Aesthetic Templates

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Revision as of 23:19, 12 May 2019 by Noteperson (talk | contribs) (Posting 18 generic head template)
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Please give us a heads-up on the /4ccg/ thread or the /aesco/ discord if you find something wrong with any of the templates in this page.

Templates for PES18

Premade head templates

This PES18 generic head template contains the following:

  • face_high.fmdl, just edit the texture paths to point to the correct playerID and build it into your FPK
  • face_diff.bin, build it into your FPK to hide the EEEE eyes and mouth
  • gh_template.xcf, a template for creating textures for the head
  • generic_head.blend, a blender model you can use to preview said textures

Templates for PES16/PES17

Premade head templates

To use these take one of the contained folders and make a copy of it, edit the hair_parts_col dds texture inside ( recommended) and save. That folder is now your player's new face folder, which you can include in your aesthetic export and test with the compiler (see AET).

Box head templates: mega

Card head templates: mega

Templates for exporting models using blender

Base head with neck: mega

Blank head with nothing on the face meshes nor hair meshes (except Hair_2): mega
(Can also be used as invisible head by deleting the hair files.)

Ball template: mega (The model file can also be used for exporting static models for players.)

Templates for player customization

Template for custom skin: mega

Template for custom kit and skin (Setting FPC is recommended to avoid glitches): mega