
From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 02:37, 10 October 2018 by Labcoat (talk | contribs)
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Hey, I'm the guy who's Sci icon.png /sci/'s manager, for a short period of time I "managed" Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ before being >banned from the /vg/l

Tripcode is: Lab Coat !!xjloyu2m+mY

Contact me at LabCoat#1630 on Discord, or send an email at

Discord is Labcoat#1630
Current Invitational Teams:

Math icon.png /math/ - Mathematics

Fed icon.png /fed/ - United Federation of Planets

Current Concept Teams:

Chem icon.png /chem/ - Chemistry

Md icon.png /md/ - Maryland

Tmbg icon.png /tmbg/ - They Might Be Giants

Retired Teams:

Tfe icon.png /tfe/ - Team Fortress Engineer