Tag Team Cup 4/Exports
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AutoATF for TTC4 ruleset: https://mega.nz/#!G5pmwJIK!a0ftuQ7EtH8ixlnbIjxKE5MGus2eii0iJT7gG9pcW8A
Team exports should be prepared in the following slots and submitted on this page. Numbers given are the ID of the first player on each team. Initial exports are due March 13 at midnight UTC.
- Invitational 1 (83101) -
- Tactics - Elite and muscular silver supersubs
- Aesthetics - Nanako is hot as fuck
- Music - cbf with chants
- Pastebin - Anyone who bothers testing in this should consider suicide
- Invitational 2 (83201) -
- Invitational 3 (83301) -
- Tactics - Genius Tictacs **final version**
- Aesthetics - Beautiful Aesthetics **Now with Portraits!**
- Invitational 4 (83401) -
- Tactics -
frogposting blitzkriegsavefixes - Aesthetics -
23 pepes23 fixed pepes - Music - Lots of music that will never be played
- Tactics -
- Invitational 5 (83501) -
- Tactics
- Aesthetics - Assthics (almost complete)
- Music - Fixed Music Export
- Pastebin - Near You
- Invitational 6 (83601) -
- Invitational 7 (83701) -
- Tactics - I'm just giving your dicky-dick a little sucky-suck! Chill the fuck out, bro!
- Aesthetics - It's always been a fantasy of mine to be a sex slave for 2 bears, both male...
- Music - For us, they toiled in sweatshops, endured the lash of the spanking. Time and again, these men struggled, and sacrificed, so that we might LIVE BETTER.
- Pastebin - Probably will exist
- Invitational 8 (83801) -
- Tactics - [Smarter than a Skydiving Mikasa]
- Aesthetics - [2 sexy 4 ur Detolf Shelves]
- Invitational 9 (83901) -
- Invitational 10 (84001) -
- Tictics -
high iq memeryhigh iq memery with fixes - Aesthetics -
Initial Investment™Initial Investment + more™ - Music - moosic
- Tictics -
- Invitational 11 (84101) -
- Original Tactics: Let Me Piston Your Boiler
- Updated Tactics: Take my coal into your firebox
- Aesthetics: Please Rail my Road
- Invitational 12 (84201) -
- Tactical: if you have more defenders than strikers on the attack kys
- Aesthetics - Aesthetics
- Music - I sure hope I made the 4ccm file right
- Pastebin - Cannot wait to 0 point this cup with all the tryhards in our group
- Invitational 13 (84301) -
- Tactics - very needed aesthetic savefix version (old version: [3])
- Aesthetics - Read My Lips, no new boxheads
- Music - Don't be deceived by the anthem, we get the sad right out of the way then go stupid.
- Pastebin - Tabs are better than spaces deal with it
- Invitational 14 (84401) -
- Invitational 15 (84501) -