Exports/2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

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This page is the archive for the 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Exports. The current export page can be found at Exports


B icon.png /b/

Bant icon.png /bant/

Biz icon.png /biz/

Cm icon.png /cm/

Fa icon.png /fa/

H icon.png /h/

K icon.png /k/

Lit icon.png /lit/

N icon.png /n/

O icon.png /o/

Pol icon.png /pol/

Xs icon.png /xs/


An icon.png /an/

C icon.png /c/

Ck icon.png /ck/

(Autopilot instructions: The top CMF group of bench subs are for the more forward CMF spot, the bottom CMF group for the more back one. - Always start CRAMMING in the appropriate CMF spot if conditions are equal, it got a new model.
LCK on the back CMF, RCK on the DMF, more forward CMF is join the attack.
If losing at the 60 minute subs time go to +1 on preset 3.)

  • Aesthetics Export:
  • Audio Export:

F icon.png /f/

Fit icon.png /fit/

  • Tactical Export: more
  • Aesthetics Export: energy
  • Audio Export: !!!

G icon.png /g/

His icon.png /his/

I icon.png /i/

M icon.png /m/

Mu icon.png /mu/

S4s icon.png /s4s/

T icon.png /t/

  • Autopilot Instructions

If Winning by 2 or more at 65: Sub out four most tired stay on P1

If Winning by 1/tied/or down at 65: Sub out two most tired stay on P1

If still winning by 1 or tied at 75: Sub out the other two most tired players stay on P1

If Losing at 75: Switch to Preset 3, sub out the two Out of Position Players for an in position player and start game on +1

If losing at 80 or beyond: If all subs have been committed switch to P3 and +1 when play resumes. If subs have yet to come on then sub out the two OOP players.

Toy icon.png /toy/

Tv icon.png /tv/

V icon.png /v/

Vg icon.png /vg/

Vm icon.png /vm/

Vmg icon.png /vmg/

Vp icon.png /vp/

Vr icon.png /vr/

Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/

Vt icon.png /vt/

Vst icon.png /vst/

Wg icon.png /wg/

X icon.png /x/