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Hey, I'm the guy who's Sci icon.png /sci/'s manager, for a short period of time I "managed" Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/ before being >banned from the /vg/l

Tripcode is: Lab Coat !!xjloyu2m+mY

Contact me at LabCoat#1630 on Discord, or send an email at

Invitational Teams

Current Invitational Teams

Math icon.png /math/ - Mathematics

Fed icon.png /fed/ - United Federation of Planets

Current Concept Teams

Chem icon.png /chem/ - Chemistry

Md icon.png /md/ - Maryland

Tmbg icon.png /tmbg/ - They Might Be Giants

Retired Teams

Tfe icon.png /tfe/ - Team Fortress Engineer

Fantasy Teams

2017 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
14 Decrease2.png9 [Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name] 199

[Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name]

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Vr icon.png LB Blast Processing - -
S4s icon.png RB >dinosaurs >feathers - -
U icon.png DMF Macarons - -
Lit icon.png CMF my diary desu - -
G icon.png CMF Terry A. Davis - -
Sci icon.png AMF Sun of Lava/Ice - -
Int icon.png AMF >Argentina >White Vice-captain - -
Vr icon.png SS Kirby - -
Sci icon.png CF Shinichi Mochizuki Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
G icon.png GK Stallman - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
Wg icon.png CB Kilometer One - -
Vr icon.png DMF Atari Dragon - -
Int icon.png CMF Polandball - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -
2018 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
3 Increase.png1 [Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name 2: Electric Boogaloo] 291

[Funny and Clever Fantasy Team Name 2: Electric Boogaloo]

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
K icon.png CB Vining - -
N icon.png CB Steel is Reel - -
X icon.png CB SCP Series - -
Tg icon.png DMF Settra The Imperishable - -
H icon.png DMF Unwilling Elf - -
An icon.png LMF Birb - -
An icon.png CMF Orange Bitey Thing - -
Tg icon.png SS Thin Your Paints - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer - -
Sci icon.png CF Shinichi Mochizuki Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Int icon.png LB >A Fucking Leaf - -
Vr icon.png CB Blast Processing - -
U icon.png DMF Macarons - -
Int icon.png DMF Sopa De Macaco - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
TBD 0 Team Gul Dukat Did Nothing Wrong 0

Team Gul Dukat Did Nothing Wrong

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
G icon.png GK Stallman - -
X icon.png CB The Grifter - -
Tv icon.png LB Problem Child 2 - -
3 icon.png RB Baby's First Donut - -
U icon.png DMF Macarons - -
Tv icon.png CMF Gul Dukat - -
Lit icon.png CMF Pure Ideology - -
His icon.png AMF Bomber Harris - -
Wsg icon.png SS Duane Vice-captain - -
His icon.png SS Bismarck - -
G icon.png CF Install Gentoo Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Out icon.png GK Penis Gourd - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
Wg icon.png CB I Am Very Sad - -
Aco icon.png DMF >artist - -
Lgbt icon.png CMF Hi, /pol/ - -
His icon.png CF >Holy>Roman>Empire - -