Statistics for the 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers.
- 4 goals
- Perfect Coffee
- Kaworu Nagisa
- To Be Continued
- 3 goals
- Megumin
- Moist Nugget
- 2 goals
- 1 goal
- 3 assists
- Fastfood Autism
- All Silvers Die
- 2 assists
- 1 assist
- 9 saves
- 8 saves
- Accelerator
- 7 saves
- NSFW Drop Thread
- 6 saves
- Get Out
- Denied Pleasure
- 5 saves
- 4 saves
- Deal With It
- Nope
- 3 saves
- This Party Sucks
- The Burdened
- 2 saves
- Scott Sterling
- 1 save
- No Poo
- Urbex
Man of the Match Awards
- 2 awards
- 1 award
- Due to game crashes, MotM was not awarded by PES in the following match: /b/ - /pol/.