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rigdio is an automated soundboard designed to ease the burden on streamers during cup events, and increase the options available to managers. It is available for download here on github. This page is designed to help managers prepare for the upcoming v2.0 release of rigdio; for the deprecate v1.x version, see this page. See also the changes from v1.9 section of this page.

This page will be updated as v2.0 grows closer to release.

Audio Exports

rigdio functions by using so-called audio exports. An audio export contains all audio files used by a team in a cup: anthems, goalhorns, chants, and event clips, as well as a YAML file which tells rigdio how to process these songs.

You can convert a v1.9 .4ccm to a v2.0 .yml file by using this tool. (Due to limitations with how v1.9 was implemented, it must be placed in a folder with your rigdio.exe to do this; it requires some rigdio dependencies.)

Lazy Rigger's Export

The following sample export shows a team with a single anthem, victory anthem, and goalhorn.

team: yourteam
anthem: youranthem.mp3
victory: yourvictoryanthem.mp3
goal: yourgoalhorn.mp3

Adding Chants

To add chants to your export, we add a chants: section somewhere in the file:

- chant1.mp3
- chant2.mp3
- chant3.mp3

The - before the file names indicates that the chants are a list. Chants do not currently support instructions or conditions, so simply listing filenames will suffice. The order of chants does not matter.

Adding Event Clips

Much like chants, events have their own section: event:. However, rather than just listing filenames, we need to indicate what type of event they are. Thus, to have redcard.mp3 play when a player is given a red card, we add

 red: redcard.mp3

Likewise, we can use sub, yellow, or owngoal instead of red to respond to subs, yellow cards, and owngoals.

Player-Specific Audio

Goalhorns and event clips support player-specific audio: only playing when a given player scores (or triggers the event). In the case of goalhorns, having player-specific audio will create a button in the GUI for the streamer; event clips are played automatically from SENPAI. To add player-specific audio, move all existing values in that category (in this case, simply yourgoalhorn.mp3) to a subkey named default:

team: yourteam
anthem: youranthem.mp3
victory: yourvictoryanthem.mp3
  default: yourgoalhorn.mp3

Then, add a separate key named after that player, and give it the player's goalhorn.

team: yourteam
anthem: youranthem.mp3
victory: yourvictoryanthem.mp3
  Your Gold: goldhorn.mp3
  default: yourgoalhorn.mp3

The order of keys within a map does not matter.

Conditional Audio

If you want a song to play only when specific conditions are met, or apply instructions to change how it is played, it's necessary to expand the simple key: filename format into a full song structure.

For instance, suppose we want the striker horn for Your Gold to only play on a hat trick. We take

  Your Gold: goldhorn.mp3

and place goldhorn.mp3 in a list

  Your Gold: 
  - goldhorn.mp3

Now, we need to expand goldhorn.mp3 into the song structure, which is a map containing three keys: either filename or shared to indicate what to play, and then conditions and instructions to explain when and how to play it. First, since we're loading this song from file, we indicate that clearly with a filename: key:

  Your Gold: 
  - filename: goldhorn.mp3
    conditions: null
    instructions: null

Note that there is no dash before the conditions and instructions lines; this indicates they are in the same list entry as the filename line. To make this play on a brace, we need to add an element to a list in conditions:

  Your Gold: 
  - filename: goldhorn.mp3
    - goals: [">=",2]
    instructions: null

Conditions and instructions both take lists of maps from a key to a list of values ("tokens"), which tell rigdio what the condition is and what it needs to do. In this case, we make a goals condition with tokens ">=",2: this says we will play this song if and only if Your Gold scores their second or later goal.

Modified Audio

In v1.x, conditions and instructions were treated the same way by the file format. This is no longer viable due to changes in how the internals handle things, so it's now good to know the difference.

  • Conditions change when the audio is played. The archetypal condition is goals, which plays the file for a certain goal threshold.
  • Instructions change how the audio is played. The archetypal instruction is start, which determines where in the file to begin playback.

If you can't determine if something is a condition or an instruction from this, check the appropriate Conditions and Instructions sections of this page.

To add an instruction to a song, you do much as you would with conditions, but in the instructions list instead. Continuing from the previous section, if we want to start goldhorn.mp3 thirty seconds into the song, we use

  Your Gold: 
  - filename: goldhorn.mp3
    - goals: [">=",2]
    - start: 0:30

Sharing A Song Between Players

If multiple players might play the same song under different conditions, but we don't want to load two instances of the song (thus starting from the beginning both times), we need to load the song into shared space. Suppose you have two players, YourLeftMid and YourRightMid, and you want to play wingers.mp3 whenever either of them scores. Naively, we could write

  YourLeftMid: wingers.mp3
  YourRightMid: wingers.mp3

but this would cause the file to be loaded twice, and not play from where it left off if one of them scores after the other. To get the song to resume properly, we use

    shared: wingers
    shared: wingers
  wingers: wingers.mp3

This will load wingers.mp3 into shared space with the name wingers; the shared: inside YourLeftMid and YourRightMid replaces filename: and tells rigdio to search shared space instead of the audio folder.

Conditions and instructions can be added to shared songs as normal, but be warned that a shared song will only play if its attached conditions and any conditions on the player using it are all met!



  • goals: [operator, number] takes two tokens: an operator (>, <, >=, <=, ==, !=) and a number, and will return true when the number of goals scored by the player (including the current goal in cases of a goalhorn) satisfies the condition.
  • team goals: [operator, number] works like goals, but checks the total number of goals scored by the team rather than just by a specific player.
  • lead: [operator, number] works like goals, but checks the goal difference (this team minus opposing team) rather than goals by a specific player.
  • opponent: [string, string, ...] takes one or more tokens, and will return true if any of them match the opposing team name.
  • match: [string, string, ...] takes one or more tokens, which can be any of: "Group", "RO16", "Quarterfinal", "Semifinal", "Final", "Third-Place", "Boss", "Consolation", or "Knockout" (where "Knockout" covers a combination of "RO16", "Quarterfinal", "Semifinal", "Final", and "Third-Place"). It will return true if any of them match the match settings in rigdio.
  • home: null takes no tokens (note that either [] or null is required to indicate that none are provided!) and returns true if the team is at home.
  • once: null takes no tokens and returns true exactly once.
  • most goals: string takes zero or one token, the name of a player, and returns true if that player has scored the most goals in the match. If null is provided, it will return true if the current player has scored the most goals in the match.
  • every: number returns true if this player has scored a multiple of the given number in goals.
  • time: number returns true if the goal was scored after the given game minute (SENPAI required).

Magic Conditions

"Magic" conditions are shorthand for other conditional setups; they don't correspond to a Condition object within Rigdio, but can be used with null tokens to easily construct common objects.

  • brace: null is treated as goals: ["==",2].
  • brace+: null is treated as goals: [">=",2].
  • hattrick: null is treated as goals: ["==",3].
  • hattrick+: null is treated as goals: [">=",3].
  • comeback: null is treated as lead: ["<=",0].
  • first: null is treated as team goals: ["==",1].


Meta-conditions are conditions which operate on conditions. They are considered to be for advanced users, with the exception of the relatively simple not. Rather than taking tokens, meta-conditions take a list of conditions.

  • not takes a single condition and returns the opposite of it.
  • or takes a list of conditions and returns true if any of them are true.
  • and takes a list of conditions and returns true if all of them are true. (Note that this is the default behaviour of condition lists, and thus is only necessary inside other meta-conditions.)
  • if takes three conditions. If the first one is true, it returns the result of the second; otherwise, it returns the result of the third.


  • start: time takes one token, a time (in seconds or minutes:seconds form) which is used to pick the start point for a song.
  • pause: type takes one token which is either "continue" or "restart". "continue" specifies the default behaviour: when a song is paused it will resume playing from the same spot later. "restart" tells the song to start from its start time every time it is rewound.
  • end: type takes one token which is either "loop", "stop", or "loop start". "loop" specifies the default behaviour: when a song reaches the end, it will continue immediately from the beginning of the file. "stop" will end playback immediately upon reaching the end of the file. "loop start" will repeat an associated start instruction's beginning time.

Examples of Full YAML Files

M icon.png /m/, Winter 2018:

team: m
anthem: Chicks Dig Giant Robots.mp3
victory: The Big O- Sure Promise.mp3

  Alteisen Riese:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Alteisen.mp3
  Gundam RX-78-2:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Gundam.mp3
  Hyaku Shiki:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    - start: 0:29
    filename: Bracehorn - Hyaku Shiki.mp3
  Mazinger Z:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Mazinger.mp3
  Shin Getter Robo:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Getter.mp3
  - conditions: [opponent: co]
    filename: Trombe -co-.mp3
  - conditions: [opponent: d]
    filename: Trombe -d-.mp3
  - conditions: [opponent: wsg]
    filename: Trombe -wsg-.mp3
  - Trombe - 404.mp3

chant: null

    Alteisen Riese: "sub/Alt.mp3"
    Big O: "sub/Big O.mp3"
    Big Zam: "sub/Big Zam.mp3"
    Genesic GaoGaiGar: "sub/GaoGaiGar.mp3"
    Shin Getter Robo: "sub/Getter.mp3"
    Gunbuster: "sub/Gunbuster.mp3"
    Iron Giant: "sub/Iron Giant.mp3"
    Kamen Rider 1: "sub/Kamen Rider #1.mp3"
    King Gainer: "sub/King Gainer.mp3"
    Mazinger Z: "sub/Mazinger Z.mp3"
    Megas XLR: "sub/Megas XLR.mp3"
    Metal Gear REX: "sub/Metal Gear REX.mp3"
    Nineball Seraph: "sub/Nineball Seraph.mp3"
    Protoman: "sub/Protoman.mp3"
    Scopedog: "sub/Scopedog.mp3"
    Tekkaman Blade: "sub/Tekkaman Blade.mp3"
    Yamato: "sub/Yamato.mp3"
    RX-78-2 Gundam: "sub/Gundam.mp3"

    Big Zam: "yellow/Big Zam.mp3"
    Shin Getter Robo: "yellow/Getter.mp3"
    Hyaku Shiki: "yellow/Hyaku Shiki.mp3"
    Iron Giant: "yellow/Iron Giant.mp3"
    Kamen Rider 1: "yellow/Kamen Rider #1.mp3"
    Mazinger Z: "yellow/Mazinger Z.mp3"
    Metal Gear REX: "yellow/Metal Gear REX.mp3"
    Scopedog: "yellow/Scopedog.mp3"
    Megas XLR: "yellow/Megas XLR.mp3"
    Big O: "yellow/Big O.mp3"

    Big Zam: "red/Big Zam.mp3"
    Shin Getter Robo: "red/Getter.mp3"
    Gundam RX-78-2: "red/Gundam.mp3"
    Hyaku Shiki: "red/Hyaku Shiki.mp3"
    Iron Giant: "red/Iron Giant.mp3"
    Kamen Rider 1: "red/Kamen Rider #1.mp3"
    King Gainer: "red/King Gainer.mp3"
    Mazinger Z: "red/Mazinger Z.mp3"
    Metal Gear REX: "red/Metal Gear REX.mp3"
    Scopedog: "red/Scopedog.mp3"
    Ideon: "red/Ideon.mp3"
    Megas XLR: "red/Megas XLR.mp3"

shared: null

U icon.png /u/, Winter 2018:

- conditions:
  - opponent: m
  filename: u - m Anthem - Youen Naru Kizuna no Hibiki.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: x
  filename: u - x Anthem - Otome No Kimochi.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: k
  filename: u - k Anthem - Ooari Chihatan.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: a
  filename: u - a Anthem - Citrus.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: lit
  filename: u - lit Anthem - Pastel Pure Tranquilite.mp3
- u - u Anthem - Pastel Pure.mp3
- u - Chant - Magia.mp3
- u - Chant - Akkariiiin.mp3
- u - Chant - Garasu no Hanazono.mp3
- u - Chant - Onee-samaaaa.mp3
- u - Chant - Symphogay 2.mp3
- u - Chant - Symphogay 1.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: vr
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - vr Akka - Yuru Yuri Daijiken 8bit.mp3
  - conditions:
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - u Akka - Akkariiin Mesorogiwi.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: vr
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - vr Nanofate - Eternal Blaze 8bit.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: m
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - m Nanofate - Romancers' Neo.mp3
  - conditions:
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - u Nanofate - Secret Ambition.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: m
    filename: u - m GH - Waikyou Shenshou Jing.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: k
    filename: u - k GH - Crazy Psycho Lesbian.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: x
    filename: u - x GH - Kesaran Pasaran.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: a
    filename: u - a GH - Garasu no Hanazono.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: vr
    filename: u - vr GH - Agony 8bit.mp3
  - u - u GH - Agony.mp3
  - conditions:
    - opponent: vr
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - vr Homu - Magia 8bit.mp3
  - conditions:
    - not:
      - first: null
    filename: u - u Homu - Magia.mp3
team: u
- conditions:
  - opponent: m
  filename: u - m VA - Utsukushi Kereba Sore De Ii.mp3.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: k
  filename: u - k VA - More One Night.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: x
  filename: u - x VA - Shirojo.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: a
  filename: u - a VA - Butterly Effector.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: pol
  filename: u - pol VA - The Other Side of the Wall.mp3
- u - u VA - Super Ultra Hyper Miracle Romantic.mp3

Structure of the YAML File

YAML files consist of a hierarchical dictionary structure where keys are mapped to values. I strongly suggest reading the complete idiot's introduction to YAML, which explains the basic structure of the language. In addition to the basic YAML structures of strings, lists, and maps, there are some structures which are standardised for use with rigdio:

A song can be either a string or a map which contains

  • Either a filename or shared key, containing a string which indicates the location of the song.
  • Optionally, a conditions key, containing a list of conditions. A condition is a key-value pair which maps a condition type to a list of appropriate tokens.
  • Optionally, an instructions key, containing a list of instructions. An instruction is a key-value pair which maps a instruction type to a list of appropriate tokens.

If a song is represented as simply a string, it is treated as equivalent to the map case where filename has a value equal to the given string, and both conditions and instructions are empty. For example, both of these are valid songs:

Trombe - 404.mp3
- goals: ['>=', 2]
- start: 0:29
filename: Bracehorn - Hyaku Shiki.mp3

and the first song is equivalent to

conditions: null
instructions: null
filename: Trombe - 404.mp3

A clip is simply a song with a null or empty conditions key.

A song list can be either a YAML list containing one or more songs, or simply a single song. For instance, both of the values of anthem shown below are valid song lists:

anthem: Chicks Dig Giant Robots.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: m
  filename: u - m Anthem - Youen Naru Kizuna no Hibiki.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: x
  filename: u - x Anthem - Otome No Kimochi.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: k
  filename: u - k Anthem - Ooari Chihatan.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: a
  filename: u - a Anthem - Citrus.mp3
- conditions:
  - opponent: lit
  filename: u - lit Anthem - Pastel Pure Tranquilite.mp3
- u - u Anthem - Pastel Pure.mp3

The rigdio YAML file uses seven keys at the root level of the file: team, anthem, victory, goal, chant, event, and shared.

The team Key

This key is required!

This key should always be set to a single string value: the name of the team, without any slashes. For instance, in the M icon.png /m/ YML file, we have simply

team: m

The anthem Key

This key is required!

This key should contain a song list containing all songs which

The victory Key

This key takes the same values as anthem.

The goal Key

This key is required!

This key can be either a single song, a song list, or a map of player names to song lists. In the third case, it is required that a default key be included. In the two former cases, they will be treated as if they were in the third case, with all songs stored under the default key.

When a player goal is indicated, the player's name will be searched in the goal map; then, the first song in the found song list (or the default list if none is found) will be played. For instance, M icon.png /m/ has a goalhorn for each of its strikers, and a default goalhorn that changes based on their opponent: thus, their goal key contains a map with six keys. Each striker's name maps to only a single song, while default maps to a list of four songs.

  Alteisen Riese:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Alteisen.mp3
  Gundam RX-78-2:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Gundam.mp3
  Hyaku Shiki:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    - start: 0:29
    filename: Bracehorn - Hyaku Shiki.mp3
  Mazinger Z:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Mazinger.mp3
  Shin Getter Robo:
    - goals: ['>=', 2]
    filename: Bracehorn - Getter.mp3
  - conditions: [opponent: co]
    filename: Trombe -co-.mp3
  - conditions: [opponent: d]
    filename: Trombe -d-.mp3
  - conditions: [opponent: wsg]
    filename: Trombe -wsg-.mp3
  - Trombe - 404.mp3

The chant Key

This key should contain a single song list containing all chant clips for the team. For now, chants still do not have the ability to use conditions.

The event Key

This key should contain a map with any of the following keys: sub, yellow, red, owngoal. In turn, each of these keys should contain a map of player names to lists of clips, which will be played at the appropriate event.

The shared Key

This key indicates songs to be made available through the new "Play By Reference" system. The value of this key should always be a map, where the keys are the names of the songs to be used within rigdio, and the values are songs. Note that if any conditions are attached to a shared song, both the conditions of the referencing entry and the shared song must be met in order to play it!

Changes From v1.9

YAML Instruction Files

The .4ccm file format is deprecated. .4ccm was created as a minimalist format for simple lists of songs and conditions; as more features have been added, the limits of the .4ccm structure began to show. While the release version of rigdio v2.0 will still be able to load .4ccm files, they are not guaranteed to function properly on anything introduced after v1.9. Support for the .4ccm format will be ended no later than the 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup and possibly as early as the 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup.

rigdio now uses the YAML data serialisation language as the means of handling export instructions. YAML files are much larger than their .4ccm counterparts, but they will allow for much simpler handling of advanced features.

Fewer Reserved Names+Characters

Unlike .4ccm files, YAML files are hierarchical; under the new format, you can have players named "goal" or "anthem" or whatever if you want to. The only exception is "default".

There are no reserved characters; however, player names containing > or # will need to be "quoted".

"Play By Reference"

One of the major limitations of rigdio v1.x was that each instance of an audio file was associated specifically with a given line; even if two players nominally played the same song, it would start from the beginning both times. To remedy this, the shared: key in the root acts as a registry of files, and can be referred to in other places. As an example, consider the following YAML snippet:

  brace: "shared-goalhorn.mp3"
  Player 1:
  - filename: p1 hat trick.mp3
    goals: [">=",3]
  - shared: brace
    goals: ["=",2]
  Player 2:
  - filename: p2 hat trick.mp3
    goals: [">=",3]
  - shared: brace
    goals: ["=",2]
  default: myteam-gh.mp3

Note how shared replaces filename for the brace horn of both players. This tells rigdio that, rather than looking for a file, it should check the files loaded by shared at the root level. The value of the shared key tells rigdio what key to look for; in this case, both players are looking for brace, which will direct them to a single shared instance of shared-goalhorn.mp3. If Player 1 scores a brace and then Player 2 does, Player 2's brace horn will pick up where Player 1's left off.

YAML keys are order-independent, so shared does not need to be placed before goal in the file in order to use shared audio files.

New Conditions and Instructions

The switch to YAML format allows for much more advanced metacondition features. Previously, the only metacondition was the not condition; rigdio v2.0 adds boolean logical conditions (and and or, each of which operates on a list of conditions), as well as an if condition, which can be used to check one condition and use the result of that condition to determine which other conditions to test for a final result. (Note that an and condition is unnecessary in usual operation, as this is the default behaviour of condition lists. However, inside other metaconditions, and is necessary to combine multiple conditions into one place.)