The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

2024 4chan Winter Cup Fantasy Football

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Individual Player Scores


The weather outside is frightful, but the world is so delightful

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Godmars - 7 2 - 9
M icon.png CB Space Battleship Yamato 5 - 1 - 6
Tg icon.png CB Moar Dakka! 1 - 2 - 3
Tg icon.png CB Urbanmech 1 - - - 1
His icon.png DMF Carthago Delenda Est 2 3 4 - 9
Tv icon.png DMF Anatoli "3.6 Roetegen" Dyatlov - 2 - - 2
A icon.png CMF I M A G I N E 3 - - - 3
A icon.png AMF ENTER 23 4 2 - 29
Vg icon.png CF pls rember Vice-captain 5 7 2 - 14
A icon.png SS Yotsuba Captain 14 46 2 - 62
Tv icon.png SS Frank "Sheev" Palpatine 2 7 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
His icon.png GK Taft 2 - - - 2
Int icon.png CB Vgh... Evropa... - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CB One More God Rejected - 1 - - 1
D icon.png DMF Succubus 13 11 5 - 29
Vrpg icon.png CMF The Avatar - - - - 0
His icon.png SS >Holy>Roman>Empire - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

D icon.png GK H*nd H*lding -1 - - - -1
Co icon.png CB Bluey - - - - 0
D icon.png CB Left Wide Open 1 - - - 1
Vrpg icon.png CB Thighza 2 - - - 2
Co icon.png DMF Bueno - 4 - 4 8
Vt icon.png DMF Hag Love - - - - 0
A icon.png CMF I M A G I N E - - - - 0
A icon.png AMF ENTER 6 - - - 6
A icon.png SS Yotsuba Captain 16 - - - 16
Co icon.png SS Aku Vice-captain 10 28 8 4 50
Mu icon.png SS John Lennon Beat His Wife 2 1 - - 3
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vt icon.png GK GET ME PREGNANT - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Vgh... Evropa... - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CB One More God Rejected - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus 2 - - - 2
Vrpg icon.png CMF The Avatar - - - - 0
Vt icon.png SS ogey rrat - - - - 0

He keeps punching that thigh, it's so weird

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 7 2 - - 9
Tv icon.png LB Watch It Chrissy 10 - 7 - 17
Vt icon.png CB yeah, me 4 6 - - 10
Vst icon.png RB Is It Done Yuri? 3 3 2 - 8
A icon.png CMF Vape Duck - 2 - - 2
Ck icon.png CMF English >"""Food""" - 4 2 - 6
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei - - 7 - 7
A icon.png AMF ENTER 23 4 2 - 29
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain 42 4 26 - 72
Sp icon.png CF Messi Vice-captain 13 7 2 - 22
Tv icon.png SS Frank "Sheev" Palpatine 2 7 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Int icon.png GK >be American >get shot - - 11 - 11
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - - - 0
Sp icon.png RB Cam On Ingerland Score Some Facking Goals - 9 3 - 12
His icon.png DMF Carthago Delenda Est 2 3 - - 5
Lit icon.png DMF No Discernible Talent 2 - 4 - 6
Jp icon.png SS Get Out Of /jp/ - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 4 2 - - 6
Vt icon.png LB No Pippants No Pippanties 2 - - - 2
Int icon.png CB A Fvcking Leaf 2 - - - 2
Vt icon.png CB yeah, me - - - - 0
A icon.png CMF Vape Duck - - - - 0
F icon.png CMF Xiao Mei Mei 4 4 - - 8
Int icon.png CMF >Argentina >White 2 2 - - 4
A icon.png AMF ENTER 6 - - - 6
F icon.png CF DA HOOD Vice-captain 2 2 - - 4
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain 28 4 - - 32
Mu icon.png SS John Lennon Beat His Wife 2 1 - - 3
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Int icon.png GK >be American >get shot - - - - 0
A icon.png LB Kill Yourself 5 - - - 5
Trv icon.png CB [Place], Japan - - - - 0
Sci icon.png DMF 300k Starting 4 4 - 2 10
Vt icon.png CMF The Age of 30 is in Demand - - - - 0
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls - - - - 0

two damage

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - 7 - - 7
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme 13 2 3 - 18
Pw icon.png CB Krispen Wah 6 1 - - 7
Vt icon.png CB mikoboat - - 3 - 3
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 7 12 8 - 27
Pw icon.png DMF Perc Angle 2 4 3 - 9
Vg icon.png DMF Toby is a HACK Captain - 8 8 - 16
Vg icon.png CMF Atsui 4 - - - 4
Toy icon.png AMF Optimus Prime 7 12 4 - 23
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington Vice-captain 4 8 10 - 22
Co icon.png SS Aku 7 9 10 - 26
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
F icon.png GK ResizeTheFlash! - - 2 - 2
Co icon.png CB Mr. /co/ - Skeletor - 6 5 - 11
Vg icon.png CB Duce Duce Duce 5 - - - 5
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper - 4 4 - 8
Vp icon.png DMF Best Pokégirl 2 - - - 2
Sp icon.png SS George Costanza - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 4 2 - - 6
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme Vice-captain 6 3 - - 9
Pw icon.png CB Krispen Wah 10 - 7 - 17
Vt icon.png CB mikoboat - - - - 0
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ Captain 12 0 - - 12
Pw icon.png DMF KWABoty 5 - - 4 9
Pw icon.png DMF Perc Angle 5 11 5 4 25
Vt icon.png CMF The Age of 30 is in Demand - - - - 0
Toy icon.png AMF Optimus Prime 2 - - - 2
Co icon.png SS Aku 10 14 4 2 30
Vrpg icon.png SS WaKKKa 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
F icon.png GK ResizeTheFlash! - - - - 0
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - - - - 0
Co icon.png CB Mr. /co/ - Skeletor 10 5 5 - 20
Int icon.png DMF BlACK KWEENS - - - - 0
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper 10 4 - - 14


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Tg icon.png GK Muscle Wizard - 12 2 - 14
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme 13 2 3 - 18
Co icon.png CB Brock Samson 1 - - - 1
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 7 12 8 - 27
Co icon.png DMF Judge Dredd 3 - - - 3
Wsg icon.png DMF Literally Me - 2 - - 2
Tv icon.png CMF Real Human Being 5 2 1 - 8
A icon.png AMF ENTER 23 4 2 - 29
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Vice-captain 9 18 14 - 41
Wsg icon.png CF Ricardo Milos Captain 16 16 22 - 54
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior 1 8 10 - 19
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Pw icon.png GK That's The Wall, Brother - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Pepsi Man - 5 - - 5
Pw icon.png CB Bigger Bible AJ - - 6 - 6
Vst icon.png CMF King Gedivilas of Chadtuania - 2 4 - 6
Co icon.png AMF Gaston - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Tg icon.png GK Muscle Wizard - - - - 0
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme 6 3 - - 9
Co icon.png CB Brock Samson - - 5 -1 4
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 6 0 - - 6
Co icon.png DMF Judge Dredd 5 - 2 2 9
Wsg icon.png DMF Literally Me - 5 - 4 9
Tv icon.png CMF Real Human Being - - - - 0
A icon.png AMF ENTER 6 - - - 6
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Vice-captain 2 10 7 14 33
Wsg icon.png CF Ricardo Milos Captain 14 4 10 28 56
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Pw icon.png GK That's The Wall, Brother - - 11 - 11
F icon.png CB Pepsi Man - - - - 0
Pw icon.png CB Bigger Bible AJ - 7 7 6 20
Vst icon.png CMF King Gedivilas of Chadtuania - - - - 0
Co icon.png AMF Gaston - 7 4 4 15
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington - - - - 0

It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vt icon.png GK GET ME PREGNANT 2 3 12 - 17
Biz icon.png CB Money Skelleton 6 - - - 6
Co icon.png CB Brock Samson 1 - - - 1
I icon.png CB Reibear 5 6 - - 11
Vg icon.png CB Hanny 5 6 10 - 21
A icon.png DMF Lelouch 5 4 4 - 13
K icon.png AMF BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT 12 2 9 - 23
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Vice-captain 2 2 2 - 6
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Captain 16 24 8 - 48
Y icon.png SS Traps 2 0 2 - 4
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Ck icon.png GK Cast-Iron Skillet - - - - 0
Mlp icon.png CB Horsefucker - - 5 - 5
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - - - - 0
M icon.png DMF Getter Robo - - - - 0
T icon.png DMF lol, limewire - - - - 0
Vst icon.png CF KANE LIVES - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vt icon.png GK GET ME PREGNANT 1 - - - 1
Biz icon.png CB Money Skelleton - - - - 0
Co icon.png CB Brock Samson - - 5 -1 4
I icon.png CB Reibear 2 -1 - - 1
Vg icon.png CB Hanny - - - - 0
A icon.png DMF Lelouch - - - - 0
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Captain 4 - - - 4
Y icon.png SS Traps - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Ck icon.png GK Cast-Iron Skillet - - - - 0
Mlp icon.png CB Horsefucker - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB An Horse - - - - 0
M icon.png DMF Getter Robo - - - - 0
T icon.png DMF lol, limewire 2 - - - 2
Vst icon.png CF KANE LIVES - - - - 0

Boomercore FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 7 2 - - 9
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs 6 - 3 - 9
Sci icon.png RB Carl Sagan 6 2 6 - 14
M icon.png DMF Getter Robo - - 4 - 4
Co icon.png CMF /co/lette - 4 4 - 8
M icon.png CMF RX-78-2 Gundam - 2 - - 2
Tv icon.png CMF Real Human Being 5 2 1 - 8
Toy icon.png AMF Optimus Prime 7 12 4 - 23
Mlp icon.png CF >rape Captain 4 14 4 - 22
Sp icon.png SS George Costanza 2 2 2 - 6
Tg icon.png SS Doomrider Vice-captain 1 7 2 - 10
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Tg icon.png GK Tankred - - - - 0
Mu icon.png CB Piero Scaruffi - - - - 0
Int icon.png RB Pvtin - 3 - - 3
Trv icon.png CMF Couchsurfer Rapist 10 4 - - 14
Trv icon.png CMF Sex Tourist 4 - 4 - 8
M icon.png SS Alteisen - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 4 2 - - 6
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - - - - 0
Sci icon.png RB Carl Sagan 3 6 -1 - 8
Co icon.png CMF /co/lette 4 - 4 4 12
Trv icon.png CMF Couchsurfer Rapist - - - - 0
Trv icon.png CMF Sex Tourist 4 - - - 4
Co icon.png AMF Hope Corgi - 9 - - 9
Toy icon.png AMF Optimus Prime 2 - - - 2
A icon.png CF Cowboy Bebop Vice-captain 2 - - - 2
Toy icon.png CF Woody Captain 4 - - - 4
D icon.png SS Futa/alternative 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Trv icon.png GK Darién Gap - - - - 0
Mu icon.png CB Piero Scaruffi - 5 - - 5
Int icon.png RB Pvtin - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png DMF Duane - 2 4 - 6
Int icon.png CMF >Argentina >White 2 2 - - 4
Co icon.png CF Doom - 7 22 8 37

Delicious Flat Chests FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Ck icon.png GK Cast-Iron Skillet 3 3 6 - 12
A icon.png LB Kill Yourself - 3 5 - 8
C icon.png CB The Haya Vice-captain - - 2 - 2
Pw icon.png CB You Tell Me - 1 - - 1
Vg icon.png RB shiddy 5 - - - 5
Vp icon.png DMF Best Pokégirl 2 3 - - 5
Jp icon.png CMF Take It Easy! 4 3 4 - 11
Vst icon.png CMF "Glad you could make it, /vst/" 7 2 4 - 13
F icon.png AMF Daily Dose 8 12 4 - 24
Vp icon.png CF Fug 2 7 2 - 11
A icon.png SS Yotsuba Captain 14 46 2 - 62
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Wsg icon.png GK To Be Continued - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Fluffy - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CB Metal Slime - 1 - - 1
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper - - 4 - 4
A icon.png CMF Vape Duck - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CF pls rember - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Wsg icon.png GK To Be Continued - 13 2 6 21
A icon.png LB Kill Yourself 5 - - - 5
F icon.png CB HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~ Vice-captain - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CB Metal Slime 5 - - - 5
T icon.png RB >download a car 2 - - - 2
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper 10 4 - - 14
A icon.png CMF Vape Duck - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 13 18 9 12 52
F icon.png AMF Daily Dose 19 4 - - 23
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls 2 2 - - 4
A icon.png SS Yotsuba Captain 16 - - - 16
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vt icon.png GK GET ME PREGNANT 1 - - - 1
Pw icon.png CB You Tell Me - 7 10 0 17
Vrpg icon.png CB Thighza 2 - - - 2
Co icon.png CMF Public Domain Mickey 5 4 - 0 9
I icon.png CMF Donut Steel - - - - 0
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan - 10 7 14 31

Shitload of Fuck FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Lit icon.png GK The Entire Western Canon 6 - 3 - 9
Toy icon.png LB Nubs Destiny - 3 - - 3
A icon.png CB Inferno Cop 7 - 5 - 12
Sp icon.png CB El Var Sinson - - - - 0
Pw icon.png DMF No Milly? 4 2 3 - 9
Trv icon.png CMF Squat Toilet 4 4 4 - 12
Vg icon.png CMF Holy Fucking Kino - 4 2 - 6
Tg icon.png AMF Mork (or Gork) 2 5 4 - 11
T icon.png CF Never Ever Paying Adobe Vice-captain 16 8 2 - 26
Tv icon.png CF Oscar Winner Brendan Fraser Captain 4 38 16 - 58
A icon.png SS Pierce The Heavens 8 12 2 - 22
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Co icon.png GK Carlos! - 7 - - 7
Biz icon.png RB Pajeet 6 10 - - 16
Vg icon.png RB shiddy 5 - - - 5
Ck icon.png CMF Cock Sauce 2 - - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF A Cred's A Cred - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Co icon.png GK Carlos! 12 7 2 6 27
Toy icon.png LB Nubs Destiny 3 - - - 3
A icon.png CB Inferno Cop 5 - - - 5
Vt icon.png RB The Pride Of Hololive - - - - 0
Pw icon.png DMF No Milly? 5 2 - 0 7
T icon.png CMF Notavirus.exe 2 - - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF Squat Toilet - - - - 0
Pw icon.png AMF The Undercarder 5 14 13 4 36
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Vice-captain 2 20 14 28 64
T icon.png CF Never Ever Paying Adobe Captain 26 - - - 26
A icon.png SS Pierce The Heavens 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png LB wtf is this real? - - 5 - 5
Sci icon.png RB Lying Koreans - 99 - 3 - 1 4
A icon.png CMF "THAT" - - - - 0
Trv icon.png CMF A Cred's A Cred 4 - - - 4
D icon.png CF Giantess - - - - 0

Spring Cup Waiting Room (Featuring Demons, Elves and tailless Foxes in spats)

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

F icon.png GK Lord Fulp 11 7 - - 18
A icon.png CB Inferno Cop 7 - 5 - 12
C icon.png CB Cute Vamp 2 - 3 - 5
D icon.png DMF Succubus 13 11 5 - 29
Jp icon.png CMF TTKZ 2 4 - - 6
Jp icon.png CMF Whalehu - 10 2 - 12
Vg icon.png CMF Holy Fucking Kino - 4 2 - 6
M icon.png AMF Gridman 7 4 2 - 13
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Vice-captain 8 12 4 - 24
Vst icon.png CF KANE LIVES Captain 20 14 28 - 62
Co icon.png SS Carl Brutananadilewski 2 10 12 - 24
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative Eating - - 1 - 1
Ck icon.png CB Do Americans really do this? - 3 - - 3
F icon.png CB Dicewars! - 2 - - 2
K icon.png CMF Cheeki Breeki - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Megas XLR 4 - 2 - 6
Sp icon.png CF Messi - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

F icon.png GK Lord Fulp 6 - - - 6
A icon.png CB Inferno Cop 5 - - - 5
C icon.png CB Cute Vamp - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus 2 - - - 2
Jp icon.png CMF TTKZ - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CMF Whalehu - - - - 0
Vg icon.png CMF Holy Fucking Kino - - - - 0
M icon.png AMF Gridman - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
Vst icon.png CF KANE LIVES Captain - - - - 0
Co icon.png SS Carl Brutananadilewski 2 2 6 2 12
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative Eating - - - - 0
Ck icon.png CB Do Americans really do this? - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Dicewars! - 3 - - 3
K icon.png CMF Cheeki Breeki - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF Megas XLR - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CF Messi - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

His icon.png GK 22nd Battle Of The Isonzo - 7 - - 7
Jp icon.png LB Corndog Tenshi 5 - - - 5
Pw icon.png CB You Tell Me - 1 - - 1
Vg icon.png RB shiddy 5 - - - 5
Vst icon.png DMF El Presidente 4 - - - 4
Vg icon.png CMF >sport mode - - 5 - 5
Vp icon.png CMF Gary Motherfucking Oak - 3 - - 3
I icon.png LMF Nikki 7 4 4 - 15
Trv icon.png AMF Chinese Tour Group Vice-captain 12 4 11 - 27
His icon.png CF Charles II 2 1 6 - 9
Pw icon.png SS Kevin R. Nash Captain 20 4 30 - 54
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vp icon.png GK OMP OMP OMP - - - - 0
Mu icon.png LB <- Clueless - -2 - - -2
Sp icon.png CB Gimi 5 - 3 - 8
I icon.png DMF Mary-san 3 4 - - 7
Tg icon.png LMF Crazy Hassan 2 - 4 - 6
Vp icon.png CF Fug - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Int icon.png GK >be American >get shot 3 3 - - 6
Wsg icon.png LB wtf is this real? - - 5 - 5
Pw icon.png CB You Tell Me - 7 10 0 17
Mu icon.png RB Gusic 3 - - - 3
Co icon.png DMF Judge Dredd 5 - 2 2 9
Pw icon.png DMF No Milly? 5 2 - 0 7
Vrpg icon.png CMF Fat Larry 4 - - - 4
I icon.png LMF Nikki 7 4 - - 11
Trv icon.png AMF Chinese Tour Group Vice-captain 4 - - - 4
Pw icon.png SS Kevin R. Nash Captain 20 14 28 22 84
Vrpg icon.png SS WaKKKa 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
A icon.png GK Quality - - - - 0
Co icon.png LB Smiling Friends - 2 3 - 5
Mu icon.png LB <- Clueless 6 2 - - 8
I icon.png DMF Mary-san - - - - 0
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper - 4 - - 4
Int icon.png CF Alberto Barbosa - 2 - - 2

As of this moment the Detroit Lions are the most recent NFL team to win a playoff game FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - 7 - - 7
Aco icon.png LB The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish 8 - 6 - 14
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri 10 - - - 10
M icon.png CB Megazord 2 -1 - - 1
Pw icon.png DMF Perc Angle Vice-captain 2 4 3 - 9
D icon.png CMF Dick Necks 2 - 5 - 7
D icon.png CMF Monster Girl Encyclopedia 14 11 11 - 36
Vt icon.png CMF Bau Bau! 4 10 - - 14
M icon.png AMF Gridman 7 4 2 - 13
Pw icon.png AMF Your Father Is Dead - - - - 0
D icon.png CF Giantess Captain 20 28 18 - 66
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Y icon.png GK BL Discussion Thread 1 - - - 1
Jp icon.png CB Giant Yukari - - 1 - 1
Pw icon.png CB Krispen Wah - 1 - - 1
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper - 4 4 - 8
Tv icon.png CMF Your Hippos Are Famished Mr. Bond 2 4 - - 6
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - - - - 0
Aco icon.png LB The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish 2 - - - 2
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - 6 - - 6
M icon.png CB Megazord - - - - 0
Pw icon.png DMF Perc Angle Vice-captain 5 22 10 8 45
D icon.png CMF Dick Necks 2 - - - 2
D icon.png CMF Monster Girl Encyclopedia 2 - - - 2
Vt icon.png CMF Bau Bau! 2 - - - 2
M icon.png AMF Gridman - - - - 0
Pw icon.png AMF Your Father Is Dead 2 4 - 2 8
D icon.png CF Giantess Captain 12 - - - 12
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Y icon.png GK BL Discussion Thread - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CB Giant Yukari - - - - 0
Pw icon.png CB Krispen Wah 10 - 7 - 17
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper 10 4 - - 14
Tv icon.png CMF Your Hippos Are Famished Mr. Bond - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington - - - - 0

Uma Malicia

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

T icon.png GK qStalled 16 - - - 16
Vst icon.png LB Zerg Rush Kekekeke - 2 - - 2
A icon.png CB Boku No Pico - - 2 - 2
D icon.png CB /d/ Sized Cock 5 - - - 5
Co icon.png DMF T.O.M. - 4 4 - 8
Jp icon.png CMF Take It Easy! 4 3 4 - 11
Vrpg icon.png CMF Frank Horrigan - - 5 - 5
F icon.png AMF Daily Dose Vice-captain 8 12 4 - 24
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls Captain 28 24 20 - 72
F icon.png RWF EDDIE! 1 0 - - 1
Pw icon.png SS Kevin R. Nash 10 2 15 - 27
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Tv icon.png GK High Ground - - - - 0
Sp icon.png CB Gimi 5 - 3 - 8
Y icon.png RB Big Gay Lawyers 4 5 5 - 14
Aco icon.png DMF Xenophilia - 4 - - 4
Biz icon.png CMF I Use Very Little Math - - - - 0
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

T icon.png GK qStalled 2 - - - 2
Wsg icon.png LB Motherfucking Newports 12 17 8 3 40
A icon.png CB Boku No Pico - - - - 0
D icon.png CB /d/ Sized Cock - - - - 0
Co icon.png DMF T.O.M. 5 4 4 - 13
Vrpg icon.png CMF Frank Horrigan - - - - 0
F icon.png AMF Daily Dose 19 4 - - 23
Pw icon.png AMF The Undercarder 5 14 13 4 36
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls Captain 4 4 - - 8
F icon.png RWF EDDIE! 5 1 - - 6
Pw icon.png SS Kevin R. Nash 10 7 14 11 42
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
A icon.png GK Quality - - - - 0
I icon.png CB Reibear 2 -1 - - 1
Trv icon.png CB Begpacker - - - - 0
Aco icon.png DMF Xenophilia - - - - 0
Vt icon.png DMF Gosling 2 - - - 2
Wsg icon.png CF Ricardo Milos Vice-captain - - 10 28 38


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully 3 - 4 - 7
Y icon.png LB Sea Turtle 6 -1 - - 5
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri 10 - - - 10
Vp icon.png RB Mista Merriku 2 6 - - 8
Jp icon.png DMF Timestop Rapist 2 - - - 2
Vp icon.png DMF Best Pokégirl 2 3 - - 5
Biz icon.png CMF XMR Chan 4 4 - - 8
Biz icon.png AMF BOGGED 19 14 10 - 43
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain 2 7 2 - 11
C icon.png SS Yui Captain 4 4 0 - 8
Y icon.png SS Traps 2 0 2 - 4
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands - 2 - - 2
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - - - - 0
Vt icon.png LB MY DOG DIED - 6 9 - 15
Y icon.png DMF Yaranaika - - - - 0
A icon.png CMF Bocchi 2 Bocchi - 4 2 - 6
Tg icon.png SS Anal Circumference - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

C icon.png GK Do NOT Bully - - - - 0
Y icon.png LB Sea Turtle - - - - 0
F icon.png CB Gardevoir Paizuri - 6 - - 6
Vp icon.png RB Mista Merriku - - - - 0
Jp icon.png DMF Timestop Rapist - - - - 0
Vp icon.png DMF Best Pokégirl - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CMF XMR Chan - - - - 0
Biz icon.png AMF BOGGED - - - - 0
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain - - - - 0
C icon.png SS Yui Captain - - - - 0
Y icon.png SS Traps - - - - 0
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands - - - - 0
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - - - - 0
Vt icon.png LB MY DOG DIED 1 - - - 1
Y icon.png DMF Yaranaika - - - - 0
A icon.png CMF Bocchi 2 Bocchi - - - - 0
Tg icon.png SS Anal Circumference - - - - 0

Honeyyyyyy my Banii

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vt icon.png GK GET ME PREGNANT 2 3 12 - 17
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - 3 - - 3
Jp icon.png CB Giant Yukari 1 - 1 - 2
Sp icon.png CB 700 Mirrion Dorrar - 10 - - 10
K icon.png RB F-35 5 - -1 - 4
C icon.png DMF Homuhomu 2 4 2 - 8
Vg icon.png CMF Atsui 4 - - - 4
Vt icon.png AMF Lia from Phase Connect 4 3 16 - 23
K icon.png SS Saint Paul Harrell The Exonerated Vice-captain 17 6 8 - 31
Vg icon.png SS Famous Pedo TENDOU MAYA 1 2 2 - 5
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK Ball Mommy - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CB Thighza 6 - 10 - 16
M icon.png RB Scopedog 3 - 2 - 5
D icon.png DMF Succubus - 11 5 - 16
A icon.png CMF Bocchi 2 Bocchi - - - - 0
K icon.png SS Simo Häyhä - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vt icon.png GK GET ME PREGNANT 1 - - - 1
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - - - - 0
Co icon.png CB Mr. /co/ - Skeletor 10 5 5 - 20
D icon.png CB Left Wide Open 1 - - - 1
T icon.png RB More Music Than In /mu/ 1 - - - 1
A icon.png CMF Bocchi 2 Bocchi - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CMF Geralt 0 - - - 0
Vt icon.png AMF Lia from Phase Connect 10 - - - 10
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Vice-captain 2 20 14 28 64
A icon.png SS Pierce The Heavens 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Wsg icon.png GK To Be Continued - 13 2 6 21
Vrpg icon.png CB Thighza - - - - 0
Sci icon.png RB Carl Sagan 3 6 -1 - 8
D icon.png DMF Succubus 2 - - - 2
F icon.png CMF Takeo Ischi - 2 - - 2
F icon.png CF DA HOOD - 2 - - 2

Fantasy Team Name team name this time I won't forget to update before knockouts orz confirm team name

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 7 2 - - 9
Vst icon.png LB ">99% Chance to hit" 4 - - - 4
Vp icon.png CB Proud Of Its Power 2 - 3 - 5
Vg icon.png RB shiddy 5 - - - 5
Vg icon.png DMF Toby is a HACK - 4 4 - 8
Vst icon.png DMF El Presidente 4 - - - 4
Vp icon.png CMF Wow It's Fucking Nothing 4 5 6 - 15
Vrpg icon.png CMF Frank Horrigan - - 5 - 5
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain 42 4 26 - 72
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Vice-captain 8 12 4 - 24
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior 1 8 10 - 19
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Mu icon.png GK MF DOOM - - - - 0
Mlp icon.png CB Kirin Beer - - - - 0
Mlp icon.png RB Numget - - - - 0
Mlp icon.png DMF >belongs on /v/ - 4 4 - 8
Vp icon.png CMF Gary Motherfucking Oak - 3 - - 3
Vst icon.png SS Nuclear Gandhi - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 4 2 - - 6
Wsg icon.png LB Motherfucking Newports 12 17 8 3 40
Wsg icon.png CB Why Are You Gay? 10 10 1 2 23
Sci icon.png RB >biology >hard science 3 - - - 3
Sci icon.png DMF Stephen Hawking 4 4 1 3 12
Wsg icon.png DMF Sensible Chuckle - - - 2 2
F icon.png CMF Party Hard 10 12 - - 22
Vrpg icon.png CMF Frank Horrigan - - - - 0
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum Captain 28 4 - - 32
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Vice-captain 2 - - - 2
Vrpg icon.png SS >Human>Male>Warrior 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Mu icon.png GK MF DOOM - - - - 0
Sci icon.png CB Boiling Water - 6 - - 6
Int icon.png RB Pvtin - - - - 0
Int icon.png DMF Amerimvtt 4 4 - - 8
F icon.png CMF Takeo Ischi - 2 - - 2
Int icon.png SS Apv Apvstaja - 2 - - 2


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mlp icon.png GK Derpy Hooves 3 6 2 - 11
D icon.png CB Hucow Hoedown - 10 - - 10
M icon.png CB SDF-1 Macross - 5 - - 5
Toy icon.png CB Danbo 5 1 - - 6
Sci icon.png CMF Norman Wildberger 4 7 - - 11
Sp icon.png CMF >He Does It For Free 2 - 2 - 4
Vg icon.png CMF Holy Fucking Kino - 4 2 - 6
M icon.png AMF Gridman 7 4 2 - 13
K icon.png CF Zergface 15 7 16 - 38
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Captain 18 36 28 - 82
A icon.png SS Pierce The Heavens Vice-captain 8 12 2 - 22
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Aco icon.png GK Buenos Dias, Mandy - - - - 0
Pw icon.png CB Krispen Wah 6 - - - 6
Vt icon.png CB Meds - - - - 0
M icon.png CMF RX-78-2 Gundam - - - - 0
Vst icon.png CMF King Gedivilas of Chadtuania - 2 4 - 6
Jp icon.png SS Get Out Of /jp/ - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Aco icon.png GK Buenos Dias, Mandy 7 - - - 7
D icon.png CB Hucow Hoedown 0 - - - 0
Pw icon.png CB Krispen Wah 10 - 7 - 17
A icon.png RB Puffy Vulva 2 - - - 2
Co icon.png CMF /co/lette 4 - 4 4 12
Sci icon.png CMF Norman Wildberger 10 2 2 - 14
Co icon.png AMF Gaston 14 7 4 4 29
Pw icon.png AMF Big Knife Manju - - 2 4 6
D icon.png CF Giantess Vice-captain 6 - - - 6
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Captain 4 20 14 28 66
A icon.png SS Pierce The Heavens 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day - - - - 0
Toy icon.png CB Danbo - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CB Meds - - - - 0
D icon.png DMF Succubus 2 - - - 2
A icon.png CMF Bocchi 2 Bocchi - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png CF Ricardo Milos - 2 5 14 21

Offtopic FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Tv icon.png GK However 11 3 6 - 20
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - 3 - - 3
Lit icon.png CB Tolstoyevsky's War and Punishment - - - - 0
Vg icon.png RB shiddy 5 - - - 5
Tg icon.png DMF Sir Bearington - 5 2 - 7
T icon.png CMF Notavirus.exe 5 - 12 - 17
Trv icon.png CMF American "Tourist" 4 4 2 - 10
A icon.png AMF ENTER 23 4 2 - 29
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Captain 14 4 16 - 34
Trv icon.png SS Thai Ladyboy Vice-captain 9 2 10 - 21
Tv icon.png SS Frank "Sheev" Palpatine 2 7 2 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK Ball Mommy - - - - 0
Toy icon.png LB Headdie Brock 3 2 6 - 11
Vt icon.png RB Ligma Balls 5 6 6 - 17
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png CMF Fat Larry 4 2 - - 6
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Pw icon.png GK That's The Wall, Brother - - 11 - 11
A icon.png LB Panzer Vor! - - - - 0
Pw icon.png CB You Tell Me - 7 10 0 17
Vt icon.png RB Ligma Balls 2 - - - 2
T icon.png CMF Notavirus.exe 2 - - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF American "Tourist" 2 - - - 2
Vrpg icon.png CMF Fat Larry 4 - - - 4
A icon.png AMF ENTER 6 - - - 6
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This Captain 30 14 2 4 50
T icon.png SS >uTorrent 8 - - - 8
Trv icon.png SS Thai Ladyboy Vice-captain 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands - - - - 0
Toy icon.png LB Headdie Brock 2 - - - 2
F icon.png CB HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN~ - - - - 0
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - 4 - - 4
Trv icon.png CMF I'm trans, if that matters - - - - 0
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum - 2 - - 2

The Cup has fallen. Millions must go autopilot.

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

A icon.png GK W I D E F A C E - 3 - - 3
Biz icon.png LB You Will Conform To The ESG 9 6 2 - 17
Jp icon.png CB Giant Yukari 1 - 1 - 2
Vrpg icon.png RB Arueshlae 3 2 10 - 15
C icon.png DMF Homuhomu 2 4 2 - 8
D icon.png CMF Good Ends For People Who Love Bad Ends 2 - 4 - 6
Tv icon.png CMF Real Human Being 5 2 1 - 8
M icon.png AMF Gridman 7 4 2 - 13
A icon.png CF Cowboy Bebop Captain 24 4 4 - 32
T icon.png CF Never Ever Paying Adobe Vice-captain 16 8 2 - 26
Sp icon.png SS George Costanza 2 2 2 - 6
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Vg icon.png GK Ball Mommy 8 - 10 - 18
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme - - - - 0
C icon.png CB /c/ - Random - 2 - - 2
Int icon.png DMF Amerimvtt - 2 - - 2
A icon.png CMF "THAT" - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CF For You - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

A icon.png GK W I D E F A C E 6 - - - 6
F icon.png LB Van Darkholme 6 3 - - 9
Co icon.png CB Mr. /co/ - Skeletor 10 5 5 - 20
Vrpg icon.png RB Arueshlae 3 - - - 3
Int icon.png DMF Amerimvtt 4 4 - - 8
A icon.png CMF "THAT" 2 - - - 2
D icon.png CMF Good Ends For People Who Love Bad Ends 2 - - - 2
Vt icon.png AMF Lia from Phase Connect 10 - - - 10
A icon.png CF Cowboy Bebop Vice-captain 2 - - - 2
T icon.png CF Never Ever Paying Adobe Captain 26 - - - 26
D icon.png SS Futa/alternative 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day - - - - 0
Int icon.png LB My Ancestor :) - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CB Ui Rape Beam - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CMF The Age of 30 is in Demand - - - - 0
F icon.png CF Lolicatgirls - 2 - - 2

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day 11 6 17 - 34
I icon.png LB Remember Shi? 6 - 4 - 10
Vst icon.png CB >SRPGs 1 5 5 - 11
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 7 12 8 - 27
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "White Power Every Hour" Stoklasa 4 - 2 - 6
M icon.png CMF Rising Freedom Gundam 4 2 14 - 20
Tv icon.png CMF Real Human Being 5 2 1 - 8
Vt icon.png AMF Lia from Phase Connect 4 3 16 - 23
Y icon.png AMF My Husbando 12 2 4 - 18
K icon.png CF Zergface Vice-captain 15 7 16 - 38
Sp icon.png CF Messi Captain 26 14 4 - 44
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Biz icon.png GK Quantitative Eating - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Fluffy - - - - 0
Lit icon.png RB Behold, a Book! - 1 - - 1
Tv icon.png DMF Dan "Epstein Did Not Kill Himself" Schneider - - - - 0
Y icon.png AMF Dio Brando - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day 7 - - - 7
I icon.png LB Remember Shi? 2 8 - - 10
Co icon.png CB Mr. /co/ - Skeletor 10 5 5 - 20
F icon.png RB ♂Billy Herrington♂ 6 0 - - 6
D icon.png DMF Succubus 2 - - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF Couchsurfer Rapist - - - - 0
Vt icon.png CMF Bau Bau! 2 - - - 2
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 13 18 9 12 52
Vt icon.png AMF Lia from Phase Connect 10 - - - 10
Pw icon.png CF Hulk Hogan Captain 4 20 14 28 66
A icon.png SS Yotsuba Vice-captain 8 - - - 8
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Aco icon.png GK Buenos Dias, Mandy - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png LB Motherfucking Newports - - 8 3 11
A icon.png RB Puffy Vulva - - - - 0
Co icon.png CMF Public Domain Mickey 5 4 - 0 9
Int icon.png CMF >Argentina >White - 2 - - 2
D icon.png CF Giantess - - - - 0

Long Names FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Vst icon.png GK Good luck! I'm behind 7000 Powerliches - - 2 - 2
Wsg icon.png CB Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension - - - - 0
Sp icon.png RB Cam On Ingerland Score Some Facking Goals 0 9 3 - 12
Lit icon.png DMF This Was Once Revealed to Me in a Dream 2 2 2 - 6
Tv icon.png DMF Dan "Epstein Did Not Kill Himself" Schneider 3 - 4 - 7
Lit icon.png CMF Bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronntonner - 0 7 - 7
T icon.png CMF 50 Threads Of Pure Japanese Titties 7 12 - - 19
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 16 10 5 - 31
Co icon.png AMF Why Doesn't Batman Just Rape The Joker? - - - - 0
K icon.png SS Saint Paul Harrell The Exonerated Vice-captain 17 6 8 - 31
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
T icon.png GK Yes, Your Personal Seedbox! - 3 - - 3
Aco icon.png LB The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish 8 - 6 - 14
Tv icon.png CB Harrison Fucking Done With This Team - - - - 0
Tv icon.png DMF Mike "White Power Every Hour" Stoklasa 4 - 2 - 6
D icon.png CMF Good Ends For People Who Love Bad Ends 2 - 4 - 6
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

T icon.png GK Yes, Your Personal Seedbox! - - - - 0
Aco icon.png LB The Writer's Barely Disguised Fetish 2 - - - 2
Wsg icon.png CB Man-Made Horrors Beyond Your Comprehension 10 - - 2 12
D icon.png CMF Good Ends For People Who Love Bad Ends 2 - - - 2
T icon.png CMF 50 Threads Of Pure Japanese Titties 2 - - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF I'm trans, if that matters - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 13 18 9 12 52
Co icon.png AMF Why Doesn't Batman Just Rape The Joker? - - - - 0
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This Vice-captain 15 14 2 4 35
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Mu icon.png GK I Want A Vandenberg So Bad - - - - 0
Mu icon.png CB mfw Deftones or Smashing Pumpkins - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png RB Masterworks All You Can't Go Wrong - - - - 0
Mu icon.png DMF For Less Than The Cost Of A Big Mac - 2 - - 2
Vt icon.png CMF The Age of 30 is in Demand - - - - 0
A icon.png SS Pierce The Heavens - - - - 0

Short Names FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

His icon.png GK Taft 2 - 2 - 4
K icon.png LB Orb - 6 5 - 11
Sp icon.png CB >we - 10 6 - 16
T icon.png CB TPB - 3 5 - 8
K icon.png RB ATF 6 5 5 - 16
A icon.png DMF Desu - - - - 0
Vp icon.png DMF >75 - 2 - - 2
A icon.png AMF ENTER 23 4 2 - 29
Mu icon.png AMF Ye 10 2 4 - 16
C icon.png SS Yui Captain 4 4 0 - 8
Co icon.png SS Aku Vice-captain 7 9 10 - 26
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
M icon.png GK Eva-01 - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CB Mumu - - - - 0
C icon.png CB Hors - - - - 0
Pw icon.png DMF Dean - - 4 - 4
Biz icon.png CMF Bobo - - - - 0
Lit icon.png SS DFW - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Pw icon.png GK Vacant 11 11 - 3 25
Co icon.png CB Bluey - - - - 0
T icon.png CB TPB 0 - - - 0
Vt icon.png CB Meds 0 - - - 0
Aco icon.png RB Raven - - - - 0
A icon.png DMF Desu 4 - - - 4
Pw icon.png DMF Dean - 2 2 4 8
A icon.png AMF ENTER 6 - - - 6
Mu icon.png AMF Ye 7 4 - - 11
Co icon.png CF Doom 7 7 22 8 44
Co icon.png SS Aku Captain 20 28 8 4 60
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
A icon.png GK Quality - - - - 0
Int icon.png CB Wh*te - 4 - - 4
Toy icon.png CB Danbo - - - - 0
Pw icon.png DMF YEAH 4 1 5 - 10
D icon.png CMF MOM! - - - - 0
Aco icon.png SS Gobbo Vice-captain - - - - 0

Alphabet Abuse FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Lit icon.png GK Action Camus - 3 - - 3
Vp icon.png LB Ababor 3 - 3 - 6
T icon.png CB Abandonware - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CB Absolute And Utter State Of Dr. Who 4 2 1 - 7
Vst icon.png RB ABIBA TOOT -2 - 6 - 4
Jp icon.png CMF Ai-chan 2 - 4 - 6
Ck icon.png AMF Al/ck/oholic 3 4 12 - 19
Co icon.png AMF Alan Moore - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CF AAAAAAAAAAAHHHH Captain 14 4 16 - 34
Aco icon.png SS >artist 19 2 2 - 23
Co icon.png SS Aku Vice-captain 7 9 10 - 26
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Sp icon.png GK Apologize - - - - 0
M icon.png LB Alphonse 6 6 2 - 14
Sp icon.png LB AMD AMX - 9 - - 9
Int icon.png DMF Amerimvtt - 2 - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF American "Tourist" 4 4 2 - 10
Int icon.png CF Alberto Barbosa - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Int icon.png GK >be American >get shot 3 3 - - 6
Mu icon.png CB Aphex Twin 3 2 - - 5
T icon.png CB Abandonware - - - - 0
Trv icon.png CB Begpacker - - - - 0
Mu icon.png RB Autistic Eskimo Wife - 2 - - 2
Trv icon.png CMF American "Tourist" 2 - - - 2
I icon.png RMF Bait-chan 4 4 - - 8
Co icon.png AMF Alan Moore - - - - 0
Int icon.png CF Alberto Barbosa Vice-captain 27 2 - - 29
Aco icon.png SS >artist 2 - - - 2
Co icon.png SS Aku Captain 20 28 8 4 60
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Aco icon.png GK Buenos Dias, Mandy - - - - 0
Co icon.png CB Bluey - - - - 0
Vrpg icon.png RB Arueshlae 3 - - - 3
Int icon.png DMF Amerimvtt 4 4 - - 8
Sci icon.png CMF Aspie African - 2 2 2 6
A icon.png CF Cowboy Bebop - - - - 0

The Dignity of the Retarded

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

M icon.png GK Eva-01 7 - - - 7
His icon.png LB What The Fuck Was His Problem 2 - 2 - 4
Tg icon.png CB GW/WoTC Legal Team - - - - 0
Y icon.png CB Fujos 4 - 5 - 9
Sci icon.png RB >biology >hard science 2 - 6 - 8
Biz icon.png DMF Boomer Rocks 4 4 4 - 12
Int icon.png CMF >Argentina >White 4 2 11 - 17
Int icon.png AMF Spvrdo Sparde 12 2 5 - 19
His icon.png CF Charles II Captain 4 2 12 - 18
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This Vice-captain 2 19 14 - 35
Vrpg icon.png SS What Is An RPG? 12 11 1 - 24
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands - 2 7 - 9
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - 3 - - 3
Ck icon.png RB Cringy Foodtubers - - 3 - 3
Sp icon.png DMF My Boy... Just Needs More Time - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CMF I Use Very Little Math - - - - 0
Vg icon.png SS Git Gud - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

M icon.png GK Eva-01 - - - - 0
His icon.png LB What The Fuck Was His Problem - - - - 0
Tg icon.png CB GW/WoTC Legal Team - - - - 0
Y icon.png CB Fujos - - - - 0
Sci icon.png RB >biology >hard science 3 - - - 3
Biz icon.png DMF Boomer Rocks - - - - 0
Int icon.png CMF >Argentina >White 2 2 - - 4
Int icon.png AMF Spvrdo Sparde 7 4 - - 11
His icon.png CF Charles II Captain - - - - 0
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This Vice-captain 30 14 2 4 50
Vrpg icon.png SS What Is An RPG? 2 - - - 2
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Toy icon.png GK Ham Hands - - - - 0
C icon.png LB Let's All Love Lain - - - - 0
Ck icon.png RB Cringy Foodtubers - - - - 0
Sp icon.png DMF My Boy... Just Needs More Time - - - - 0
Biz icon.png CMF I Use Very Little Math - - - - 0
Vg icon.png SS Git Gud - - - - 0

Reverse Alphabet Abuse FC

Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

T icon.png GK Yes, Your Personal Seedbox! - 3 6 - 9
Vst icon.png LB Zerg Rush Kekekeke - 2 - - 2
A icon.png CB You're Waifu - - - - 0
Lit icon.png CB Yuki-kun ^~^ - - - - 0
Vt icon.png RB Yubi Yubi - 0 - - 0
F icon.png CMF Zone 4 4 7 - 15
I icon.png CMF You're Style - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 16 10 5 - 31
Mu icon.png AMF Ye 10 2 4 - 16
K icon.png CF Zergface Captain 30 14 32 - 76
C icon.png SS Yui Vice-captain 2 2 0 - 4
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
A icon.png GK W I D E F A C E - - - - 0
Sci icon.png LB Yukariposter 1 5 6 - 12
Jp icon.png RB Younger Sister - - - - 0
Tv icon.png CMF Your Hippos Are Famished Mr. Bond 2 4 - - 6
Pw icon.png AMF Your Father Is Dead - - - - 0
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

T icon.png GK Yes, Your Personal Seedbox! - - - - 0
Sci icon.png LB Yukariposter - - 3 - 3
A icon.png CB You're Waifu - - - - 0
Pw icon.png CB You Tell Me - 7 10 0 17
Vt icon.png RB Yubi Yubi 1 - - - 1
F icon.png CMF Zone - - - - 0
I icon.png CMF You're Style - - - - 0
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 13 18 9 12 52
Mu icon.png AMF Ye 7 4 - - 11
Sci icon.png CF You Should Be Able To Solve This Captain 30 14 2 4 50
A icon.png SS Yotsuba Vice-captain 8 - - - 8
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
A icon.png GK W I D E F A C E 6 - - - 6
Int icon.png CB Xi Jinping 2 - - - 2
Vt icon.png CB yeah, me - - - - 0
Pw icon.png DMF Yes Philly 0 5 5 - 10
Pw icon.png AMF Your Father Is Dead 2 4 - 2 8
Toy icon.png CF Woody - - - - 0


Team Position Starting R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score

Mu icon.png GK MF DOOM - - - - 0
Vst icon.png CB We Wuz Pharoahs - - 6 - 6
Wsg icon.png CB Why Are You Gay? 10 - 10 - 20
Tv icon.png RB I'm Gonna Say It 17 6 2 - 25
Int icon.png DMF BlACK KWEENS - - 2 - 2
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper 2 4 4 - 10
Sp icon.png CMF We European - 5 2 - 7
Tv icon.png CMF Kinoplex Robert 5 2 4 - 11
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 16 10 5 - 31
Int icon.png CF Alberto Barbosa Captain 26 4 16 - 46
Mu icon.png SS MC Ride Vice-captain 2 2 7 - 11
Team Position Bench R1 R2 R3 R4 Total score
Int icon.png GK >be American >get shot 6 7 11 - 24
Wsg icon.png LB Motherfucking Newports 10 2 - - 12
Sp icon.png RB Ngubu - - - - 0
Sp icon.png DMF My Boy... Just Needs More Time 4 - - - 4
Lit icon.png AMF Lovecraft's Cat - - - - 0
F icon.png CF DA HOOD - - - - 0
Team Position Starting Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score

Int icon.png GK >be American >get shot 3 3 - - 6
Wsg icon.png LB Motherfucking Newports 12 17 8 3 40
Toy icon.png CB My Nugga 5 - - - 5
Wsg icon.png CB Why Are You Gay? 10 10 1 2 23
Int icon.png DMF BlACK KWEENS 0 - - - 0
Mu icon.png DMF Viper The Kidnapper 10 4 - - 14
D icon.png CMF MOM! 2 - - - 2
Wsg icon.png RMF You Should Kill Yourself... Now! 13 18 9 12 52
D icon.png AMF No Cock Like Horsecock 7 - - - 7
Int icon.png CF Alberto Barbosa Captain 54 4 - - 58
Mu icon.png SS MC Ride Vice-captain 2 1 - - 3
Team Position Bench Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total score
Mu icon.png GK MF DOOM - - - - 0
Sci icon.png LB Cool Science Facts - 6 - 2 8
T icon.png CB TPB - - - - 0
A icon.png CMF "THAT" - - - - 0
Sci icon.png CMF Aspie African - 2 2 2 6
F icon.png CF DA HOOD - - - - 0


Team R1 R2 R3 R4 Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals Total
The weather outside is frightful, but the world is so delightful 71 88 22 0 38 33 8 8 268
He keeps punching that thigh, it's so weird 108 51 68 0 61 19 0 2 309
two damage 57 73 60 0 76 39 21 10 336
MANLY MEN VI: MEN OF RUBICON 78 83 72 0 41 36 46 57 413
It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it 56 51 56 0 9 -1 5 -1 175
Boomercore FC 52 54 34 0 27 33 29 12 241
Delicious Flat Chests FC 45 81 33 0 80 62 28 32 361
Shitload of Fuck FC 64 93 41 0 66 46 34 39 383
Spring Cup Waiting Room (Featuring Demons, Elves and tailless Foxes in spats) 76 81 66 0 19 5 6 2 255
DEY CALL ME RIGNEK, AND I KNOW WHAT TO DO 65 26 63 0 59 40 48 24 325
As of this moment the Detroit Lions are the most recent NFL team to win a playoff game FC 72 72 50 0 47 36 17 10 304
Uma Malicia 81 56 62 0 66 50 49 46 410
Keshiheads 56 49 29 0 1 6 0 0 141
Honeyyyyyy my Banii 61 58 75 0 34 48 20 34 330
Fantasy Team Name team name this time I won't forget to update before knockouts orz confirm team name 77 42 62 0 79 63 10 10 343
SLOB ON MA KNOB 68 94 58 0 61 31 38 54 404
Offtopic FC 85 42 64 0 58 27 23 4 303
The Cup has fallen. Millions must go autopilot. 79 39 40 0 73 14 5 0 250
95 54 91 0 69 57 36 43 445
Long Names FC 75 58 61 0 46 34 11 18 303
Short Names FC 52 45 43 0 59 57 37 19 312
Alphabet Abuse FC 60 45 58 0 68 47 10 6 294
The Dignity of the Retarded 53 45 70 0 44 20 2 4 238
Reverse Alphabet Abuse FC 65 46 60 0 69 52 29 18 339
N 98 42 69 0 118 65 20 21 433

Board Stats

Team FF Points Final Rank Avg FF P/Game
A icon.png /a/ 287 9 71.7500
Aco icon.png /aco/ 283 9 70.7500
Biz icon.png /biz/ 253 18 84.3333
C icon.png /c/ 135 32 45.0000
Ck icon.png /ck/ 172 27 57.3333
Co icon.png /co/ 564 2 80.5714
D icon.png /d/ 346 16 86.5000
F icon.png /f/ 410 5 82.0000
His icon.png /his/ 134 30 44.6667
I icon.png /i/ 385 6 77.0000
Int icon.png /int/ 345 7 69.0000
Jp icon.png /jp/ 157 26 52.3333
K icon.png /k/ 216 20 72.0000
Lit icon.png /lit/ 133 24 44.3333
M icon.png /m/ 154 31 51.3333
Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 148 28 49.3333
Mu icon.png /mu/ 322 7 64.4000
Pw icon.png /pw/ 565 1 80.7143
Sci icon.png /sci/ 446 4 63.7143
Sp icon.png /sp/ 206 21 68.6667
T icon.png /t/ 357 14 89.2500
Tg icon.png /tg/ 163 25 54.3333
Toy icon.png /toy/ 235 12 58.7500
Trv icon.png /trv/ 252 11 63.0000
Tv icon.png /tv/ 197 19 65.6667
Vg icon.png /vg/ 214 23 71.3333
Vp icon.png /vp/ 199 22 66.3333
Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/ 290 12 72.5000
Vst icon.png /vst/ 198 17 66.0000
Vt icon.png /vt/ 273 15 68.2500
Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 686 3 98.0000
Y icon.png /y/ 183 29 61.0000


Teams are to be put on the wiki before the scheduled starting time of the first match of the tournament. This team will count for the whole tournament.

Teams must consist of: a team name, eleven starting players and six substitutes, a captain and a vice-captain. The eleven starting players must follow these guidelines:

  • 1 goalkeeper
  • 3-5 defenders, with a maximum of 1 LB and 1 RB. CBs are limitless
  • 3-6 midfielders, with a maximum of 1 LMF, 1 RMF, 3 AMFs, 3 CMFs, 3 DMFs, and at least one CMF or DMF.
  • 1-3 forwards, with a maximum of 1 LWF and 1 RWF. CFs and SSs are limitless

The substitutes must consist of one goalkeeper, two defenders, two midfielders and one forward.

A team must have exactly two gold and two silver players. Additionally, the team will get a medal substitute, who can be either gold or silver without affecting these limitations - however, a medal substitute cannot fill in for a lower class, so a gold player substitute cannot fill in for a silver nor can golds or silvers fill in for non-medals. Furthermore, a team may have no more than three players overall from any one board.

If a player in the team's starting eleven does not play in a round, a substitute who does may take their spot. The player must be from the same category, but specific position differences are allowed (so a CB may fill in for a LB, but not for a DMF).

For each round of matches, all players who take the field will receive a score for their performance. The team's score will be calculated at the end of each round as the sum of the scores of their eleven players. If a player does not play and is not covered by a substitute, they will count 0 towards the team's score.

Following the group stages of a cup, teams are allowed to remove eliminated players and replace them with players still in the tournament. The team must run the same formation but can change the individual positions (so a CB may swap for an RB if it does not break the maximums listen above). Medals must remain in the same section of defence, midfield or attack but can change positions. If there are no more players at a level, you are permitted to move the player up or down to the nearest available spot to replace the player. For instance, if you have a gold CB in the team and that was the only team with a gold CB, you then look to teams with a gold DMF then CMF, LMF/RMF, AMF, SS, LWF/RWF, CF in that order. The reverse can be used for non medal strikers. Captains and vice captains can change at this stage.


Points are accumulated as follows:

  • 1 point for each full point of match rating in excess of 4, this gets a multiplier for the following positions: GK/CB/FB/DMF - 3x, CMF/WMF - 2x.
  • 6 points for a defender or goalkeeper scoring a goal.
  • 5 points for a midfielder scoring a goal.
  • 4 points for a forward scoring a goal.
  • 3 points for a goal assist.
  • 4 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 3 points for a defender or goalkeeper if their team managed a clean sheet and they took the field yet played less than 60 minutes.
  • 1 point for a midfielder if their team managed a clean sheet and they played 60 minutes or more.
  • 1 point for every 2 saves made by a goalkeeper.
  • 5 points for a goalkeeper saving a penalty (not if it is missed).
  • -2 points for a player who misses a penalty.
  • 3 points if a player is judged Man of the Match by PES.
  • 2 points if the player's match rating is equal to or higher than the Man of the Match's.
  • 1 point if the player's match rating is 0.5 less than the Man of the Match's.
  • -1 point for every 2 goals conceded by a defender or goalkeeper's team while the player was on the field.
  • -1 point for the player receiving a yellow card.
  • -3 points for the player receiving a red card.
  • -5 points for the player receiving a red card from 2 yellow cards.
  • -2 points for the player scoring an own goal.

After these scores are tallied, the captain will have his score doubled, and if he did not play then the vice-captain's score will be doubled instead.

Once scores have been calculated for each match day, they will be posted. The competition will run for the duration of the cup. At the conclusion of the tournament, the team with the highest score will be awarded the Hatte Saburo trophy.