The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

2018 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football

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/wc/ (Team Example)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sp icon.png GK VAR Review: You're Fucked - -
Sp icon.png RB FREE SALAH - -
Sp icon.png CB NIPPON STRONK & FAIR - -
Sp icon.png CB Cocaine Cocoa Leaf Man - -
Sp icon.png LB Dabbing Macron - -
Sp icon.png DMF Albanian Nationalism - -
Sp icon.png CMF >67 shots >2 goals >GK at CM - -
Sp icon.png CMF Deadballs: IT'S COMING HOME - -
Sp icon.png RMF Mbopped - -
Sp icon.png LMF Neymar: Still Rolling Vice-captain - -
Sp icon.png CF The Couch Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK *scores on self* nothing personnel kid - -
Sp icon.png CB Literally Bullied Into Retirement - -
Sp icon.png DMF Le Maradona Of FUCK YOU - -
Sp icon.png CMF Vengeful Putin - -
Sp icon.png CF >Italy >Netherlands >Chile >USA - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
M icon.png LB Ramiel - -
H icon.png CB C93 - -
Vr icon.png RB Arie Nadja - -
Tg icon.png DMF Swedish Musketeer - -
Sci icon.png DMF Spectrum - -
D icon.png CMF No Cock Like Horse Cock - -
D icon.png CMF Futa/Alternative Vice-captain - -
N icon.png SS Hipster Fixie - -
Vr icon.png SS Segata Sanshiro - -
D icon.png CF H*nd H*lding Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tg icon.png GK Emprah - -
Tg icon.png LB Los Tiburon - -
H icon.png LB Violated Heroine - -
Vr icon.png DMF Kirby's Fucking Pissed - -
B icon.png CMF Ocean of Piss - -
N icon.png SS 90s Rigid Mountain Bike - -

Eternal Wojak FC: Haha I Don't Know, Please Bring Back Iwata.

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda - -
K icon.png CB Navy Seal Pasta - -
K icon.png CB Is This A Famas? - -
N icon.png CB /o/ here fuck you - -
N icon.png CB Steel is Reel - -
N icon.png CB Bullet Trains - -
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata Captain - -
Vg icon.png CMF I Love Junko - -
Vg icon.png SS Git Gud - -
H icon.png SS Liru - -
Sci icon.png CF Shinichi Mochizuki Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
B icon.png GK Fuckin Saved - -
Bant icon.png CB Okay, Real Talk - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
Int icon.png CMF El Peru-ano - -
Sp icon.png CMF >we - -
R9k icon.png SS >tfw no gf - -

All lyrics written by Richey Edwards (credited as Richey James) and Nicky Wire; all music composed by James Dean Bradfield and Sean Moore Unitum Athletica

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Tg icon.png GK Emprah - -
Tg icon.png CB Muscle Wizard - -
H icon.png CB Titty Monster - -
R9k icon.png CB Chad Thundercock - -
Sci icon.png RB 300k Starting - -
Tg icon.png DMF Sir Bearington - -
Int icon.png DMF >Argentina >White - -
H icon.png SS Can't Beat The Cock Vice-captain - -
B icon.png SS Triforce - -
M icon.png CF Mazinger Z Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda - -
Int icon.png CB Alberto Barbosa - -
M icon.png CB Big O - -
Sp icon.png DMF This Does Not Fookin' Slip - -
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - -
D icon.png SS Slave To Her Cock - -

Team Please Just please let me die already please. FC Club Team.

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
H icon.png CB Blowjob Face - -
B icon.png CB Trigger Warning - -
R9k icon.png CB Forever Alone - -
D icon.png CMF Cumflation - -
H icon.png CMF >Queen Bee - -
R9k icon.png LMF KissHugHandholdEyecontact-less Virgin - -
Gd icon.png AMF minimalism - -
H icon.png SS Liru - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - -
R9k icon.png CF Eliott Rodger Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
Sci icon.png CB >>>/x/ - -
Vr icon.png CB Ridley - -
B icon.png CMF Ocean of Piss - -
Int icon.png CMF Sopa De Macaco - -
Sci icon.png CF Shinichi Mochizuki - -

Croatia deserved to win the World Cup desu.

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XIII - -
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - -
Vg icon.png CB Douzo Lad - -
Vr icon.png RB Arie Nadja - -
M icon.png DMF Megas XLR - -
Int icon.png CMF Proofs? - -
Tg icon.png CMF Gork (or Mork) - -
Sp icon.png AMF George Costanza Vice-captain - -
N icon.png SS 90s Rigid Mountain Bike - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino - -
N icon.png SS Bepsi Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
K icon.png GK 2nd Amendment - -
Sci icon.png CB >>>/x/ - -
Gd icon.png LB Cracked - -
Jp icon.png DMF Autism - -
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - -

Team I should have made a 2-3-5 export with fullbacks and only medal strikers export for /t/ but I'm doing this instead

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
Sp icon.png CB VARball - -
Bant icon.png CB Egge - -
Int icon.png LB >A Fucking Leaf - -
Tg icon.png DMF Sir Bearington - -
Jp icon.png CMF Autism - -
Jp icon.png AMF Cirno - -
B icon.png AMF Giga Puddi - -
H icon.png SS Liru - -
Int icon.png SS Spurdo Spadre Captain - -
N icon.png CF Bepsi - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK Part Time Film Director - -
K icon.png CB Navy Seal Pasta - -
Int icon.png RB Una Vela - -
M icon.png DMF Megas XLR - -
Sp icon.png CMF *dabs to the world cup* - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Vice-captain - -

FC Uma Delicia

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
H icon.png LB Translation Never - -
Int icon.png CB Sweden Yes - -
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - -
Gd icon.png DMF Fuck You Pay Me - -
Int icon.png CMF Sopa De Macaco - -
D icon.png CMF No Cock Like Horsecock - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino - -
R9k icon.png SS >tfw no gf - -
Vg icon.png CF Unity-chan Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
M icon.png GK Godmars - -
Tg icon.png LB Los Tiburon - -
D icon.png CB Milking - -
K icon.png DMF Glocknade - -
N icon.png CMF Tite Gapz - -
Tg icon.png CF Doomrider Vice-captain - -

Team Whatever Who Cares Life is Short

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
B icon.png LB Check Em - -
D icon.png CB Milking - -
Sp icon.png RB Le Cut Inside Man - -
Bant icon.png DMF Borche - -
D icon.png CMF Cumflation - -
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - -
Vg icon.png CMF King Harlaus - -
H icon.png SS Liru - -
K icon.png CF Moist Nugget - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
M icon.png LB Ramiel - -
N icon.png RB F40PH - -
Vr icon.png DMF Kirby's Fucking Pissed - -
Int icon.png CMF Sopa De Macaco - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Vice-captain - -

FC Ersha Custom

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
U icon.png CB Low Impact Consensual Cuddling - -
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - -
Tg icon.png RB Urbanmech - -
Fit icon.png LMF >that 30 year old boomer - -
D icon.png CMF Shortstacks - -
D icon.png CMF No Cock Like Horsecock - -
Mlp icon.png AMF Tracy - -
Mlp icon.png SS Best Pony - -
Tg icon.png SS Thin Your Paints - -
Tg icon.png CF Doomrider Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
Vr icon.png LB Lara Croft - -
Co icon.png CB Judge Dredd - -
N icon.png CMF Tite Gapz - -
Vr icon.png AMF Beware I Live - -
H icon.png SS Liru Vice-captain - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda - -
K icon.png CB Vining - -
M icon.png CB Iron Giant - -
H icon.png RB Heart Pupils - -
Vr icon.png DMF Kirby's Fucking Pissed - -
Sci icon.png DMF GauB - -
Sci icon.png CMF Carl Sagan - -
Tg icon.png CMF Gork (or Mork) - -
D icon.png AMF Futa/Alternative - -
H icon.png SS Liru Vice-captain - -
M icon.png CF Mazinger Z Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Tg icon.png GK Emprah - -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage - -
K icon.png LB Slavshit - -
Vr icon.png DMF Super Fighting Robot - -
Tg icon.png DMF Sir Bearington - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -

The Enchanted Hunters

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Tg icon.png GK Emprah - -
Tg icon.png LB Los Tiburon - -
E icon.png CB Potato Elf - -
Vg icon.png CB Prince And Emperor - -
E icon.png DMF Sonicomeat - -
Jp icon.png CMF Sachiko - -
E icon.png CMF MikuMikeDrama - -
Tg icon.png CMF Gork (or Mork) - -
Lit icon.png AMF Lolita Wanted It - -
Lit icon.png SS DFW Vice-captain - -
Lit icon.png CF Start With The Greeks Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda - -
Tv icon.png LB Problem Child 2 - -
Tv icon.png CB Sneed's Feed And Seed - -
Tv icon.png DMF Capeshit - -
H icon.png CMF >Queen Bee - -
H icon.png SS Faceless Fat Guy - -

FC /4ccg/ thinks I'm the one posting all the horse girl images

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Tg icon.png GK Emprah - -
Mlp icon.png RB Crotchtits - -
N icon.png CB /o/ here fuck you - -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage - -
Bant icon.png DMF Borche - -
Jp icon.png CMF Sachiko - -
X icon.png CMF The Grey - -
B icon.png AMF Giga Puddi - -
Tg icon.png SS Thin Your Paints - -
H icon.png SS Faceless Fat Guy Captain - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vr icon.png GK Powerglove - -
Jp icon.png RB Why is /jp/ so shitty? - -
Pol icon.png LB Memeball - -
Toy icon.png CMF Gourai - -
D icon.png CMF Cumflation - -
D icon.png SS H*nd H*lding - -

Bet Rigtor Inc

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
N icon.png RB F40PH - -
Vr icon.png CB Ridley - -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage - -
B icon.png CMF Ocean of Piss - -
D icon.png CMF Cumflation - -
Gd icon.png AMF Helvetica - -
Vg icon.png SS Git Gud - -
Mlp icon.png SS Thin Your Paints - -
N icon.png SS 90s Rigid Mountain Bike Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK >De Gay - -
Vg icon.png RB Sigmund - -
Gd icon.png LB >bumping /gd/ - -
Int icon.png CMF Sopa De Macaco - -
H icon.png CMF >Queen Bee - -
Sp icon.png CF TSUUUUUUUUUUU Captain - -

All Around Me Are Familiar Faces

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XIII - -
H icon.png RB C93 - -
Tg icon.png CB Nicol Bolas - -
Tg icon.png CB Dunkelzahn - -
K icon.png DMF Glocknade - -
Sci icon.png CMF GauB - -
N icon.png CMF I Like Trains - -
H icon.png CMF Lightsabre Dick - -
N icon.png SS Hipster Fixie - -
Sci icon.png CF Sun of Lava/Ice Vice-captain - -
Tg icon.png CF Doomrider Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
Vg icon.png CB Prince And Emperor - -
K icon.png DMF ATF - -
H icon.png CMF Mindbreak - -
K icon.png CF Zergface - -

FC Leaf-Bongland United

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
Vr icon.png RB Lara Croft - -
Vg icon.png CB Douzo, Lad - -
R9k icon.png CB Britfeel - -
Int icon.png LB >A Fucking Leaf - -
Sp icon.png DMF This Does Not Fookin' Slip - -
Gd icon.png CMF minimalism - -
R9k icon.png SS >tfw no gf - -
Bant icon.png SS Leaf Girl Captain - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sci icon.png GK Norman Wildberger - -
Bant icon.png CB Isle of Manlet - -
Sci icon.png CB Evolutionary Purpose - -
Tg icon.png DMF Sir Bearington - -
N icon.png CMF Tite Gapz - -
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art - -

Redo of Hell FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
D icon.png LB Today's New Fetish - -
B icon.png CB Nerve Gas - -
R9k icon.png CB Forever Alone - -
R9k icon.png CB Suicide - -
B icon.png RB 2Edgy4Me - -
D icon.png CMF Succubus - -
Sci icon.png CMF Triple Intergrals - -
Tg icon.png SS Thin Your Paints Vice-captain - -
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
R9k icon.png GK Neet - -
Vr icon.png LB Good Morning Crono - -
Sci icon.png RB 300k Starting - -
B icon.png CMF Ocean Of Piss - -
H icon.png CMF Thinking Man's Fetish - -
Int icon.png SS La Creatura - -

Cirlclejerk Shitposting featuring high aboose FC

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XIII - -
Sp icon.png CB Rule 34 - -
Gd icon.png CB Graphic Design Is My Passion - -
Mlp icon.png LB Faggot Deer - -
N icon.png RB F40PH - -
Gd icon.png DMF >>>/wsr/ - -
Int icon.png CMF Sopa De Macaco - -
R9k icon.png LMF Wizard - -
K icon.png AMF Hickok45 - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - -
N icon.png SS Bepsi Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
B icon.png GK Fuckin Saved - -
Int icon.png CB Alberto Barbosa - -
Int icon.png CB Shitting Streets - -
N icon.png DMF Memebike - -
Sp icon.png DMF >he does it for free - -
B icon.png SS 60s Spiderman - -


Team Position Player Last Score Total score
R9k icon.png GK Neet - -
Sp icon.png RB La Cut Inside Man - -
K icon.png CB Flammenwerfer - -
K icon.png CB Is This A Famas? - -
Int icon.png CB Sweden Yes - -
Tg icon.png DMF Swedish Musketeer - -
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - -
Bant icon.png RMF Alzheimers Vice-captain - -
Int icon.png SS Spurdo Sparde Captain - -
K icon.png CF Moist Nugget - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK >de gay - -
Vr icon.png CB Dr. Acula - -
Sci icon.png RB John von Neumann - -
Sci icon.png DMF 1+2+3+4+5... = -1/12 - -
Bant icon.png CMF >romania - -
B icon.png CF Triforce - -

No time for a name

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Int icon.png GK >Be American >Get Shot - -
Gd icon.png CB Golden Ratio - -
Sp icon.png CB VARball - -
Tg icon.png CB Nicol Bolas - -
N icon.png DMF Old Steel 10 Speed - -
Jp icon.png CMF Fumos - -
M icon.png AMF Alteisen Riese - -
Jp icon.png AMF Cirno - -
Bant icon.png CF Queen - -
H icon.png SS Liru Vice-captain - -
Int icon.png CF Putin Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
R9k icon.png GK Neet - -
D icon.png CB Milking - -
N icon.png CB Steel is Reel - -
K icon.png DMF Glocknade - -
H icon.png CMF >Queen Bee - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -



2018 4chan Summer Cup Fantasy Football Rankings
Rank Change Teams Points
1 Increase.png10 FC Uma Delicia 310
2 Increase.png1 FC Ersha Custom 301
3 Increase.png2 All Around Me Are Familiar Faces 300
4 Increase.png2 No time for a name 279
5 Increase.png11 FC EU 275
6 Increase.png1 Team Whatever Who Cares Life is Short 265
7 Decrease2.png6 All lyrics written by Richey Edwards (credited as Richey James) and Nicky Wire; all music composed by James Dean Bradfield and Sean Moore Unitum Athletica 256
8 Increase.png7 Team I should have made a 2-3-5 export with fullbacks and only medal strikers export for /t/ but I'm doing this instead 247
9 Decrease2.png7 Team Please Just please let me die already please. FC Club Team. 236
10 Decrease2.png1 Croatia deserved to win the World Cup desu. 230
11 Increase.png6 Bet Rigtor Inc 227
12 Decrease2.png4 Redo of Hell FC 226
13 Decrease2.png9 Team FUCK YEAH PUYO ON /vr/ BABY WOOO 220
14 Decrease2.png5 FC Leaf-Bongland United 217
15 Decrease2.png2 Eternal Wojak FC: Haha I Don't Know, Please Bring Back Iwata. 207
16 Decrease2.png4 FC /4ccg/ thinks I'm the one posting all the horse girl images 165
17 Decrease2.png3 Cirlclejerk Shitposting featuring high aboose FC 162
18 Steady.png Team TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT 161
19 Steady.png The Enchanted Hunters 127


Teams are to be put on the wiki before the scheduled starting time of the first match of the tournament. This team will count for the whole tournament.

Teams must consist of: a team name, eleven starting players and six substitutes, a captain and a vice-captain. The eleven starting players must follow these guidelines:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 3-5 defenders, with a maximum of 1 LB and 1 RB. CBs are limitless
  • 3-6 midfielders, with a maximum of 1 LMF, 1 RMF, 3 AMFs, 3 CMFs, 3 DMFs, and at least one CMF or DMF.
  • 1-3 forwards, with a maximum of 1 LWF and 1 RWF. CFs and SSs are limitless

The substitutes must consist of one goalkeeper, two defenders, two midfielders and one forward.

A team must have exactly one gold, two silver and two bronze players. Additionally, the team will get a medal substitute, who can be gold, silver or bronze without affecting these limitations - however, a medal substitute cannot fill in for a lower class, so a gold player substitute cannot fill in for a silver or bronze, a silver cannot fill in for a bronze and golds, silvers and bronzes cannot fill in for non-medals. There is an exception to this rule where if a gold non-forward and a silver or lower forward aren't in use at the same time, the gold substitute may fill in at that spot. Furthermore, a team may have no more than three players overall from any one board.

If a player in the team's starting eleven does not play in a round, a substitute who does may take their spot. The player must be from the same category, but specific position differences are allowed (so a CB may fill in for a LB, but not for a DMF).

For each round of matches, all players who take the field will receive a score for their performance. The team's score will be calculated at the end of each round as the sum of the scores of their eleven players. If a player does not play and is not covered by a substitute, they will count 0 towards the team's score.

Following the group stages of a cup, teams are allowed to remove eliminated players and replace them with players still in the tournament. The team must run the same formation but can change the individual positions (so a CB may swap for an RB if it does not break the maximums listed above). Medals must remain in the same section of defence, midfield or attack but can change positions. If there are no more players at a level, you are permitted to move the player up or down to the nearest available spot to replace the player. For instance, if you have a gold CB in the team and that was the only team with a gold CB, you then look to teams with a gold DMF then CMF, LMF/RMF, AMF, SS, LWF/RWF, CF in that order. The reverse can be used for non medal strikers. Captains and vice captains can change at this stage.


Points are accumulated as follows:

  • 1 point for each full point of match rating in excess of 4.
  • 6 points for a defender or goalkeeper scoring a goal.
  • 5 points for a midfielder scoring a goal.
  • 4 points for a forward scoring a goal.
  • 3 points for a goal assist.
  • 4 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 3 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they took the field yet played less than 60 minutes.
  • 1 point for a midfielder if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 1 point for every 2 saves made by a goalkeeper.
  • 5 points for a goalkeeper saving a penalty (not if it is missed).
  • -2 points for a player who misses a penalty.
  • 3 points if a player is judged Man of the Match by PES.
  • 2 points if the player's match rating is equal to or higher than the Man of the Match's.
  • 1 point if the player's match rating is 0.5 less than the Man of the Match's.
  • -1 point for every 2 goals conceded by a defender or goalkeeper's team while the player was on the field.
  • -1 point for the player receiving a yellow card.
  • -3 points for the player receiving a red card.
  • -5 points for the player receiving a red card from 2 yellow cards.
  • -2 points for the player scoring an own goal.

After these scores are tallied, the captain will have his score doubled, and if he did not play then the vice-captain's score will be doubled instead.

Once scores have been calculated for each match day, they will be posted. The competition will run for the duration of the cup. At the conclusion of the tournament, the team with the highest score will be awarded the Hatte Saburo trophy.