The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/pol/ History

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Main team page: /pol/ - Politically Incorrect

2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup

In January 2012, our dear leader Cozmo !911.RhllEE was unanimously elected as the first manager of /pol/. Thanks to his divine intelligence and infallible judgement, /pol/ became the best team in the history of the 4chan cup. /pol/ began its proud tradition of proving its superiority and dominance over the other racially inferior boards with its first ever outing in a friendly against /lit/. This left the liberal hipsters with their shit shoved in and /pol/ walking away with a 3-0 ass rape. Ron 'Doom' Paul set the goal'd standard with two screamers and Stormfront scoring the turd. Match fixing, election rigging and sneaky Mossad Ref infiltration by das Juden was the order of the day. Nonetheless, we still won comfortably thanks to a large supporter turnout cheering the team on with white power songs and nazi cake. /pol/ then drew 0-0 with /x/ in a shameful display that disgraced the Aryan nation. We clearly scored one goal at the end, but the African tribe referee was too busy hunting white wimmenz and did not count it. On March 3rd, /pol/ played against the whores of /s/, winning a decisive 3-1 victory, with Doom Paul scoring twice. We continue marching on, our destiny on the horizon. March 23rd, 2012 - D-Day. The invasion of /mlp/ began as expected with Stormfront besieging the weak defensive foundations of Ponyland. Through the blood, sweat & tears of the team, Stormfront clinically scored 4 goals with finesse and technical ability, and completed the rout of the gay Untermensch Pony lovers. The game ended with a decisive 4-2 victory for /pol/.

2013 4chan Winter Cup

On February 24th, 2013, a day that shall live in infamy, mere moments before our beloved Cozmo was to lead /pol/ to a sure victory against /sp/ in the 2013 4Chan Winter Cup Semi-Final, he was poisoned by a Mossad agent. Though the murderer was swiftly captured and executed, the poison, made from the concentrated foreskins of 6 million innocent Aryan babies, was too powerful for even the dear leader to resist. During his final moments with us, the great Cozmo, in an ultimate act of compassion, allowed /sp/ to win the 2013 4Chan Winter Cup. After our incorruptible leader ascended into heaven, a period of turmoil ensued as no successor had been chosen. One called Weasel !TxEEGZKP8U named himself manager and ruled for a brief time. However, he proved himself unable to meet the great responsibilities of the most honorable Cozmo. On March 1st, 2013, in our greatest hour of need, his eternal magnificence spoke to Weasel from the great beyond, and revealed Weasel's loyal assistant, SeeSaw !iiA80eLVpY, to be the destined heir to management of /pol/. The ever-selfless Cozmo granted to young SeeSaw all of his unequaled knowledge and cunning so that he might continue our righteous crusade against the wicked forces of degeneracy for many cups to come. In addition, all blind /pol/ users were made to see.

2013 4chan Summer Cup

In SeeSaw's absence, it seemed that Cozmo had descended from on high to lead /pol/ to glorious victory in the Summer Cup of 2013. After consecutive losses to /ck/, /co/ and /sci/, in which Doompaul snatched but one measly goal and /pol/ were stripped of their Nuevo Elite status, 'Cozmo' was quoted as saying "Oy Vey, it's like another Shoah!". It was at that moment that /pol/ realised what had happened. This 'Cozmo' was not the dear leader returned for one last glorious victory, but a JIDF shill determined on wrecking the master race and encouraging crossboard race-mixing. Such damage had been done that /pol/ even suffered a 4-1 defeat against the degenerates from /lgbt/ in SeeSaw's first match back in control, the darkest day for /pol/ to date.

2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup2014 4chan Winter Cup

The Autumn Cup bore greater successes for a resurgant /pol/, dismantling the disinformation shitposters of [s4s] and the untermensch betas of /r9k/. A particular highlight of Autumn 2013 was the systematic dismantling of the weeaboo degenerates at /y/, Stormfront scoring a hattrick in a 3-0 victory which secured his golden boot. The future of the Reich looked safe in the hands of new manager KHS_Rowan !!YF6PybmnSBn, but no citizen of the Great /pol/ack Empire expected what would happen next. It turned out that all along, the Jooz had infested the 4chan Cup Commission as well, and when KHS_Rowan had the audacity to spend an extra 18 minutes making sure that the /pol/ team was as masterrace as the board deserved, it is said that the residual heat from the hand rubbing of DrBorisGoldbergstein was enough to power a turbine that would have delivered power to 14.88% of the world. /pol/ were disqualified, and relegated once again, to face the ignominy of another Babby Cup.

2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup

But what a cup it was. It was prophesised in the annals of /pol/ that a Megababby needed a Megateam to win it, and that was precisely what /pol/ provided. In the group stages, /adv/, /co/ and /lit/ were all comfortably dispatched, with Doompaul even saving the winning goal against /lit/ until 90+ minutes, all in the name of livening up the show. In another display of pure Aryan sportsmanship, /pol/ even deliberately played poorly against /k/ to allow a fellow superior-tier board to progress to the round of 16, valiantly sacrificing their 12-point masterrace status. In the knockout rounds, /pol/ overcame the Kampf against /po/, /e/ and /diy/ to set up a final clash against /fa/. It was at this point that the shillbots in the 4CCC lost control - they simply could not handle the level of based contained within the match. The sheer Jewishness of the commentary threatened to overshadow /pol/'s goosestep towards Babby Cup Victory, but in the end nothing can stop the Aryan race, and Doompaul secured a 107th minute goal to secure an extra-time victory.

2014 4chan Summer Cup

Summer 2014 was the last next running of the cup under the Weimar Government of DrBorisG, and /pol/ determined that it must redpill this ten-gallon-tipping shillbot one last time before he retired. In a group with the pretenders to Elite status /asp/, professional dub checkers [s4s] and mental illness containment board /soc/, /pol/ achieved the ultimate mindfuck - launching a false crusade and subsequently getting themselves relegated along with all other good teams in order to make the next Babby Cup actually an Elite in disguise.

2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Under the new blood management brought in by retiring KHS_Rowan, /pol/ failed to score a goal in the Autumn Babbies; despite the privilege of having a large turnout of Aryans cheering on their team at the /new/ Memorial Stadium, all they could manage was a limp to 0-0 draws against /jp/ and /biz/, while losses to /tg/ (1-0) and /vr/ (3-0) placed the team among the worst in the Autumn Babbies; 37th out of 40, with only former champions /k/ and /trv/ and perennial former cup contender /v/ below them. Some say that this was as a result of /pol/ commanders deciding that it would be best not to invade in Winter, however, the Spring Offensive was to prove no more successful. In a group with pirates, degenerates, weebs and Kregg, for the third cup running /pol/ failed to win a single game, falling prey to the Rothschilds' sneaky 90+ goals on no fewer than three occasions, and were relegated yet again to Autumn.

It was Götterdämmerung for /pol/ - the longest winless streak in cup history. The manager AWyattMann !!Y4mYkGKi2iw retiring, his apprentice Lowroller !!sQwQl6DtXGh taking the mantle of manager as the team suffered terrible losses such as Farage, Dorner, and even Stormfront (after a totally unsuspicious injury with Jews) from the corrupt forces of the ZOG. However, not all hope was lost when in this darkness, a man emerged and shined light for /pol/. With flowing blonde hair and the conviction of a patriot, his name was Donald Trump, with him bringing in new players such as the indomitable Build Wall, the notorious Moonman, and many more to bring back hope to the team, determined to make /pol/ great again.

2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

The Autumn campaign found the Master Race from /pol/ in a group with more weebs, degenerate special snowflakes, pokefuckers, and communists. The first match against the weebs of /c/ ended in a lackluster 1-1 draw leaving many fans of /pol/ to wonder if this would be a repeat of the last two cups. /pol/ then played the degenerate /lgbt/ in a classic that left the special snowflakes bullied and triggered with a 3-2 /pol/ win and finally ending the drought (There were three reported suicides from the SJWs but none were confirmed). The game against /vp/ would go differently as the flying types from /vp/ were able to fly over the wall and /pol/ fell 3-2. This led to a must win game against /lit/ which /pol/ won handily 3-1 granting them a place in the knockouts, bringing them back to elite status, and BTFO’ing the AB/pol/ crowd. It was also here that as /pol/ burned degenerate communist literature and goosestepped their to victory. Their manager Lowroller revealed his true identity as Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK proving that the Jews really are behind everything, and with Jews you lose win.

The first match in the knockouts was against the betacucks from /r9k/ in a match so triggering it destroyed the Twitch channel, winning 2-1 and setting up a match against the dank memers from [s4s]. /pol/ shut down the dank memes and won 2-0, exacting their revenge against the memes for /pol/ harbor. The semis were looking to be one for the ages with a /pol/ vs /int/ /new/ Derby semi but the Jew magic finally ran out and /pol/ had to settle for a place in the third place match against /an/. With an Ubermensch effort, Build Wall stopping anything the animals were throwing at him, Doompaul finally scoring, and Jews bringing in the shekels for a hattrick, /pol/ claimed the Third Reich Trophy with a 4-2 win.

2016 4chan Winter Cup

Now in the Promised Land of the Elites, thus the Winter Campaign began. Our champions from /pol/ were pitted against lesbian weebs, autists who do it for free, and heretical neckbeards armed with dice. Winter had a rocky start with both /pol/ managers nearly succumbing to mysterious assassination attempts. /pol/ would first face off against /u/ in a pitiful attempt as /u/ won 3-1 spoiling the return of fan favorite Stormfront who scored the only goal. /pol/ fans were upset thinking that they were looking at a quick return to the babbies. But it was not to be. Descending the escalator Donald Trump addressed the /pol/ crowd and said “You should all watch the next game against /sp/. It’s gonna be YUGE”. And YUGE it was. The God Emperor exploded for a hat trick in a 5-1 dismantling of /sp/ sending them back to the babbies. This led to a make or break game vs /tg/. Win or tie and /pol/ goes to the knockouts. Down 1-0 late in the game a booming voice exclaimed “HOLD IT YOU DUMMIES”. Trump then tied the game cementing /pol/ as an elite team.

The knockouts were shortlived however, /pol/ lost to /s/ in a 1-0 semen slurper. Now /pol/ gathered their resources as they begin their march toward the cup in the Summer Offensive.

2016 4chan Summer Cup

/pol/ were placed in Group H with the commies (for like the 1488th time), the Discovery Channel, and a bunch of nooses, and the Summer Offensive was dead before /pol/ had ended their first match. Debuting at their new and improved /new/remberg Field, /pol/'s own supporters watched as /adv/ pinned them down and gave them the mightiest ass-fucking in cup history, to the tune of eight goals to one. Fans also witnessed the first double hat-trick in the cup's history, as Suicide had the ball on a strong, tightened rope. /pol/ did manage one goal, an early second-half strike by Stormfront, but it did nothing to save them from becoming the laughing stock of the cup. Things did look to be on the up as /pol/ journeyed to the 100 Acre Wood to face /an/. Stormfront had the /pol/acks 2-0 up at the half, and all appeared to be well. At the break, however, Trump leaned into his microphone and uttered one word: "Wrong", and it was so. /an/ clawed their way back into the game with an >outdoor cat hat-trick, leaving /pol/ on 0 points. Technically, they weren't relegated, and needed Kek to bless the team with meme magic going into their third fourth fifth nth meeting against /lit/. However, Kek had heard that Hillary Clinton was going to do a speech about the alt-right in less than two weeks, so he decided to plan an appearance there. /pol/ were left helpless as /lit/ won 2-1, giving them the unwanted title of the Wooden Spoon. Their only consolation was beating /trash/, like that matters.

2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

And so, /pol/ were back in the Babbies. Along the way, they did pick up two more managers: A former /3/ manager in [KHS]SUPERtwinky !!lu4xpiaxXXJ, and Aquantis !!czh67wKB6Up, who originally planned to bring /wsr/ into the cup. /pol/ were put in Group C with degenerates, the Judenrampe, and the same fucking team they've been placed in a group with in four of their last eight cups. /pol/ would face /n/ first in what was to be the most semen-slurping match of all time. Both teams had a combined total of two shots, one shot of target, and one goal, scored by I Like Trains late in the game. /pol/ were now on a five game losing streak, but luck finally began to turn at the same time that the FBI decided to fuck with Hillary. /pol/ fought hard against /lit/, leading 2-0 early in the second half. However, /lit/ had equalized with ten minutes to go, and /pol/'s future looked grim. Donald Trump, however, was sick of having the cup rigged against /pol/, and put his team ahead in the dying minutes. Stormfront sealed the result in injury time, and /pol/ finally had a win after months of heartache. But going into the last game against /h/, it all went to shit. [KHS]SUPERtwinky !!lu4xpiaxXXJ stood up to manage and ignored the information given to him by Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK, instead deciding to manage like any /3/ manager would: like shit. /pol/ were down 3-0 at the half, and 5-0 by the end of the match. The GD had taken a massive hit and opened the door to /lit/ avoiding last place and a potential relegation to the qualifiers, and /lit/ took the opportunity, defeating /n/ 4-2.

Autumn may have ended badly for /pol/, but Kek had blessed them with a 22nd placing, and less than four days later, Donald Trump became President-elect of the United States. For the next few months, /pol/ could sit back and feast on salt. As preparation for the upcoming Spring Qualifiers several new faces appeared to lead the squad to its much needed recovery- Canes !!J3ZSDcbgj7h the Italian reinforcement, and Marquis !!0/P6ecQ6SSx and Aquantis !!czh67wKB6Up for the American support. Little did the now 4-man-strong council of /pol/, the supporters, or even the squad members for that matter, imagine the action one of their own was about to perpetrate.

2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Before the fabled Spring 2017 Qualifiers began, President Trump finally gave into Israeli pressure and tried to stab his fellow teammate Assad right in the back, turning whatever blessing Kek had instaured for the team into a curse- the qualifiers were doomed before they even began. In all 3 matches /pol/ fought to qualify to no avail, luck was not on their side, no shot would find the net, no dive would gain a penalty, no offside was left uncalled, and one of the managers, Marquis, stepping down.

This turn of events caused /pol/ to organize their very own divegrass tournament, something that would show the 4chan Cup how a competition should be organized and ran, something so good it would put the other-league-whose-name-shall-not-be-said to shame. /pol/’s most brilliant strategists and propagandists engineered what would become the biggest virtual football success ever known to Man- The /pol/eague, which was exciting, went smoothly, and saw an attendance that surpassed every single 4chan cup viewership put together and doubled (a statistic which is officiated by the /pol/ Ministry of Truth).

2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

For 6 months /pol/ waited for the Autumn 2017 Qualifier and for their shot to finally set their feet down on the snowy pitches of a Winter Elite. And what a qualifier it proved to be!

The gored addicted oldfags of /b/, the managerless twink faggots of /cm/, and their once-hated-enemy-now-beloved-comrade-thanks-to-friendship-and-magic of /mlp/ were the obstacles to overcome this time around. Initially beginning with an amazing foul-kick goal from Stormfront only for the oldfags from /b/ol to equalize with a tight tapeworm-stapled tie, it was then followed by a disastrous 1-2 loss to /cm/, apparently caused by Dindu Nuffin and one of his characteristic chimpouts near the end of the game. Stadium security and managers were forced to intervene to prevent the furious /pol/ack crowd from rushing the field and lynching Dindu right on the spot, which albeit a normal tradition for /pol/, would have ruined diversity quota to which the managers were contractually bound to. What followed was the Do or Die of the decade for /pol/- a victory on the /mlpol/ Derby would mean the beginning of a victorious march ahead, while a defeat would imply another 6 months of obscurity and endless humiliation. The stage was set, the hopes were high, the stakes even higher, and the tension was palpable as over 6’000’000 fans from from both boards filled the stadium and surrounding areas to the brim. The match began with a fairly early goal from the infamous Sam Hyde who was dead set in gunning down the horsefucker goalkeeper (and getting away with it!), which lead /mlp/’s very own >Rape to respond with an almost nearly magnificent goal. Deadlocked 1-1 throughout most of the game, it almost seemed like our boys in Hugo Boss weren’t going to make it- until it happened: The call that saved /pol/. Loudly buzzed the cellphone, from one Bogdanoff to the other, “score it.”- not long before clock would stop the Bogs score the most important goal in recent /pol/ history, giving everyone a quick rundown and putting them over /mlp/ by 2-1, a result which they then fought hard to maintain until the final whistle, thanks to, but not only, the ever reliable defensive efforts of Deus Vult who wasn’t having any of that heresy that day, and the most reliable goalkeeper and link archiver bot on the website, ARCHIVE IT, the based nordbot of whose FP is always BP. The derby ended with the roars of the thrilled fans filling up the air (spamming the with swastikas) and with Princess Twilight herself bowing down to the Bogdanoffs.

/pol/ may have climbed out of the 4chan Cup’s abortion clinic but it was not without a loss, for /mlp/ qualified too and head manager Rabbi lost a very particular sidebet made with both the fans of /pol/ and the horsefuckers, forcing him to become a horsefucker himself and watch the technocolored cartoon pony show for little girls, live, with the fans of both sides, as a post-celebratory get-together.

Despite the excitement it brought, it was only a Qualifier and the real climb towards Winter would be fought out in the 2017 Autumn Cup with the extra pastafag blood of Prow !!YlSpXagF79L. Placed with /asp/, /e/, and /n/, /pol/ performed a shocker when they blitzed the unseenable John Cena and the gay community with a recreational nuke delivered by Dr. Ron Paul, then gunned them down through the sights of the newly gold medaled Moonman. The next game against /e/ was a hard deadlock for most of the match, until at the last few minutes of the encounter, in which Moonman made a brilliant header, reminding everyone that It’s Okay to Be White, and for the first time since Autumn 2016, /pol/ claimed their seat among the Elites.

Just when it seemed like everything was on track for a 9 point masterrace run, /pol/ had a rather boring and unenergetic tie against /n/’s steam powered trains, naturally a result of the now more than evident /new/remberg Curse, which fortunately still meant /pol/ had secured the top spot in the Autumn group along with the Elite confirmation. As the saying goes, with Jews you win until you don’t, and Rabbi’s jewish magic seemed to have run out, thus stepping down and allowing Italian Stallion “Il Dvce” Canes to take lead of the team. As if having the 9 point run ruined wasn’t enough, the /pol/ack tribulations at their home stadium were far from over, having been drawn from The Hat to play against /tg/ in the first round of knockouts at /new/remberg, all our valiant men could muster was a 2-2 tie with goals by the Führer and Moonman, followed by a penalty shootout in which the tabletop neckbeards and their obviously cooked dice induced poor rolling on the Nazi offence’s part, causing Stormfront to miss his shot, and having the last proverbial critical fail been acted by Dindu, because FUCKING NIGGERS RUIN EVERYTHING. Stormfront took this as a sign of changing times and decided to step down and retire from the squad for the second and last time, with countless assists, 54 goals, and two Golden Boots, he goes down in history as /pol/’s most prolific goal scorer. Come Home White Man ;_;7

2018 4chan Winter Cup

Winter 2018 had come, at last. For years /pol/’s long awaited shot at competing for the Elite Winter trophy was here. Our heroes were quick to make their presence noticed with two back to back victories against the /g/eeks and the /sp/ergs, both games won 2-1 with all 4 goals having been scored by /pol/’s most famous rapper and casual genocider, head of the Triple K Mafia, Moonman, truly proving himself to be sicker than your average nigger killer. The encounter with /sp/ was essentially (another victorious) rematch, as it had happened before on the 2016 Winter Cup, with an equally humiliating performance from the goats. No shots on goals from the enemy until the 89’ minute, when Messi decided to do something for a change. In the last minutes given away by the ref as compensation, /sp/ fought rather desperately to tie up the match, even landing 3 kapows to the bars of the away team, but NOT AN ARGUMENT made sure /pol/ qualified for Summer, and /sp/’s weak rhetoric sent them straight into the relegation category at the hands of /pol/ once more. After that came what /pol/ had learned to fear for two years now- a home match at the now infamously cursed /new/remberg Field. Exciting was the match against the lego dildo of /toy/, with a first half ending 2-2 with a brace from the Prophet of the Aryan Race (Hitler), and a second half that despite having no goals was in no way short of gut wrenching opportunities and brilliant defensive displays from both ends. It may not been a loss, but it sure wasn’t the long awaited curse-breaking victory /pol/ had been longing for. And long would they have to wait, for the team drawn on the knockouts was no other than /tg/, yet again, standing before /pol/ and blocking their path towards the final day. To make matters worse, /new/remberg was the designated location from this encounter, which ended unsurprisingly with a misfire from /pol/, which threw the dice set out of the table and was critically damaged by /tg/ 3 goals to 1. Alas, at the very least Hitler’s men would live to see another Elite Summer cup for the first time in two years.

2018 4chan Summer Cup

As the Summer Offensive for the Summer 2018, could the heatwave favor the goose stepping boys better than the cold winds of Winter? On this second consecutive Elite cup appearance /pol/ was supposed to play its home games in a brand new stadium, however for a series of “unfortunate events” in which (((aesco))) “had no time” to sign the prerequisite inauguration paperwork for the structure, /pol/ was forced to play once again at none other than /new/remberg vs. /sp/. These news made waves among the crowds of Brownshirts, who knew an impossible task laid ahead, and who knew exactly who was behind this sabotage. After a heartbreaking start with /sp/ scoring two goals in 20 minutes, /pol/ immediately reduced the gap to a single goal lead with the captain, and spiritual uncle of the white race, Adolf Hitler. In the second half /pol/ tried its best to end the last game on this stadium with at least a consolation draw, but neither the sweat of the players, the prayers of the faithful, nor the gets of the blessed were enough to beat the curse, and thus an under-performance in shot accuracy by the hands of /pol/ resulted in yet another loss. This zero point game, combined with the following 2-1 away loss to /sci/, in which chemical weapons are said to have been deployed against /pol/, despite the UN report claiming otherwise, condemned /pol/ to be relegated in the 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup before the last group stage match, causing the /pol/acks (and the Managers) to finally torch down /new/remberg stadium with unbridled Aryan rage, and selling its cursed ashes to /bant/ in order to make a way for a New Order of stadium aesthetics. In the very first game on the new stadium, /pol/ in the High Castle, /pol/ managed to get a home win after two and half years, against /fit/ no less, in a brilliant match full of sipping, reminiscing about the great old days of the cup where the commentators were actually good and the referees unbiased (they don’t make them how they used to), with a closing 14 seconds of an 88th minute goal by Moonman, who took a shot at an open net all the way from the middle-field, setting the record for biggest distance ever scored from on 4CC, at 51 meters.

Relegated once more, but with no chip on their shoulder, the boys get ready for another /pol/eague and chant their way into Autumn 2018, “TOMORROW BELONGS TO ME!

2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Temperatures began to steadily drop as days got shorter, leaves now colored yellow, red, and everything in between had started to fall, another Summer ends another Autumn starts- and what an Autumn it was! Having dodged the new stadium curse altogether, being sent to the Babby yielded not despair but just the challenge our boys in black were looking for to kickstart the greatest rebirth since Spring'14. The 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup saw Moonman as the inaugurator of the team's many goals for this run securing them a soft 1-1 tie against the spandex pretend-fighters of /asp/. The very next week /pol/ went on to secure yet another 2-1 victory over /fit/ in the nazi homeground, a rematch of the very game in which /pol/ broke the homeground match loss streak. The group stage however ended in a bit of sweaty note with the last game being a 1-1 tie secured at the 87th minute by the ever reliable triple K rapper once again- /pol/ had thus qualified for Winter 2019 on a 5 point 2nd placing and punched their ticket to the best ro16 the fans had seen in a long time. But who would we be drawn against from the hat for this face-off? Was there really a point in having a draw if not for show? We already knew who /pol/ would face, it was rigged from the start by none other than the Bogdanoffs and thus /biz/ is whom the lads were set to play against in a match filled with excitement and two regulation time goals by /pol/, the 1-1 tie score by Alex Jones at 90+0 whose profitable Male Vitality dividends carried /pol/ from the clutches of insolvency, and the 1-3 120+2 minute goal by Hitler sent /biz/ and their jewish currency overlords out of the knockouts for good. The quarter-final against /wg/ was handled in showmanship with a 4-2 victory of which 2 goals were a complete redpilling Truth(tm) session of Sam Hyde's, who got away with it not once by twice, propelling our Fascist lads to yet another wallpaper themed match whose resolution wasn't 1920x1080 but rather a 1-1 tie per 5-4 penalty shootout, as Donald Trump took a break from siphoning taxpayer money to fund Israel's wars and bombed /w/ out of the semi-finals instead with the penalty goal that clutched /pol/'s win. So the stage for yet another Babby final was set, and what better conditions to make history if not having our valiant Nazi heroes face /his/- the history board themselves. Our bitter rivals thought their Israeli funded documentation and their Hollywood made smoke and mirrors could cloud the better judgment and common sense of /pol/ in this final match that was the Holohoax Derby, but much like those who affirm the systematic killing of 6 gorillion kikes during the glorious 3rd Reich, they were dead wrong! /his/ were powerless as /pol/ blitzed through their defenses with a goal at the 3 minute mark by the Führer himself. The rest of the game was comprised of complete /pol/ domination in both the offensive and defensive fields, that only by sheer luck and some degree of goalkeeping skill by the opponent it did not terminate in an absolute blowout. The i's were dotted and the t's were crossed as Adolf Hitler, Avatar of Vishnu, He Who Is Both Sun & Lightening, the Messiah of /pol/ and the Aryan People, scored the 2nd and last goal of the 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Final, closing the game and sealing both team's fates at the 81st minute. Afterwards the biggest victory rally ever seen was held in celebration and it is said that this was the beginning of /pol/'s true Reich, and this Reich would last 1'000 years.

2019 4chan Winter Cup

As the red, and yellow leaves of Autumn began to shed itself, /pol/, marched itself into the 2019 Winter Cup. As they were now facing, annoying robot weebs, seething neckbeards and weird little 3-D model making team. First of was an old grudge that /pol/ had to settle from a match a couple years prior as /tg/ were the first team /pol/ faced. The game started of slightly on the backheel as /tg/ had scored first blood in the match, however this was quickly answered Donald Trump, donning his God Emperor armor for the match answered shortly after as for the next 50 in game minutes being a back and forward match while /pol/’s new silver medal: Gilets Jaunes scored /pol/’s second and third goals making them take the lead. However, as the last few minutes of the game started to play out, our President Donald Trump (along with some help of the Bogdanoff’s) called a national emergency to extend the length of the game just to secure one last goal to rub /pol/’s victory in the face of /tg/. As such with a stupendous diving header, Donald Trump got himself a 90+10 goal ending the game with 4-2, sinking the dagger deeper in /tg/’s back getting revenge for the 2017 Babby Cup match and breaking a new record for the longest in regulation cup goal. Next up was /3/ and while /pol/ played a hard game being down by 3-0 before the 30-minute mark rallied slightly too late and ended up losing 3-4. Now it was down to /pol/’s final match to make sure they secured their placement in summer: it was none other than /m/. As the two teams marched in, it would be decided if Trump’s space force could crash down’s /m/’s colony. As an early trade of goals between Moonman and Alteisen Riese looked to set up a close game. This was quickly broken as by the half-way point. /pol/ was up 3-1 and by the end of the match had easily crashed /m/’s colony back into earth with a decisive 4-1 victory. Punching /pol/ as top of the group and their ticket into the 2019 Summer Cup. As the round of 16 match was none other than the cancerous gorefilled oldfags of /b/, as a hattrick by the screaming yellow vest Gilet Jaunes decisively won against /b/ with #rekt getting a single consolation goal. However, this is where the /pol/ blitzkrieg lost steam as they once again faced /3/ as with a 3-1 lost found themselves out but not any less confident marching into the 2019 Summer Cup as Gilet Jaunes retiring from the team to lead his people against the globalist threat back in his home.

2019 4chan Summer Cup

As Winter finally melted into Spring and Spring warmed up into Summer, /pol/ confidently marched into Summer ready for the things to come with professional streamer and Kebab Remover: Brenton Tarrant being /pol/’s new gold player, as the first match against /fit/ ended up with a tense draw, as Tarrant opened up with first blood, with only >That Thirty Year Old Boomer scoring only minutes after leaving a 1-1 match. The next match was even more dire however as for the second time in a row /pol/acks had to once again face the turbo cancer that was /b/ this time losing a score of 1-2 with Moonman trying with a goal at the 54th minute mark to save the game. This led to the final match in the group stage: /pol/ against furry ridden degenerates, it was do or die time: they needed to win less they would be ejected back into Autumn like all the previous summer cups. However, this is when Brenton Tarrant finally delivered his masterstroke as a quick goal from Hitler and a Tarrant brace saved /pol/ with a 3-1 victory keeping them in a Summer Cup for the first time since its very first one in 2012 and sending /vp/ spiraling into the Babbies. Now into the Round of 16 they went as first of it was none other than the spring doodling terror machine of /i/ as /pol/ were facing a team tied with the highest winning streak in cup history. Would the /pol/acks be strong enough to defeat this doodle drawing menace? With very heavy stakes on the line our brave /pol/ players launched themselves into the fray with a 18th minute goal by Hitler showing those bastards who kicked him out of art school who the real artist was and one fucking hell of a squat toilet from none other than /pol/’s other resident artist Ben Garrison before the half time had /pol/ leading a 2-0 game. As even with a last goal by /i/’s Bait Chan it wasn’t enough to salvage a victory as /pol/ continued to blitz on with a 2-1 game. However the next team /pol/ was facing was a very very old rival, for a quarterfinal it was other than the most dangerous, degenerate, and cancerous team in all of the /4ccg/: /mlp/ as the stake were set for the most important /mlpol/ match up in all the /4ccg/ history as a goal by Brenton Tarrent before the half gave /pol/ the lead for most of the game. However, at the 80th minute the absolute manlet known as Soyboy gave >rape a free ERA PENAL giving /mlp/ a free goal making in a tie game with less than 10 minutes to spare in regulation time. However it was as this moment where the Messiah of /pol/: Hitler showed why he was known as the savior of the Aryan Race as at the 87th minute scored one of /pol/’s greatest goal ended /mlp/’s run in the Summer Cup and sending /pol/ blitzing into a semi final against the outdoor gun toting /k/ommando’s as the true mass shooter mastermind: Moonman showed them who was the best gun tooting mad man as with a Moontrick gave /pol/ a 3-1 victory marching /pol/ into it’s very first elite final in 4cc history. However, this is where disaster struck /pol/’s blitzkrieg as facing them was the twink ridden faggots known as /cm/ them, to say the it was /pol/’s most disastrous game next to the /pol/ocaust (which didn’t happen) would be an understatement with 5 goals from /cm/’s main twink: Kaworu Nagisa with a fantastic flying backheel from Moonman being only the saving grace as with a 5-1 spainful result ended /pol/’s Summer Run as they marched into Winter tired and a bit weary but hopefully for the next Winter Offensive. However along with this, it was here when one of /pol/'s long time managers: Prow decided to retire from managing the team as the space alien cat dog thing alongside Brenton Tarrant leaving as gold medal to continue removing mudslimes in his home country of Kiwi Land.

2020 4chan Winter Cup

As the Summer turned into Autumn and Autumn turned into Winter, /pol/ marched into the first cup of the new decade with a chip on their shoulder and renewed energy as for the group stage /pol/ and the /b/ /o/ /i/’s went up to play into the group stage. With the first match of the cup facing /o/ with /pol/’s newest starter, the Clinton Suicidal Superstar: Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself and the newly deceased Shadow Commander (Inshall, Praise Allah) joining /pol/’s squad to send them to victory. As both got goals alongside Hitler with the only sour spot being Varg fucking up goalkeeping ending with a 3-2 victory to /pol/ making him be replaced for the rest of the cup with /pol/’s backup keeper: the JIDF CTR Tranny Discord Shill. The next match saw /pol/ reface the doodling menace known as /i/ as a third of the way into the match disaster struck as The Shadow Commander had gotten himself rebombed into oblivion, as a red card sent him back into the shadows. /pol/acks everywhere cried into despair as not only were they down a medal for two thirds of a match but were also down a medal for their final match. From this it was only a miracle that it ended up as a 2-2 tie as /pol/ walked into the final game of the group stage riled up and angry for revenge as for the third time in a row /pol/ were once again facing the cancer of 4chan: /b/ without a medal, would this be the demise of /pol/ and send them back into a thousand year spiral of darkness? Thankfully for /pol/acks around the world, a goal by Epstein and a brace by Moonman added with a fantastic performance by the Discord Shill ended with a 3-0 victory for /pol/ having them top the group and sending them blitzing forward to try to achieve their first star. The Round of 16 match saw /pol/ face the disgusting weeb degenerates and with a fantastic offensive tag team with a returned Shadow Commander and >rance choking hard saw a 3-1 victory and themselves march along into another Quarterfinal. Much like the Summer Quarterfinal the year before this was a do or die match as the team /pol/ was facing was none other than the cum guzzling, Spain causing, autopilot team. If /pol/ were to continue the path of victory they would have to face old demons and show those dumb twinks the power of the Aryan people. With fancy yellow hazmat suits and Coronavirus-chan on the pitch /pol/ marched onto the pitch, as a quick 7th minute goal from Moonman showed them who were the superior race as a slight defensive blunder at the 40th minute mark allowed Kaworu a goal tying up the game. As the timer started to count down /pol/acks started to worry, would they not be able to get revenge? Would once again those dumb gays defeat them in their righteous quest? It was at this moment where once again Hitler, hearing /pol/’s cries and with an assist by Moonman scored a flying header led by god at /pol/’s first ever 88th minute goal and suck the dagger into /cm/ getting /pol/’s revenge and advancing them into another Semifinal. In the Semifinal /pol/ faced more old demons as they faced a resurgent /fa/ as they had not only gotten a 9 point group stage and a clean sheet were only scored upon in the last match they faced /vp/ in, /pol/ would have to show these /fa/ggots who were boss, as the game started facing a 3 minute goal from /fa/’s Sleazecore showed /pol/ that this was not a team to be faced lightly as they took their time to recoup and launched their own counter offensive which led to a fantastic offensive as an Epstein goal and another Moontrick send /fa/ggots scrambling to stop the bleeding by the 80th minute and even as Raf Simmons got a consolation goal at the 85th minute it couldn’t save them as /pol/ once again with a 4-2 victory marched on once again to another final. Now at the final stage /pol/ was facing none other than the gacha infested, chink loving, bloated general infested board known as: /vg/, this was it: /pol/ was not only on the cusp of Endsieg and a star, but at the same time could also prove once and for all that the invitational known as the /pol/eague was the superior league rather than the low energy, gacha infested, over bloated /vg/league. As the stage was set /pol/ack were on the edge of their feet, the final match had begun and so would complete and utter domination eerily reminiscent of the 2018 Babby Autumn Cup final as with a 7 minute opening goal by Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself showed /vg/ that not even their dumb Chinese Gacha waifus were safe from his human trafficking and little girl loving ways. What followed was over 35 minutes of complete dominate by /pol/s offensive and defensive efforts as Coronavirus-chan led /pol/’s defensive efforts drowning /vg/’s offensive efforts in their own lung blood as they only managed 2 shots in the entire first half. In addition to this President Trump, now renamed to Blumpf due to his many failures decided now was the time to show Rabbi Shlomo and the rest of /pol/’s managers his true power as with some help from Assad scored a 45+1 goal to set the fate of the game in /pol/’s hand. As the next 45 minutes was more /pol/ domination as the pathetic /vg/ tactics of trying to gain control of the ball were utterly demolished by /pol/’s offensive prowess and it was only due to the sheer strength of their goalkeeper Bane? , which made sure they were completely steamrolled into the ground. As the final minutes of the clock ran down and the whistle was blown, /pol/ had done it, with a 2-0 victory they had won against /vg/ and shown not only the /4ccg/ but the rest of 4chan who the best and superior divegrass playing team was and that once and for all the /pol/eague was superior to the /vg/league. However, alongside this victory came devastating loss as after seeing /pol/ finally win it all after almost half a decade of rigging /pol/ from behind the scenes, /pol/s longest standing manager, Rabbi Shlomo had decided that this was the time to announce his retirement from the mainstay /pol/ management. As /pol/ack’s everywhere celebrate their first elite victory, they also mourn the loss of the oldest /pol/ manager ever. In addition to this /pol/ found themselves a young new Croat, Fapoleon to be /pol/’s new co-manager and together with Canes will lead /pol/ to continue the 1000 year Reich.

2020 4chan Summer Cup

With a new PES in play, /pol/ began the 2020 Summer Cup with high hopes, and with an early 2-0 win over /g/, things seemed to be playing out just as planned. Things took several turns for the worse, however, as a loss against /c/ due to an 88th-minute goal by Do It For Her put /c/ right behind /pol/, with /adv/ sitting on top of the group stage at a comfortable 6 points. Going into the final day, a win would basically guarantee /pol/ through.

It was not to be, of course, as /c/ would proceed to win 2-0 against /g/, and much like another team in that infamous cup, /pol/, too, would give up a 3 point lead and end up drawing /adv/ 3-3 to land squarely in 3rd place with 4 points. Like so many cup winners before them, /pol/ would be relegated almost immediately.

2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

With the 2020 US election on the horizon, in the wake of a large number of Fiery But Mostly Peaceful Protests, notorious self-defense shootings, a global lockdown and "pandemic", and with multiple Happenings on the horizon, the winds of change seemed to be blowing in /pol/'s favor yet again. But a 1-0 loss to /sci/ and a 2-1 loss to /co/ put those plans to bed as well. At least some dignity was salvaged with a 2-0 win against /int/. Yet the news of the election, and the various contestations to follow, overshadowed anything and everything /pol/ might have brought to the pitch in the cup.

It was hoped that /pol/ might play in Spring 2021. An aborted "coup" in the US, ever more happenings. However, planning for the 10th anniversary, the 2021 4chan World Cup, overshadowed everything, and to this end, /pol/ would spend 9 months waiting for another chance to try their luck.

2021 4chan World Cup

Despite the disastrous events of the latter half of 2020, /pol/ had had 9 months to prepare. Surely, this time, things would go their way, right?

Somehow, /pol/ managed to score fewer goals in their opponents' nets than the opponents themselves did. Stormfront, brought back from the dead as a legacy player, managed to score the only goal /pol/ would get themselves for the entire tournament, with a 2-2 draw against /g/. In that same match, SICP scored /pol/'s second goal as an own goal, when Linus Torvalds managed to rebound a failed clearance directly off of SICP's chest, and into the net. Against /b/, /pol/ would lose 1-0, and against /a/, /a/ scored every single goal in the match, including an own goal by Accelerator, to bring the scoreline to 4-1.

2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

It had now been over a year since /pol/ had last been in an Elite competition, or even made a Knockout stage. And in the aftermath of the World Cup, there were now far too many teams in existence. A megababby was greenlit, and /pol/ was now facing a 5 team group stage where only 2 teams would be able to advance.

/pol/ immediately started off strong with a 3-0 win against /gd/ - Hitler, Moonman, and the newly victorious Talichads, fresh from defeating the footsoldiers of ZOG, would march into battle and pull out a win. A 1-0 win against /vp/ would stack /pol/ near the top of the group, before a 3-1 loss to a fresh face from the World Cup, /vst/, put pause to the enthusiasm.

In one of the most infamous examples of keeperbabbying in the entire tournament, and possibly the cup, /pol/ besieged the /jp/ net in their last group stage match for 85 minutes without results, as Dekinai-chan saved shot after shot for a total of 10 saves that game, and then a quick counter by a fucking rrat put /jp/ up 1-0. With just 5 minutes left to play, +2 activated, and assholes clenched, /pol/ launched one final assault.

And it was a non-medal CB, a certain Red Deer Event, on an assist from notorious deer fucker and nigger anus destroyer Buck Breaking, that would score the equalizer that put /pol/ at 7 points, just enough to push through as second in group, allowing /pol/ to move forward into the 2022 Winter Cup.

It's moments like these that are the reason why we do this shit.

2022 4chan Winter Cup

The trumpeting of hundred of truck horns heralded /pol/'s entrance into the 2022 Winter Cup. The horns then stopped, as /pol/ suffered a 3-1 loss to /u/, before being replaced with the rattle of gunfire, as a returned face to /pol/'s team, Kyle Rittenhouse, scored a brace against /b/ in a 4-2 win for /pol/. /int/, meanwhile, held the line against /u/ with a 1-0 victory.

Going into the final day, /pol/ sat at 3 points. /u/ sat at 3 points.

Two ties occurred. /u/ tied /b/ 3-3 on a 90+ goal from Homucifer. /pol/ tied /int/ 1-1. 4 points each.

A single goal difference was what allowed /u/ to advance, and what sent /pol/ right into Spring.

2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup

With 40 teams still alive, /pol/ had the distinct misfortune of having to play in another Megababby, once again facing a situation where only the top 2 teams out of groups of 5 would escape.

And what a show /pol/ put on! Right out of the gate, /pol/ immediately took advantage of a Most Dangerous Lead, and stormed /lit/ 6-2, Doompaul having scored 5 of the goals. Even a 3-2 loss to /mlp/ - the first in an official tournament - didn't slow /pol/ down, as they swept /vr/ 3-1, before defeating an old white whale against /sci/ and winning 2-1, to top the group.

/pol/ continued to barnstorm their way through knockouts. 4-0 against /fit/, 3-1 against /xs/, 6-1 against /an/, their biggest defeat in an official cup. The ultimate victory, however, was not /pol/'s to claim, as /pol/, having run themselves ragged, finally lost in the final, 4-1, against /gd/. The returned Bogdanoffs, in their guise of economic collapse, scored their first for /pol/ in many years.

It couldn't be helped, really. Doompaul, in the fight to the top, had managed to incur the wrath of the Curse of the Golden Boot, with 14 goals, having tied /mlp/'s >Rape for most goals scored in a tournament.

The real prize of the tournament, advancement to the Elites, had been acquired by /pol/. Now it was time to blitz the Elite pitch again.

2022 4chan Summer Cup

Two sets of schizophrenics in /x/ and /pol/ faced off in Group H as the heat of summer swept the 4cc. /pol/ lost that battle of insanity 2-1 - /x/'s conspiracy theories being far more crackpot than anything /pol/ could ever dream of. A tie against /h/ put /pol/ at a single point and -1 goal difference heading into the final day.

Unlike Winter, luck, this time, was on /pol/'s side, as PES, in its self awareness, predicted via gametip that /pol/'s jew would do something in the matchup against /co/. And he did, as the Jew pulled a late first half goal to keep /pol/ at 3-2 over /co/. /h/ then proceeded to double suicide with /x/, and drag them down by the one goal difference needed to keep them below /pol/.

Going into the knockouts, /pol/ faced off against /m/, and briefly pulled ahead 3-2 off of a goal by a very sus player. /m/, however, powered up, and blasted 3 unanswered shots into /pol/'s net, bringing the score to 5-3, and ending /pol/'s Summer Cup ambitions for the time being.