The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg


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Current Vr icon.png /vr/ manager, and [/nintendo/] manager (The ride never ends)

I also stream 4CC Wrasslin as a preshow for the cup.

If you need to contact me. My info is here Contact, but I'm also idling on IRC most of the time.

My shitty attempts at making tutorials

Soon to be outdated. Make sure to check [Blender Tutorials]

Useful shortcuts in blender

crtl-J (object mode)
join objects- all objects selected will be merged to the last selected object

crtl-L (edit mode) (3D window only)
selects all faces/edges/vertices attached to the mesh of which you've selected a face/vedge/vertex (makes selecting entangled or stacked meshes and UVs easier)

crtl-A (object or edit mode) (also UV editor)
selects all objects (object mode) or face/edges/vertices/UVs (edit mode and UV window)
hit it again to deselect all objects

X or Delete
brings up delete submenu



shift-D (object and edit mode)
duplicate selected object or highlighted mesh part

move selected

rotate selected

scale selected

G then x,y, or z
R then x,y, or z
S then x,y, or z
Restrict editing to axis specified

G then shift + x,y, or z
R then shift + x,y, or z
S then shift + x,y, or z
Exlcude specified axis from editing

alt-m (edit mode)
when two vertices are selected, brings up merging sub menu

crtl-T (edit mode)
triangulates selected mesh

cut face
click along an edge or a vertex (bright green box with red border appears when at vertex) and click another edge or vertex (repeatable) to cut face(s)

split vertex

drag vertex along a connected edges

NumPad (NumLocked)
7 - over head view, +shift - underside view
1 - front view, +shift - back view
3 - side view, +shift - opposite side view

8 - pivot view up
2 - pivot view down

4 - pivot view left
6 - pivot view right

5 - switch between perspective and ortho view (ortho view is default and better for editing)

scroll wheel - zoom
+shift - pan vertical
+shift+crtl - rotate view around an axis centered on the window
+crtl - pan horizontal
+crtl+alt - pivot view around vertical axis

middle-click hold and drag - pivot view around
+crtl - zoom
+shift - pan

1,2,... through ... 9,0
view layer

view all layers

toggle snap

Importing a model in PES

- Blender 2.67b
- The latest of pes_face_mod_tools -
- /m/'s Gundam model or the TGH model to use as a base (I'll be using the Gundam model for this tutorial) -
- The model you want to add (preferably in .obj format and with only 1 texture) if your model isn't in .obj and/or uses multiple textures you can still use it but you will need to edit the UVmaps and maybe the .mtl file to point to a single texture because >PES (I might do another tutorial on how to do this later on if there is some interests)

First off import your model in blender

remove everything you won't need and/or edit it to your liking

in the PES Face/Hair Mod Tool options select the face model and look for the hair_high_win32.model file

click on Import Hair

now move and scale your model using the gundam face as reference of where it should be placed and what should be it's size

At this point I move the gundam head somewhere else so it can be easily selected later on

now click the yellow inverted triangle icon for your model and shift + click the Hair_2 icon

place the mouse cursor in the window where you can visualize the models and press Ctrl + J and now your model should have been merged with Hair_2

now you can select the gundam face and delete it

switch back to object mode and try to export the hair

back in the folder where the pes_face is, edit the and inside it put the texture of your model (it should be the same size) (if you can't open it you need to unzlib it with other pes tools or just grab a file from another 4cc blender that you can edit) (I recommend for working with .dds files)

also remember to move the EEEEEEEEEEEEH face unless you plan on using it for something else
first hit Import Base XML

the face is in a second layer so while being in object mode select the layer 2 and move it somewhere where it won't be seen

and hit Export New XML

now select the face_high_win32.model file this time and click on import face

in edit mode select and scale the gundam torso/shoulders to make it small and hide it

finally in object mode hit export face

congratulations you are done, now go wild and try to do some crazy stuff before this tutorial is outdated :^)

Editing Models with multiple textures

I don't know blender that well, and everything I learned about 3d I learned from videogames 4cc.
There might be an easier way to do most of this, but I couldn't find anything so here is the way I do it. If anyone knows a better way please let me know.
Be warned that you want to find a model that uses as few textures as possible to make things easier for yourself.

First open your model in blender if you are unlucky the UV map might look like this

This is how it looks when the entire model is a single object in blender, and even if it uses different textures, here they overlap on top of each other making a mess you don't want to deal with

Sometimes you might be lucky and your model is separated in different objects each with it's own UV map

Either way the first thing you want to do is get rid of everything you won't be using

And next move the UV maps outside their designated area

if you were unlucky then moving the UV maps will require you to select each part manually

This is true hell but it's also the most time consuming step, once you are done with it you have done 80% of the job already.

Once you have moved all the UV maps then save what you have as a blender file to keep a backup (you can save while you move the maps so you don't lose everything if you fuck up at some point)

Next make a new .dds file and name it and make it a 512x512px

and here you have to fit all your textures (scale them as you see fit)

you might also want to darken the textures if they are too bright because the lightning in PES could make it look like your players are brighter than the sun itself.

Replace the gundam/default texture file with the new

Now you can follow the other tutorial to get your model on top of a player face for PES

After Exporting the Hair you can close blender and open it again and now when you import the hair_high_win32.model it will have your custom model already, now you can put the UV maps back in place

Remember to reduce the number of vertices and triangles as much as possible, at this point your model is done but could spend some extra time doing this if your model is too detailed. You don't want to be the next /y/ and c-c-c-c-crash the game right? :^)

And done, have fun breaking PES

Reducing the poly count of your model

To ensure that we can keep the c-c-c-c-crashing the game to a bare minimum and consider those wanting to test with aesthetics on toasters we need to be careful not to put crazy amounts of polygons on screen all at once.
When looking for models to use for players we might only find highly detailed ones, so if that's the case then it would be a good idea to trim the number of polygons out before importing it to pes.

First check how many Vertices/Faces/Triangles your model uses

20k, 54k, and 33k. Considering the average pes player face has around 3-4k we are way over the limit on this one, luckily reducing the poly count isn't that hard and blender does most of the job.
As usual first you want to remove everything you won't be needing

9k Vertices. That's a lot better, but since there isn't a defined limit yet, I'd say aim for 4k-5k max.
You could reduce the poly count of the entire model, but if you want to have control over what specific part will lose more polygons and which will lose less then I'd recommend to separate some meshes first.
This is a lot easier if you do it when you are moving the UV maps if your model wasn't already separated in various objects to begin with. For this model I want to keep the detail in the face and the hair bangs in the front of the face.

Select the parts you want to separate

Go to the bottom menu and select Mesh > Vertices > Separate > Selection

Do the same to any other part you want to separate and then switch to Object Mode. Now the selected parts are separated objects in blender

Now select an object and in the menu below the object tree select Object Modifiers

Click Add a Modifier and under Generate there should be an option called Decimate

There are 3 options to reduce the poly count but for now I've only used Collapse. Now drop the ratio as much as possible without making the model look like a N64 model (unless you want it to look /vr/ related :^) ) and then hit Apply once you are happy with the results

Next you can reduce the poly count of the other parts with a higher ratio

Next I join all the objects back into one and export as an .obj because I've noticed the pes_mod_tools start acting funny if I don't restart blender at this point

Note that if you have the pes mod tools you will have the EEEEEEEEH face in the 2nd layer. You can delete it later but I usually delete it before exporting.

Remember that .obj models don't store the textures anywhere and the .mtl file is basically a text file with some information and a path pointing to where the textures are.
Restart blender, import your .obj model and then select the face model file in the pes tools menu. Now you can just follow the steps to export your blender to pes.

And that's it. Now we pray to RNGesus that PES won't crash.

Track Record

All Matches

Note: these are all matches that I livemanaged plus the 2014 Summer Friendlies where livemanaging wasn't allowed, but I was the only one responsible for the /vr/ tactics

25 8 18

Only Cup Matches

Note: Let's be honest, these are the only ones that matter

11 3 8

Official Matches PES14

Date Team Opponent Competition Result Scorers
April 4, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Tv icon.png /tv/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-3 L Highground Scored 23'
April 12, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Hr icon.png /hr/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-2 L Doomguy Goal 31'
Vectrex Goal 68'
April 13, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ S4s icon.png /s4s/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-1 L
April 19, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ O icon.png /o/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-1 W Segata Sanshiro Goal 30'
May 31, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Vp icon.png /vp/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 0-1 W Kacho Arino Goal 86'
June 1, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Adv icon.png /adv/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 0-0 D
September 13, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ S icon.png /s/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup 2-0 W Bubsy Goal 98'
Doomguy Goal 105+'
September 14, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Trv icon.png /trv/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup 3-2 W Doomguy Goal 35'75'
>filters Goal 86'
September 14, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Y icon.png /y/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup 2-2 L
(4-5 PK)
>filters Goal 45+'
Vectrex Goal 59'
September 14, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Pol icon.png /pol/ Ved's 1.04 Test Cup 1-0 L
October 17, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Tg icon.png /tg/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1-0 L
October 19, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Biz icon.png /biz/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0-0 D
October 26, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Jp icon.png /jp/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3-2 L Kacho Arino Goal 45+'
Doomguy Goal 58'
November 1, 2014 Vr icon.png /vr/ Pol icon.png /pol/ 2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3-0 W Cats Goal 76'
Kacho Arino Goal 81'
CRT Goal 90+'
March 20, 2015 Vpr icon.png /vpr/ Tvs4s icon.png /tvs4s/ Tag Team Cup 1 2-1 W Doomguy Goal 11'
Red Goal 62'
March 20, 2015 Vpr icon.png /vpr/ Pobiz icon.png /pobiz/ Tag Team Cup 1 2-1 L Virtual Boy Goal 44'

Official Matches PES15

Date Team Opponent Competition Result Scorers
June 13, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Hsg icon.png /hsg/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 4 1-1 D Fox OnlyGoal 90+'
June 19, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Civ4xg icon.png /civ4xg/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 4 1-6 W Falcon PunchGoal 26'
Fox OnlyGoal 37'
Final DestinationGoal 45+'68'
June 21, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Kspg icon.png /kspg/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 4 2-1 W SAKURAAAAAAI!Goal 33'
Final DestinationGoal 36'
June 27, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Dng icon.png /dng/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 4 2-2 L (3-4) SAKURAAAAAAI!Goal 13'
Fox OnlyGoal 52'
May 2, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Trv icon.png /trv/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-2 W Greedy Resellers Goal 7'
Doomguy Goal 17'
July 31, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Wg icon.png /wg/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup 1-3 W Greedy Resellers Goal 26'
Kacho Arino Goal 37'90+'
August 2, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Co icon.png /co/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup 2-5 W Doomguy Goal 31'
CRT Goal 37'45+'50'
Gunpei Yokoi Goal 89'
August 8, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Tg icon.png /tg/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup 1-0 W Satoru Iwata Goal 22'
August 15, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Asp icon.png /asp/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup 1-2 L Kacho Arino Goal 69'
September 26, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ V icon.png /v/ Vidya Bowl 2-0 W Greedy Resellers Goal 19'
Kacho Arino Goal 39'
September 26, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Vp icon.png /vp/ Vidya Bowl 4-2 W Doomguy Goal 12' (87)
Kacho Arino Goal 24'
Greedy Resellers Goal 31'
September 26, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Vg icon.png /vg/ Vidya Bowl 3-3 D Doomguy Goal 8'
Kacho Arino Goal 22'
Greedy Resellers Goal 39'
September 27, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ V icon.png /v/ Vidya Bowl 4-2 L Kacho Arino Goal 49'
CRT Goal 65'
September 27, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Vp icon.png /vp/ Vidya Bowl 4-0 L
September 27, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Vg icon.png /vg/ Vidya Bowl 1-0 W Kacho Arino Goal 37'
September 27, 2015 Vr icon.png /vr/ Vp icon.png /vp/ Vidya Bowl 4-4 L
(4-2 PK)
CRT Goal 13'
Greedy Resellers Goal 15'
Kacho ArinoGoal 90+'110'
December 5, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Aa2g icon.png /aa2g/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 5 5-4 W Fox onlyGoal 4'
No ItemsGoal 12'
SAKURAAAAAAI!Goal 36'45+'65'
December 11, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Nintyg icon.png /nintyg/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 5 0-1 L
December 13, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Ffg icon.png /ffg/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 5 1-1 D SAKURAAAAAAI!Goal 12'
December 19, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 5 3-3 W (4-5) >Project MemeGoal 88'
Fox OnlyGoal 90+'
December 20, 2015 Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ Rlg icon.png /rlg/ Vgleague.png/vg/ League 5 1-4 L The RopeGoal 90+'

Official Matches PES16

Date Team Opponent Competition Result Scorers
January 9, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Y icon.png /y/ Test Cup V 16 6-5 W Greedy Reseller Goal 27'
Doomguy Goal 48'57'71'74'87'
January 10, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Tv icon.png /tv/ Test Cup V 16 1-1 D CRT Goal 27'
January 17, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ S4s icon.png /s4s/ Test Cup V 16 0-3 L
January 24, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Toy icon.png /toy/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies 4-3 W Kacho Arino Goal 16'88'
Doomguy Goal 78'90+'
January 30, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ M icon.png /m/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies 1-3 W Kacho Arino Goal 53'85'89'
February 20, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Wsg icon.png /wsg/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup 4-0 W CRT Goal 12'27'
ZIG Goal 23'
Doomguy Goal 42'
February 28, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ H icon.png /h/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup 4-4 D Doomguy Goal 7'18'76'88'
May 6, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ C icon.png /c/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-2 D Kacho Arino Goal 74'
Doomguy Goal 78'
May 8, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3-5 L Doomguy Goal 40'67'
CRT Goal 44'
May 14, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Adv icon.png /adv/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 0-1 W Kacho Arino Goal 14'
May 21, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Trv icon.png /trv/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-4 W Doomguy Goal 7'16'26'45'
May 22, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ Lit icon.png /lit/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 2-3 W Kacho Arino Goal 35'73'
CRT Goal 90+4'
May 22, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ R9k icon.png /r9k/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 5-1 W Kacho Arino Goal 34'58'
Kirby Goal 71'
CRT Goal 78'
Doomguy Goal 90+5'
May 22, 2016 Vr icon.png /vr/ M icon.png /m/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1-3 L CRT Goal 21'


I can retire happy now ;_;


[list of blenders I made or something... eventually]

Other Autism

PES14 1.04 Tests



  • 1.04, fileloader
  • top player diff
  • player orange conditions
  • player emotion on, forced 4/5
  • reset 77's def prow to 77
  • reset gk 66 stats to 77 and def prow to 99
  • gk get a free long throw card
    • fileloader: Remove bad AI script on
    • fileloader: Passing support level 100
    • fileloader: Game speed 1.25

10 September 2014
/y/ Y icon.png 1–1 D icon.png /d/
/s/ S icon.png 0–3 U icon.png /u/
/asp/ Asp icon.png 0–1 Vr icon.png /vr/
/co/ Co icon.png 1–5 Sp icon.png /sp/
/trv/ Trv icon.png 3–3 Pol icon.png /pol/
/mgg/ Mgg icon.png 1–2 Npg icon.png /npg/
/s/ S icon.png 4–0 An icon.png /an/ (first game starts at 28:40)


  • 1.04, fileloader
  • superstar diff
  • player orange conditions
  • player emotion on, forced 4/5
  • reset 77's def prow to 77
  • reset gk 66 stats to 70 and def prow to 77
  • gk get a free long throw card
    • fileloader: Remove bad AI script on
    • fileloader: Passing support level 100
    • fileloader: Game speed 1.25

11 September 2014
/biz/ Biz icon.png 2–2 Gd icon.png /gd/
/sp/ Sp icon.png 0–1 Mlp icon.png /mlp/
/hm/ Hm icon.png 0–1 Tg icon.png /tg/
/vr/ Vr icon.png 1–3 U icon.png /u/
/s/ S icon.png 0–2 Toy icon.png /toy/
/v/ V icon.png 3–4 Vg icon.png /vg/
/mlp/ Mlp icon.png RIGGED (2-1) B icon.png /b/ (first game starts at 14:00)


  • 1.04, fileloader
  • superstar diff
  • player orange conditions
  • player emotion on, forced 4/5
  • reset 77's def prow to 77
  • reset gk 66 stats to 70 and def prow to 77
  • gk get a free long throw card
    • fileloader: Remove bad AI script on
    • fileloader: Passing support level 100
    • fileloader: Game speed 1.0

19 September 2014
/a/ A icon.png 1–0 M icon.png /m/
/tg/ Tg icon.png 3–1 Asp icon.png /asp/
/sci/ Sci icon.png 1–3 S icon.png /s/
/v/ V icon.png 2–4 Co icon.png /co/
/y/ Y icon.png 1–1 Hm icon.png /hm/
/sp/ Sp icon.png 0–0 Fit icon.png /fit/
/vr/ Vr icon.png 1–2 F icon.png /f/ (first game starts around 5 minutes in)

Settings: same as test3

20 September 2014
/w/ W icon.png 2–1 Wg icon.png /wg/
/r9k/ R9k icon.png 3–2 E icon.png /e/
/wtg/ Wtg icon.png 2–0 T icon.png /t/
/biz/ Biz icon.png 3–1 Vr icon.png /vr/
/s/ S icon.png 3–2 Sci icon.png /sci/
/fa/ Fa icon.png 3–2 Diy icon.png /diy/
/3/ 3 icon.png 3–2 Ic icon.png /ic/


  • 1.04, fileloader
  • superstar diff
  • player orange conditions
  • player emotion on, forced 4/5
  • reset 77's def prow to 77
  • reset gk 66 stats to 70 and def prow to 77
  • gk get a free long throw card
    • fileloader: Remove bad AI script on
    • fileloader: Passing support level 100 (disabled)
    • fileloader: Game speed 1.3

19 September 2014
/tv/ Tv icon.png 0–1 Tg icon.png /tg/
/biz/ Biz icon.png 1–2 Sp icon.png /sp/
/pol/ Pol icon.png 0–0 Vr icon.png /vr/
/sci/ Sci icon.png 0–1 Co icon.png /co/
/m/ M icon.png 2–1 Trv icon.png /trv/
/mlp/ Mlp icon.png 1–0 S icon.png /s/
/lit/ Lit icon.png 0–1 Hm icon.png /hm/