Rigged Wiki:News/Autumn 2015 Cup Dates And Rules
The Autumn 2015 (Mega)Babby Cup dates are here!
SIGNUPS will open on Sept. 26th and run until the DRAW on Oct. 3
The DEADLINE for team exports and aesthetics will be Oct. 9 We intend to have a copy of the Auto-ATF publicly available which will negate the need for by-hand SAVE FIX DEADLINE, but just in case are keeping that scheduled for Oct 14th for now.
The 2015 AUTUMN (MEGA)BABBY CUP weekends will be as follows: Oct 23-25, Oct 30-Nov 1, Nov 6-8, and Nov 14-15
- EMOTIONS will be OFF this season to help the 4CCC evaluate if they were correct about (lack of) severity of impact.
- FORM for standard (non-medal) players will become 4 (down from 5) to try and get more variance away from green condition.
- The CAPTAINCY CARD IS ALLOWED on any player as long as normal per-player limits are followed. The actual team captain may have it for free outside of normal rules still.
- Not technically a new rule, but remember to set AUTO-SLIDING TO 'ASSISTED' on both controllers.
(this is just a short summary, make sure to check the Rules page for the full rules)
- Teams must have a 2 standard kits and a standard GK kit that cannot be custom models.
- Teams can have 7 other kits, including kits that are custom models (Appul, Ducks, etc). It is still at the host's discretion to deny the use of kits that might obstruct the view of play.
- Teams MUST be sure they have claimed their stadium number on the wiki and that a normal field structure and all perimeter models are visible in game and do not obstruct view of play.
- Excessive poly models and textures may be denied for memory impact. The 4CCC is working to fix their own (balls, etc) in this regard too.
- Large models (as in physical size, not file size) should be used sparingly. One or two a team should be fine, but this is on a case-by-case basis.
The Aesthetic Export Template will be updated to help with these new rules. The page will be updated for this very soon. The biggest change will be that all faces will no longer have to be packed as a .cpk to help checking the texture and model file sizes.
Remember to check the full rules, which should be updated soon to also include codification of signups, backup signsups, and missing deadlines.