.png CB Lightsaber Dick 3 - - - 9
V icon.png RB Senator Armstrong 4 2 3 - 9
Vr icon.png DMF Satoru Iwata 1 4 - - 9
Pol icon.png CMF Two Terms 1 - 4 - 26
Fa icon.png AMF Tricky Ricky 4 4 4 - 12
Biz icon.png AMF SNIB SNAB 5 5 4 - 26
Pol icon.png SS Assad Captain 4 46 4 - 110
Vg icon.png SS I believe in the happy ending 1 7 2 - 10
Vt icon.png CF Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe Perfect Nenechi Vice-captain 14 9 2 - 25
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative eating - - - - 0
I icon.png LB /s4s/ Drawfriends - 1 4 - 5
V icon.png RB STR vs DEX - - 9 - 14
Vr icon.png DMF It's Wario Time - - - - 4
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 10 - 14
C icon.png SS Yui - - - - 0

Skibidi slapheads

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

V icon.png GK No Way Fag 1 7 - - 14
Mu icon.png LB For Less Than A Big Mac - - - - 0
O icon.png CB WAT Racing 1 5 6 - 14
Mu icon.png RB Viper The Kidnapper 5 3 2 - 10
Biz icon.png DMF Is it shitcoin season yet? - 3 - - 3
O icon.png CMF Shitbox 4 2 2 - 10
O icon.png CMF Miata 21 1 - - 26
Vp icon.png RMF Best Pokégirl - 2 2 - 4
C icon.png SS Yui Captain 4 4 4 - 12
V icon.png SS Dante 7 3 1 - 12
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 7 2 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - - - - 0
X icon.png CB Shadow Wizard Money Gang - - 3 - 11
Vm icon.png CB H o n k ! 10 10 - - 37
C icon.png DMF Homuhomu - - 4 - 4
Vm icon.png CMF AMOGUS 2 - - - 10
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHH - - - - 14

Outer Milan

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vt icon.png GK Negligible 6 11 3 - 20
Vm icon.png LB ROCK AND STONE - - - - 25
X icon.png CB CERN Shifting 6 6 2 - 22
C icon.png CB Hors 3 - 3 - 6
I icon.png RB No'body - - 1 - 1
Mu icon.png CMF Talentless Hack 4 - 4 - 8
C icon.png CMF Every Girl Best Girl 4 13 10 - 27
Wg icon.png RMF Headphone Girl - 4 4 - 8
V icon.png AMF Todd Howard Vice-captain 4 16 4 - 28
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior 1 10 2 - 13
Tv icon.png CF For You Captain 18 12 38 - 70
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vst icon.png GK >no 110% speed - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Bocchi&Bocchi 5 5 2 - 12
H icon.png CB Lightsaber Dick 3 - - - 9
Toy icon.png DMF Creepy Miku - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CMF ogey rrat - - - - 0
Ck icon.png SS Secret Ingredient: - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Rally Shark FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vt icon.png GK Negligible 6 11 3 - 20
Vr icon.png CB Pepsiman - 3 10 - 13
Vrpg icon.png CB Frank Horrigan - - 2 - 2
Vst icon.png RB Tall/Wide - - 4 - 4
C icon.png DMF Homuhomu - - 4 - 4
Vt icon.png CMF BAU BAU! - - 2 - 2
K icon.png CMF M2 Chadley - - - - 0
Pol icon.png AMF Just Like We Drew It Up Jack 4 9 2 - 15
Vg icon.png SS Jefooty Vice-captain 1 9 7 - 17
Vt icon.png SS Lia from Phase Connect Captain 18 20 4 - 42
B icon.png SS #REKT 9 2 3 - 14
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK Uhhh, Union and Id? - - - - 0
K icon.png CB Big Dicc Marty - - - - 0
Toy icon.png RB Do This Pose! 3 2 - - 5
Vmg icon.png DMF the 'sex - - - - 0
His icon.png CMF Burnin' Sherman - 2 - - 2
Vg icon.png SS I believe in the happy ending - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

H icon.png GK Sad Panda - - - - 0
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ 5 - - - 5
Biz icon.png CB XMR-Chan 6 4 - - 10
Vr icon.png CB Pepsiman 6 - - - 6
Ck icon.png DMF >English ""Food"" 4 - - - 4
K icon.png CMF M2 Chadley - - - 4 4
Pol icon.png AMF Just Like We Drew It Up Jack - - - 2 2
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
B icon.png SS #REKT 1 - - - 1
V icon.png SS Chaos 1 - - - 1
K icon.png CF Zergface Captain 14 38 38 4 94
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Fit icon.png GK Read The Fucking Sticky 1 - - - 1
Vr icon.png LB I Need More Power - 1 - - 1
K icon.png CB Big Dicc Marty - 2 - - 2
Vmg icon.png DMF the 'sex 4 - - - 4
His icon.png CMF Burnin' Sherman 8 - - - 8
Tv icon.png SS Somehow... Frank Has Returned... - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day 6 7 2 - 15
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ 4 9 6 - 19
Vm icon.png CB H o n k ! 10 10 3 - 23
M icon.png RB Mad Cat 3 6 2 - 11
Vg icon.png CMF Clown (as CMF) 2 - 2 - 4
Tv icon.png CMF Oh And One More Thing... 5 0 - - 5
Vt icon.png CMF BAU BAU! - - 2 - 2
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 4 5 - 11
M icon.png CF Mazinger Z Captain 12 4 4 - 20
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls Vice-captain 14 9 2 - 25
Vr icon.png CF Good Morning Crono 1 9 3 - 13
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - - - - 0
Vst icon.png LB ">99% Chance to hit." - - - - 0
Vt icon.png RB I MISS FAUNA - - - - 0
Vm icon.png CMF AMOGUS 2 - - - 2
Pol icon.png CMF Two Terms - - - - 0
B icon.png SS #REKT - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Biz icon.png GK Quantitative eating 7 2 - - 9
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ 5 - - - 5
Vm icon.png CB H o n k ! 6 5 6 - 17
Vmg icon.png RB Barry Steakfries - 5 - - 5
Tv icon.png CMF Oh And One More Thing... - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 - - - 4
B icon.png AMF Longcat 2 - - - 2
O icon.png AMF Takumi Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
V icon.png SS Chaos 1 - - - 1
Vr icon.png CF Good Morning Crono 12 8 - - 20
His icon.png CF Charles II Captain 14 2 - - 16
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Money Skeleton - 1 - - 1
Tv icon.png CB The Vessel 5 - - - 5
Pol icon.png CMF Two Terms - 8 4 4 16
Vm icon.png CMF AMOGUS 4 2 - 2 8
B icon.png SS #REKT - - - - 0

I require the sexual services of Witch Flamme, Red Hood Serie and Jiangshi Laufen in my hour of need

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Tv icon.png GK However 7 7 11 - 25
Vm icon.png LB Boggy B 10 10 6 - 26
Mu icon.png CB Captain Beefheart 6 - - - 6
Wg icon.png CB Holy Fucking Shit Dude How Big Is Your Monito 2 6 2 - 10
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 6 4 - - 10
G icon.png DMF Thinkpad 4 3 4 - 11
Vp icon.png CMF Citizen Snips Vice-captain 4 2 5 - 11
Vg icon.png CMF HEH, FREAK - 2 4 - 6
Vst icon.png SS Is It Done Yuri? 2 6 2 - 10
Vg icon.png SS I believe in the happy ending 1 7 2 - 10
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls Captain 28 18 4 - 50
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vm icon.png GK DOOR STUCK - - - - 0
Pol icon.png CB Laineyball - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CB Thighza - 6 - - 6
V icon.png CMF Post Them Purple Characters 8 - - - 8
Vst icon.png CMF "Glad you could make it, /vst/." - - - - 0
V icon.png SS Chaos - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Tv icon.png GK However 2 - - - 2
Vm icon.png LB Boggy B 3 - 6 5 14
His icon.png CB This Board Needs A Janny 6 6 - - 12
K icon.png CB Big Dicc Marty - 2 - - 2
X icon.png RB Machine Elves - 6 - - 6
Tv icon.png DMF Peacful & Misunderstood Vietnam Vet - - - - 0
Vmg icon.png CMF The Pink Creature - - - - 0
His icon.png AMF Bomber Harris 8 8 - - 16
Tv icon.png SS Somehow... Frank Has Returned... Vice-captain 7 - - - 7
V icon.png CF Sanic 1 - - - 1
Vm icon.png CF G-TEK Captain 20 20 24 6 70
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vm icon.png GK DOOR STUCK - 2 7 7 16
His icon.png CB Finno-Korean Hyper War 6 6 - - 12
Pol icon.png CB Laineyball 7 - - - 7
V icon.png CMF Post Them Purple Characters 2 - - - 2
Vmg icon.png AMF Nokia 3310 - 13 - - 13
V icon.png SS Chaos - - - - 0

is flacco elite?

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

His icon.png GK Taft 11 5 - - 16
An icon.png LB Spacebat - 2 - - 2
Ck icon.png CB Do Americans Really Do This? - - 10 - 10
Vg icon.png RB I'm going to Alice! 1 - - - 1
Fit icon.png CMF Ahnold 2 4 0 - 6
Wg icon.png RMF Headphone Girl - 4 4 - 8
Vt icon.png AMF Solid Mint 4 5 4 - 13
Vm icon.png AMF TSUUU of the Wolves 8 3 22 - 33
G icon.png AMF Housefires 4 5 4 - 13
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain 12 16 26 - 54
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 7 2 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK Uhhh, Union and Id? - - 7 - 7
Vt icon.png LB The Age of 30 is in Demand - - 6 - 6
Mu icon.png RB Viper The Kidnapper 5 3 2 - 10
Fit icon.png CMF Manlet 4 - - - 4
Vm icon.png CMF AMOGUS - - - - 0
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

His icon.png GK Taft 13 2 - - 15
An icon.png LB Spacebat 1 - - - 1
Ck icon.png CB Do Americans Really Do This? 5 - - - 5
Tv icon.png RB Real Human Being 3 - - - 3
Fit icon.png CMF Ahnold 2 - - - 2
Tv icon.png CMF Who's Laughing Now, Joker? 4 - - - 4
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 - - 2
Vm icon.png AMF TSUUU of the Wolves 10 10 19 10 49
H icon.png AMF Unwilling Elf 4 - - - 4
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain 16 - - - 16
Vm icon.png CF G-TEK Vice-captain 10 10 12 3 35
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vmg icon.png GK iToddler - - - - 0
His icon.png LB Maoist Worst Nightmare - - - - 0
Vmg icon.png RB Barry Steakfries - 5 - - 5
Fit icon.png CMF Manlet - - - - 0
Vm icon.png CMF AMOGUS 4 2 - 2 8
Tv icon.png CF For You - - - - 0

Offtopic FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

T icon.png GK qStalled - 2 7 - 9
F icon.png CB Dontshityourpants 3 - - - 3
Vst icon.png CB 'Ooligan 6 1 - - 7
M icon.png RB Mad Cat 3 6 2 - 11
Vmg icon.png DMF the 'sex - - - - 0
G icon.png CMF Terry A. Davis Vice-captain 4 6 19 - 29
K icon.png CMF B-17 "Big Nigger" - 4 5 - 9
Biz icon.png CMF Wagie - - 2 - 2
B icon.png AMF Tacgnol 9 3 5 - 17
Pol icon.png SS Hitler Captain 2 36 28 - 66
O icon.png SS Manuel Transmisión 10 6 7 - 23
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan 6 - - - 6
Vm icon.png CB H o n k ! - 10 3 - 13
X icon.png RB Machine Elves - - - - 0
Mu icon.png CMF Gusic - 5 - - 5
Vt icon.png CMF BAU BAU! - - 2 - 2
Fa icon.png SS Raf Simons - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Tv icon.png GK However 2 - - - 2
Vm icon.png CB H o n k ! 6 5 6 - 17
An icon.png CB *nibbles on your cables* - - - - 0
X icon.png RB Machine Elves - 6 - - 6
Vmg icon.png DMF the 'sex 4 - - - 4
Fit icon.png CMF L O N D O N Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
K icon.png CMF B-17 "Big Nigger" 4 - 2 - 6
Biz icon.png CMF Wagie - - - - 0
B icon.png AMF Tacgnol 4 - - - 4
O icon.png SS Manuel Transmisión 6 - - - 6
Pol icon.png SS Hitler Captain 26 28 4 14 72
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Ck icon.png GK >tipping - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB XMR-Chan 6 4 - - 10
Tv icon.png RB Real Human Being 3 - - - 3
Pol icon.png CMF Two Terms - 8 4 4 16
Vm icon.png CMF AMOGUS 4 2 - 2 8
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz - - - - 0

If I win this FF I'm getting a tattoo of my waifu

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan 6 6 - - 12
Toy icon.png CB My Nugga 5 - 3 - 8
V icon.png CB Mr. Bones - 6 9 - 15
Vm icon.png CB LET ME WIN! 7 3 - - 28
Vt icon.png CB yeah, me - 10 - - 10
V icon.png DMF FFFFRIDAY NIGHT - 5 - - 5
O icon.png CMF I Know What I Got - 7 4 - 15
Toy icon.png AMF O.T Chainsaw 3 8 4 - 15
O icon.png SS Manuel Transmisión 10 6 7 - 29
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 7 2 2 - 11
M icon.png CF Mazinger Z Captain 12 4 4 - 20
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - - 14 - 14
O icon.png CB 3k Civic With A Couple Of Simple Mods 3 3 2 - 10
H icon.png CB Lightsaber Dick 3 - - - 9
Vp icon.png DMF John Gamefreak 4 - - - 4
Vg icon.png CMF Grigori - - 4 - 4
Vst icon.png CF Kane Lives - - - - 0

I'm running out of meds

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mu icon.png GK Lord Pete Steele 7 8 - - 15
Vt icon.png LB The Age of 30 is in Demand - - 6 - 6
S4s icon.png CB /fumo/ 5 2 2 - 9
X icon.png RB Schizoposting 3 3 3 - 21
Vst icon.png DMF El Presidente - 2 4 - 6
Mu icon.png CMF >woman sings about depression 2 2 4 - 8
X icon.png CMF Take Your Meds - 4 2 - 12
Vt icon.png CMF ogey rrat 4 10 2 - 16
Mu icon.png SS John Lennon Beat His Wife Vice-captain 10 7 7 - 24
Vt icon.png CF Super Hyper Ultra Deluxe Perfect Nenechi Captain 28 18 4 - 50
X icon.png CF /x/-tan 7 3 2 - 56
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vst icon.png GK Good luck! I'm behind 7000 Powerliches - - 1 - 1
Wg icon.png LB mnml - 3 - - 3
Vst icon.png RB Thermal Signature Detected 3 - - - 3
Wg icon.png LMF I Cast Testicular Torsion 0 - - - 0
Wg icon.png RMF Headphone Girl - - - - 0
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman - - - - 0

Tony Khan Wanks Dogs

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved 7 7 12 - 26
Vr icon.png LB I Need More Power 2 9 10 - 21
An icon.png CB Grizzly Bear - - - - 0
G icon.png CB Something Happened - - 3 - 3
Vm icon.png RB POTTIS 9 - - - 9
His icon.png DMF More Wives, Your Grace? 5 4 - - 9
M icon.png AMF Gridman 10 8 4 - 22
Fa icon.png AMF Tricky Ricky 4 4 4 - 12
V icon.png SS Dante 7 3 1 - 11
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain 4 10 2 - 16
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 7 2 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vmg icon.png GK iToddler - - - - 0
Vg icon.png LB Jack Frost - 2 - - 2
Vt icon.png RB I MISS FAUNA 3 - 6 - 9
Mu icon.png DMF Hell Be Fine - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Oh And One More Thing... - - - - 0
Vst icon.png CF Kane Lives - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

B icon.png GK Fuckin' Saved 3 - - - 3
Vr icon.png LB I Need More Power 10 1 - - 11
H icon.png CB Oh Bother 5 - - - 5
An icon.png CB Grizzly Bear - - - - 0
Vm icon.png RB POTTIS 3 - 3 - 6
His icon.png DMF More Wives, Your Grace? 4 - - - 4
Ck icon.png CMF Gordon Ramsay - - - - 0
O icon.png AMF Takumi Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
V icon.png SS Dante 1 - - - 1
X icon.png LWF Let's All Be Lain 5 1 1 2 9
Tv icon.png CF For You Captain 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vmg icon.png GK iToddler - 1 - - 1
O icon.png LB Tonight on /o/ - - - - 0
X icon.png RB Cthulhu 6 5 1 2 14
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 - - 2
Tv icon.png CMF Oh And One More Thing... - - - - 0
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz - - - - 0

Please wait for the timer or verify your email address before making a post. Click here for more information or to verify your email.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

C icon.png GK Ika-chan 6 6 - - 12
B icon.png LB (User Was Banned For This Post) - - 6 - 6
Pol icon.png CB Stop Watching Porn - 0 6 - 6
F icon.png RB Eddie! - 3 3 - 6
Vp icon.png DMF It's Me, Nemona! - - 5 - 5
Biz icon.png CMF Wagie - - 2 - 2
H icon.png CMF Sex Counsellor 2 5 2 - 9
Pol icon.png AMF Just Like We Drew It Up Jack 4 9 2 - 15
Biz icon.png SS Sminem 2 2 2 - 6
M icon.png SS Alteisen Vice-captain 2 9 9 - 20
Vg icon.png CF YOUR FATE IS OVER RETARD Captain 4 20 20 - 44
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
F icon.png GK Resizetheflash! - - - - 0
G icon.png LB DEVELOPERS - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB "Cooking" with Ja/ck/ 5 6 - - 11
Ck icon.png DMF >English ""Food"" 4 3 - - 7
Vt icon.png CMF heart heart heart - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CF Oscar Winner Brendan Fraser - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vm icon.png GK DELETE THIS - - - - 0
B icon.png LB (User Was Banned For This Post) 2 - - - 2
Pol icon.png CB Stop Watching Porn 6 5 4 2 17
Pol icon.png RB Happening Of The Last Millisecond 6 - - - 6
Tv icon.png DMF Le Malica... It Le Worked? 2 - - - 2
Biz icon.png CMF Wagie - - - - 0
H icon.png CMF Sex Counsellor - - - - 0
Pol icon.png AMF Just Like We Drew It Up Jack - - - 2 2
His icon.png SS >holy>roman>empire Vice-captain 10 7 - - 17
Biz icon.png SS Sminem 13 1 - - 14
Vm icon.png CF G-TEK Captain 20 20 24 6 70
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda - - - - 0
V icon.png LB Bearfucker - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB "Cooking" with Ja/ck/ - - - - 0
Ck icon.png DMF >English ""Food"" 4 - - - 4
His icon.png CMF Tiktaalik - 2 - - 2
Tv icon.png CF Oscar Winner Brendan Fraser - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars 2 3 - - 5
G icon.png LB No Time For Love - - 6 - 6
Fit icon.png CB No Homo 6 3 6 - 17
H icon.png RB Licensed To Breed 2 6 3 - 14
An icon.png CMF African Elephant 0 4 4 - 10
F icon.png CMF Zone - - - - 0
B icon.png CMF Delicous Loli - 4 4 - 10
Ck icon.png AMF Perfect Cofffee 4 13 5 - 26
Biz icon.png SS Sminem 2 2 2 - 20
Fa icon.png SS Raf Simons Vice-captain 2 10 6 - 18
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain 4 10 2 - 16
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Wg icon.png GK Bliss - - - - 0
O icon.png RB Dorifto 6 - - - 11
Vt icon.png RB *flips* - - - - 0
Vr icon.png CMF CRT - - - - 4
Vrpg icon.png CMF Fat Larry 4 - - - 4
M icon.png SS Alteisen - - - - 0


Team R1 R2 R3 R4 Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total
When Minos Prime says “die”, this is actually a subtle reference to the fact that he's gonna kill you 91 26 84 0 71 50 52 19 393
ArchitectChads FC 55 99 76 0 63 54 28 15 390
DEY CALL ME RIGNEK, AND I KNOW WHAT TO DO 76 98 88 0 55 28 22 13 380
I require the sexual services of Witch Flamme, Red Hood Serie and Jiangshi Laufen in my hour of need 78 71 40 0 62 63 37 18 369
Offtopic FC 43 79 80 0 69 53 16 20 360
is flacco elite? 58 49 87 0 72 31 31 15 343
PES 17 Best PES 47 89 52 0 49 53 21 11 322
MANLY MEN: THE GYM IS BACK IN BUSINESS 58 53 72 0 67 44 16 9 319
Rally Shark FC 41 58 41 0 54 45 38 10 287
Please wait for the timer or verify your email address before making a post. Click here for more information or to verify your email. 29 63 57 0 63 35 28 10 285
Hail to the ALIEN BASTARDS, baby 33 51 48 0 64 41 19 17 273
Reverse Alphabet Abuse FC 55 83 62 0 23 25 19 4 271
Fuck DST tbh 78 50 31 0 57 38 2 7 263
i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all i see it all 41 83 52 0 58 18 1 5 258
Alphabet Abuse FC 57 44 58 0 46 19 10 17 251
Outer Milan 54 77 73 0 34 2 9 0 249
SELL DUCKCOIN INCORPORATED 51 79 52 0 46 9 4 6 247
Giant Gacha Gazonkas 27 67 47 0 47 26 9 11 234
I'm running out of meds 69 62 37 0 25 21 7 9 230
Delicious Flat Chests FC 28 51 59 0 35 40 4 5 222
Long Names FC 78 60 45 0 21 7 4 4 219
Tony Khan Wanks Dogs 58 49 44 0 43 10 5 4 213
If I win this FF I'm getting a tattoo of my waifu 60 60 53 0 21 4 6 5 209
Skibidi slapheads 62 42 26 0 42 9 6 5 192
I would cut off my left arm to suck a tanned traps dick once daruku my beloved 46 50 35 0 45 8 0 0 184
AutoComplete 48 55 48 0 14 4 0 0 169
Short Names FC 52 29 21 0 37 4 3 0 146
this is a test delete me 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Poopoopeepee 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8-----------------------------D 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Teams are to be put on the wiki before the scheduled starting time of the first match of the tournament. This team will count for the whole tournament.

Teams must consist of: a team name, eleven starting players and six substitutes, a captain and a vice-captain. The eleven starting players must follow these guidelines:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 3-5 defenders, with a maximum of 1 LB and 1 RB. CBs are limitless
  • 3-6 midfielders, with a maximum of 1 LMF, 1 RMF, 3 AMFs, 3 CMFs, 3 DMFs, and at least one CMF or DMF.
  • 1-3 forwards, with a maximum of 1 LWF and 1 RWF. CFs and SSs are limitless

The substitutes must consist of one goalkeeper, two defenders, two midfielders and one forward.

A team must have exactly two gold and two silver players. Additionally, the team will get a medal substitute, who can be either gold or silver without affecting these limitations - however, a medal substitute cannot fill in for a lower class, so a gold player substitute cannot fill in for a silver nor can golds or silvers fill in for non-medals. Furthermore, a team may have no more than three players overall from any one board.

If a player in the team's starting eleven does not play in a round, a substitute who does may take their spot. The player must be from the same category, but specific position differences are allowed (so a CB may fill in for a LB, but not for a DMF).

For each round of matches, all players who take the field will receive a score for their performance. The team's score will be calculated at the end of each round as the sum of the scores of their eleven players. If a player does not play and is not covered by a substitute, they will count 0 towards the team's score.

Following the group stages of a cup, teams are allowed to remove eliminated players and replace them with players still in the tournament. The team must run the same formation but can change the individual positions (so a CB may swap for an RB if it does not break the maximums listen above). Medals must remain in the same section of defence, midfield or attack but can change positions. If there are no more players at a level, you are permitted to move the player up or down to the nearest available spot to replace the player. For instance, if you have a gold CB in the team and that was the only team with a gold CB, you then look to teams with a gold DMF then CMF, LMF/RMF, AMF, SS, LWF/RWF, CF in that order. The reverse can be used for non medal strikers. Captains and vice captains can change at this stage.


Points are accumulated as follows:

  • 1 point for each full point of match rating in excess of 4, this gets a multiplier for the following positions: GK/CB/FB/DMF - 3x, CMF/WMF - 2x.
  • 6 points for a defender or goalkeeper scoring a goal.
  • 5 points for a midfielder scoring a goal.
  • 4 points for a forward scoring a goal.
  • 3 points for a goal assist.
  • 4 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 3 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they took the field yet played less than 60 minutes.
  • 1 point for a midfielder if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 1 point for every 2 saves made by a goalkeeper.
  • 5 points for a goalkeeper saving a penalty (not if it is missed).
  • -2 points for a player who misses a penalty.
  • 3 points if a player is judged Man of the Match by PES.
  • 2 points if the player's match rating is equal to or higher than the Man of the Match's.
  • 1 point if the player's match rating is 0.5 less than the Man of the Match's.
  • -1 point for every 2 goals conceded by a defender or goalkeeper's team while the player was on the field.
  • -1 point for the player receiving a yellow card.
  • -3 points for the player receiving a red card.
  • -5 points for the player receiving a red card from 2 yellow cards.
  • -2 points for the player scoring an own goal.

After these scores are tallied, the captain will have his score doubled, and if he did not play then the vice-captain's score will be doubled instead.

Once scores have been calculated for each match day, they will be posted. The competition will run for the duration of the cup. At the conclusion of the tournament, the team with the highest score will be awarded the Hatte Saburo trophy.