Difference between revisions of "Contact"
Line 289: | Line 289: | ||
*Skype: Name Indeterminate | *Skype: Name Indeterminate | ||
*IRC (I'm not available often): Indeterminate | *IRC (I'm not available often): Indeterminate | ||
{{Anonymous|Magbo|!!MlT+7fJ2CTi}} | |||
*Discord: magbo#1464 | |||
=={{badgeicon|ic}} /ic/== | =={{badgeicon|ic}} /ic/== |
Revision as of 22:54, 26 September 2017
Need to contact a manager? Look up their contact info here.
If a manager's contact info cannot be found here, try the /vg/ thread. If you suspect that the manager of your board's team has become inactive while a cup is around the corner, let the /vg/ thread know, too.
Aesthetics Helper
- Shakes !!bde0TdEQ2r5
- Wiki Page: User:Shakes
- Discord: Shakes#9782
- Skype: shakes-fgog
Server admin
- f4r !HanakoDlmg
- Email: f4r.hanakodlmg@gmail.com
- Discord: f4r#2361
- Skype: f4r.hanakodlmg
- IRC: f4r
I look after the wiki, IRC (including buttbot and spengbab) and the server as a whole. If you find something broken, please let me know (>implying I'll fix it soon or ever).
- Lear !!vH2UmJDmLxj
- Skype: that.king.lear
- Discord: Lear#2487
- Thread: Usually lurking
- IRC: Lear
If you have any questions I am always willing to talk.
Cup Discord Servers
General 4cc Discord
Team Discord Servers
Aesthetics Helper's personal aesthetics Discord
This team does not currently have a manager.
AldosMora !!yU9erXQlinF
- Skype: Aldos Mora
- Email: aldosmora4cc@gmail.com
- Discord: Aldos Mora#7125
Blinky !!SpytPK2KVVY
- Skype: Bl1nky
- Discord: Blinky#5944
metagross01 !!8/pVqp7uFuQ
- Skype: metagross01.4cc
- Discord: 4cc_metagross01#2368
This team does not currently have a manager.
Heavenly_Pond !!sFCZyZHsSiq
- heavenlypond@gmail.com
Skype: heavenlypond
Alternativeroo !!R5/4Cpex4Bg
Skype: spectralwing
Groudon !!9aKmRIjeVg1
- 4CC Skype: Groudonasp
In the offseason might not be in the /vg/ thread as much, but feel free to add me on Skype
Prozach !!SSPtXJ6yC1U
- 4CC Skype: z33km0
- Discord: Prozach#0563
Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with me if needed for any reason
Captain Planet
Skype: elcapitanplanet42
6letters !!9Ddx6tl1+0u
Skype: sixlettersshadow
Discord: 6letters#6275
EternalAussie !!UFEvGhKxyAZ
Skype or email: eternalaussie@outlook.com
MagicalCoat !!tH1G0QpCBBI
Skype name: MagicalCoat
Discord: MagicalCoat#0858
I'm also always lurking in the /4ccg/ thread.
Anzai !!xfVTOxZRtMC
Discord: Anzai#2111
Email: anzai.4cc@gmail.com
Twitter: @anzai_desu
say something about /c/ in /4ccg/ and i will most likely see it
This team does not currently have a manager.
Bochumbrew !!vij0cTUzxLY
- Skype: MMMaster48
- Twitter: @Bochumbrew
AntacidCanada !!bxgf5+DXvbZ
- antacidcanada@gmail.com
- Skype: antacidcanada
- Twitter: @4ccfood
- OkCupid: NachosInMyButt
Twitter is best for emergencies
This team does not currently have a manager.
DocSax !!CZDGJzT39aK:
skype: dctrsax
discord: DocSax#8758
Mantis !!JQtP16lnumY:
skype: mantisofpraying15
email: mantis1550@gmail.com
discord: Mantis#8299
CuriousAnon !!NNJPLf1BkZ:
skype: starburstking
email: Starburstking@gmail.com
- Skype: generalpseudonym
- Wiki Page: Guar/d/iola
- E-mail: 4ccstatto@gmail.com
Team secretary
DrDtroit !!pVg5N2qQSk/
- Skype: drdtroit
- Talk page: User talk:DrDtroit
- Email: drdtroit2010@gmail.com
Live Manager
DKD !!LzGHc4VrOfC/
- Discord: Zalthou3#8737
This team does not currently have a manager.
HT !!ehLYq5ENicU
- No listed contact information.
Two_Scoops !!xa7VqC3ACEa
- Discord: Two_Scoops#4317
- IRC: Two_Scoops (Where I usually am when home and awake)
- Email: duelscoops@gmail.com
- Skype: two2coops (I don't even launch Skype anymore)
Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ
- Skype: Sirsmudgey
- Discord: Smudgey#9560
Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ
- Skype: oldmansou
- Email: fuji4cc@gmail.com
- Discord: fuji#2229
- Skype: ass_ketchum
Team Email: 4ccfit@gmail.com
ThatGreekGuy !!kP474qreMcq
- Skype: mitsoulas1998
- IRC: ThatGreekGuy
TheDeek !!c+3ub1zCoe9
- Skype: hammerzeit47
- Email: thedeek95@gmail.com
- Discord(best option for contact): The Deek#3604
Narcissist !!zmsptqHmZEu
- Skype: narcissist@tutanota.de (Fairly Fast)
- Email: narcissist@tutanota.de (Slow)
- IRC: Narcissist (Very rarely online)
- Team Discord Server
Smoothie Mane !!0z3uZxZe05x
- Discord: Smoothie Mane#7420 (Fast)
- Email: SmoothieMane@protonmail.com (Slow)
smear !!!!ZpszUblgJq9 (Inactive)
- Skype: GraphicDesign333
- Twitter: @GraphicDesignFC
- IRC Handle: smear
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Smugleaf !!WROPMzfJikm
- User Page: Smugleaf
- Skype: basedsmugleaf
- IRC: Smugleaf
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Incoming !!LIKZcxsmOAv
- User Page: Incoming
- Discord (best bet): Incoming#0888
- Email (checked infrequently): incomingnumbers@gmail.com
- IRC (gameday only): Incoming
- Skype (gameday only): incomingnumbers5643
This team does not currently have a manager.
Gummy !!6TrreRb/dWT
- Skype: gummybear2710
- IRC: Gummy
Flowonthego !!OsuyA1ar1o9
- Skype: deliriouseagle
- IRC: Flowonthego
rhs !!7U8GBtyDxxf
- Skype: rhs (rarely on)
- IRC: rhs
- Discord: rhs (can be contacted on the 4cc discord)
JunoIvanovich !!pRLnAqrt9vP
- Skype: JunoIvanovich
- IRC: JunoIvanovich
- E-mail: junoivanovich@gmail.com
- Discord: JunoIvanovich#6095
I check 4ccg daily
Crocodile !!pDJrGDlBah8
- IRC: Crocodile
This team does not currently have a manager.
This team does not currently have a manager.
Rillion !!nkKuj7Qupxu
- Discord: Rillion#2302
- Skype: Marillion05
- IRC: Rillion
Indeterminate !!Zf3kAJ4eUaf
- Skype: Name Indeterminate
- IRC (I'm not available often): Indeterminate
Magbo !!MlT+7fJ2CTi
- Discord: magbo#1464
This team does not currently have a manager.
indistrikable !!g8zMCvgDPLW
- Skype: indistrikable
- I always read through the thread so you can catch me there too.
admiralmeru !!On6QI38faPh
- Discord: admiralmeru#0733
- E-mail: admiralmeru4cc@gmail.com
- Skype: borked
- I also check /4ccg/ and any thread up on /int/ sometimes
FELOOx !!itrZLMPlc+O
- Skype: Amerimanager
- Discord: FELOOx#6705 - Much more reliable than Skype
- I am almost always shitposting in /4ccg/, so I'll probably see anything posted there.
Ana Mack !!1VkHCjzQmO5
- Skype: bigshakey77
- Twitter: @BigShakey77 (best way to reach me during the day)
Tadokoro !!AWq1hlBKhOM
- Skype: jpblenders
- E-mail: jpmodelguy@gmail.com
I'm also on the thread all of the time.
Miles_Paratus !!IhJa9y3np3I
- Skype: fijifihgter@gmail.com
- E-mail: fijifihgter@gmail.com
MilSurpAnon !!UC/MlGJlOke
- Discord: MilSurpAnon#5013
- Skype: MilSurpAnon
- E-mail: milsurpanon@gmail.com
Assigned Fail !!C2hMqZSi8LD
- Email: AssignedFail@gmail.com
- Skype: Assigned Fail
- Discord: Assigned Fail#4741
Kinsey Type F !!SHeuLX1RDVQ
- Email: kinseytypef@gmail.com
- Skype: Kinsey McTypeF
- Discord: Kinsey Type F#9347
San Marino !!K7UPgnq6Ao2
- Email: lolita.wanted.it@gmail.com
- Skype: sanmarinolit
- Discord: SanMarino#1952
- Twitter: @LolitaWantedIt
Autocrat !!CgrAMDqsYHX
- Skype: autocrat_
TrickyDick !!LsEdMTSFTMN
- Email: trickydicklit@gmail.com
- Discord: Tricky Dick#8993
The /m/ Council
- Discord: https://discord.gg/0uoeuIZBCyIjgfP6
Update Guy !!Iu7w9XSvmty
- Discord: Update Guy#2111
- Skype: Fireboltprime (Rarely on it, please add me on Discord)
- Twitter: @UpdateGuyofm
Archivist !ghxWMDraws
- Skype: live:fishsicles
- Skype: shadowborgxix
- Discord: Shadowborg4cc
- IRC: #/m/echunited
- Steam: /m/'s official Steam Group that is not even used
Emulpee !!UoJdKi3gQNs
MagicBlue !!shOOeoEzeWt
TSparx !!g53jKnG9bdD
Feedback !!+8d1qFKeSP0
- Skype: feedbac.k
- Email: 4ccfeedback@gmail.com
- Discord: Feedbacker#4363
Megabeastage !!KlfUffM+oow
- skype: megabeastage.4cc
- email: megabeastage.4cc@gmail.com
Shakes !!bde0TdEQ2r5
- Discord: Shakes#9782
- Skype: shakes-fgog
- /4ccg/: I lurk everyday
Layrinn !!U2MZUEkRct+
- Discord: Layrinn#6925
C6H12 !!4LPJDnm9UYM
- Discord: Cyclohexane#3925
Technically managerless as the team got culled, but these 2 people are working hard to revive the team
Superzak !!I1ftieCPe9P
- Discord: Superzak#8209
- Skype: comfy_superzak (I pretty much never use this so don't bother)
- IRC: Superzak
Smoothie Mane !!0z3uZxZe05x
- Discord: Smoothie Mane#7420 (Fast)
- Skype: Will be added soon
- Email: SmoothieMane@Protonmail.com (Slow)
This team does not currently have a manager.
Soryuu !!o16SVJJscF1
- Skype: urukunyo
- Email: HackerOfExor@gmail.com
Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK
- Skype: Rabbi Shlomo
- Email: sheriffofauschwitz@gmail.com
Canes !!J3ZSDcbgj7h
- Email: canes.4cc@gmail.com
- Discord: Canes#4555
- Skype: Canes 4cc (canes.4cc)
- IRC: Canes
Prof. Pepe !!czh67wKB6Up
- Email: ObamaCare4CC@gmail.com
Shuckle !!QKW7kiLRIvE
- Skype: Ash Shuckle
- IRC: Shuckle
- Discord: Shuckle#2385
MarcoZ !!ycrzIG/Qkev
- Skype: The Skype user formally known as MarcoZ
- IRC: MarcoZ
- Discord: MarcoZ#2662
Mako !!DFFmXqNgFKW
- Skype: makoismako_1
- IRC: Mako
- Email: makoreeeeeeee@gmail.com
- Discord: Mako#3730
This team does not currently have a manager.
carmastrikes !!SlaOZ6azSy+
- Skype: carmastrikes
- IRC: "carma" will do the trick
Shouganaina !!+HJ7qWns8oA
- Skype: Oxenkses
- Discord: Oxen#0733
- IRC: shouganaina
Squidposter !!f7B52+V5XS3
- Skype: Squidposter
- Email: fractalomanyte@gmail.com
Fapoleon !!vLW/0AZEhwG
- Skype: mr.trolololo3
- Discord: Fapoleon#9134
- IRC: Fapoleon
Lab Coat !!xjloyu2m+mY
- Skype: Lab Coat
- Email: Labcoattripfag@gmail.com
- Discord: Labcoat#1630
- Email: OGRO@waifu.club
- Discord: OGRO#0842
- Skype: OGRO. (include the period)
SocialSpartan !!ni657QT8fC7
- IRC: socialspartan
- Skype: socialspartan
Coach_Z !!8XyR48cS/9r
- Skype: coach_zrap
JohnnyBravo !!!!hun/mYyBLVf
- Skype: johnny.bravo.fit
- Email: 4ccspee@gmail.com
EdgarBub !!hImM4iWsFS/
- Skype: edgarbobington
I figured someone might need to contact me in the future or whenevs
TWAIN !!VnvXhN8Apg7
- Skype: t.w.a.i.n.
ESK !!33JM24iZ0fW
- Email: spuhtesting@hotmail.com
This team does not currently have a manager.
Marqod !!ScG+JApFxMq
- mail: eltharius at gmail
Send me a mail if you've got questions or would like to help with the team.
NearlyEnoughDakka !!HmLwLmFUvvu
- Skype: NearlyEnoughDakka
- Mail: NearlyEnoughDakka@gmail.com
- Steam: benetleielax
Lazyturd !!9uWeC3vphKo
- Skype: Lazyturd
- Mail: lazyturds@gmail.com
CorgiLord !!0OZBkGRYyxW
- Skype: CorgiLord
- Steam: Ash Hearthguard
- Discord: Alycornanon#3760
We are always on the lookout for people who want to help out, feel free to stop by our discord or matchday threads for more info.
CptCourage !!X48HYmeF9dn
- Discord: CptCourage#6445
- Skype: cptcourage10
- Email: cptcourage12@gmail.com
Karth !!Y2abSm9+/NN
- Skype: pulse.beam
- Discord: Karth#9143
Legendairyman !!I7Squ4GXZX7
- Discord: Legendairyman#6845
- Skype: Legendairyman9
- I'm also usually in the /vg/ threads so you can call me out and I'll probably see it.
MauledByTheTigers !!jawkONBJmdi
- Skype: mauledbythetigers-trv
- Email: mauledbythetigerstrv@gmail.com
CIingingMars !!wX0LNTKWzpR
Discord: ClingingMars#2818
Skype: ncs2008
Suule !!/bQ+kfA6ObJ
Discord: Suule#5142
- E-mail: MacaronPress@gmail.com
Note: | This isn't actually retortelement's contact information, but technically we report to him. |
Myuer !!3uFZRY/rUap
- Discord: Myuer#0082
Sillius !!f7WVZt/RWCS
- /4ccg/
- Twitter: Sillius2
- E-mail: MacaronPress@gmail.com
folley !!IT5tz2qHqnT
- /4ccg/
gw !!+HdfEOCtfid
- Skype: golden_wingman
- I'm almost always on IRC and /4ccg/. Both are almost certainly better ways of reaching me than Skype.
QD !!ztCBdAQrY7S
- Skype: quetzadrake
- Discord: QD#3978
- Lurk /4ccg/, too
Technetium !!rb+zz19X9Cq
- Skype: element.forty.three
- IRC: Technetium / ElementFortyThree / E43
- E-mail: element.forty.three@gmail.com
- Discord: Technetium #6741
- I lurk /4ccg/, so I'll catch most mentions of /vg/ or anything directed at me.
Resolink !!ob5SBk6Vu3m
- Skype: moon.man1234321
- Twitter: @Resolink_4cc
- Discord: Resolink#6626
Remnance !!+pyOjo43iee
- Skype: remnance972
TheWorst !!imX5RWup/L6
- >Skype: sirpains
- Discord: TheWorst#5396
Nemo !!uMaTyAPDDnV
- Skype: nemo_electrosphere
Anonymous Goat !!9WlC1nw1PCw
- Skype: ChivoAnónimo
- Discord: ChivoAnónimo#6117
Moze !!Moze78KszJJ
- Skype: mozeemoze
I also lurk /4ccg/. Say "Moze" and I will see it. You can also reach us on the team Discord.
Meno !!o5KIJgy4fQA
- Skype: shiaslaw
I'm also lurking the /4ccg/ page at all times
.WEBMarshmallow !!XIy7rvj1rvo
- 4CC IRC: WEBMarshmallow
- Discord: .WEBMarshmallow #6204
- Skype: webmarshmallow
- Email: webmarshmallow@gmail.com
XEon8x !!zIlZPeUu7xI
- 4CC IRC: XEon8x
- Discord: XEon8x #0233
- Email: xgongiveittoya8@gmail.com
Thunderlizard !!xGNdlvrIT2+ya
- 4CC IRC: Thunderlizard
- Discord: Thunderlizard #2960
Sleep Deprived Anon !!z16KEuJW8s3
- Skype: Obradovich (SDA)
- Steam: Doctor_Papa
- E-mail: Dan12344dan12344dan@hotmail.com
- IRC: Sleepy_Australian
If in need of kits, contact me.
If help is needed anything else aesthetic wise, come to me if Tony is too busy.