VGL Mid Cup Aesthetics
This page is intended for adding or fixing aesthetics during an on-going cup.
Either link new/corrected files or add notes to fix certain things that might have been forgotten or were broken before.
Please add a level 3 header (with three equal signs on each side) with your team name above the stuff you want to be fixed/added.
The headers should be listed chronologically below the Not added yet / To do header, with the newest stuff at the top.
If you have to add more stuff halfway, just make a new header at the top for your team, and leave the old one in place.
Once stuff is added or fixed it will be moved to the Added / Done section.
Important: Every request has to be verified by a team's current manager, with a signature (four tildes) at the end.
This page is currently meant to be used for the /vg/ League X.
Aesthetic Stuff
For all the stuff that involves aesthetic files, like new kits and faces.
Please only put the stuff that changed, don't upload a whole new export every time.
Not added yet
(Add your non-savedata fix requests below this line)
Wasad (talk) 18:58, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
Dog-chan (talk) 23:06, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
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Cloudy (talk) 00:47, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
Megabeastage (talk) 17:27, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
Portrait change: player ID 80514 (The Bandpill formerly known as Kill Yourself)
Savedata Issues
For all the savedata-related fixes, like changing shirt names, setting long sleeves or different boots, etc.
Found issues:
To Fix
(Add your savedata fix requests below this line)
- Harlot: Get rid of Scissors Feint and Cut Behind & Turn, replace with Long Range Drive and Long Ranger
- Unicorn: Skin colour to Custom
- E-chan: Goal celebrations to 37 and 19.
Cloudy (talk) 08:21, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- The Great Wall: Set height from 188cm to 189cm, and set skin colour to transparent
- HAK HAK HAK: Set weight from 80kg to 51kg
- Destructive Anal: Set skin colour to transparent
- Cravers Of Peace: Set Arm Movement whilst both dribbling and running from 2 to 4
- Hyperlanes Only: Set height from 185cm to 189cm
- Ecstatic: Set skin colour to transparent
- Garbage Stealing Robot: Make the shirt and sleeves invisible
- Balanced For Multiplayer: Turn off wrist taping, sleeves or collar, set skin colour to transparent, and set boot id to 15
- Spaghetti Junctions: Set skin colour to transparent, Make the boots and socks invisible
- Dosh Lords: Set skin colour to transparent, and set boot id to 15
- Fuck Wiz: Remove wrist taping, make the sleeves invisible, and set boot id to 13
- Fish Tits: Remove wrist taping, and make the sleeves invisible
Megabeastage (talk) 17:27, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
- Could you set neck length for >tfw quarry to settle at the lowest possible value? --Autocrat (talk) 08:11, 27 May 2018 (UTC)
- Give 80 to all stats for the following players: Nyeh..., Culprit-kun, FUTURE, Cumaru, I Love Junko!, and BUT THAT'S KAYAYDAY'S LIE ISN'T IT
- Get rid of Speeding Bullet from SEESAW EFFECT
- Get rid of One Touch Pass from HOPE
- Give JUZO BOYS 2/2 footedness
- Give REAL FICTION the A rating for CB and C rating for DMF
- Give DESPAIR Goal Celebration #60 for her first goal celebration
- Make sure FPC settings are enabled for Culprit-kun, DESPAIR, GONTA IDIOT, nyeh..., and REAL FICTION
- If I'm not mistaken Shakes wants Squatposting to have full FPC in RigIt, and the rest of the team needs Left Wrist Taping to get their collars back; the aesthetics are what they were from VGL9 Technetium (talk) 04:35, 27 May 2018 (UTC)
- For ALL players, boot ID 38
HinanoSensei (talk) 09:14, 27 May 2018 (UTC)
- just take off a random trick card from the two offending players as long as it isnt rabona
- make yumi's name Dumb Babu (not full caps)
RamenRaisin (talk) 13:36, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Turn off Outside Curler on High Impact Sexual Violence
- Turn off Speeding Bullet on Impregnate
RetardMaster (talk) 07:10, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Throw Ruks should only have the Long GK Throw Card, get rid of the other one whatever it is. THROW RUKS.*
lark4cc (talk) 16:45, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Set DING DONG as Captain
- Set Alberto's footing to 4/4
- Set the bench LBs (12 Decks of Balanced Meta and bampi-chan sugoi sushi) to 2/2 footing
- Set 12 Decks of Balanced Meta's shirt number to 12
- Set [ANGRY ROACH NOISES]'s shirt number to 11
- Set Skin Color: Light & Wrist Taping: Left for DANZAI, 12 Decks of Balanced Meta, and [ANGRY ROACH NOISES]
Wasad (talk) 22:06, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
- Set socks to invisible on the following players: Why isn't this on /jp/?, 2hu is a video game, I'm calling the cops, x hug, Can you host? and play for score faggot.
- Why isn't this on /jp/?: Set boots to #12
- Make i'm calling the cops a buff fucker in the physiques tab
- Arm and leg length to -7 on the following players: Helpful and Friendly, Reimu is a good person, Lewd Pink and Say something nice about ____.
- Dead Womb: Set leg length to -7.
- Filthy Secondaries: Set shoulder width, chest measurement, thigh and calf size to +7
- Byakuren did nothing wrong: Set socks to standard and boots to 01.
2hugAnon (talk) 22:15, 28 May 2018 (UTC)
Name Changes
- Change the player name Kill Yourself to The Bandpill
- Change Shiitake to Intern-Kun
Player Stat Changes
- Dia-chan: Change Form to 8 and change Weak foot usage/acc to 2/2
- Burd: Change Form to 4 and change Weak foot usage/acc to 2/2
- Nicocchi: Change Injury Res/From to 3/4
- Kenon and Alpaca: Change weak foot usage/acc to 2/2
- Honkers: Remove Scotch Move
- (You): Remove Heading and Acrobatic Finishing
--Bittenfeld (talk) 00:28, 29 May 2018 (UTC)
(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
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