Pro Evolution Soccer 2016/Tools

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Revision as of 22:10, 17 January 2019 by Giovani1906 (talk | contribs)
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This page is meant to list all PES16 tools that we recommend worth using in one place.

Edit file

The Edit file (often simply referred to as save) stores all player stats, appearance settings, teams, tactics, and so on. It is created once you start the game and open the Edit menu.
In PES16 EDIT00000000 can be found in %HOMEPATH%\documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\save.

  • PES Next-Gen Editor 2016 BETA 0.6.5 - Pretty complete editor including teams and line-up. Seems to be missing appearance.
  • RigIt - Open-source editor that allows setting 4chan Cup specific options as well as otherwise unavailable appearance options.
  • PESGambiarra 2016 - A tool to edit teams and players stats and appearance using spreadsheets.
