User:Incoming/2020 Autumn Rule Tweaks
Lower Injury Resistance
Injuries, even temporary ones, have been extremely rare in PES 19. Over the course of Summer I believe we only saw one or two deds (one of which was in the final boss) and I do not remember many at all from spring or the test cups either. "Really deds" simply haven't existed in 19 at all.
The 4ccEditor accepts values up to 4 but the max injury resistance in modern PES is actually 3, which is what we use. This means we've had extremely sturdy players for a while now. I think we should lower this number to 2 or 1. As a side effect this will probably cause slightly more cards to be given, and create a couple more stoppages in play / free kicks.
I believe Injuries create interesting narrative situations and can provide an x factor for teams to consider if they are forced to occasionally confront them. They'll add a little more unpredictability back into the game and reduce the number of stomp matches.
A mini test cup was run to test for IR: 1. Here are the takeaways from that:
- Reducing IR to 1 definitely gave more injuries, I got 4 DEDS and 1 REALLY DED
- DED players only stay off the pitch for 1 to 3 in game minutes, so the impact of this is more narrative focused than tactical.
- The only REALLY DED occurred at 107 in extra time, so players being super gassed definitely helps that happen.
- IR 1 might generate slightly more cards simply because when a player was injured it always lead to a card for the attacker.
- None of the tackles that caused injuries weren't brutal enough to cause injuries.
- Lowering IR didn't seem to affect ref strictness otherwise (ie pointless stoppages for head to head contact and tiny chips still happen and still never draw cards.
In short I see no reason why not to do this to some extent, to either 2 or 1, for either everyone or at least non medals
Improve Green Heights Slightly
Because most green height tall boys go to CBs the value of the green heights tends to rise and fall with popularity of opposing teams running crossing play and long ball. Cross play right now is NOT great and it's actually hard to get long ball to look like long ball in PES 19. Likewise the green heights are starting to get unpopular. Lowering players heights overall can do a lot to fix this, but it might be worth it to go a little further to help green teams bounce back.
Added Trick Cards
The trick card list was never updated for the new cards in PES 19, and I believe these are the candidates for what might be considered trick cards.
Step On Skill
The only players in summer who used step on skill were /i/'s wingforwards, and it was not an intrinsic part of what made them good. The case for SoS being a trick card is pretty good because SoS is used exclusively in feints, which have traditionally been trick card territory. It also has a defined button in player games for use, which is another flag that this is a trick card.
No Look Pass
This card was used by /int/, /sp/, and /toy/ in summer. No Look Pass has an actual button combo input to use in a player game and cannot be performed without this card; thus it meets the strictest definition of what a trick card has traditionally been defined as.
No Longer Shilling For This, For Now
Lower All Heights
For 185/194 players many otherwise on target airborne goal scoring attempts will fly over the bar. Headers always go high and acrobatic finishers are even worse than usual. It's the same sort of situation as medals on corners in some PESes: the taller medals jump as high as they can, and combined with their height this actually positions them too high to angle the ball down. This reduces the effectiveness of most kinds of crossing, and has led to a glut of narrow diamonds in the cup. It's also made corners worse than certain deep throw ins imo. Wide play in general has been stigmatized a bit simply because of these hard to avoid shitty shots.
Shorter players don't have this issue as much, and thus I suggest that all height brackets should be reduced across the board. Because this reduction is consistent across the cup players won't visually look smaller (though refs will look a little bigger). Goalkeepers could be exempted from this change if desired.
As stated lowering heights should improve crossing in 19, and make more strategies viable. More diverse strategies in a cup lead to more variety in games, and less predictability for viewers. The height drop does not need to be dramatic to be effective. I've mostly seen these botched finishes from players taller than 180cm. Oftentimes the shorter non medals are the ones converting these shots right now.