/a/ Roster

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Current Roster


Pos. No. Name Face Description Height
11 Cowboy Bebop Bebop.jpg Longtime veteran and Captain of team /a/ and hailing from one of many Gateway Animes of the Worst Kind, Cowboy Bebop has maintained a distinguished service record that goes as far back as /a/'s inception. 179
4 Yotsuba Yotsuba.jpg /a/'s incorruptible daughteru, Yotsuba has finally found her place on the squad after a long campaign at /c/. Her morale-raising smile can only bring good fortune to the team. 179
10 Megumin Megumin.png Hailing from the Dark Land of Chuunis, Megumin of the Crimson Demons is looking to blow the opposition away with her explosion magic. Sure, it can only be used once per day, and being a medal means she's crucial to the team, but we'll help her find a way to make up for it. 189
22 Lelouch Lelouch.jpg After surprising the entire world with news that he's alive, Lelouch plans to join the /a/ team so that he may once again lead a struggling group to glory with his exquisite keikaku abilities. Whether or not he will use his Geass to kill everyone in the stadium again is unknown. 180
17 Potatoes Potatoes.png 1-2-3 Titus get the kettenkrad because Yuuri and her potato-shaped head are rolling into the /a/ lineup. Yuuri hopes to solidify the midfield by eating all the defensive spaghetti. It's not over until it's over! 189
66 Inferno Cop Inferno.jpg Hailing from the rotten shithole that is Jack Knife Edge Town, Inferno Cop is out to face enemy defenders, the dreaded trollpost, and tax evaders. He aims to be the purgatory flame that /a/ needs. 189
16 Truck-kun TruckKun.jpg Bringing a whole new meaning to the word "murderball"! 180
2 QUALITY QUALITY.jpg QUALITY comes in many forms - lazy or missing animation, ugly frames, perspective and/or anatomy errors, among others. This player aims to stop the opponent dead on their tracks through sheer laughter, making sure their mistakes are only in the animation. 185
27 Smug Anime Face Smugface.jpg The ultimate rebuttal. No amount of argument or eloquence can overcome it. 185
00 Sakurafish Sakurafish.jpg She will tackle and steal the ball from you, every play until you like it. 185
5 Accelerator Accelerator.jpg Everybody's favorite esper has moved on from his longstanding occupation of homicide to goalkeeping. He is the last member of Accelebebert, having held the net in time for Bebop and Bert to score in many a game. 189


Pos. No. Name Face Description Height
55 King of Gets KingOfGets.jpg After some dark times of failed GETs and a dying internet connection, the King has revamped his script and is back with more GETs than ever. Victory is his, there is no way around it. 180
13 You're Waifu Waifu.png Constantly reminding the opponent that they're waifu a shit sounded like a good enough demotivational tactic, so we put her in the midfield where she will be the most effective. Hopefully, we won't end up attacking our own forces as well. 185
20 Sakura Kinomoto CCS.png When word came that one of the missing Clow Cards was located on the pitch, the well-loved and adorable Cardcaptor Sakura signed up with the intention of sealing it, however we are sure that we could use her and her Sealing Wand for some tactical advantage too. 185
23 'That' THAT.jpg It can't be helped. It looks like we're going to have to use 'that'. 175
8 Kyon-kun Denwa Kyon.jpg Every /a/non has asked the same question at some point: Why does she sit like that? Never mind that the answer is obvious and always the same, some things simply must be done. Hopefully, this leaves the opponent floundering as they ponder about such a question. Whatever happens, there will be hurt butts after a match ends. 180
69 Semen Demon SemenDemon.jpg Who's that Fluid Druid on the pitch? No, seriously, I want to know who that Mattress Actress is. Come on, just tell me where that Boner Condoner came from. Wait, that Spunk Monk is playing for /a/? I had no idea. 180
9 Kaban-chan Kaban.jpg After exploring and saving Japari Park from certain doom, Kaban-chan ventures out to a whole new Area - the pitch - where she may once again help out her friends - the /a/ team - with clever ideas. 185
3 Boku no Pico Boku.jpg A classic masterpiece and mandatory watch, Boku no Pico is known for making weaklings run away terrified, and aims to invoke the same reaction in /a/'s opponents. YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 176
18 Meguca Meguca.jpg Meduka become Meguca and save /a/ from babby. but Mumi kill. Seyiku kill. Kyaku nowhere. Hameru betrayed Meduka. being Meguca is suffering... 175
19 Poputepipiku Popuko.png When hard times are upon the team, how better to react than with an incredibly aggrivated kuso character. Popuko is sure to threaten the opponents into a loss with her quick anger snaps. Pipimi has been recruited as a coach to make sure things don't get too out of hand. 180
14 Keit-Ai Keitai.jpg A boy falls in love with a girl.

Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well. But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

12 W I D E F A C E W I D E.jpg If you can't summon Jesus or use Vectors, then the next best option is to block the whole damn goal with your head - and thus, Miyako was assigned as /a/'s substitute goal keeper. 189