Need to contact a manager? Look up their contact info here.
If a manager's contact info cannot be found here, try the /vg/ thread. If you suspect that the manager of your board's team has become inactive while a cup is around the corner, let the /vg/ thread know, too.
Official Aesthetics Council
- Shakes !!bde0TdEQ2r5
- Wiki Page: User:Shakes
- Discord: Shakes#9782
- Skype: shakes-fgog
Other Aesthetics Council Members
- Archivist !ghxWMDraws
- Blenderanon
- Dag
- DrDtroit !!pVg5N2qQSk/
- f4r !HanakoDlmg
- Heavenly_Pond !!sFCZyZHsSiq
- Lear !!vH2UmJDmLxj
- MS
- Nada !!Z4P8ydoW2NH
- Noteperson !!OaxI+wTW5//
- RamenRaisin !!XXAEfwT2yXr
- Smugleaf !!WROPMzfJikm
- Sleep Deprived Anon !!z16KEuJW8s3.
- Suppatenko !!gffEdc3tMkh
- Tadokoro !!AWq1hlBKhOM
- Tomato
- Ved !!W/GlTL03ypW
Server admin
- f4r !HanakoDlmg
- Email:
- Discord: f4r#2361
- Skype: f4r.hanakodlmg
- IRC: f4r
I look after the wiki, IRC (including buttbot and spengbab) and the server as a whole. If you find something broken, please let me know (>implying I'll fix it soon or ever).
- Lear !!vH2UmJDmLxj
- Skype: that.king.lear
- Discord: Lear#2487
- Thread: Usually lurking
- IRC: Lear
If you have any questions I am always willing to talk.
Manager verification / PES / Export Helper
- DescendingBear !!BEf2wCiJp/K
- Discord: DescendingBear#7917
- IRC: DescendingBear
- Email:
- Skype: descending.bear (please use as a last resort contact)
Please contact me if you want to become a manager. Make sure to have a talk with other manager(s) for team you're applying for first! You can also message me if you need some troubleshooting on the process of your PES installation, need an explanation of some rules, want to learn the ropes about managing, making exports and so on.
Cup Discord Servers
General 4cc Discord
Aesthetics Council Discord
Team Discord Servers
This team does not currently have a manager.
AldosMora !!yU9erXQlinF
- Skype: Aldos Mora
- Email:
- Discord: Aldos Mora#7125
Blinky !!SpytPK2KVVY
- Skype: Bl1nky
- Discord: Blinky#5944
metagross01 !!8/pVqp7uFuQ
- Skype: metagross01.4cc
- Discord: 4cc_metagross01#2368
This team does not currently have a manager.
Heavenly_Pond !!sFCZyZHsSiq
Skype: heavenlypond
Alternativeroo !!R5/4Cpex4Bg
Skype: spectralwing
Groudon !!9aKmRIjeVg1
- 4CC Skype: Groudonasp
In the offseason might not be in the /vg/ thread as much, but feel free to add me on Skype
Prozach !!SSPtXJ6yC1U 4CC Skype: z33km0 Discord: Prozach#0563
Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with me if needed for any reason
Captain Planet
Skype: elcapitanplanet42
6letters !!9Ddx6tl1+0u
Skype: sixlettersshadow
Discord: 6letters#6275
This team does not currently have a manager.
This team does not currently have a manager.
This team does not currently have a manager.
Bochumbrew !!vij0cTUzxLY
- Skype: MMMaster48
- Twitter: @Bochumbrew
AntacidCanada !!bxgf5+DXvbZ
- Skype: antacidcanada
- Twitter: @4ccfood
- OkCupid: NachosInMyButt
Twitter is best for emergencies
This team does not currently have a manager.
DocSax !!CZDGJzT39aK:
skype: dctrsax
discord: DocSax#8758
Mantis !!JQtP16lnumY:
skype: mantisofpraying15
discord: Mantis#8299
CuriousAnon !!NNJPLf1BkZ:
skype: starburstking
- Skype: generalpseudonym
- Wiki Page: Guar/d/iola
- E-mail:
Team secretary
DrDtroit !!pVg5N2qQSk/
- Skype: drdtroit
- Talk page: User talk:DrDtroit
- Email:
Live Manager
This team does not currently have a manager.
HT !!ehLYq5ENicU
- No listed contact information.
Two_Scoops !!xa7VqC3ACEa
- Discord: Two_Scoops#4317
- IRC: Two_Scoops (Where I usually am when home and awake)
- Email:
- Skype: two2coops (I don't even launch Skype anymore)
Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ
- Skype: Sirsmudgey
- Discord: Smudgey#9560
Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ
- Skype: oldmansou
This team does not currently have a manager.
Team Email:
ThatGreekGuy !!kP474qreMcq
- Skype: mitsoulas1998
- IRC: ThatGreekGuy
TheDeek !!c+3ub1zCoe9
- Skype: hammerzeit47
- Email:
- Discord(best option for contact): The Deek#3604
Narcissist !!zmsptqHmZEu
- Skype: (Fairly Fast)
- Email: (Slow)
- IRC: Narcissist (Very rarely online)
- Team Discord Server
Smoothie Mane !!0z3uZxZe05x
- Discord: Smoothie Mane#7420 (Fast)
- Email: (Slow)
smear !!!!ZpszUblgJq9 (Inactive)
- Skype: GraphicDesign333
- Twitter: @GraphicDesignFC
- IRC Handle: smear
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Smugleaf !!WROPMzfJikm
- User Page: Smugleaf
- Skype: basedsmugleaf
- IRC: Smugleaf
● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Incoming !!LIKZcxsmOAv
- User Page: Incoming
- Discord (best bet): Incoming#0888
- Email (checked infrequently):
- IRC (gameday only): Incoming
- Skype (gameday only): incomingnumbers5643
This team does not currently have a manager.
Gummy !!6TrreRb/dWT
- Skype: gummybear2710
- IRC: Gummy
Flowonthego !!OsuyA1ar1o9
- Skype: deliriouseagle
- IRC: Flowonthego
rhs !!7U8GBtyDxxf
- Skype: rhs (rarely on)
- IRC: rhs
- Discord: rhs (can be contacted on the 4cc discord)
JunoIvanovich !!pRLnAqrt9vP
- Skype: JunoIvanovich
- IRC: JunoIvanovich
- E-mail:
- Discord: JunoIvanovich#6095
I check 4ccg daily
Crocodile !!pDJrGDlBah8
- IRC: Crocodile
This team does not currently have a manager.
This team does not currently have a manager.
Rillion !!nkKuj7Qupxu
- Discord: Rillion#2302
- Skype: Marillion05
- IRC: Rillion
Indeterminate !!Zf3kAJ4eUaf
- Skype: Name Indeterminate
- IRC (I'm not available often): Indeterminate
This team does not currently have a manager.
indistrikable !!g8zMCvgDPLW
- Skype: indistrikable
- I always read through the thread so you can catch me there too.
admiralmeru !!On6QI38faPh
- Discord: admiralmeru#0733 and the /int/ 4cc discord, contact me, FELOOx (probably), or indistrikable for an invite
- E-mail:
- Skype: borked
- I also check /4ccg/ and any thread up on /int/ sometimes
FELOOx !!itrZLMPlc+O
- Skype: Amerimanager
- Discord: FELOOx#6705 - Much more reliable than Skype
- I am almost always shitposting in /4ccg/, so I'll probably see anything posted there.
Ana Mack !!1VkHCjzQmO5
- Skype: bigshakey77
- Twitter: @BigShakey77 (best way to reach me during the day)
Suppatenko !!gffEdc3tMkh
- Skype: suppahtenk0
- Team e-mail:
Tadokoro !!AWq1hlBKhOM
- Skype: jpblenders
- E-mail:
I'm also on the thread all of the time.
Miles_Paratus !!IhJa9y3np3I
- Skype:
- E-mail:
Assigned Fail !!C2hMqZSi8LD
- Email:
- Skype: Assigned Fail
- Discord: Assigned Fail#4741
Kinsey Type F !!SHeuLX1RDVQ
- Email:
- Skype: Kinsey McTypeF
- Discord: Kinsey Type F#9347
San Marino !!K7UPgnq6Ao2
- Email:
- Skype: sanmarinolit
- Discord: SanMarino#1952
- Twitter: @LolitaWantedIt
Autocrat !!CgrAMDqsYHX
- Skype: autocrat_
TrickyDick !!LsEdMTSFTMN
- Email:
- Discord: Tricky Dick#8993
The /m/ Council
- Discord:
Update Guy !!Iu7w9XSvmty
- Discord: Update Guy#2111
- Skype: Fireboltprime (Rarely on it, please add me on Discord)
- Twitter: @UpdateGuyofm
Archivist !ghxWMDraws
- Skype: live:fishsicles
- Skype: shadowborgxix
- Discord: Shadowborg4cc
- IRC: #/m/echunited
- Steam: /m/'s official Steam Group that is not even used
Emulpee !!UoJdKi3gQNs
MagicBlue !!shOOeoEzeWt
TSparx !!g53jKnG9bdD
Feedback !!+8d1qFKeSP0
- Skype: feedbac.k
- Email:
- Discord: Feedbacker#4363
Megabeastage !!KlfUffM+oow
- skype: megabeastage.4cc
- email:
Shakes !!bde0TdEQ2r5
- Discord: Shakes#9782
- Skype: shakes-fgog
- /4ccg/: I lurk everyday
Layrinn !!U2MZUEkRct+
- Discord: Layrinn#6925
Technically managerless as the team got culled, however Jack and I were talking about me taking over long before the culling so Jack decided now was the moment to pass the torch.
Superzak !!I1ftieCPe9P
- Discord: Superzak#8209
- Skype: comfy_superzak
- IRC: Superzak
This team does not currently have a manager.
Soryuu !!o16SVJJscF1
- Skype: urukunyo
- Email:
Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK
- Skype: Rabbi Shlomo
- Email:
Canes !!J3ZSDcbgj7h
- Email:
- Discord: Canes#4555
- Skype: Canes 4cc (canes.4cc)
- IRC: Canes
Prof. Pepe !!czh67wKB6Up
- Email:
Shuckle !!QKW7kiLRIvE
- Skype: Ash Shuckle
- IRC: Shuckle
- Discord: Shuckle#2385
MarcoZ !!ycrzIG/Qkev
- Skype: The Skype user formally known as MarcoZ
- IRC: MarcoZ
- Discord: MarcoZ#2662
Mako !!DFFmXqNgFKW
- Skype: makoismako_1
- IRC: Mako
- Email:
- Discord: Mako#3730
This team does not currently have a manager.
carmastrikes !!SlaOZ6azSy+
- Skype: carmastrikes
- IRC: "carma" will do the trick
Shouganaina !!+HJ7qWns8oA
- Skype: Oxenkses
- Discord: Oxen#0733
- IRC: shouganaina
Squidposter !!f7B52+V5XS3
- Skype: Squidposter
- Email:
Fapoleon !!vLW/0AZEhwG
- Skype: mr.trolololo3
- Discord: Fapoleon#9134
- IRC: Fapoleon
Lab Coat !!xjloyu2m+mY
- Skype: Lab Coat
- Email:
- Discord: Labcoat#1630
SocialSpartan !!ni657QT8fC7
- IRC: socialspartan
- Skype: socialspartan
Coach_Z !!8XyR48cS/9r
- Skype: coach_zrap
JohnnyBravo !!!!hun/mYyBLVf
- Skype:
- Email:
EdgarBub !!hImM4iWsFS/
- Skype: edgarbobington
I figured someone might need to contact me in the future or whenevs
TWAIN !!VnvXhN8Apg7
- Skype: t.w.a.i.n.
ESK !!33JM24iZ0fW
- Email:
This team does not currently have a manager.
Marqod !!ScG+JApFxMq
- mail: eltharius at gmail
Send me a mail if you've got questions or would like to help with the team.
NearlyEnoughDakka !!HmLwLmFUvvu
- Skype: NearlyEnoughDakka
- Mail:
- Steam: benetleielax
Lazyturd !!9uWeC3vphKo
- Skype: Lazyturd
- Mail:
CorgiLord !!0OZBkGRYyxW
- Skype: CorgiLord
- Steam: Ash Hearthguard
- Discord: Alycornanon#3760
We are always on the lookout for people who want to help out, feel free to stop by our discord or matchday threads for more info.
CptCourage !!X48HYmeF9dn
- Discord: CptCourage#6445
- Skype: cptcourage10
- Email:
Karth !!Y2abSm9+/NN
- Skype: pulse.beam
- Discord: Karth#9143
Legendairyman !!I7Squ4GXZX7
- Discord: Legendairyman#6845
- Skype: Legendairyman9
- I'm also usually in the /vg/ threads so you can call me out and I'll probably see it.
MauledByTheTigers !!jawkONBJmdi
- Skype: mauledbythetigers-trv
- Email:
CIingingMars !!wX0LNTKWzpR Discord: ClingingMars#2818 Skype: ncs2008
- E-mail:
Note: | This isn't actually retortelement's contact information, but technically we report to him. |
Myuer !!3uFZRY/rUap
- Discord: Myuer#0082
Sillius !!f7WVZt/RWCS
- /4ccg/
- Twitter: Sillius2
- E-mail:
folley !!IT5tz2qHqnT
- /4ccg/
gw !!+HdfEOCtfid
- Skype: golden_wingman
- I'm almost always on IRC and /4ccg/. Both are almost certainly better ways of reaching me than Skype.
QD !!ztCBdAQrY7S
- Skype: quetzadrake
- Discord: QD#3978
- Lurk /4ccg/, too
Technetium !!rb+zz19X9Cq
- Skype: element.forty.three
- IRC: Technetium / ElementFortyThree / E43
- E-mail:
- Discord: Technetium #6741
- I lurk /4ccg/, so I'll catch most mentions of /vg/ or anything directed at me.
Resolink !!ob5SBk6Vu3m
- Skype: moon.man1234321
- Twitter: @Resolink_4cc
- Discord: Resolink#6626
Remnance !!+pyOjo43iee
- Skype: remnance972
TheWorst !!imX5RWup/L6
- >Skype: sirpains
- Discord: TheWorst#5396
Nemo !!uMaTyAPDDnV
- Skype: nemo_electrosphere
DescendingBear !!BEf2wCiJp/K
Contact info in the 'Staff' section above
Anonymous Goat !!9WlC1nw1PCw
- Skype: UnChivoAnónimo
- Discord: UnChivoAnónimo#6117
Moze !!Moze78KszJJ
- Skype: mozeemoze
I also lurk /4ccg/. Say "Moze" and I will see it. You can also reach us on the team Discord.
Meno !!o5KIJgy4fQA
- Skype: shiaslaw
I'm also lurking the /4ccg/ page at all times
.WEBMarshmallow !!XIy7rvj1rvo
- 4CC IRC: WEBMarshmallow
- Discord: .WEBMarshmallow #6204
- Skype: webmarshmallow
- Email:
This team does not currently have a manager.
Sleep Deprived Anon !!z16KEuJW8s3
- Skype: Obradovich (SDA)
- Steam: Doctor_Papa
- E-mail:
- IRC: Sleepy_Australian
If in need of kits, contact me.
If help is needed anything else aesthetic wise, come to me if Tony is too busy.