Rigged Wiki:News/Spring 2016 Important Information
So Spring. We're going back to the 32 team babby and that means we're also going to have a fetus. The size and structure of the fetus will be based on how many teams are eligible and liv. Any team below pot 3 is qualified for the fetus. Here are the relevant dates.
March 30th-April 8th Signups/Deadline (this means exports for ALL teams)
April 9th - Fetus Draw
April 12th - Fetus Save Fix
April 15th - Fetus (Hessen will stream on the 15th, PMB will stream on the 16th and 17th)
April 18th-23rd - Second export deadline (ANY team in Spring can submit another legal export if they want to)
April 24th - Draw
April 29th - Aesthetics Deadline
May 6th - Opening Day
Signups as we know them are gone and now a teams' export will count as their signup so make sure that if your team is going to compete you have a legal export submitted. If you're not going to be in the fetus you can be as meme as you like because you wont use that export if you make use of the second deadline.
What second deadline you asked? Well between the 18th and the 23rd any team can submit a completely new export as long as it passes AATF. This way every team can have a bit more time to test and maybe even git gud.