2017 4chan Summer Cup Save Fixes

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Savedata related fixes (tactical and aesthetical)

Post the fixes for your team export here.
Use this section only for everything broken in the save, this includes cards, hairstyles and other broken settings. If it's in the EDIT file then the fix for it goes here.
If the save fix deadline has passed and you still need to list a fix, you are stupid and deserve to be beaten, and you should list it on the Mid Cup Aesthetics page.

Prelim Save here

Lit icon.png /lit/

Remove the heading card from DFW.

O icon.png /o/

Please set the captain to Takumi in the ingame Player Settings menu. Shakes (talk) 10:52, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

S4s icon.png /s4s/

Set the captain to Bateman in player settings please. Shouganaina 14:22, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

Aesthetic Export fixes

This page is for tactical fixes and savedata-related aesthetic fixes only.
If you have some new files or blenders that need to be added, post them here instead.

Jp icon.png /jp/

Turn off ankle taping in Japanese Bird and Why is /jp/ so shitty?
Set Sachiko's shirt to Tucked
Set Cirno's skin to Custom
YJSNPI (talk) 13:47, 23 July 2017 (UTC)

S4s icon.png /s4s/

Run the FPC Checker autofix on the team.
Set all players' skin to Light.
Set all players' cleats to WEPES SP2000 (Boots ID: 15)
Accept my apology for being a retard and not realizing my entire team's kits were broken before the deadline.
Shouganaina 14:22, 23 July 2017 (UTC)