The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

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*Unwilling Elf: CM3D2 head using Chloe from Kuroinu.
*Blowjob Face: CM3D2 head using Nagi from Kannagi but with her mouth stretched out like an anteater mouth.
*Image References (feel free to ask for more):


Revision as of 02:50, 13 July 2017

Spring Teams

Requests with links to models to convert or simple edits


  • Give Take it to the Vet a glorious Giroud beard.
  • Fix Outdoor Cat's face so it doesn't break the game when you edit it (or make a 3d model cat whatever's easier).


  • Grillpill: The daily dose ball recoloured red and white as the head. Vertically aligned.


Only Link, Jockstraps and Mind Slave needs to be done. Faces, models have been found, if can't be used, use ya brains and find the closest replacement you can use, thanks in advance- SDA Request

Requests for models to make from scratch


  • Stadium pl0x. Ideas:
    • Australia (outback)
    • /an/arctica (wintery)
    • Jungle


requests sorted by importance

  • Fast Food Autism
    • For this player it is the McChicken, the best fast food sandwich as a head pic related
  • Cast Iron Skillet
    • A cast iron skillet for a head, and possibly cast iron skillets for the hands for reference
  • Cock Sauce
    • A Siracha bottle like this
  • PHS
    • A block of PHS, as seen here


  • Stadium
    • A hot springs-themed stadium would be fantastic
      (If you want to make something for us, please have it be this)
  • Players without blenders
    (rating:safe tags added for vocational security purposes)
    • The Collection (Make it a Windows folder stuffed with conveniently covered ecchi images)
    • Recent Things (I actually don't know what this one should be, if you happen to come up with something that represents "fresh art/images" that would be nice)
    • Chocolatized (Chloe von Einzbern)

Huge thanks to DrDtroit for helping us convert something like 9 MMD models to PES heads in addition to any other /Aesco/ members who helped us after the cup started


  • Kits

New kit: Prussian (Franco-Prussian war) soldier uniforms Uniform
If there are any questions contact JunoIvanovich


  • The Closet: An actual closet with either open doors or no doors. Arms and legs poke out of the sides. Actual player model is inside with regular animations.





A library-esque stadium with the stands replaced by bookas, the grass replaced with carpeted wood and potentially a fire place behind the net or on the halfway line. If possible the bench can be comfy sofas. ---San Marino (talk) 04:09, 27 February 2017 (UTC)


Please see the full request sheet here.



  • An official game ball for /soc/: A salt shaker. This may also be spread/available for use for other teams.
  • Outreached to shut-in thread and they have elected a new representative. Lain out and this memester is in, name's Moji. Try to do your best to model a player's aesthetics like that.



Please see pastebin, would clutter the page otherwise. Thanks, Mauled.

Summer Teams

Requests with links to models to convert or simple edits


  • Breast Expansion
    • This model with a different head, one from a flat-chested character perhaps? Also maybe ask to use Greenheart’s custom bust blender from /nepgen/ as a basis for an overbust corset containing BE’s Gazongas.
  • X-Ray Cumshot
    • Fix the transparency on the outer sphere


  • Try to get rid of the Santos FC logo in the Bronasium


Requests for models to make from scratch


  • Milking
    • A black hose going from the tits to an electric pump on their hip, then to a stainless steel tank on their back. Also along with a pair of milking cups on their chest with hoses that go over their shoulder to a second stainless steel tank on their back
  • Genderswap
    • Use the full Ranma-chan model
  • Bimbofication
    • Fix it again, To- er, /aesco/


  • Pitch
    • Glass pitch with tentacle pit below
    • People watching from below with tentacles covering the naughty bits
    • /d/-tan on the sidelines relaxing (?)


  • Ahnold: An Arnold Schwarzenegger face
  • Oatz: a can of Quaker oats
  • SS+GOMAD: a milk jug or a picture of the Starting Strength book
  • Activated Almonds: an almond package
  • NoFap: some sort of super saiyan type hairstyle so we can see he has ASCENDED
  • L O N D O N: Something from the city like Big Ben, or a Buckingham Palace guard hat

please contact me with questions


  • Unwilling Elf: CM3D2 head using Chloe from Kuroinu.
  • Blowjob Face: CM3D2 head using Nagi from Kannagi but with her mouth stretched out like an anteater mouth.
  • Image References (feel free to ask for more):


EXPOSED - please make a Guardiola face with a big head in a >tfw to intelligent for EPL manner (like this pic, maybe even bigger)


Message Karth for any questions.


  • Mitu - A full body model would be nice but I completely understand if it's a big ask. image


  • Introducing - Some sort of monkey head, we're not picky
  • Keksandra - Probably no time before this cup rolls around, but a full-body Keksandra in her usual outfit whenever possible.
  • ses - Cardhead?
  • Females - Keksandra, Nice Grill, le millenom girl, The Teeth Girl, Awoo~, Eh? You've Never Seen A Pair of Breasts Before?, Frontpage Chaika, and Flowre could all use some boobs. Also working on this ourselves, so this request is lowest-priority and may disappear.


Please only move here requests with links to final model added.
If you have given the team's manager the model already then just delete the request.