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User:Incoming/Potential 4CC Teams

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4chan's got lots of boards. Not all of them have a team. The boards on this list have never had a team in the 4CC. If the idea of starting a team from scratch sounds exciting to you why not go ask around and see if they're interested.

If you intend to attempt to get one of these boards interested, don't spill your fucking spaghetti everywhere.

If you intend to attempt managing one of these boards' teams, don't be a filthy merc.

Feel free to edit this page if you know something about these teams that I don't.

Team Status Comments
File:R icon.png /r/ - Adult Requests >Kudjah - Bagat was an impressively stupid and annoying Croatian from 2013 who wanted to merc /hm/ purely for personal glory but somehow managed to fail the "don't be Dragonfag" verification of 2013 due to literally using Google Translate and failing to follow basic instructions due to lack of English comprehension. He was also annoying as fuck, and got temporarily banned for his troubles. So naturally he came back as Kudjah with a not even remotely cleverly disguised attempt to create and merc an /r/ team purely for personal glory, was revealed to have the same IP as Bagat, and ended up getting any hope of a serious /r/ team killed off due to his many fuckups. Bagat/Kudjah, more than anyone else who has existed and hopefully more than anyone else who will exist, is the exact opposite of what a 4CC manager should be. It cannot be emphasized enough, if you want to manage a 4CC team, do not be a filthy fucking merc. For nearly six years after the fact, the wiki page for /r/ was blocked from being created thanks to Bagat's idiocy. If (You) wish to see the page in all its >glory before being nuked, go here. As of August 5, 2019, the /r/ wiki page is no longer blocked from creation.
Vip icon.png /vip/ - Very Important Posts Some Guy (user:Swase) seemed interested in late 2017 but may have been just a passing fancy. Shortly before Spring 2019 some anon tried to get some interest going but couldn't manage to think of 23 player names... You don't have to pay twenty bucks to manage most teams, but you'd have to for this one. Also there's a rule that may or may not really matter saying boards that cannot be freely posted in can't have teams.
Qa icon.png /qa/ - Question & Answer Had some decent talk in the lead up to Summer 2020. Remains to be seen if that leads to an actual team. Had an interest thread in early 2018, met mix results then got deleted by a mod somehow This used to just be Jp icon.png /jp/ but jesus christ what happened?
File:Hc icon.png /hc/ - Hardcore Failed proof of interest to play in Spring 2019. The lad seemed earnest and might try again. Not sure how anyone could make this a team without getting us banned but hey.
File:News icon.png /news/ - Current News No Recent Interested Manager Known The rules of this board make meme propagation nearly impossible. Even asking for interest would be tricky.
File:Qst icon.png /qst/ - Quests In Spring 2018 it had a promising effort to become liv but the guy got scared of getting banned. Probably the comfiest containment board on the site.
Wsr icon.png /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests No Recent Interested Manager Known Like /r/ above this has been around for a while but no one really seems to care. Played in a fake team tournament a while back but has since been quiet.
J icon.png /j/ - Janitor & Moderator Discussion No Recent Interested Manager Known To manage this team you'd have to out yourself as a Janitor or Moderator, which would get you removed from that position, so then you couldn't manage it.
Trash icon.png /trash/ - Off-Topic Several Thousand Part Time Managers The unlisted board rule literally does not exist guys.

See Also: User:GoldenWingman/Ded_teams, boards that have had teams play in cups but have not seen them play for as long as three years ago (and counting).