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(Match History)
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|team= vrm
|team= vrm
|motto="We never decided which way it went"
|name= Retro Mecha Video Games
|name= Retro Mecha Video Games
|date= 28 January 2017
|date= 28 January 2017
|owner= Doctor Robotnik
|color1= 999999
|color2= ff0000
|hex= fa2100
|color= RRRobotnik RRRed
|ranking= 1
|captain= Metal Gear REX
|scorer= Metal Gear REX
|goals= 6
|assister= Segata Sanshiro
|assists= 8
|win_home= hpo
|win_away= vrm
|win_score_home= 1
|win_score_away= 3
|win_date= Mar. 26, 2017
|lose_home= vrm
|lose_away= uv
|lose_score_home= 0
|lose_score_away= 3
|lose_date= Mar. 25, 2017
|first_home= vrm
|first_away= cotg
|first_score_home= 2
|first_score_away= 0
|first_date= Mar. 18, 2017
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=gkLvpt9Z3fA
|a_title= "Light Up the Night"
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Nnl0ycLvgU
|gh_title= "Omoide wa Okkusenman!"
|althorn1= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rad3r9sjVSM
|altgh1_title= "Duel"
|altgh1_what= Metal Gear REX scores
|althorn2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=iPWkPukU67k
|altgh2_what= Megaman scores
|altgh3_title= SEGATA SANSHIRO
|altgh3_what= Segata Sanshiro scores
|nickname= -
|nickname= -

'''/vrm/''' is a unified team of [[/vr/]] and [[/m/]] created for the 2017 [[Tag Team Cup 3]] invitational, which was highly anticipated after their mutual camaraderie in the finals of the [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]].
'''/vrm/''' is a unified team of [[/vr/]] and [[/m/]]... or was it '''/mvr/'''? We never ''really'' decided which way it went. Created for the 2017 [[Tag Team Cup 3]] invitational, this partnership was highly anticipated after their mutual camaraderie in the finals of the [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup]].
The team would draw into Group A and started off strong, winning their first two games against [[/cotg/]] and [[/spint/]]. However, sloppy defensive play in their third match would lead to an embarrassing 0-3 loss versus [[/uv/]], which allowed /cotg/ to squeak by and top the Group by just a single point in goal differential, but /vrm/ was still through into the knockout on that result. They were seeded into the fourth match of the quarter-finals where they would face the second placed team of Group C, [[/no/]]. After a first half where literally nothing happening, and a second half where almost nothing happened, the game went into extra time and, in the waning few minutes, suddenly became very tense as /no/ scored, only to be answered soon after by /vrm/, sending the game into penalties where /mvr/ would secure an easy victory after /no/ botched their very first shot. /mvr/ would advance to the semi-finals where they would play [[/ak/]], and  would score just before the half. Despite a withering fifteen-shot assault the /vrm/ defense and goalkeeper would mostly hold, allowing only one point, while /vrm/ was able to secure a win in added time to avoid going into extra time again. Moving on from that win /vrm/ would face [[/hpo/]] in the final match of the Cup. /hpo/ would draw blood first, but it wasn't long before an answer, and then another, and /mvr/ would manage to stay up for the remainder of the game, tacking on one last goal in the 90th minute just to put it completely out of reach.
/vrm/ would win first place in the Tag Team Cup 3! With this placing, a tag team featuring /m/ has stood in every spot on the winner's podium, having placed third in the inaugural [[Tag Team Cup]] with [[/m/u/]], and second in the [[Tag Team Cup 2]] with [[/mtg/]], and, having improved each year, <s>/vrm/</s> /mvr/ now hold first place.

= Roster =
= Roster =

{{sq start}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=GK |name=Death Egg Robot }}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="GET A LOAD OF THIS">Death Egg Robot</span></span>}}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Nineball Seraph }}
{{sq start player |no=9 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Armored Core. Not an idiot!">Nineball Seraph</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Battle Soccer }}
{{sq start player |no=92 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="One day Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Gundam and Godzilla all decided to have a soccer tournament...">Battle Soccer</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=CB |name=Warmech }}
{{sq start player |no=21 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Final Fantasy. ONE IN SIXTY FUCKING FOUR!">Warmech</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Samus }}
{{sq start player |no=86 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="A /vr/ mainstay and player for the Valkyries, Samus dons the suit once again.">Samus</span></span> }}
{{sq start player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Temjin 747J }}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Virtual-On">Temjin 747J</span></span> }}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=LMF |name=Robo }}
{{sq silver player |no=66 |pos=LMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: 2300 AD">Robo</span></span> }}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=RMF |name=Megaman }}
{{sq silver player |no=87 |pos=RMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="SUPER FIGHTING ROBOT">Megaman</span></span> }}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=SS |name=VR Troopers }}
{{sq silver player |no=8 |pos=SS |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="With Power Rangers booming, Saban thought he could merge three Metal Heroes series together and make another success. Well...it's not Masked Rider.">VR Troopers</span></span> }}
{{sq silver player |no= |pos=SS |name=Segata Sanshiro }}
{{sq silver player |no=97 |pos=SS |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="SEGA SATURN SHIRO!">Segata Sanshiro</span></span> }}
{{sq gold player |no= |pos=CF |name=Metal Gear REX }}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos=CF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Unsurpassed by any weapon.">Metal Gear REX</span></span> {{captain}}}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=GK |name=Heavy Lobster }}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Kirby">Heavy Lobster</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Buriki Daioh }}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: LIVE A ⅃IVƎ">Buriki Daioh</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=CORE Command }}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="A recent edition to the /vr/ roster. From: Total Annihilation">CORE Commander</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Gato }}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=CB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Chrono Trigger. They call him Gato♪ He has metal joints♪">Gato</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LB |name=Vectorman }}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=LB |name=Vectorman }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RB |name=Mystery of Convoy }}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=RB |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Way back in the day, the first Transformers game came out on the Famicon. It's like if Mario is Missing was a run and gun robot game.">Mystery of Convoy</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Pachinko Kaiser }}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Super Robot Wars">Pachinko Kaiser</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Big Zam }}
{{sq player |no=79 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="Once the Big Zam is mass produced, we'll win this cup in no time!">Big Zam</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CMF |name=M-308 Gunner }}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Metal Storm">M-308 Gunner</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CMF |name=Robot Hitler }}
{{sq player |no=3 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="From: Wolfenstein">Robot Hitler</span></span> }}
{{sq player |no= |pos=SS |name=Cyberdemon }}
{{sq player |no=93 |pos=SS |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="HE IS HUGE! THAT MEANS HE HAS HUGE GUTS!">Cyberdemon</span></span>}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=SS |name=Rayearth }}
{{sq player |no=95 |pos=SS |name=<span class="fn"><span class="explain" title="There was actually a Magic Knight Rayearth game? Who knew? And it was the very last game released in America for the Sega Saturn? Well, I know SOMEBODY who thinks you should play it.">Rayearth</span></span> }}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}

= Match History =
| date        = {{Start date|2017|03|18|df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        = 17:40
| team1        = vrm
| color1      = fa2100
| color2      = {{team color|co}}
| team2        = cotg
| score        = 2 - 0
| goals1      = Metal Gear REX {{goal|22||90+3}}
| goals2      = {{yel|85}} Sing a Happy Dwarf Song
| stadium      = Zwei Wing Stadium
| attendance  = 194
| date        = {{Start date|2017|03|19|df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        = 17:00
| team1        = spint
| color1      = ffffff
| color2      = fa2100
| team2        = vrm
| score        = 1 - 2
| goals1      = {{greentext|Messi}} {{greentext|white}} {{goal|50}}
| goals2      = {{goal|19}} Metal Gear REX<br>{{yel|21}} Temjin 747J<br>{{yel|71}} Megaman<br>{{goal|82}} Segata Sanshiro
| stadium      = BENIS :DDDDDDDD
| attendance  = 141
| date        = {{Start date|2017|03|25|df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        = 17:00
| team1        = vrm
| color1      = fa2100
| color2      = 82368A
| team2        = uv
| score        = 0 - 3
| goals1      =
| goals2      = {{goal|8}} Danger/u/<br>{{goal|22||75}} Misclicking
| stadium      = Zwei Wing Stadium
| attendance  = 145
| date        = {{Start date|2017|03|26|df=y}}
| event        =
| round        =
| time        = 19:00
| team1        = vrm
| color1      = fa2100
| color2      = 263996
| team2        = no
| score        = 1 - 1
| goals1      = VR Troopers {{yel|68}} {{goal|112}}
| goals2      = {{goal|108}} I Like Trains
| stadium      = Zwei Wing Stadium
| attendance  = 147
| aet = yes
| penalties1  = Metal Gear REX {{pengoal}}<br>VR Troopers {{pengoal}}<br>Segata Sanshiro {{pengoal}}<br>Robo {{pengoal}}<br>Megaman {{pengoal}}
| penaltyscore = 5 - 3
| penalties2  = {{penmiss}} Hipster Fixie<br>{{pengoal}} Takumi<br>{{pengoal}} MULTI-TRACK DRIFTING<br>{{pengoal}} I Like Trains
| date        = {{Start date|2017|03|26|df=y}}, 20:20 UTC
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = ak
| color1      = 33402F
| color2      = fa2100
| team2        = vrm
| score        = 1 - 2
| goals1      = You're Raifu a Shit {{goal|48}}
| goals2      = {{goal|45+3}} Metal Gear REX<br>{{goal|90+1}} Segata Sanshiro
| stadium      = Innawoods Park
| attendance  = 148
| aet =
| date        = {{Start date|2017|03|26|df=y}}, 21:40 UTC
| event        =
| round        =
| time        =
| team1        = hpo
| color1      = 87CEEB
| color2      = fa2100
| team2        = vrm
| score        = 1 - 3
| goals1      = Sad Panda {{goal|8}}<br>Remove Kanker {{yel|10}}
| goals2      = {{goal|11||18}} Metal Gear REX<br>{{yel|38}} Big Zam<br>{{goal|90}} Robo
| stadium      = KONAMI Stadium
| attendance  = 129
| aet =
{| class="wikitable" width=65%
!style="background:#EB4433;color:#FFFFFF"| Date
!style="background:#EB4433;color:#FFFFFF"| Opponent
!style="background:#EB4433;color:#FFFFFF"| Competition
!style="background:#EB4433;color:#FFFFFF"| Result
!style="background:#EB4433;color:#FFFFFF"| Scorers
| 3 July 2017
|{{team away|fit}}
|align=center|[[Fakkin Boolsheet Series III]]
|align=center|1-0 (a.e.t) W
|<small> {{goal|109}} Metal Gear Rex</small>
| 5 July 2017
|{{team away|hpo}}
|align=center|[[Fakkin Boolsheet Series III]]
|align=center|2-0 W
|<small> {{goal|58}} Segata Sanshiro<br>{{goal|64}} Megama</small>
| 5 July 2017
|{{team away|jp}}
|align=center|[[Fakkin Boolsheet Series III]]
|align=center|1-0 W
|<small> {{goal|27}} Metal Gear Rex</small>
| 5 July 2017
|{{team away|llsifg}}
|align=center|[[Fakkin Boolsheet Series III]]
|align=center|0-1 L
|<small> </small>

{{Navbox TTC}}
{{Navbox TTC}}
[[Category:Tag Team Cup]]
[[Category:Tag Team Cup]]

Latest revision as of 12:53, 23 September 2017

"We never decided which way it went"
Vrm logo.png
/vrm/ - Retro Mecha Video Games
Founded 28 January 2017
Owner Doctor Robotnik
IRL manager
Team colors
Chat color fa2100
RRRobotnik RRRed
Top scorer Metal Gear REX (6)
Top assister Segata Sanshiro (8)
Captain Metal Gear REX
Website /vrm/ - Retro Mecha Video Games
Nickname -
Historic performance
4 1 1 6 66.67%
10 7 +3
Biggest win
/hpo/ Hpo icon.png 1–3 Vrm icon.png /vrm/
Mar. 26, 2017
Biggest defeat
/vrm/ Vrm icon.png 0–3 Uv icon.png /uv/
Mar. 25, 2017
First match
/vrm/ Vrm icon.png 2–0 Cotg icon.png /cotg/
Mar. 18, 2017
Team music
Anthem "Light Up the Night"

Goal horn "Omoide wa Okkusenman!"
Metal Gear REX scores "Duel"
Segata Sanshiro scores SEGATA SANSHIRO
Home kit Vrm-exaidkit-2017TTC.png
Away kit Vrmhome-powerbird-2017TTC.png

/vrm/ is a unified team of /vr/ and /m/... or was it /mvr/? We never really decided which way it went. Created for the 2017 Tag Team Cup 3 invitational, this partnership was highly anticipated after their mutual camaraderie in the finals of the 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup.

The team would draw into Group A and started off strong, winning their first two games against /cotg/ and /spint/. However, sloppy defensive play in their third match would lead to an embarrassing 0-3 loss versus /uv/, which allowed /cotg/ to squeak by and top the Group by just a single point in goal differential, but /vrm/ was still through into the knockout on that result. They were seeded into the fourth match of the quarter-finals where they would face the second placed team of Group C, /no/. After a first half where literally nothing happening, and a second half where almost nothing happened, the game went into extra time and, in the waning few minutes, suddenly became very tense as /no/ scored, only to be answered soon after by /vrm/, sending the game into penalties where /mvr/ would secure an easy victory after /no/ botched their very first shot. /mvr/ would advance to the semi-finals where they would play /ak/, and would score just before the half. Despite a withering fifteen-shot assault the /vrm/ defense and goalkeeper would mostly hold, allowing only one point, while /vrm/ was able to secure a win in added time to avoid going into extra time again. Moving on from that win /vrm/ would face /hpo/ in the final match of the Cup. /hpo/ would draw blood first, but it wasn't long before an answer, and then another, and /mvr/ would manage to stay up for the remainder of the game, tacking on one last goal in the 90th minute just to put it completely out of reach.

/vrm/ would win first place in the Tag Team Cup 3! With this placing, a tag team featuring /m/ has stood in every spot on the winner's podium, having placed third in the inaugural Tag Team Cup with /m/u/, and second in the Tag Team Cup 2 with /mtg/, and, having improved each year, /vrm/ /mvr/ now hold first place.


No. Position Player
Death Egg Robot
Nineball Seraph
Battle Soccer
Temjin 747J
VR Troopers
Segata Sanshiro
Metal Gear REX Captain
No. Position Player
Heavy Lobster
Buriki Daioh
CORE Commander
Mystery of Convoy
Pachinko Kaiser
Big Zam
M-308 Gunner
Robot Hitler

Match History

Stadium: Zwei Wing Stadium 18 March 2017, 17:40 UTC Attendance: 194
Vrm logo.png /vrm/ 2 - 0 /cotg/ Cotg logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Metal Gear REX Goal 22'90+3' Booked 85' Sing a Happy Dwarf Song

Stadium: BENIS :DDDDDDDD 19 March 2017, 17:00 UTC Attendance: 141
Spint logo.png /spint/ 1 - 2 /vrm/ Vrm logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
>Messi >white Goal 50' Goal 19' Metal Gear REX
Booked 21' Temjin 747J
Booked 71' Megaman
Goal 82' Segata Sanshiro

Stadium: Zwei Wing Stadium 25 March 2017, 17:00 UTC Attendance: 145
Vrm logo.png /vrm/ 0 - 3 /uv/ Uv logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Goal 8' Danger/u/
Goal 22'75' Misclicking


Stadium: Zwei Wing Stadium 26 March 2017, 19:00 UTC Attendance: 147
Vrm logo.png /vrm/ 1 - 1 (a.e.t.) /no/ No logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
VR Troopers Booked 68' Goal 112' Goal 108' I Like Trains
Metal Gear REX Scored
VR Troopers Scored
Segata Sanshiro Scored
Robo Scored
Megaman Scored
5 - 3 Missed Hipster Fixie
Scored Takumi
Scored I Like Trains


Stadium: Innawoods Park 26 March 2017, 20:20 UTC Attendance: 148
Ak logo.png /ak/ 1 - 2 /vrm/ Vrm logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
You're Raifu a Shit Goal 48' Goal 45+3' Metal Gear REX
Goal 90+1' Segata Sanshiro


Stadium: KONAMI Stadium 26 March 2017, 21:40 UTC Attendance: 129
Hpo logo.png /hpo/ 1 - 3 /vrm/ Vrm logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Sad Panda Goal 8'
Remove Kanker Booked 10'
Goal 11'18' Metal Gear REX
Booked 38' Big Zam
Goal 90' Robo

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
3 July 2017 Fit icon.png /fit/ Fakkin Boolsheet Series III 1-0 (a.e.t) W Goal 109' Metal Gear Rex
5 July 2017 Hpo icon.png /hpo/ Fakkin Boolsheet Series III 2-0 W Goal 58' Segata Sanshiro
Goal 64' Megama
5 July 2017 Jp icon.png /jp/ Fakkin Boolsheet Series III 1-0 W Goal 27' Metal Gear Rex
5 July 2017 Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/ Fakkin Boolsheet Series III 0-1 L