Rigged Wiki:News/Summer 2022 Dates and POI

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Dates for the 2022 4chan Summer Cup will be as follow:

Team List Finalized: July 15th, 23:59:59 UTC
Aesthetics Export Deadline: July 22nd, 23:59:59 UTC
Tactical Export Deadline: July 23rd, 23:59:59 UTC
Draw: July 24th
Group Stage: July 29-31, August 5-7
Knockouts: August 13-14

As a reminder Team List Finalized is when the roster of teams participating in the next Elite cup will be determined with no further changes possible, and it is the deadline for any potential new managers or caretakers to sign onto teams to allow them to still play.

Proof of Interest:
The following teams that are eligible to play in Summer do not currently have valid POI due to it having expired:
Adv icon.png /adv/, An icon.png /an/, C icon.png /c/, Fit icon.png /fit/, Gd icon.png /gd/, Tg icon.png /tg/, Tv icon.png /tv/, U icon.png /u/, V icon.png /v/, Vm icon.png /vm/, Vt icon.png /vt/, X icon.png /x/, Y icon.png /y/

Teams listed above must contact QD before the Team List Finalized deadline in order to provide POI acquired within the last six months to be able to play in Summer. If your team is not listed above, then they currently have valid POI for Summer. Managers/caretakers for these teams may send more recent POI if they wish but are not required to do so.

Rules and Patch TBD:
Summer will continue using PES 2021, but what rules and patch will be used in the cup will be announced by June 30th at the latest.