Difference between revisions of "Contact"
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Revision as of 01:26, 5 June 2021
Need to contact a manager? Look up their contact info here.
If a manager's contact info cannot be found here, try the /vg/ thread. If you suspect that the manager of your board's team has become inactive while a cup is around the corner, let the /vg/ thread know, too.
Aesthetics Helper
- Shakes !!bde0TdEQ2r5
- Wiki Page: User:Shakes
- Discord: Shakes#9782
- /4ccg/: Anonymous
Server admin
- f4r !HanakoDlmg
- Email: f4r.hanakodlmg@gmail.com
- Discord: f4r#2361
- Skype: f4r.hanakodlmg (rarely used)
- IRC: f4r
I look after the wiki, IRC and the server as a whole. If you find something broken, please let me know (>implying I'll fix it soon or ever).
- QD !!ztCBdAQrY7S
- Wiki Page: User:QD
- Email: qd_4cc@yahoo.com
- Discord: QD#3978
Usually in /4ccg/ too lurking probably, but if you want something important addressed personally and at-length, contact me via the above instead.
Cup Discord Servers
General 4cc Discord
Team Discord Servers
Aesthetics Helper's personal aesthetics Discord
- Discord: MS#8193
- /4ccg/
Potatotron !!7x8lho7obpm
- Discord: Potatotron#3465
- Email: potatotron.4cc@gmail.com
- Alternatively, yell at me on /4ccg/ and I'll eventually see it.
Blinky !!SpytPK2KVVY
- Skype: Bl1nky
- Discord: Blinky#5555
Staff - Guy_F dTxRGu/Eaw
- Discord: Guy_Fiati#5481
- Email: guyfiati@gmail.com
WayJay !!YFJnn8+UiFE
- Discord: WayJay#5468
- Email: 4chanadvman@gmail.com
- Twitter: @adv_fc
- We're always looking for more help. Feel free to DM me on discord if you want to help!
Svenskii !!nQLt/0Ty+IY
- Discord: sven#2525
- /4ccg/ : I browse / shitpost there every day so you'll probably be able to easily find me in the thread as well.
- Mail: svenskiivgl@gmail.com (not recommended because I barely check it on the off-season, better use discord).
Alternativeroo !!R5/4Cpex4Bg
Skype: spectralwing
Groudon !!9aKmRIjeVg1
- 4CC Skype: Groudonasp
In the offseason might not be in the /vg/ thread as much, but feel free to add me on Skype
Prozach !!SSPtXJ6yC1U
- 4CC Skype: z33km0
- Discord: Prozach#0563
Discord is the easiest way to get in touch with me if needed for any reason
Captain Planet
Skype: elcapitanplanet42
Discord: CaptainPlanet#7769
6letters !!9Ddx6tl1+0u
Discord: 6letters#6275
Dr.Medic !admin.cH4I
- Discord: Dr.Medic#2754
- Discord server (only if i do not answer DM's
plus !!IfFZMaPmcC7
- IRC: plus
- Discord: plus#0862
- Telegram: @plusbiz
Ryperiour2 !!oczH3VqQg6N
- IRC: Ryperiour2
- Discord: R2#9510
- Email: r2.4cc.benis@gmail.com (rarely used)
MagicalCoat !!tH1G0QpCBBI
Skype name: MagicalCoat
Discord: MagicalCoat#0858
E-Mail: MagicalCoat@yahoo.com (worst way to contact me)
I'm also always lurking in the /4ccg/ thread.
Anzai !!xfVTOxZRtMC
Discord: Anzai#2111
Email: anzai.4cc@gmail.com
Dog-chan !!5DOgkneuFTr
Discord: Dog-chan#3279
Twitter: @Dogchan1
This team does not currently have a manager.
Bochumbrew !!vij0cTUzxLY
- Skype: MMMaster48
- Twitter: @Bochumbrew
- Discord: Bochumbrew#9128
Caretaker: tech !!rb+zz19X9Cq
- E-mail: element.forty.three@gmail.com
- I'm on the main 4CC server and the /cm/cord; @ me if you need anything.
- I lurk /4ccg/ during the cup season and during VGL; I'll likely catch anything directed at me or /cm/.
- During the off-season you'll probably have better luck reaching out on Discord. I lurk the thread during cups.
DocSax !!CZDGJzT39aK:
skype: dctrsax
discord: DocSax#8758
Mantis !!JQtP16lnumY:
skype: mantisofpraying15
email: mantis1550@gmail.com
discord: Mantis#8299
CuriousAnon !!NNJPLf1BkZ:
skype: starburstking
email: Starburstking@gmail.com
- Skype: generalpseudonym
- Wiki Page: Guar/d/iola
- E-mail: 4ccstatto@gmail.com
Team secretary
DrDtroit !!pVg5N2qQSk/
- Skype: drdtroit
- Talk page: User talk:DrDtroit
- Email: drdtroit2010@gmail.com
- discord: drdtroit#8664
Live Manager
Kinsey Type F !!SHeuLX1RDVQ
- Email: kinseytypef@gmail.com
- Discord: Kinsey Type Fug#9347
- IRC: KinseyTypeF
This team does not currently have a manager.
This team does not currently have a manager.
Smudgey !!s89sNZtNDlZ
- Skype: Sirsmudgey
- Discord: Smudgey#9560
Old Man Sou !!c6N8js+QjEQ
- Skype: oldmansou
- Discord: Old_Man_Sou#5052
Caretaker, team is looking for a manager.
Ribbit king
- E-mail: n64gbasnes@gmail.com (this is the best way to contact me)
- Discord: Ribbit king#5026
Kostas[GRE] !!p9ZsvQpP8fW
- IRC: Kostas[GRE]
- Discord: Kostas[GRE]#2859 (preferred)
- User:Kostas_GRE
This team does not currently have a manager.
Caretaker: aliteralpileofdicks
- Discord: aliteralpileofdicks#7761
- Email: aliteralpileofdicks@gmail.com
● ● ● ● ● ● ● This team does not currently have a manager. ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
Golden_hue !!PdUd0Uu75m3
- Skype: golden.hue
- Discord: golden_hue#4419
Ashton Kootcher !!yezDaCiuvaq
- Discord: Ashton Kootcher#0971
Flowonthego !!OsuyA1ar1o9
- Skype: deliriouseagle
- IRC: Flowonthego
- Discord: Flowonthego#2778
rhs !!7U8GBtyDxxf
- Skype: rhs (rarely on)
- IRC: rhs
- Discord: rhs II#8154 (can be contacted on the 4cc discord)
- Email: leazas@outlook.com
JunoIvanovich !!pRLnAqrt9vP
- IRC: JunoIvanovich
- E-mail: junoivanovich@gmail.com
- Discord: JunoIvanovich#6095
This team does not currently have a manager.
This team does not currently have a manager.
Discordant !!mlkum25dCpk
- Discord: Discordant#1074
Team dickscord: https://discord.gg/jrrJCBr
This team does not currently have a manager.
HQOlive !!6C5dTcgdbQ2 (caretaker)
- Skype: jean.valjean11111
- Discord: HQOlive#7044
Team discord: https://discord.gg/snhjVNb
tensai !!UkbBMHkM4Hl
E-mail: numberoneniggy@outlook.com
Discord: dingus#1036
Seigmann !vaXW12lKzk
- E-mail: moshimoshianonkundesu@gmail.com
- Discord: Seigmann#8622
This team does not currently have a manager.
San Marino !!K7UPgnq6Ao2
- Email: lolita.wanted.it@gmail.com
- Skype: sanmarinolit
- Discord: SanMarino#1952
- Twitter: @LolitaWantedIt
Autocrat !!CgrAMDqsYHX
- Skype: autocrat_
TrickyDick !!LsEdMTSFTMN
- Email: trickydicklit@gmail.com
- Discord: Tricky Dick#8993
The /m/ Council
- Discord: https://discord.gg/fj5GRnT
Update Guy !!Iu7w9XSvmty
- Discord: Update Guy#2111
- Skype: Fireboltprime (Rarely on it, please add me on Discord)
- Twitter: @UpdateGuyofm
- IRC: #/m/echunited
- Steam: /m/'s official Steam Group that is not even used
Noteperson !!OaxI+wTW5//
- Wiki Page: Noteperson (talk)
- Discord: Noteperson#0381
- Email: noteperson0@gmail.com
Sita !!8/pyiYRJcmO//
- Discord: Sita#2257
Titan !!b/AiOBK2ATd
- Discord: Titan#9967
- Email: underscorenorth@gmail.com
- Email: trainerkeks@outlook.com
- >Discord: Trainer#0661
Megabeastage !!KlfUffM+oow
- skype: megabeastage.4cc
- email: megabeastage.4cc@gmail.com
Ben !!lW97z8wDwE1 Discord: Ben#2846
Discord: CaptainLykaios#5878
Superzak !!I1ftieCPe9P
- Discord: Superzak#8209
- Skype: comfy_superzak (I pretty much never use this so don't bother)
- IRC: Superzak
Smoothie Mane !!0z3uZxZe05x
- Discord: Smoothie Mane#7420 (Fast)
- Skype: Will be added soon
- Email: SmoothieMane@Protonmail.com (Slow)
- Team Discord Server Invite expired
MarcoZ !!ycrzIG/Qkev
- Discord: MarcoZ#2662
- Email: minghiazzio2013 at libero.it
This team does not currently have a manager.
Rabbi Shlomo !!i3uxIMqTCIK
- Skype: Rabbi Shlomo
- Discord: Rabbi Shlomo#5087
- Email: sheriffofauschwitz@gmail.com
Canes !!J3ZSDcbgj7h
- Email: canes.4cc@gmail.com
- Discord: Canes#4555
- Skype: Canes 4cc (canes.4cc)
- IRC: Canes
Fapoleon !!S7eJCyYuP+v
- Discord: Fapoleon#1997
- IRC: Fapoleon
- Talk Page: User talk:Fapoleon
Juan !!zNc6KCqHgO
- Discord:juan.raul.rodriguez.2007#3424
- IRC Juan
Tejen !!eYnsyTWICh0
- Discord: Tejen#9665
This team does not currently have a manager.
Mephitis !!v8t9nYkJLKq
- Discord: Mephitis#6621
- IRC: mephitis
- Email: GAEM@cock.li
Shouganaina !!+HJ7qWns8oA
- Discord: Oxen#0733
- IRC: shouganaina
DoubleNigger !!vJ4xN7F+JgX
- Skype: doubleniggers4squatch
- Discord: DoubleNigger#0421
- IRC: [s4s]DN or [s4s]DoubleNigger
- Talk Page: User talk:Double Nigger
Yuyukow !!EOZVjSE1Oud
- Email: Yuyukow@protonmail.com
- Discord: Yuyukow#8393
Aitor Karanka !!IfSTavRYsiM
- Email: sciaitorkaranka@gmail.com
- Discord: thelateaitork#4855
This team does not currently have a manager.
CollieBro !!0sD18ui7YXt
- Email: colliebro4cc@gmail.com
- message me on discord or /4ccg/ if you actually want a response within the day
Falco !!aXzH59K0ThX
- Discord: Falco#1143
HarryEnfield !HSOblOU2q2
- Discord: Harry Enfield#2174
This team does not currently have a manager.
Marqod !!ScG+JApFxMq
- mail: eltharius at gmail
Send me a mail if you've got questions or would like to help with the team.
Lazyturd !!9uWeC3vphKo
- Skype: Lazyturd
- Mail: lazyturds@gmail.com
- Discord: Lazyturd#5819
CorgiLord !!vLRzEDZAWOl
- Skype: CorgiLord
- Steam: Ash Hearthguard
- Discord: Alycornanon#3760
- Email: alycorn.anon@gmail.com
We are always on the lookout for people who want to help out, feel free to stop by our discord or matchday threads for more info.
CptCourage !!X48HYmeF9dn
- Discord: CptCourage#6445
- Skype: cptcourage10
- Email: cptcourage12@gmail.com
Globits !!hNlssvttyNC
- Skype: globits
- Discord: Globits#0015
- Email: globitstg@gmail.com
CriticalStrike !!4eLlDKFb1I
- Discord: Critical Strike#0315
- Email: gexiaoming315@gmail.com
- Team Discord is here.
Mako !!ZkuL34PQ0W9
- discord: Mako#3730
- E-mail: makoreeeeeeee@gmail.com
- irc only on matchdays
- i usually ctrl+f trv on /4ccg/, but if you want to be sure to get the insults right at me, use discord
- discord: silence#9063
ClingingMars !!wX0LNTKWzpR
Discord: ClingingMars#2818
Suule !!/bQ+kfA6ObJ
Discord: Suule#5142
Myuer !!3uFZRY/rUap
- Discord: Myuer#0082
Alexl7l !!MGBAes2OQ00
- Discord: Alex|7|#9246
- IRC: Alexl7l
HinanoSensei !!2+mfPgGZJ0N
- Discord: AriaP#9481
- IRC: AriaU
Mabel !!kbrngOffpW7
- Discord: Mabel#0462
- IRC: Mabel
Sillius !!f7WVZt/RWCS
- Discord: Sillius 💨#2905
- /4ccg/
- Twitter: Sillius2
- E-mail: MacaronPress@gmail.com
Crimson !!axWqG7oLyXn
- Discord: Crimson#2855
- /4ccg/
tech !!rb+zz19X9Cq
- E-mail: elementfortythree@gmail.com
- Discord: I'm on the main 4CC server or the VGL server; @ me if you need anything.
- Or use my talk page.
- During the off-season you'll probably have better luck reaching out on Discord; during cups I lurk the thread.
Resolink !!ob5SBk6Vu3m
- Twitter: @Resolink_4cc
- Discord: Resolink#6626
- always on /4ccg/
Zilyana !!t8bvo456WNa
- Discord: Zilyana#1390
- I lurk /4ccg/ at least quite frequently so I'll usually catch anything there as well.
Laventale !!EpaPOcGqYg6
- Discord: L'aventale.-#4530
- Email: sakuzyoislit@gmail.com
TheBird !!imX5RWup/L6
- >Skype: sirpains
- Discord: TheBird#5396
Rytky !!CFRnaumE3vQ
- Discord: Rytky#5697
- Email: 4ccrytky@gmail.com
- Thread: Just mention me or /vp/
Nemo !!uMaTyAPDDnV
- Skype: nemo_electrosphere
- Discord: Nemo#7957
Polybius !!b4C2LITsENl
- Skype: Polybius_4cc / khaoz512@hotmail.com
- Discord: Polybius#0137
- IRC: Polybius
Doyes !!Bps2IXrPSsl
RealPilky !!yRsASYbCxQc
- Discord: RealPilky#9407
- TriangleMA
- Discord: TriangleA#9111
Looking for testers/co-managers/aesthetics people!
Shork !!IQwetoMaGvn
- Discord: Shork#6117
Moze !!Moze78KszJJ
Find me on Discord. I'm called Moze on the general cup Discord.
You can also reach both of us on the team Discord.
Meno !!o5KIJgy4fQA
- Skype: shiaslaw
I'm also lurking the /4ccg/ page at all times
The team does not currently have a tactical manager, please contact .WEBM if you're interested in managing the team.
admiralmeru !!On6QI38faPh
- Discord: admiralmeru#5694
- Email: admiralmeru4cc@gmail.com
- I also check /4ccg/, more during cups than in off-season, as well as during invitationals that I'm involved in. I will also for sure check any 4cc thread up on /wsg/.
.WEBMarshmallow !!XIy7rvj1rvo
- Discord: .WEBM#6204
- Email: webmarshmallow@gmail.com
- Always active on /4ccg/. If you're interested in helping the team and admiralmeru doesn't appear to be active feel free to contact me instead.
- Discord: Amphetamemes#1858
- Email: Email4jesus@gmail.com
Sleep Deprived Anon !!z16KEuJW8s3
- Skype: Obradovich (SDA)
- Steam: Doctor_Papa
- E-mail: Dan12344dan12344dan@hotmail.com
- IRC: Sleepy_Australian
If in need of kits, contact me.
If help is needed anything else, come to me if no one else wants to help ya.