Rigged Wiki:News/Autumn 2015 edit.bin released
The final (v5, all previous were preliminary) EDIT.bin has been released. Get it from the Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 page. All required save fixes have already been performed, and are listed in the notes, please read them! Managers, please make sure you download and use this edit.bin, if you do not and you submit nightly exports generated from your own EDIT.bin, you run an extremely high risk of getting your nightly export disqualified, along with other punishments. If you are going to send in nightly exports, please use the AutoATF to check your TEXPORT against this save before you send it in, this will ensure that there are no differences in player data between your export and the hosts'.
UPDATE: the current version is now v6, I fucked up and rigged /n/ in the last one.
UPDATE 2: god fucking damnit I rigged /jp/ too, v7 is the newest one.