Exports/2018 4chan Summer Cup
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This page is for the upcoming 2018 4chan Summer Cup. Archived exports pages can be found at Exports/Archive
This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.
Make sure to read the warning message above.
Summer 2018
- Tactical Export: Tactics
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics *Updated fix* (18/7/18)
- Audio Export: Music
- Tactical Export: Lewd the platelet
- Aesthetics Export: I'm still tinkering with the kit, so here is the basics for us
- Audio Export: Rev up those staplers
- Tactical Export:Sex on the Summer Cup Beach
- Aesthetics Export: the Garnish vSummer18
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: I've heard the summers in Latveria are simply amazing
- Aesthetics Export: Always remember to apply sunscreen to your magical power armor
- Audio Export: I mean it's literally the same as our winter one
- Tactical Export:Hot And Hung (Hopefully)
- Aesthetics Export:The kind of shit you see in 4cc
- Audio Export:Smooth Yet Indecent Sounds
- Tactical Export: Back in my day, we posted exports to the team page while wearing onions on our belt, which was the style at the time
- Aesthetics Export: http://puu.sh/B38af/e699be8a08.7z
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Raf Simons
- Aesthetics Export: Rick Owens
- Audio Export: usually what I'm dressed in
- Tactical Export: O.G.K.M.V.P
- Aesthetics Export: Version 1.1 (added July 24th)
- Audio Export: If you've got winter 18 you've got it already
- Tactical Export: Export
- Aesthetics Export: Export
- Audio Export: Expor-ASS! TITTIES! ASS N' TITTIES!
- Tactical Export:Summer fun fuck I didn't think this through, oh Rance don't fail me
- Aesthetics Export:Summer 2018
- Audio Export:Summer 2018
- Tactical Export: http://www.mediafire.com/file/2iq9cnrvp9iwwa9/TEXPORT00000000
- Aesthetics Export: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ojllakt9ot6bx0w/JP%20Aesthetic%20Export.7z (Not the final export, jus
- Audio Export: http://www.mediafire.com/file/fqqv1cz9s566d0e/JP%20Music%20Export.7z
- Tactical Export: Tactics
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Music
- Tactical Export: Ethics
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Dialectics
- Tactical Export: https://mega.nz/#!mEEBgALD!_NQ5E6x7Jv3s_wa_MT8WTs8Uosq_PDFSf8NS1PUXQX0
- Aesthetics Export: https://mega.nz/#!bUlWjAKD!kCnUjE8wEh1XodSbE5hSawZX5tEsOJ4T2kvUZLgwPlg
- Audio Export: https://mega.nz/#!a94VDZxB!EC8bvQVqVsdcatcNMaTzLPc-NCGlz3u2TzKHKHMeYBg
- Tactical Export: Precisely calibrated and tailored for Summer weather Alt mega link because >puush and/or >ShareX
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: Horses, Peacefully Farting and Snoring 2 - With People!
- Tactical Export: https://mega.nz/#!rBFSBayZ!jOw8Z_Vk-vrMo1RgBQts1N6zvD1i1JEdi8dMuGoYCUc
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: https://mega.nz/#!vdEnFIpK!dAw9ZrWGTdXC-WUadtqR2kdiYhG0o735IYecWmGs3bE
- Tactical Export: Tictacs
- Aesthetics Export: [Soon]
- Tactical Export: Expect some savefixes
- Aesthetics Export: sorry i'm late
- Music Export: alll the other kids....
- Tactical Export: 2018年07月12日 01:00現在: 元気にやっています。 所在地: 京都府
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: >2-4-4
- Aesthetics Export: Updated for summer slots (savefixes will be needed)
- Audio Export:
- Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/mu4wJipg
- Tactical Export: determine your Tacticool Jeans of your tictacs, roll 4d20 and apply your PESing modifier.
- Aesthetics Export: Surely we've thinned our paints this time, right?
- Audio Export: Over 12 hours of the finest Gregorian chants praising the Emperor.
- Tactical Export: Elite Tactics
- Aesthetics Export: Elite Aesthetics
- Audio Export: It literally never changes, ever.
- Tactical Export: IT AIN'T ME, IT AIN'T ME
- Aesthetics Export: I'M NO RIGGER'S SON
- Tactical Export: Totally final, most definitely not mindgames tactics
- Aesthetics Export: 190Mb of Q U A L I T Y
- Audio Export: Music performed by the catholic lesbian choir of St Michael's school
- Tactical Export: Summer 18 Export
- Aesthetics Export: No link cause stuff gets put in later on for /vg/ by aesco anyway each cup so eh.
- Audio Export: Summer 18 Music v3, it's harvesting season
- Tactical Export: TACTICOOL DIO JEANS
- Aesthetics Export: TUBULAR PIXELS
- Audio Export: RADICOOL JAMS
- Tactical Export: Summer 2018 Tactical export
- Aesthetics Export: Summer 2018 Aesthetic export
- Audio Export: Summer 2018 Music export