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Oh hey I'm kinda important now. Now don't shit the bed faggot. I also do some wiki autism I guess so >he does it for free
The Soul Gems are made from "us". If we're not always on the side of goodness, they will shatter. Goodness is what kills us. SO DESTROY IT BEFORE IT KILLS YOU. We will destroy all that is good. And then we will disappear.
Manager of:
Flairs you'll likely see me with:
/ssbg/ - Deceased VGL Team ;_;7
/chavo/ - /tv/ League
/マギア☆レポート/ - >/ag/ League
- Any
/vp/ team in Multinational Bowls and Tag Team Cups
To ask me about stuff for /pmmm/ on Discord, just DM me at sagradoh or yell about it on the thread and I should be able to respond in 24 hours.
Very cool /vp/ Knockout Goalhorn here
Dumb Fake Teams That Will Never See The Light Of Day Until I Learn Aesthetics-Shithousery