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I'm just some random tripfag (f4r !HanakoDlmg). I lurk a lot, don't really do anything useful. /f/ is my home board.

Feel free to catch me on IRC or skype (f4rhanakodlmg). I can't guarantee I'll answer you quickly, there's a good chance I'm asleep.

I also run buttbot on IRC, it has a few public commands;. You can also type !commands in the channel to get a list. Please note; buttbot has most commands disabled during games.
!seen <nick> will look up a nickname and tell you how long ago the bot saw anything from them (including joins/parts/quits). Can be a little iffy sometimes though.
!addquote <some quote here> will add that to the quote database. You can check the last added quote with !lastquote, get a random one with !randquote, or if you know the number, !quote <number> to show a specific quote. !adquote is now restricted to ops and voice only due to abuse. You also need an account set up on the bot.
!8ball <your question here> should be obvious enough.
!bomb <nick> a timebomb game, cut the right wire or else. Use !snip <color> or just <color>. Seems to be fixed for now. Disabled for now due to abuse. Probably won't be reactivated.
!uno play a game of Uno. Limited to the #games channel only.
!blackjack same deal as above.
!wiki <page> retrieve a page from the implyingrigged wiki. Somewhat broken at this stage, pages with slashes in them don't work, among others.
!batman a random batman quote.
!bender a random bender quote.
!hitler a random hitler quote.
!time <location> gives you the local time anywhere. Uses the iGoogle API so it'll break by November. Still works for some reason.
!weather <location> same as above. Powered by Yahoo weather. borked for reasons unknown, deactivated for now.
!uptime gives you the current uptime of the host.
!ping will make the bot ping you, and return the result in a /msg.
!google <query> performs a google search. Occasionally fails and returns a blank result.
!rigbux <command> commands are help, balance, transfer <user> <amount>. To prevent abuse, you don't get any money when you first join. If I'm around, I'll give you $100 when you first join. Other than that, the only way to make RigBux are by sending me neat or interesting files via DCC.
!roll <dice notation> eg !roll 1d20. Supports modifiers too.
!countdown shows how much time is left until the next match.
!tweet <tweet> make the bot tweet. [1]. Now restricted to ops and users with voice. You need to have an account set up on the bot, contact me if you want one.
!follow <twitter handle> make the bot follow someone on twitter. Restricted to ops only, with an account on the bot.
!rank <nick> get the user's ranking in stats.
!stats <nick> get the user's stats.
!tstats shows total stats for the channel.
!top10 <option> shows the top ten rankings for <option>. Valid options are lines, words, actions, kicks, bans, joins, parts, splits, quits, nicks. There is also a !top20 option to see ranks 11-20.
!countdown a countdown to whatever is coming up next (deadlines, cups, whatever).

An infoegg script has been added to buttbot, so at times it may spit out odd sentences. This may be removed later. Removed because it was annoying as shit.

If you want a script added to buttbot, let me know. It runs eggdrop v1.6.21, Tcl v8.5.11, and supports python scripts too (v2.7.3).