Difference between revisions of "/tv/"

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(228 intermediate revisions by 19 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
|team= tv
|team= tv
|motto= {{tt|Lorem ipsum dolor sit hoc quod facere non potest?|Seriously, is there anything this team can't do?}}
|motto= {{tt|Serio, hoc ipsum quod est non potest?|Seriously, is there anything this team can't do?}}
|name= Television & Film
|name= Television & Film
|date= [[Original Sixteen|August 2011]]
|date= [[Original Sixteen|August 2011]]
Line 8: Line 8:
|manager= Christopher Nolan
|manager= Christopher Nolan
|owner= Green Oval
|owner= Green Oval
|irl= {{Anonymous|cemedygeld|!!Lb3NR9dWRT5}}
|irl= {{anonymous|Suule|!!/bQ+kfA6ObJ}}
|color1= 00FF88
|color1= 00FF88
|color2= 000000
|color2= 000000
|ranking= 4 (<small>{{increase|23}}</small>)
|ranking= 3 <small>({{increase|18}})</small>
|high_ranking= 4
|high_ranking= 3
|high_date= August 16, 2015
|high_date= February 9, 2025
|low_ranking= 51
|low_ranking= 53
|low_date= November 10, 2014
|low_date= February 2, 2020<br>April 12, 2020
|scorer= Real Human Being
|scorer= FOR YOU
|assister= Real Human Being
|goals= 95
|assists= 5
|assister= FOR YOU
|captain=Real Human Being
|assists= 51
|goals= 17
|w= 26
|w= 69
|d= 9
|d= 28
|l= 26
|l= 71
|win_home= tv
|win_home= int
|win_away= v
|win_away= tv
|win_score_home= 6
|win_score_home= 1
|win_score_away= 1
|win_score_away= 7
|win_date= May 1, 2015
|win_date= August 5, 2018
|lose_home= po
|lose_home= po
|lose_away= tv
|lose_away= tv
Line 41: Line 41:
|first_score_away= 1
|first_score_away= 1
|first_date= 6 August 2011
|first_date= 6 August 2011
|first_elite_appearance=Summer 2011
|best_elite_cup=Winter 2025
|first_babby_appearance=Autumn 2012
|best_babby_cup=Spring 2015
|hex= 00FF88
|hex= 00FF88
|color= OvalGreen
|color= OvalGreen
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=e4G8IlNYgws?t=81
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=06CPuM0UVVM
|a_title= The Fire Rises
|a_title= It Ain't Me
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC9dhi4fqsc
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=CC9dhi4fqsc
|gh_title= The Golden Age of Video
|gh_title= The Golden Age of Video
|althorn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DSVDcw6iW8#t=42
|altgh1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=-DSVDcw6iW8#t=42
|altgh_title= A Real Hero (When Real Human Being scores)
|altgh1_title= A Real Hero (When Real Human Being scores)
|althorn2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=oozQ4yV__Vw#t=5
|altgh2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=NujlXgBmUoU
|altgh2_title= Gone Gone Gone (When FOR YOU scores)
|altgh2_title= Sea Wall (When Real Human Being gets a brace)
|altgh3= www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9994nv8BcU
|altgh3= www.youtube.com/watch?v=oozQ4yV__Vw#t=5
|altgh3_title= m8
|altgh3_title= Gone Gone Gone (When FOR YOU scores)
|altgh4= youtu.be/x3IJjJCXWNU?t=24
|altgh4_title= I am the Senate (When Sheev scores)
|altgh5= youtu.be/6ltAVRyeqHk?t=35
|altgh5_title= Dan Schnider (When Dan Schnider scores)
|altgh6= www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgz6jFxMpyk
|altgh6_title= End Credits (When Rick Deckard scores) '''<span style="color: #dd0000; font-size: 100%">Dead link</span>'''
|nickname= fa/tv/irgins
|nickname= fa/tv/irgins
|kitgk=Tv goalkeeper kit 2014 autumn babby cup.png
|kit6=Tv alt kit 6 2023 summer cup.png
|kit7=Tv alt kit 7 2023 summer cup.png
|home_ground=CIA Meemorial Stadium / RLM+BOTW Room

/tv/ is one of the original 16 teams created during the first 4chan World Cup. Although constantly losing and receiving lack of attention from the actual /tv/ board, on July 15th 2012, everything changed. /tv/'s big 4-1 win over /ck/ brought the entire board together and brought attention back to the team. The team has since appeared in a large number of cups, going back and forth between major tournaments and babby competitions. Ever since achieving a runner-up spot in the 2013 Spring Babby Cup, however, not much went /tv/'s way. Finally, after nearly two years of suffering, /tv/ has hit their stride, with a victory of the 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup.
/tv/ is one of the original 16 teams created during the first 4chan World Cup. Although constantly losing and receiving lack of attention from the actual /tv/ board, on July 15th 2012, everything changed. /tv/'s big 4-1 win over /ck/ brought the entire board together and brought attention back to the team. The team has since appeared in a large number of cups, going back and forth between major tournaments and babby competitions. Ever since achieving a victory in the 2015 Spring Babby Cup, however, not much went /tv/'s way.


== Players ==
== Players ==
Line 65: Line 87:

{{sq start}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=James Cameron}}
{{sq start player |no=55 |pos=GK |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Hogwarts gay headmaster for years">HOWEVER</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CB |name=Just Die In My Sleep Already}}
{{sq start player |no=2 |pos=LB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Economics of Middle Earth are so complex that a pleb like JAR JAR MARTIN can't comprehend them. Fucking read the Silmarillion for fuck's sake. It's right there".>But what about his Tax Policy?</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=CB |name=Cleganebowl}}
{{sq start player |no=22 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="It's probably some weird affliction dude got because he went to Florida, tropics or because he's genetically inferior. It was lupus once.">It's Lupus</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=13 |pos=LB |name=Capeshit}}
{{sq start player |no=15 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="What is Kino anyway? We don't know.">K I N O</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=12 |pos=RB |name=Problematic Fave}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="And you're laughing...">I'm gonna say it</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=21 |pos=DMF |name=Pissey}}
{{sq start player |no=8 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Oh no... you've misunderstood. Oh no no no no no no. OH no no no no no no no. OHHHH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. OHHHH I think you know what I mean...">Mike "Ampf" Stoklasa</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=CMF |name=Ben Ibn Al-Ah'Fleck}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="It's not whundunit, it's basically mind chess with the guy who did it">Oh and one more thing...</span></span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=6 |pos=AMF |name=Dan "The Candy Man" Schneider}}
{{sq silver player |no=11 |pos=AMF |name=<span class="explain" title="UNJUSTED">Brendan Fraser</span></span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=9 |pos=SS |name=Real Human Being |other=Captain}}
{{sq silver player |no=66 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="I voted for him!">Sheev {{captain}}</span></span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=14 |pos=CF |name=Brendan Fraser}}
{{sq gold player |no=6 |pos=CF |name=<span class="explain" title="More crab legs, sir?">Kinoplex Robert</span></span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=4U |pos=SS |name=FOR YOU}}
{{sq gold player |no=4U |pos=CF |name=<span class="explain" title="Biggest guy on the plane">FOR YOU</span></span>}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=3 |pos=GK |name=High Ground}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="Who was the REAL Sith Lord?">High Ground</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=24 |pos=GK |name=The Doctor}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="AY TONE...">Watch it Chrissy</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=5 |pos=CB |name=Mike "Ampf" Stoklasa}}
{{sq player |no=98 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="TURDIS">{{greentext|The absolute and utter state of /who/}}</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=LB |name=Poor Little White Guy}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Which demented design we're gonna ship today? Only $24.99 Popcorn not included">The Vessel</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=2 |pos=RB |name=Problem Child 2}}
{{sq player |no=9 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="It's not a war crime if there isn't a war, right?">Gul Dukat</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=36 |pos=CMF |name=Mr Thorax}}
{{sq player |no=1 |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="Ryan Gosling best speaking role">Real Human Being</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos=DMF |name=Louis C K}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="RIP David, you crazy SoB">LYNCHED</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos=DMF |name=Quentin Tarantino}}
{{sq player |no=89 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Sir... we regret to inform you that project Japkiller 9000... was used in... an unfortunate manner">OPPENHEIMER STYLE</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=11 |pos=CMF |name=>YIFY}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Don't mess with him, anon. He's been to Nam...">Peaceful and misunderstood Vietnam Vet</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=CB |name=HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="JESUS CHRIST, RAIMI, REALLY? SAYING THE HOLOCAUST DID HAPPEN?">Really, Raimi?</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=DMF |name=Classic Paul Dano}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="I wonder what is he doing these days.">Dan "Jim Savile's Best Man" Schneider</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=CB |name=WITNESS ME}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="CHUCK'S FUCK AND SUCK. IT IS FUNNY">Sneed's Feed and Seed</span></span>}}
{{sq end}}
== Megacup roster ==
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=55 |pos=GK |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Hogwarts gay headmaster for years">HOWEVER</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=838 |pos=LB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Let it go, anon... let it go...">Days until Avatar...</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=22 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Failing a penalty kick. CLASSIC Paul Dano.">Classic Paul Dano</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=89 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Kino is BACK">Problem Child 2</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=8 |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="Oh no... you've misunderstood. Oh no no no no no no. OH no no no no no no no. OHHHH NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. OHHHH I think you know what I mean...">Mike "Ampf" Stoklasa</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=98 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="TURDIS">{{greentext|The absolute and utter state of /who/}}</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no=9 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="It's not a war crime if there isn't a war, right?">Gul Dukat</span></span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos=AMF |name=<span class="explain" title="UNJUSTED">Brendan Fraser</span></span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=8 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="And a real hero">Real Human Being {{captain}}</span></span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=66 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="I voted for him!">Sheev </span></span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=4U |pos=CF |name=<span class="explain" title="Biggest guy on the plane">FOR YOU</span></span>}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="I LOVED YOU LIKE A BROTHER - What did he mean by this?">High Ground</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=98 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="HE'S SO FAR THESE DAYS, IT'S SO FUNNY">Birthday Snatcher</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="What is Kino anyway? We don't know.">K I N O</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="David Lunch.jpg">LYNCHED</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="JESUS CHRIST, RAIMI, REALLY? SAYING THE HOLOCAUST DID HAPPEN?">Really, Raimi?</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=5 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="And you're laughing...">I'm gonna say it</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="More crab legs, sir?">Kinoplex Robert</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="AY TONE...">Watch it Chrissy</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="And what about your fourth breakfast, you fat fuck?">BUT WHAT ABOUT HIS TAX POLICY?</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=1 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="M*A*S*H* is forever">Cpt. "Hawkeye" Pierce</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="I wonder what is he doing these days.">Dan "Jim Savile's Best Man" Schneider</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="CHUCK'S FUCK AND SUCK. IT IS FUNNY">Sneed's Feed and Seed</span></span>}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}

== Data ==
== Data ==

===Team Files===
Current Exports:

[http://www.mediafire.com/download/csb09avs689g4pe/tv+export+SUMMER+2015.zip /tv/ Summer 2015 Tactical Export]

[http://www.mediafire.com/download/d6wld3ywhf8k78d/tv+aesthetics+summer+2015.zip /tv/ Summer 2015 Aesthetics]
Legacy Exports:

===Team Colors (RGB)===
* [https://1drv.ms/u/s!AuvAoodlnLQPgrkOlzefkSwGS6VK0g /tv/ Summer Cup 2017 Tactical Export]
* [https://mega.nz/#!HthzDZTQ!eM92a0lYums7zvXA6CsUV8Ed79bU8FkB0mY3uGwRRsQ /tv/ Summer Cup 2018 Tactical Export]
Black/Dark Grey: 24-24-24 <br>
* [http://www.mediafire.com/download/yzz14medw51p6ff/tv+Aesthetic+Export+Summer+2016.zip /tv/ Summer Cup 2017 Aesthetics]
Aquamarine: 9-206-156 <br>
* [https://mega.nz/#!vshhxA4S!djU6Oz-lirnvoPrQw07DjOFK8Ae8WRaKnBEYoMEIokA /tv/ Summer Cup 2018 Aesthetics]
Green: 18-185-50 <br>
White: 255-255-255 <br>

== Team Photo ==
== Team Photo ==

== Results ==
== Results ==
===Official Matches===
:''Main Article: [[/tv/ Match History]]''
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
===Recent Performance===
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Date
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Opponent
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Competition
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Result
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Scorers
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Replay
| August 6, 2011
| {{team away|adv}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Winners.27_Bracket|First Round Winners' Bracket SC2011]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| August 7, 2011
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Winners.27_Bracket|Second Round Winners' Bracket SC2011]]
| align=center|5-2 L
| August 8, 2011
| {{team away|g}}
| align=center|[[2011 4chan Summer Cup#Losers.27_Bracket|Second Round Losers' Bracket SC2011]]
| align=center|3-0 L
| January 5, 2012
| {{team away|g}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Winter Cup#First_Round|First Round Winners' Bracket WC2012]]
| align=center|3-0 L
| January 6, 2012
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Winter Cup#First_Round_2|First Round Losers' Bracket WC2012]]
| align=center|0-0<br>(1-2) L
| February 12, 2012
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 L
| February 19, 2012
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-3 L
| February 25, 2012
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-2 W
| April 28, 2012
| {{team away|v}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-0 L
| May 26, 2012
| {{team away|fa}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-0 W
|<small>Was It Rape?{{goal|14}} <br> PoorlilWhiteGuy{{goal|90+2}}
| June 9, 2012
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>Real Human Being{{goal|80|}}
| July 13, 2012
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group 1|Group Stage SC2012]]
| align=center|3-2 L
|<small>Real Human Being{{goal|23||61}}
| July 14, 2012
| {{team away|jp}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group 1|Group Stage SC2012]]
| align=center|2-0 L
| July 15, 2012
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Summer Cup#Group 1|Group Stage SC2012]]
| align=center|4-1 W
| <small>Problem Child 2 {{goal|31}} <br> Real Human Being {{goal|42||90+2}} <br> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|69}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7wzB-IpXj8 Replay]
| August 18, 2012
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-0 W
| <small>PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|29||88}} <br> Real Human Being {{goal|73||83}}
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Gk1akOqpbc Replay]
| September 2, 2012
| {{team away|jp}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-3 W
| <small>Problem Child 2 {{goal|5||20}} <br> Real Human Being {{goal|66||81}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6v_K7Og7xVI Replay]
| September 22, 2012
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| <small>Real Human Being {{goal|69||74}} <br> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|78}}
| October 13, 2012
| {{team away|s}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage ABC2012]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small>Crab Legs {{goal|21}} <br> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|70||80}}
| October 13, 2012
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage ABC2012]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| <small> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|7||33}}<br> Real Human Being {{goal|19}}
| October 19, 2012
| {{team away|hr}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage ABC2012]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small> Real Human Being {{goal|1||77}}<br> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|66}}
| October 21, 2012
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Round of 16|Round of 16 ABC2012]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| <small> Real Human Being {{goal|45+1||59}}<br> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|87}}
| October 21, 2012
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Quarter-Finals|Quarter-Finals ABC2012]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| <small> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|22||55|}}<br>Crab Legs {{goal|85|}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3mkRwCaBC8 Replay]
| October 21, 2012
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Semi-Finals|Semi-Finals ABC2012]]
| align=center|4-2 L
| <small> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|29|}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|33|}}
| October 21, 2012
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup#Third Place Playoff|Third Place Playoff ABC2012]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| <small> Problem Child 2 {{goal|10|}}<br>PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|17|}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|48|}}
| December 8, 2012
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 L
| <small> Real Human Being {{goal|60|}}
| February 8, 2013
| {{team away|trv}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup#Group A|Group Stage WC2013]]
| align=center|4-1 L
| <small> Real Human Being {{goal|31|}}
| February 10, 2013
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup#Group A|Group Stage WC2013]]
| align=center|2-1 L
| <small> Real Human Being {{goal|76|}}
| February 16, 2013
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Winter_Cup#Group_D|Group Stage WC2013]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| April 6, 2013
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-2 D
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|43||64|}}
| April 13, 2013
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|5-1 L
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|90+2|}}
| May 3, 2013
| {{team away|gif}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_A|Group Stage SBC2013]]
| align=center|0-0 D
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cQ81rzPjzb0 Highlights]
| May 5, 2013
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_A|Group Stage SBC2013]]
| align=center|3-0 W
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|59||63||86|}}
| May 11, 2013
| {{team away|po}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_A|Group Stage SBC2013]]
| align=center|2-1 L
|<small> L O S T {{goal|32|}}
| May 18, 2013
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Round_of_16|Round of 16 SBC2013]]
| align=center|3-3<br> (5-4) W
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|20||54||94|}}
| May 19, 2013
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Quarter_Finals|Quarter Finals SBC2013]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|61|}}
| May 19, 2013
| {{team away|soc}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Semi_Finals|Semi Finals SBC2013]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|1|}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|90+3|}}
| May 19, 2013
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Final|SBC2013 Final]]
| align=center|4-0 L
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqO_qwAQ8Dw Replay]
| July 13, 2013
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|5-2 L
|<small> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|31|}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|55|}}
| July 21, 2013
| {{team away|hr}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small> PoorlilWhiteGuy {{goal|4||12|}}
| August 16, 2013
| {{team away|po}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Summer_Cup#Group_B|Group Stage SC2013]]
| align=center|5-0 L
| August 18, 2013
| {{team away|a}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Summer_Cup#Group_B|Group Stage SC2013]]
| align=center|5-0 L
| August 24, 2013
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Summer_Cup#Group_B|Group Stage SC2013]]
| align=center|3-2 L
|<small> YIFY {{goal|29|}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|71|}}
| September 21, 2013
| {{team away|out}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-0 L
|[http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1565fd_4chan-cup-autumn-friendlies-day-1-game-1-tv-vs-out_videogames Replay]
| September 22, 2013
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-0 W
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|84||90+|}}
|[http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15hzml_4cc-autumn-friendlies-2013-09-22-tv-vs-co_videogames Replay]
| November 16, 2013
| {{team away|gif}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_F|Group Stage ABC2013]]
| align=center|2-0 L
| November 22, 2013
| {{team away|hr}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_F|Group Stage ABC2013]]
| align=center|2-1 L
|<small> Problem Child 2 {{goal|26|}}
| November 24, 2013
| {{team away|s}}
| align=center|[[2013_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup#Group_F|Group Stage ABC2013]]
| align=center|4-0 W
|<small> Real Human Being {{goal|41||52}}<br> Problem Child 2 {{goal|63}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|88}}
|[http://youtu.be/mJArlnD45qY Replay]
| January 11, 2014
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| January 26, 2014
| {{team away|ic}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-1 W
|<small> FOR YOU {{goal|13||34}}<br> Bravo Hackson {{goal|17}}
| April 4, 2014
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2014]]
| align=center|3-1 W
|<small> High Ground {{owngoal|23}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|47}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|54}}<br>Bravo Hackson {{goal|89}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x9GG5OqXXdk Replay]
| April 6, 2014
| {{team away|hr}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2014]]
| align=center|1-1 D
|<small>Problem Child 2 {{goal|39}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0fG9zR9aLG8 Replay]
| April 11, 2014
| {{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2014]]
| align=center|3-3 D
|<small>Problem Child 2 {{goal|14||47}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|64}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MoujaCHupDo Replay]
| April 13, 2014
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup#Group B|Group Stage SBC2014]]
| align=center|1-0 L
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mmx63eI7bM Replay]
| May 30, 2014
| {{team away|sci}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>Masketta Man {{goal|51}}<br>CIA {{goal|66}}
|[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q31a5n48ygA Replay]
| June 7, 2014
| {{team away|u}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-1 L
|<small>CIA {{goal|45+}}
| October 17, 2014
| {{team away|s}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-3 D
|<small>Just Die In My Sleep Already {{owngoal|6}}<br>Cleganebowl {{goal|39}}<br>Dan "The Man" Schneider {{goal|56}}<br>Mike "Ampf" Stoklasa {{goal|88}}
| October 19, 2014
| {{team away|v}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| October 25, 2014
| {{team away|adv}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|3-0 L
| October 31, 2014
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| April 25, 2015
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_H|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|6-3 L
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|12}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|43||83}}
| May 1, 2015
| {{team away|v}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_H|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|6-1 W
|<small>Brendan Fraser {{goal|24||45+||67}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|42||70||75}}
| May 9, 2015
| {{team away|3}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_H|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|0-0 D
| May 10, 2015
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Group_H|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|1-0 W
|<small>FOR YOU {{goal|6||}}
|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vwRJhVPsYU Replay]
| May 16, 2015
| {{team away|fit}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Round_of_16|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Round of 16]]
| align=center|2-1 W (a.e.t.)
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|45+||100}}
| May 17, 2015
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Quarter-finals|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Quarterfinals]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>FOR YOU {{goal|69||76||}}
| May 17, 2015
| {{team away|cgl}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup#Semi-finals|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Semifinals]]
| align=center|1-0 W (a.e.t.)
|<small>Brendan Fraser {{goal|100||}}
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3anSN4mNR4 Replay]
| May 17, 2015
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup_Final|2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup - Final]]
| align=center|2-2<br>(5-4) W
|<small>Brendan Fraser {{goal|25}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|78}}
| [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NvByZM3xX-4 Replay]
| August 1, 2015
| {{team away|asp}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 4chan Summer Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|3-1 W
|<small>Mr Thorax {{goal|60}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|70||84}}
| August 7, 2015
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 4chan Summer Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|4-0 W
|<small> For You {{goal|28||45+||53}}<br> Real Human Being {{goal|40}}
| August 9, 2015
| {{team away|e}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup|2015 4chan Summer Cup - Group Stage]]
| align=center|4-1 W
|<small>For You {{goal|29||34||}}<br>Brendan Fraser {{goal|45+||63||}}
| August 15, 2015
| {{team away|soc}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Summer_Cup#Knockout_Stage|2015 4chan Summer Cup - Round of 16]]
| align=center|4-2 W (a.e.t.)
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|3}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|31}}<br>Brendan Fraser {{goal|95||120+}}</small>
| August 16, 2015
| {{team away|g}}
| align=center|[[2015_4chan_Summer_Cup#Knockout_Stage|2015 4chan Summer Cup - QuarterFinals]]
| align=center|1-4 L
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|78}}</small>

===Invitationals and Unofficial Matches===
<div style="display: table; position-align: centre;">
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
{| class="wikitable" style="width: 31%; margin: 1%; text-align:center; float: left; position: relative;"
| [[file:wsg_logo.png|80px]]
| [[file:d_logo.png|80px]]
| [[file:sp_logo.png|80px]]
| [[file:mlp_logo.png|80px]]
| [[file:his_logo.png|80px]]
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Date
| <small>February 2<br> 2025</small><br><div style="font-size: 140%;"><span style="color:black">'''Draw'''</span></div>1-1
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Opponent
| <small>February 8<br> 2025</small><br><div style="font-size: 140%;"><span style="color:green">'''Win'''</span></div>4-2
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Competition
| <small>February 9<br> 2025</small><br><div style="font-size: 140%;"><span style="color:green">'''Win'''</span></div>8-3
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Result
| <small>February 9<br> 2025</small><br><div style="font-size: 140%;"><span style="color:red">'''Loss'''</span></div>1-3
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Scorers
| <small>February 9<br> 2025</small><br><div style="font-size: 140%;"><span style="color:green">'''Win'''</span></div>5-3
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Replay
| December 25, 2012
| {{team away|cm}}
| align=center|[[2012 Christmas Cup#Round of 16|2012 Christmas Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center|2-0 W
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|49}}<br> Poor Little White Guy {{goal|59}}
| December 25, 2012
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[2012 Christmas Cup#Quarter Finals|2012 Christmas Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center|3-0 W
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|39||68||78}}
| December 25, 2012
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2012 Christmas Cup#Semi Finals|2012 Christmas Cup Semifinals]]
| align=center|3-4 L
|<small>Crab Legs {{goal|29}}<br> Poor Little White Guy {{goal|32||56}}
| December 25, 2012
| {{team away|po}}
| align=center|[[2012 Christmas Cup#Third Place Match|2012 Christmas Cup Third Place Match]]
| align=center|1-1<br>(5-3) W
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|10||}}
| September 7, 2013
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center|[[2013 Dubs Cup|2013 Dubs Cup Group Stage]]
| align=center|2-1 W
|<small>For You {{goal|34||}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|45+||}}
| September 13, 2013
| {{team away|e}}
| align=center|[[2013 Dubs Cup|2013 Dubs Cup Group Stage]]
| align=center|4-1 W
|<small>For You {{goal|2||}}<br>Problem Child 2{{goal|12||38||}}<br>Real Human Being {{goal|81||}}
| September 15, 2013
| {{team away|f}}
| align=center|[[2013 Dubs Cup|2013 Dubs Cup Group Stage]]
| align=center|3-2 W
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|17||31||43||}}
| September 20, 2013
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2013 Dubs Cup|2013 Dubs Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center|2-3 L
|<small>Real Human Being {{goal|30||59||}}
| November 2, 2013
| {{team away|lit}}
| align=center|[[Halloween Bowl 2013#Round of 16|Halloween Bowl 2013 Round of 16]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| January 24, 2015
| {{team away|s4s}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|1-2 L
|<small>FOR YOU {{goal|11||}}
| July 11, 2015
| {{team away|mlp}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-1 W
|<small>Dan "The Candy Man" Schneider {{goal|21}}<br>FOR YOU {{goal|38}}<br>Brendan Fraser {{goal|82}}
|[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSYQVFjy2b8 Replay]
| July 12, 2015
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|4-0 L

===Cup Performance===
===Cup Performance===
Line 735: Line 195:
| [[2012_4chan_Summer_Cup|2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
| [[2012_4chan_Summer_Cup|2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 15th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| 15th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2012_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup|2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| [[2012_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup|2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 3rd <small>(Promoted)</small>
| 3rd <small>(Promoted)</small>
Line 741: Line 201:
| [[2013_4chan_Winter_Cup|2013 4chan Winter Cup]]
| [[2013_4chan_Winter_Cup|2013 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 21st <small>(Relegated)</small>
| 21st <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup|2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2013_4chan_Spring_Babby_Cup|2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 2nd <small>(Promoted)</small>
| 2nd <small>(Promoted)</small>
Line 756: Line 216:
| [[2014_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup|2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| [[2014_4chan_Autumn_Babby_Cup|2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 35th <small></small>
| 35th <small></small>
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 1st <small>(Promoted)</small>
| 1st <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 8th <small></small>
| [[2016 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 16th <small></small>
| [[2016 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 22nd <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 5th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2017 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 26th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 8th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2017 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 6th <small>(Tied)</small>
| [[2018 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 20th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 9th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2018 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 19th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 9th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2019 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 30th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 28th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 10th <small>(Aborted)</small>
| [[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 17th
| [[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 23rd
| [[2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 13th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2022 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 16th
| [[2022 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 23rd <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 32nd <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
| 2nd <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 6th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2023 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 4th
| [[2024 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 19th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| 16th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2024 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 25th <small>(Relegated)</small>
| [[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 16th <small>(Promoted)</small>
| [[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 3rd

== Team History ==
== Team History ==
:''Main Article: [[/tv/ History]]''
:''Main Article: [[/tv/ History]]''
After spending all of 2014 in the Babbies, /tv/ was determined to get the hell out in any way possible. This led to more offensive tactics at the beginning of the 2015 Spring Babby Cup, which got /tv/ started with a 6-3 loss to /an/. All hope was not lost despite a tough loss like that.

Real Human Being and Brendan Fraser put /v/ through hell to get /tv/ bouncing back up the group table with a 6-1 victory. Following such energetic displays, /tv/ slowed down quite a bit, but managed to qualify for the Summer Cup following a 0-0 draw with /3/ and a 1-0 win against /gd/. The latter match was very dramatic, with an early red card for /tv/ and /gd/ hitting the post near the end of the match. Following that hollywood finish to their group stage matches, /tv/ was drawn to face /fit/ in the round of 16. Real Human Being proved to be a real hero against the /fit/izens in a 2-1 win for /tv/. However, with Real Human Being having lead the team as its captain for years now, it was time for more fresh blood to lead /tv/ to glory.
===2020 4chan Winter Elite Cup===
After ups and downs and a nosedive during 2019 Autumn Fetus cup, /tv/ saw the departure of {{Anonymous|ClingingMars}} and in the end the team had a sole director - {{Anonymous|Suule}}. As the Spring Babby cup is just over the horizon, /tv/ is ready to show that this season is gonna be better than the last.
===2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup===
/tv/ came charging back in with a all new 3-5-2, a departure from the their usual way of 4-3-3. Although it proved to be a little underpowered to handle /v/ in a 3-4 match against them, much credit to the team's failing went to subbed-in Sneed Feed and Seed and Dr. Robotnik failing to save /tv/ from the clutches of '''SANIC''' and '''DANTE'''. Next match proved to be an even bigger of a barnburner, with /tv/ meeting /sp/ and defeating them 5-3 with '''Really, Raimi?''' scoring his first goal in the career! With the /v/-/sp/ match ending in 1-2 loss for /v/, the /tv/-/fit/ match turned into "Do or die". With the first half with both teams going neck to neck with 2-2 being the half-time score, the second half had /tv/'s '''Brendan Fraser''' fouled by the keeper. Unfortunately the designated PK shooter '''4U''' had his shot saved by the keeper and despite desperate attempts at scoring, /tv/ ended the group with a draw and 4 points total. Putting them at 10 GF and 9 GA and securing them a 17th place in the rankings.
So if someone falls out of Summer cup. /tv/ will take their place.

/m/ was going all out with their attacks in the quarterfinal match against /tv/, but patience proved to be a great virtue as /tv/ got a 2-1 win with FOR YOU leading his team to a comeback victory. The semifinals ended up being slow for /tv/, but once again, through patience, /tv/ got a win against /cgl/ in extra time through a lone goal by Brendan Fraser. Being one of only two teams to beat this managerless /cgl/ squad, /tv/ on this result got through to the gold medal match of the cup for the first time since the [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]. The final ended up being what some would call the Capeshit Bowl: /tv/ vs /co/. In a tense match that was even all the way, /tv/ finally won a cup after penalty kicks, with Capeshit scoring the winner.
Overall despite /tv/ drawing the strongest possible group, they showed that reaching for the elites might just be a step away and perhaps this is a turnaround for them.

== Rivalries ==
== Rivalries ==
Line 788: Line 338:
File:2013_Spring_Cup_logo.png|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: Runner-up
File:2013_Spring_Cup_logo.png|[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: Runner-up
File:2015_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: Champion
File:2015_Spring_Cup_Logo.png|[[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]: Champion
File:WC25_Design_J.png|[[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]: 3rd Place

==Club Records*==
==Club Records==

{{Note|Stats begin with the 2012 4chan Summer Cup and only count official matches.}}
{{Note|Stats begin with the 2012 4chan Summer Cup and is currently updated for the 2025 4chan Winter Cup. Only official cup matches were counted, friendlies are not included.}}

<div style="float: left; width: 100%">
===Team Records===
'''Career Goals'''
/tv/ currently holds (jointly with /lgbt/ and /i/) the record for ''longest unbeaten streak'' with 11 games, stretching from the 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage through to 2015 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16.
{| class="wikitable" width="400px"
===Career Goals===
{| class="wikitable" width="500px"
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Player
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Player
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Goals
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Goals
| 95
| Brendan Fraser
| 71
| Real Human Being
| Real Human Being
| 30
| 66
| Sheev
| 33
| Poor Little White Guy
| Poor Little White Guy
| 12
| 19
| 9
| Problem Child 2
| Problem Child 2
| 7
| 10
| Brendan Fraser
| Kinoplex Robert
| 5
| 5
| I'm Gonna Say it
| 2
| Pedro
| 2
| Dan Schneider
| 2
| Oppenheimer
| 2
| Bravo _______
| 2
| Crab Legs
| Crab Legs
| 2
| 2
| Bravo Hackson
| Really Raimi?
| 1
| What About His Tax Policy?
| 1
| Mike Stoklasa
| 1
| 1
| L O S T
| K I N O
| 1
| 1
Line 828: Line 408:
| 1
| 1
| Mike Stoklasa
| Mr. Thorax
| 1
| Capeshit
| 1
| L O S T
| 1
| 1
| Cleganebowl
| Was it rape?
| 1
| 1
| Dan "The Man" Schneider
| Cleganebowl
| 1
| 1

<div style="float: left; width: 100%">
===Goals in a Single Cup===
'''Goals in a Single Cup'''
{| class="wikitable" width="500px"
{| class="wikitable" width="500px"
Line 846: Line 430:
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Player
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Player
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Cup
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Cup
| 12
| [[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| 10
| 10
Line 858: Line 446:
| Real Human Being
| Real Human Being
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| [[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
| 6
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 5
| Real Human Being
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 5
| 5
Line 864: Line 460:
| 5
| 5
| Brendan Frasier
| Brendan Fraser
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
Line 870: Line 466:
| Real Human Being
| Real Human Being
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
| [[2012 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 4
| Brendan Fraser
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| 4
| Brendan Fraser
| [[2018 4chan Summer Cup]]
===Goals in a Single Game===
{| class="wikitable" width="500px"
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Goals
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Player
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Cup
!style="background:#000000;color:#00FF88"| Opponent
| 4
| Kinoplex Robert
| [[2025 4chan Winter Cup]]
| {{team away|sp}}
| 3
| Real Human Being
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| {{team away|vp}}
| 3
| Real Human Being
| [[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| {{team away|3}}
| 3
| Real Human Being
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| {{team away|v}}
| 3
| Brendan Fraser
| [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| {{team away|v}}
| 3
| [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|vp}}
| 3
| Brendan Fraser
| [[2018 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|int}}
| 3
| 3
| Problem Child 2
| [[2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
| [[2018 4chan Summer Cup]]
| {{team away|int}}
<div style="float: left; width: 35%">
'''Goals in a Single Game'''
:3 - Real Human Being (2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup vs {{team away|vp}})
:3 - Real Human Being (2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup vs {{team away|3}})
:3 - Real Human Being (2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup vs {{team away|v}})
:3 - Brendan Fraser (2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup vs {{team away|v}})

<nowiki>*</nowiki> Friendlies were not counted

Line 949: Line 585:

{{Babby Tier}}
{{Champion|prev={{Year|2014|Spring|b}} {{team home|pol}}|season=Spring|year={{Year|2015|Spring|b}} (1st title)|next={{Year|2016|Spring|b}} {{team home|m}}}}

==[[2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup]] Champions==
{{Navbox Teams}}
{{Navbox Teams}}

[[Category:Official teams|tv]]
[[Category:Official teams|tv]]
[[Category:Original Sixteen|tv]]
[[Category:Spring Babby Cup Champions|tv]]

Latest revision as of 01:34, 10 February 2025

Serio, hoc ipsum quod est non potest?
Tv logo.png
/tv/ - Television & Film
Founded August 2011
Manager Christopher Nolan
Owner Green Oval
IRL manager Suule !!/bQ+kfA6ObJ
Team colors
Chat color 00FF88
Ranking 3 (increase 18)
Highest rank 3 (February 9, 2025)
Lowest rank 53 (February 2, 2020
April 12, 2020)
Top scorer FOR YOU (95)
Top assister FOR YOU (51)
Captain SHEEV
Website /tv/ - Television & Film
Nickname fa/tv/irgins
Home ground CIA Meemorial Stadium / RLM+BOTW Room
Historic performance
69 28 71 168 41.07%
297 307 -10
Biggest win
/int/ Int icon.png 1–7 Tv icon.png /tv/
August 5, 2018
Biggest defeat
/po/ Po icon.png 5–0 Tv icon.png /tv/
August 16, 2013
First match
/tv/ Tv icon.png 3–1 Adv icon.png /adv/
6 August 2011
Elite Cup
Appearances 12 (First in Summer 2011)
Best result 3rd, Winter 2025
Babby Cup
Appearances 10 (First in Autumn 2012)
Best result Winner, Spring 2015
Team music
Anthem It Ain't Me

Goal horn The Golden Age of Video
Alternate goal horn A Real Hero (When Real Human Being scores)
Alternate goal horn Sea Wall (When Real Human Being gets a brace)
Alternate goal horn Gone Gone Gone (When FOR YOU scores)
Alternate goal horn I am the Senate (When Sheev scores)
Alternate goal horn Dan Schnider (When Dan Schnider scores)
Alternate goal horn End Credits (When Rick Deckard scores) Dead link
Home kit Tvhome-2016sc.png
Away kit Tvaway-2016sc.png
Goalkeeper kit Tv goalkeeper kit 2014 autumn babby cup.png
Third kit Tvthird-2016sc.png
Fourth kit Tvfourth-2016sc.png
Fifth kit Tvfifth-2018abc.png
Sixth kit Tv alt kit 6 2023 summer cup.png
Seventh kit Tv alt kit 7 2023 summer cup.png

/tv/ is one of the original 16 teams created during the first 4chan World Cup. Although constantly losing and receiving lack of attention from the actual /tv/ board, on July 15th 2012, everything changed. /tv/'s big 4-1 win over /ck/ brought the entire board together and brought attention back to the team. The team has since appeared in a large number of cups, going back and forth between major tournaments and babby competitions. Ever since achieving a victory in the 2015 Spring Babby Cup, however, not much went /tv/'s way.


Main Article: /tv/ Roster
No. Position Player
But what about his Tax Policy?
It's Lupus
I'm gonna say it
Mike "Ampf" Stoklasa
Oh and one more thing...
Brendan Fraser
Sheev Captain
Kinoplex Robert
No. Position Player
High Ground
Watch it Chrissy
>The absolute and utter state of /who/
The Vessel
Gul Dukat
Real Human Being
Peaceful and misunderstood Vietnam Vet
Really, Raimi?
Dan "Jim Savile's Best Man" Schneider
Sneed's Feed and Seed

Megacup roster

No. Position Player
Days until Avatar...
Classic Paul Dano
Problem Child 2
Mike "Ampf" Stoklasa
>The absolute and utter state of /who/
Gul Dukat
Brendan Fraser
Real Human Being Captain
No. Position Player
High Ground
Birthday Snatcher
Really, Raimi?
I'm gonna say it
Kinoplex Robert
Watch it Chrissy
Cpt. "Hawkeye" Pierce
Dan "Jim Savile's Best Man" Schneider
Sneed's Feed and Seed


Current Exports:

Legacy Exports:

Team Photo

Tv starting players.png


Main Article: /tv/ Match History

Recent Performance

Wsg logo.png D logo.png Sp logo.png Mlp logo.png His logo.png
February 2

February 8

February 9

February 9

February 9


Cup Performance

Event Place
2011 4chan Summer Cup 10th (tied)
2012 4chan Winter Cup 13th
2012 4chan Summer Cup 15th (Relegated)
2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3rd (Promoted)
2013 4chan Winter Cup 21st (Relegated)
2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2nd (Promoted)
2013 4chan Summer Cup 32nd (Relegated)
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 22nd
2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 22nd
2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 35th
2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1st (Promoted)
2015 4chan Summer Cup 8th
2016 4chan Winter Cup 16th
2016 4chan Summer Cup 22nd (Relegated)
2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 5th (Promoted)
2017 4chan Winter Cup 26th (Relegated)
2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup 8th (Promoted)
2017 4chan Summer Cup 6th (Tied)
2018 4chan Winter Cup 20th (Relegated)
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup 9th (Promoted)
2018 4chan Summer Cup 19th (Relegated)
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 9th (Promoted)
2019 4chan Winter Cup 30th (Relegated)
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 28th (Relegated)
2019 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 10th (Aborted)
2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup 17th
2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 23rd
2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 13th (Promoted)
2022 4chan Winter Cup 16th
2022 4chan Summer Cup 23rd (Relegated)
2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 32nd (Relegated)
2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers 2nd (Promoted)
2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup 6th (Promoted)
2023 4chan Summer Cup 4th
2024 4chan Winter Cup 19th (Relegated)
2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup 16th (Promoted)
2024 4chan Summer Cup 25th (Relegated)
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 16th (Promoted)
2025 4chan Winter Cup 3rd

Team History

Main Article: /tv/ History

2020 4chan Winter Elite Cup

After ups and downs and a nosedive during 2019 Autumn Fetus cup, /tv/ saw the departure of ClingingMars and in the end the team had a sole director - Suule. As the Spring Babby cup is just over the horizon, /tv/ is ready to show that this season is gonna be better than the last.

2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup

/tv/ came charging back in with a all new 3-5-2, a departure from the their usual way of 4-3-3. Although it proved to be a little underpowered to handle /v/ in a 3-4 match against them, much credit to the team's failing went to subbed-in Sneed Feed and Seed and Dr. Robotnik failing to save /tv/ from the clutches of SANIC and DANTE. Next match proved to be an even bigger of a barnburner, with /tv/ meeting /sp/ and defeating them 5-3 with Really, Raimi? scoring his first goal in the career! With the /v/-/sp/ match ending in 1-2 loss for /v/, the /tv/-/fit/ match turned into "Do or die". With the first half with both teams going neck to neck with 2-2 being the half-time score, the second half had /tv/'s Brendan Fraser fouled by the keeper. Unfortunately the designated PK shooter 4U had his shot saved by the keeper and despite desperate attempts at scoring, /tv/ ended the group with a draw and 4 points total. Putting them at 10 GF and 9 GA and securing them a 17th place in the rankings.

So if someone falls out of Summer cup. /tv/ will take their place.

Overall despite /tv/ drawing the strongest possible group, they showed that reaching for the elites might just be a step away and perhaps this is a turnaround for them.


Hr logo.png
The Celebrity Derby

Due to moot not caving in and refusing to give the pedo spamming celebrity circle jerk their own board (/cel/), many of these /tv/ users instead turned to /hr/ to post their waifus in peace. As such, the two boards share some of their user base, and some of their board history. This is also true for the two teams in the Cup, having met a total of four times, where /tv/ currently has a small edge with two wins and one loss. Their latest clash, during the 2014 Spring Babby Cup group stage, resulted in a 1-1 draw. If Boris keeps up his rigging of the group draws, we will be sure to see the two teams face off in future cups as well.



Club Records

Note: Stats begin with the 2012 4chan Summer Cup and is currently updated for the 2025 4chan Winter Cup. Only official cup matches were counted, friendlies are not included.

Team Records

/tv/ currently holds (jointly with /lgbt/ and /i/) the record for longest unbeaten streak with 11 games, stretching from the 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage through to 2015 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16.

Career Goals

Player Goals
Brendan Fraser 71
Real Human Being 66
Sheev 33
Poor Little White Guy 19
Problem Child 2 10
Kinoplex Robert 5
I'm Gonna Say it 2
Pedro 2
Dan Schneider 2
Oppenheimer 2
Bravo _______ 2
Crab Legs 2
Really Raimi? 1
What About His Tax Policy? 1
Mike Stoklasa 1
K I N O 1
Mr. Thorax 1
Capeshit 1
L O S T 1
Was it rape? 1
Cleganebowl 1

Goals in a Single Cup

Goals Player Cup
12 FOR YOU 2025 4chan Winter Cup
10 Poor Little White Guy 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
8 Real Human Being 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup
7 Real Human Being 2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
6 FOR YOU 2015 4chan Summer Cup
5 Real Human Being 2015 4chan Summer Cup
5 Real Human Being 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup
5 Brendan Fraser 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup
4 Real Human Being 2012 4chan Summer Cup
4 Brendan Fraser 2015 4chan Summer Cup
4 Brendan Fraser 2018 4chan Summer Cup

Goals in a Single Game

Goals Player Cup Opponent
4 Kinoplex Robert 2025 4chan Winter Cup Sp icon.png /sp/
3 Real Human Being 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup Vp icon.png /vp/
3 Real Human Being 2013 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3 icon.png /3/
3 Real Human Being 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup V icon.png /v/
3 Brendan Fraser 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup V icon.png /v/
3 FOR YOU 2015 4chan Summer Cup Vp icon.png /vp/
3 Brendan Fraser 2018 4chan Summer Cup Int icon.png /int/
3 FOR YOU 2018 4chan Summer Cup Int icon.png /int/


Cup Player Position
2012 Summer Cup All-Stars High Ground Starting GK
2012 Autumn Babby Cup All-Stars Poor Little White Guy Starting SS
2012 Autumn Babby Cup All-Stars Crab Legs Back-up CMF
2013 Spring Babby Cup All-Stars Malick Starting DMF
2013 Spring Babby Cup All-Stars Real Human Being Back-up CF
2014 Spring Babby Cup All-Stars Problem Child 2 Back-up LMF

TV Guide


Babby Cups
Preceded by
2014 /pol/ Pol icon.png
Spring Champions
2015 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2016 /m/ M icon.png