The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

2012 4chan Summer Cup Group F

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Team Pld W D L GF GA GD Pts
Toy icon.png /toy/ 3 2 1 0 7 4 3 7
Tg icon.png /tg/ 3 1 1 1 7 5 2 4
3 icon.png /3/ 3 1 0 2 2 6 -4 3
V icon.png /v/ 3 0 2 1 5 6 -1 2

/tg/ v /v/

Stadium: Stadio Olimpico 13 July 2012, 23:10 UTC
Tg logo.png /tg/ 2–2 /v/ V logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Doomrider Goal 60'79' Goal 15' Gabe Newell
Goal 64' Kacho Arino

GK 1 Tankred Endures
RB 5 Nigramarines Substituted off 51'
CB 14 Black Lotus
LB 3 Atlas
RM 16 Deep Rot Substituted off 75'
CM 2 Transparent Orange Chainsaw
LM 4 Noh
RW 6 Los Tiburon
LWM 8 Muscle Wizard Substituted off 51'
CF 11 Creed
CF 9 Doomrider
RB 15 Maids Substituted in 51'
CB 14 That Guy Substituted in 51'
CF 10 Crazy Hassan Substituted in 75'
TheDM !!4ejBZS7hAn9
Group f-tg v.png
GK 66 Bobby Kotick
RB 13 Mystery of the Druids
CB 7 Reggie Fils-Aime Substituted off 80'
LB 20 Chinman
RM 13 Fun Buzzword
CM 3 Gabe Newell
LM 11 Sanic Substituted off 58'
RW 6 Fucking Gamestop Substituted off 70'
LW 2 Ainsley Harriot
CF 40 Kacho Arino
RW 55 S.T.A.L.K.E.R Substituted in 58'
RB 47 Agent 47 Substituted in 70'
CB 33 E3 Substituted in 80'

/3/ v /toy/

Stadium: Rose Park Stadium 13 July 2012, 23:35 UTC
3 logo.png /3/ 0–2 /toy/ Toy logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Goal 29' Woody
Goal 43' Madoka Titus

GK 24 The Industry
RB 1 Lightwave
CB 2 Cinema 4D
LB 3 Gratuitous Amazon Substituted off 65'
RM 6 Industry Standards
CM 4 ZBrush Demon
LM 5 >blender
AM 9 Utah Teapot
AM 8 Softimage Substituted off 51'
CF 10 3DS Max
CF 7 Maya
GK 17 WIPs Substituted in 51'
CM 16 Modo Substituted in 65'
Group f-3 toy.png
GK 10 Ham Hands
RB 99 Screwholes
CB 28 Cactus Owl
LB 64 Ghoulia Substituted off 68'
DM 45 Matty
RM 7 Prof. Layton Booked 1' Substituted off 68'
LM 48 80s Nostalgia Substituted off 68'
RW 3 Danbo
CF 95 Woody
CF 7 Optimus Prime
LW 11 Madoka Titus
LW 2 THATFUCKINGPART Substituted in 68'
AM 4 Tako Luka Substituted in 68'
CB 58 Hipster Vinyl Substituted in 68'

/tg/ v /3/

Stadium: Mohamed Lewis Stadium 14 July 2012, 23:10 UTC
Tg logo.png /tg/ 3–0 /3/ 3 logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Creed Goal 16'
Doomrider Goal 29'
Los Tiburon Goal 61'

GK 1 Catan
RB 5 Nigramarines Substituted off 70'
CB 14 Black Lotus
LB 3 Atlas
RM 16 Deep Rot
CM 2 Transparent Orange Chainsaw Substituted off 82'
LM 4 Noh
RW 6 Los Tiburon
LWM 8 Muscle Wizard Substituted off 61'
CF 11 Creed
CF 9 Doomrider
RB 15 Maids Substituted in 61'
CB 14 That Guy Substituted in 70'
CF 10 Crazy Hassan Substituted in 82'
TheDM !!4ejBZS7hAn9
Group f-tg 3.png
GK 24 The Industry
RB 1 Lightwave Substituted off 70'
CB 2 Cinema 4D
LB 3 Gratuitous Amazon Substituted off 82'
RM 6 Industry Standards
CM 4 ZBrush Demon
LM 5 >blender
AM 9 Utah Teapot Substituted off 61'
AM 8 Softimage
CF 10 3DS Max
CF 7 Maya
AM 8 lrn2googl Substituted in 61'
RB 15 Sketchup Substituted in 70'
LB 16 Modo Substituted in 82'

/v/ v /toy/

14 July 2012, 23:35 UTC
V logo.png /v/ 2–2 /toy/ Toy logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
NO GAEMS Goal 41'
Gabe Newell Goal 58'
Goal 7'45+2' Woody

GK 66 Bobby Kotick
RB 13 Mystery of the Druids
CB 7 Reggie Fils-Aime
LB 20 Chinman
RM 13 Fun Buzzword
CM 3 Gabe Newell
LM 11 Sanic
RW 6 Fucking Gamestop
LW 2 Ainsley Harriot
CF 40 Kacho Arino
Group d-k sci.png
GK 10 Ham Hands
RB 99 Screwholes
CB 28 Cactus Owl
LB 64 Ghoulia
DM 45 Matty
RM 7 Prof. Layton
LM 48 80s Nostalgia
RW 3 Danbo
CF 95 Woody
CF 7 Optimus Prime
LW 11 Madoka Titus

Information unavailable due to this match not being uploaded to the Livestream archive. Probable lineups are listed.

/3/ v /v/

Stadium: Wembley Stadium 15 July 2012, 23:10 UTC
3 logo.png /3/ 2–1 /v/ V logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Industry Standards Goal 38'
3DS Max Goal 87'
Goal 56' Gabe Newell

GK 24 The Industry
RB 1 Lightwave
CB 2 Cinema 4D
LB 3 Gratuitous Amazon Substituted off 75'
RM 6 Industry Standards
CM 4 ZBrush Demon Substituted off 56'
LM 5 >blender
AM 9 Utah Teapot Substituted off 65'
AM 8 Softimage
CF 10 3DS Max
CF 7 Maya
RB 17 WIPs Substituted in 56'
DM 8 lrn2googl Substituted in 65'
LB 16 Modo Substituted in 75'
Group f-3 v.png
GK 66 Bobby Kotick
RB 20 Chinman
CB 7 Reggie Fils-Aime
LB 13 Mystery of the Druids
RM 33 E3
CM 47 Agent 47
LM 53 Adam Jensen Substituted off 41'
RW 3 Gabe Newell
LW 11 Sanic Substituted off 75'
CF 40 Kacho Arino
DM 7 Reggie Fils-Aime Substituted in 41'
LM 4 Stu Pickles Substituted in 75'

/toy/ v /tg/

Stadium: Stade de France 15 July 2012, 23:35 UTC
Toy logo.png /toy/ 3–2 /tg/ Tg logo.png Scoreboard overlay.png
Woody Goal 63'
Optimus Prime Goal 79'
Madoka Titus Goal 90+2'
Goal 9' Creed
Goal 50' Doomrider

GK 10 Ham Hands
RB 58 Hipster Vinyl Substituted off 63'
CB 28 Cactus Owl
LB 99 Screwholes Substituted off 63'
DM 45 Matty
RM 7 Prof. Layton
LM 82 China Bootleg
RW 3 Danbo Substituted off 62'
CF 11 Madoka Titus
CF 95 Woody
LW 7 Optimus Prime
LW 50 Nobel Gunpla Substituted in 62'
RB 63 Destro Substituted in 63'
LB 64 Ghoulia Substituted in 63'
Group f-toy tg.png
GK 1 Tankred Endures
RB 5 Nigramarines
CB 14 Black Lotus
LB 3 Atlas
RM 16 Deep Rot Substituted off 63'
DM 4 Noh
AM 2 Transparent Orange Chainsaw Substituted off 56'
AM 6 Los Tiburon
RF 23 Pun-Pun Substituted off 62'
CF 11 Creed
LF 9 Doomrider
RB 15 Maids Substituted in 56'
CF 10 Crazy Hassan Substituted in 62'
RM 14 That Guy Substituted in 63'
TheDM !!4ejBZS7hAn9