Rigged Wiki:News/Autumn 2019 Format and Dates
Sign-ups for the 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup have closed and 38 teams have been accepted, so Qualifiers will be run in order to trim the number down to 32.
Qualifiers Format:
The 2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers will have 12 teams in 3 groups of 4. The two top-placing teams of each group, 6 teams in total, will advance into the Autumn Babby Cup. The two bottom-placing teams will gain a bye to full participation in the 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup. Each day will have 6 matches.
Participants will be the bottom-placing 11 teams (subtracting /lgbt/) from Spring 19 (/adv/, /p/, /d/, /m/, /tv/, /a/, /cgl/, /vr/, /bant/, /v/, and /sci/) as well as recently revived team /trv/.
Babby Cup Format:
The Autumn Babby Cup will be a standard 32 team cup consisting of two weeks of group stages and one knockouts weekend.
Autumn will be using the same ruleset as Summer 19.
However, there will be a modification and addition to the rules regarding valid tactical exports pertaining to aesthetics, exports, and deadlines. Previously, the aesthetics export deadline was regarded as being one day after the tactical export deadline. However, the aesthetics export deadline will now be considered one day before the tactical export deadline to accommodate the following change.
A tactical export will now be considered invalid if it is submitted without custom in-game faces having been created for every player that does not have a Blender model (i.e. a box/cardhead, a head model, a full body model, etc.) in their corresponding aesthetics export. This means that all punishments regarding the submission of invalid or late tactical exports will apply. A team may be allowed one non-customized player (i.e. a "Placeholder-kun") with proper given justification, but otherwise all players must have either in-game faces created for them or custom Blender models attributed to them. It is heavily advised that if you are unsure if a model will be successfully made and included for a player, or if a player's model won't be able to be added until mid-cup, that you give them an in-game face as a fail safe to avoid punishment.
The process will follow this basic procedure: When the aesthetics deadline passes, the exports will be evaluated for missing face folders for each team's players. When the tactics deadline passes a day later, exports will be examined in-game for players without custom in-game faces. If a player is found that doesn't correspond to a face folder in their aesthetics export and is not the one designated Placeholder-kun exception each team is allowed, their tactical export will be considered invalid. The team will need to provide a new tactical export with the issue(s) resolved, the usual timeframe and punishments being given for submitting an export late.
Teams that choose to use boxheads as their players' models, if they do not do so already, are strongly encouraged to make each boxhead's picture(s) unique to each player rather than apply the same image to all of them (such as the team's logo or something similar).
Aesthetics Exports:
In the interest of both making things simpler for teams and for better assuredness that things being submitted will be more likely to be correct and up-to-date, here are links to complete aesthetics exports for every team that participated in the previous two cups (Spring and Summer 19).
Spring 2019 Aesthetics Exports
Summer 2019 Aesthetics Exports
Please take your team's export from one of the two above links, check to make sure it is in fact complete according to when your team played last, proceed to alter and/or add any aesthetics you plan to use for Autumn to it, and resubmit it on the Exports page before the deadline.
Qualifiers Aesthetics Export Deadline: October 4th, 23:59:59 UTC
Qualifiers Tactical Export Deadline: October 5th, 23:59:59 UTC
Qualifiers Draw: October 6th
Qualifiers Weekend: October 11–13
Babby Aesthetics Export Deadline: October 18th, 23:59:59 UTC
Babby Tactical Export Deadline: October 19th, 23:59:59 UTC
Babby Draw: October 20th
First Weekend: October 25–27
Second Weekend: November 1–3
Knockout Weekend: November 9–10