Difference between revisions of "/cm/"

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m (→‎Official Matches: 2018 Autumn Babby Cup Group D)
(good night; we will always have what we had)
(239 intermediate revisions by 16 users not shown)
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|name= Cute/Male
|name= Cute/Male
|date= February 2012
|date= February 2012
|manager= Ego Jinpachi
|owner= Fifth Sector
|owner= Fifth Sector
|irl= {{Anonymous|Managerless (Autopilot)}}
|irl= {{anonymous|FroggerP|!!J1g7ld2COsV}}  
|color1= 8528A2
|color2= 92FFFF
|color1= 823695
|bgcolor= 8528A2
|color2= 8BD1EE
|txtcolor= 92FFFF
|bgcolor= 823695
|ranking= 49 (<small>{{decrease|11}}</small>)
|txtcolor= 8BD1EE
|high_ranking= 22
|ranking= 40 <small>({{decrease|1}})</small>
|high_date= August 17, 2015
|high_ranking= 1
|high_date= August 4, 2019
|low_ranking= 59
|low_ranking= 59
|low_date= March 2, 2015
|low_date= March 2, 2015
|captain= Len-kun!!!
|captain= Len-kun!!!
|win_date=Novemer 11, 2013
|win_date=November 11th, 2013
|lose_date=April 4, 2014
|lose_date=April 26th, 2024
Line 36: Line 38:
|first_date=February 18th, 2012
|first_date=February 18th, 2012
|elite_cup_appearances= 3
|elite_cup_appearances= {{tt|12|including 1 pre-Dragongate}}
|first_elite_appearance= [[2013 4chan Winter Cup]]
|first_elite_appearance= [[2013 4chan Winter Cup]]
|best_elite_result= 15th
|best_elite_result= <span style="color:#FFD700">'''1st'''</span>
|best_elite_cup= [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]
|best_elite_cup= [[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
|babby_cup_appearances= 5
|babby_cup_appearances= {{tt|13|including 2 pre-Dragongate}}
|first_babby_appearance= [[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|first_babby_appearance= [[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|best_babby_result= 14th
|best_babby_result= <span style="color: #168000;">'''4th'''</span>
|best_babby_cup= [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|best_babby_cup= [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|hex= 33FFFF
|hex= 8BD1EE
|color= Cyan
|color= It's Not Gay If It's Cyan!
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=z1mHVQKxcAE
|scorer= Kaworu Nagisa
|a_title= Tougenkyou Alien - Gintama Theme
|assister= Kaworu Nagisa
|altanthem1_what=Victory Anthem
|altanthem1_title= Hunter X Hunter 2011 opening 1
|goals= 110
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYwCZEUC94
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=ubE6g_92xZs#t=2m41s
|a_title= Inferno<MODv><br/><small>Promare</small>
|altanthem1_what={{tt|Alt. anthem|For anime teams}}
|altanthem1_title= VICTORY BELIEVER <br/><small>THE iDOLM@STER SideM</small>
|altanthem2_what=Victory Anthem
|altanthem2_title= Departure! <br/><small>Hunter × Hunter</small>
|altanthem2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTYwCZEUC94
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQnH_ae7dEA#t=25s
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQnH_ae7dEA#t=25s
|gh_title= Maji Love 1000% - Rock
|gh_title= マジLOVE1000%<br/><small>Uta no☆Prince-sama♪</small>
|altgh1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=ANJmnPYYunI
|altgh1_what= Len-Kun!!! goal horn
|altgh1_title= Kagamine Len and Rin Sincerity Nature: Drastic Measures of Ignorance PV - Len-Kun!!!
|kitgk=Cm goalkeeper kit 2017 autumn babby cup qualifiers.png
|home_ground=Karasuno Gymnasium
|home_ground=Karasuno Gymnasium

== Introduction ==
<br>A board of modest beginnings, '''<span style="color: #823695; font-size: 100%">/cm/ - Cute</span>/<span style="color: #8BFEEE; font-size: 100%">Male</span>''' is the source for many a (gay) anon searching for images and comics of cute males. With a plethora of 14-year-old fujoshis, gentlemen and sportsmen alike cheering on this humble collection of the cute, the twinky, and the flavor-of-the-month boys that make up /cm/'s team, who knows what lies in store for their divegrass fortunes? Will their humbled attitude towards the other boards and quiet nature lead them to an underdog victory, or cause these bishounen to be saged below the feet of the ones they are up against?
A board of modest beginning, /cm/ is the source for many an anon searching for images and comics of cute males. With such a plethora of 14 year old girls, gentlemen and sportsmen alike, the team may have great potential as they participate in the upcoming Babby Cup. Will their humbled attitude towards the other boards and quiet nature lead them to an underdog victory, or cause these bishounen to be saged below the feet of the ones they are up against?

Amazingly, /cm/ were chosen as one of four teams to play in the [[2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup]] as an auto pilot team. With board interest picking up momentum once again, /cm/ looked to do the impossible and qualified for the [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]]. /cm/ qualified for Summer, got a new manager, and shocked everyone by beating [[/ck/]] 3-0 to advance through the [[2015 4chan Summer Cup]] group stages. They then lost to [[/mu/]] in the Round of 16.
== Roster ==
{| border="0"
| valign="top" width="48%"|
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
|- style="color:#8BFEEE; background:#823695;"
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=2}} |name={{tt|Shotabot 9S|''You're thinking about how much you want to **** 9S, aren't you?''}}}}
{{sq start player |no=2 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Piggy on Ice|God Yuri is so chubby and I want to kiss his stomach and call his fat ass vkusno}}}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Mondstadt's Town Bike|Aether's onahole, a.k.a., Dvalin's human expy. Is it selfcest if you get fucked daily by the barbed cock of an out-of-control dragon that's also you?}}}}
{{sq start player |no=3 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Homo×Homo|We all know what H×H really stands for}}}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=2}} |name={{tt|he just like me fr!!!!|Relatable and cute. Oh...}}}}
{{sq start player |no=6 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Makoto Tachibana|Converter of many straights, he who most often awakened the latent fujo genes dormant within all women in the 2010s.}}}}
{{sq silver player |no=7 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Lonely Gay NEET|You may (not) be surprised to know that the majority of /cm/'s population is actually composed mostly of this and not unwashed fujoshis}}}}
{{sq silver player |no=8 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Coomori|Is it gay if you're fucking your own dream tulpa?}}}}
{{sq silver player |no=9 |pos={{NewPosition|AMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Suicidal Hooni|A Korean fuccboi with cute feet who's too beta to actually die but tries his hardest anyway. WHERE ARE MY TRANSLATIONS LONELYBOYSCANS???}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos={{NewPosition|CF|type=2}} |name=[[:/cm/ Music#Kagamine Len|Len-kun]]{{tt|!!!|There's a Len for every situation!&#010;Innocent and pure!&#010;Naughty kid!&#010;Batshit insane!&#010;Cock-hungry slut!&#010;Everyone's favorite Vocaloid!}} {{Captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=10 |pos={{NewPosition|CF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Kaworu Nagisa|Silver-haired Angel who, quite possibly, may have invented gay people. Shinji has never been the same since.}}}}
| width="1%" |
| valign="top" width="48%"|
{| border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
|- style="color:#8BFEEE; background:#823695;"
{{sq player |no=12 |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=2}} |name={{tt|Copeman|THE Daily Dangan of the Day, THE Hopeman himself, THE best boy in all of Danganronpa}}}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=2}} |name={{tt|World's Sexiest Psychic|For some reason Bones decided to make Reigen WAY cooler (and sexier) than he already is. But it's still not enough to be crowned the king of Tumblr sexymen, sadly.}}}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Gerudo Sharkfucker|We're not quite sure what happened between Skyward Sword and Breath Of The Wild, but now Link is a Persian trap who wants to be penetrated by twintail shark dicks}}}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name={{tt|All Silvers Die|Kaworu? Dead. Komaeda? Dead. Clear? Dead. Konoha? Dead. Kiraiya? Dead. Kite? Dead. Being an anime boy with silver hair is an open invitation to be murdered.}}}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Anime Made Me Gay|The lie every gay boy tells themselves to deflect from their inherent homosexuality}}}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Bossu|Remember: Lio tops.}}}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=2}} |name={{tt|ghost brojob woo woo|No officer Hanako is a ghost who's a thousand years ol-}}}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=2}} |name={{tt|Yet Another JoJo Thread|until we find our next show}}}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Please Bang My OC|(your catboi is so cute omg)}}}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|{{greentext|tfw no alien fish bf}}|tfw you'll never be terrorized by him waving around a hose and telling you he wants to save the world while you go fishing}}}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized|I (M, 27) produce several idol boys (15, 15, 17, 18) who have unionized and refuse to appear in rate-ups because I refuse to get out the funny plastic card and buy packs and tier at least in the top 100 during their events. Is there any way to leverage my position at the bargaining table?}}}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=2}} |name={{tt|Singularity's Temptation|Well now, Singularity, show me you can... satisfy me more.}}}}
{{sq end}}<br>
== Team Information ==
See also the '''[[:/cm/ Music]]''' page for more detailed info on /cm/'s music.

[[2016 4chan Winter Cup|Two]] [[2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup|cups]] later, they won only one of six matches and became ded due to the loss of a manager. For the [[2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]], /cm/ back as an autopilot and were actually kinda good, advancing to the [[2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|real cup]]'s Round of 16. This also promoted them to the Elite status for the [[2018 4chan Winter Cup]], in which they fell back to the Babbies after placing 4th in their group and dragging [[/a/]] down with them. /cm/ ended up eliminated in 3 matches in the [[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]], before a meaningless consolation win over /mu/.
|style="color:#8BFEEE; background:#823695; font-size:90%;" align="center"|'''Information'''
|style="color:#8BFEEE; background:#823695; font-size:90%;" align="center"|'''Exports'''
*[http://discord.gg/QPJTZHW Team Discord server]

== Roster ==
{{sq start}}
* [https://mega.nz/file/PI8xwS6T#RFOSK4rZYrNb5_srHqi5gXM-iQ2S5X07V4OCmA8ktp0 2024 Autumn - Tactical]
{{sq start player |no=11 |pos=GK |name=Shotabot 9S}}
* [https://mega.nz/file/KFM2GLKK#xQruPV1iaJbBGa6hMLKrecPnC9D53ug68ijf3HLDAms 2024 Autumn Qualifiers - Aesthetics]
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=CB |name=Trap Time}}
* [https://mega.nz/file/XdFQ1BLI#plwECYu31jYguqHipa0-uwgKFkQI4L9oSrYiLJXSmlk 2024 Autumn Qualifiers - Music]
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=CB |name={{greentext|fujo's first husbando chart}}}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CB |name=Piggy on Ice}}
{{sq bronze player |no=12 |pos=DMF |name=Anime Made Me Gay}}
{{sq bronze player |no=8 |pos=CMF |name=All Silvers Die}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos=LMF |name=Bishōnen Roadtrip}}
{{sq start player |no=19 |pos=RMF |name=Gerudo Sharkfucker}}
{{sq silver player |no=2 |pos=AMF |name=Suicidal Hooni}}
{{sq silver player |no=3 |pos=CF |name=Kaworu Nagisa}}
{{sq gold player |no=1 |pos=CF |name=Len-kun!!! {{captain}}}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=GK |name=Lonely Gay Neet}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Incestmatsu}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=Not Nude Lewd}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=:3}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=CB |name=rinmarugames}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=Please Bang My OC}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=DMF |name=tumblr_njl0v5PINC1rbvymqo1}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LMF |name=BDSM Cat}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=LMF |name=Dangan Of The Day}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RMF |name=Swimming Homos}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=RMF |name=Nendo Hoard}}
{{sq player |no= |pos=SS |name=Thanks, Hiro!}}
{{sq end}}<br>

== Important Links ==
===2017 Autumn Babby Qualifiers===
Cm world 2021.png|World Cup 2021
Export: https://files.catbox.moe/myi7kb<br>
Autopilot instructions: https://pastebin.com/YfucW4Ci<br>
Aesthetics: [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/288818827352080384/370995036835414026/CM_Faces.rar post-fetus] <br>
Music: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/288818827352080384/371698229693120532/CM_Music_Update.rar<br>


== Results ==
== Results ==
Line 111: Line 142:
{| class="wikitable" width=50%
{| class="wikitable" width=50%
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Event
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Event
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Finish
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Finish
|[[2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|Group Stage, voided
|[[2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|Round of 16, voided
|[[2013 4chan Winter Cup]]
|4th Place, voided
|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|[[2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
Line 142: Line 182:
|[[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|[[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|Group Stage
|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|Group Stage
|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|Quarterfinals, promoted
|[[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]
|[[2020 4chan Winter Cup]]
|[[2020 4chan Summer Cup]]
|[[2021 4chan Winter Cup]]
|Third Place
|[[2021 4chan World Cup]]
|Round of 32
|[[2022 4chan Winter Cup]]
|Group Stage, relegated
|[[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|Quarterfinals, promoted
|[[2022 4chan Summer Cup]]
|Group Stage, relegated
|[[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|4th Place, promoted
|[[2023 4chan Winter Cup]]
|4th Place
|[[2023 4chan Summer Cup]]
|Group Stage, relegated
|[[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]
|Group Stage
|[[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]
|Group Stage, {{tt|relegated|Spooned, ranked last in cup}}
|[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers]]
|Group Stage
|Group Stage
Line 149: Line 237:
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Date
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Date
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Opponent
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Opponent
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Competition
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Competition
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Result
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Result
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Scorers
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Scorers
| November 16, 2013
| November 16, 2013
Line 381: Line 469:
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D]]
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D]]
| align=center|3-3 D
| align=center|3-3 D
| <small>20 Adopted Children {{goal|11}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|42}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|52}}</small>
| <small>20 Adopted Children {{goal|11}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|42}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|52}}</small>
| May 18, 2018
| May 18, 2018
Line 405: Line 493:
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D]]
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D]]
| align=center|1-2 L
| align=center|1-2 L
| <small>Len-kun!!!{{goal|67}}</small>
| <small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|67}}</small>
| November 3, 2018
| November 3, 2018
Line 411: Line 499:
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D]]
| align=center|[[2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D]]
| align=center|2-1 L
| align=center|2-1 L
| <small>Len-kun!!!{{goal|13}}</small>
| <small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|13}}</small>
| May 3, 2019
| {{team away|p}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|6}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|67}}</small>
| May 4, 2019
| {{team away|fa}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C]]
| align=center|4-0 W
| <small>All Silvers Die {{goal|5}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|35||77||90+2}}</small>
| May 5, 2019
| {{team away|asp}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|44}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|64||86}}</small>
| May 18, 2019
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|52}}</small>
| May 24, 2019
| {{team away|v}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F]]
| align=center|2-3 L
| <small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|5||85}}</small>
| May 26, 2019
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F]]
| align=center|4-1 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|23}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|62||75||81}}</small>
| June 1, 2019
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center|3-0 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|28}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|74||81}}</small>
| June 2, 2019
| {{team away|jp}}
| align=center|[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Quarter Finals]]
| align=center|1-1 (3-5 PK) L
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|76}}</small>
| July 19, 2019
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Group A]]
| align=center|3-1 W
| <small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|18||50}}<br>All Silvers Die {{goal|27}}</small>
| July 21, 2019
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Group A]]
| align=center|2-2 D
| <small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|41}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|90+3}}</small>
| July 27, 2019
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Group A]]
| align=center|0-1 L
| August 3, 2019
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center|2-1 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|85}}<br>/3dpg/ {{owngoal|89}}</small>
| August 4, 2019
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Quarter Final]]
| align=center|1-0 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|45+0}}</small>
| August 4, 2019
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Semi Final]]
| align=center|5-0 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|16||24||58||80}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|45+1}}</small>
| August 4, 2019
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[File:Summer19_C.png|25px]] [[2019 4chan Summer Cup|2019 4chan Summer Cup Final]]
| align=center|5-1 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|9||31||39||74||87}}</small>
| January 17, 2020
| {{team away|c}}
| align=center|[[File:WC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Winter Cup|2020 4chan Winter Cup Group A]]
| align=center| 2-3 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|7||12}}</small>
| January 19, 2020
| {{team away|r9k}}
| align=center|[[File:WC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Winter Cup|2020 4chan Winter Cup Group A]]
| align=center| 2-0 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|33}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|84}}</small>
| January 25, 2020
| {{team away|wsg}}
| align=center|[[File:WC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Winter Cup|2020 4chan Winter Cup Group A]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
|<small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|11}}</small>
| February 1, 2020
| {{team away|x}}
| align=center|[[File:WC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Winter Cup|2020 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center| 4-3 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|23||66||94}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|80}}</small>
| February 2, 2020
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center|[[File:WC20_Design_A.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Winter Cup|2020 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center| 1-2 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|41}}</small>
| July 18, 2020
| {{team away|sp}}
| align=center|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup Group E]]
| align=center| 0-4 L
| July 24, 2020
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup Group E]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|38}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|64}}</small>
| July 26, 2020
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup Group E]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|23||49}}</small>
| August 1, 2020
| {{team away|i}}
| align=center|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center| 4-3 W
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|22}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|42}}<br>Len-kun!!!{{goal|59}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|79}}</small>
| August 2, 2020
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center|[[File:SC20_Design_E2.png|25px]] [[2020 4chan Summer Cup|2020 4chan Summer Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center| 1-3 L
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|21}}</small>
| January 30, 2021
| {{team away|p}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 1-0 W
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|5}}</small>
| February 5, 2021
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 3-0 W
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|31}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|84}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|90+1}}</small>
| February 7, 2021
| {{team away|asp}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 2-4 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|63}}<br>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|81}}</small>
| February 13, 2021
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center| 1-0 W
|<small>My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized {{goal|69}}</small>
| February 14, 2021
| {{team away|diy}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|61}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|77}}</small>
| February 14, 2021
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Semifinals]]
| align=center| 0-1 L
| February 14, 2021
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center| [[File:WC21_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan Winter Cup|2021 4chan Winter Cup Third Place Match]]
| align=center| 4-2 W
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|23}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|52||119}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|117}}</small>
| July 16, 2021
| {{team away|an}}
| align=center| [[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup|2021 4chan World Cup Group O]]
| align=center| 5-1 W
|<small>Len-Kun!!! {{goal|9||28||50||87}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|33}}</small>
| July 24, 2021
| {{team away|aco}}
| align=center| [[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup|2021 4chan World Cup Group O]]
| align=center| 3-2 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|5}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|28}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|87}}</small>
| August 1, 2021
| {{team away|u}}
| align=center| [[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup|2021 4chan World Cup Group O]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|18}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|62}}</small>
| August 8, 2021
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center| [[File:WoC21_Design_E.png|25px]] [[2021 4chan World Cup|2021 4chan World Cup Round of 32]]
| align=center| 1-5 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|88}}</small>
| January 29, 2022
| {{team away|vp}}
| align=center| [[File:WC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Winter Cup|2022 4chan Winter Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 1-3 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|71}}</small>
| February 4, 2022
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center| [[File:WC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Winter Cup|2022 4chan Winter Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 3-3 D
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|17||23}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|29}}</small>
| February 6, 2022
| {{team away|k}}
| align=center| [[File:WC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Winter Cup|2022 4chan Winter Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 3-2 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|19||27}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|50}}</small>
| April 30, 2022
| {{team away|wsg}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|23||33}}</small>
| May 6, 2022
| {{team away|fa}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|31}}</small>
| May 8, 2022
| {{team away|w}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|12}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|77}}</small>
| May 20, 2022
| {{team away|xs}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H]]
| align=center| 3-1 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|51}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|68}}<br>wtf im gransexual now?? {{goal|78}}</small>
| May 21, 2022
| {{team away|vm}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center| 1-0 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|100}}</small>
| May 22, 2022
| {{team away|gd}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC22_Design_D.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Quarter Finals]]
| align=center| 2-4 L
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|56}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|77}}</small>
| July 29, 2022
| {{team away|v}}
| align=center| [[File:SC22_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Summer Cup|2022 4chan Summer Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 1-2 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|14}}</small>
| July 31, 2022
| {{team away|sci}}
| align=center| [[File:SC22_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Summer Cup|2022 4chan Summer Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 5-2 W
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|4}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|12||37}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|27}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|32}}</small>
| August 6, 2022
| {{team away|m}}
| align=center| [[File:SC22_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Summer Cup|2022 4chan Summer Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 0-3 L
| November 4, 2022
| {{team away|fa}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group B]]
| align=center| 2-0 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|57}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|71}}</small>
| November 6, 2022
| {{team away|xs}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group B]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
|Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|43}}</small>
| November 12, 2022
| {{team away|jp}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group B]]
| align=center| 2-1 W
|Len-kun!!! {{goal|29||55}}</small>
| November 19, 2022
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center| 5-3 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|11||24}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|19||63}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|89}}</small>
| November 20, 2022
| {{team away|vst}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center| 5-3 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|4||105+0||117}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|52}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|63}}</small>
| November 20, 2022
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Semi Finals]]
| align=center| 3-5 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|8}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|41}}<br>Coomori {{goal|45+1}}</small>
| November 20, 2022
| {{team away|tg}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC22_Design_H.png|25px]] [[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Third Place Match]]
| align=center| 5-5 (3-4 PK) L
|<small>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|33}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|51||76}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|54||90+1}}</small>
| January 27, 2023
| {{team away|fit}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Group D]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|68}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|90+4}}</small>
| January 29, 2023
| {{team away|t}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Group D]]
| align=center| 4-0 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|16||74}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|26}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|76}}</small>
| February 4, 2023
| {{team away|pol}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Group D]]
| align=center| 4-1 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|6||41}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|12}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|74}}</small>
| February 11, 2023
| {{team away|mu}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16]]
| align=center| 3-2 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|37||41||70}}</small>
| February 12, 2023
| {{team away|sci}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals]]
| align=center| 2-2 (5-3 PK) W
|<small>{{tt|Kaworu Nagisa |100th career goal!}}{{goal|4}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|102}}</small>
| February 12, 2023
| {{team away|t}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Semifinals]]
| align=center| 2-3 L
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|12}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|51}}</small>
| February 12, 2023
| {{team away|ck}}
| align=center| [[File:WC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Winter Cup|2023 4chan Winter Cup Third Place Match]]
| align=center| 3-4 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|33}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|44||71}}</small>
| July 29, 2023
| {{team away|co}}
| align=center| [[File:SC23_Design_G1.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Summer Cup|2023 4chan Summer Cup Group E]]
| align=center| 3-4 L
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|7}}<br>Coomori {{goal|62}}<br>Lonely Gay NEET {{goal|80}}</small>
| August 4, 2023
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center| [[File:SC23_Design_G1.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Summer Cup|2023 4chan Summer Cup Group E]]
| align=center| 0-2 L
| August 6, 2023
| {{team away|vr}}
| align=center| [[File:SC23_Design_G1.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Summer Cup|2023 4chan Summer Cup Group E]]
| align=center| 4-2 W
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|22||43||59||79}}</small>
| October 27, 2023
| {{team away|i}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 2-4 L
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|36||61}}</small>
| October 29, 2023
| {{team away|int}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 2-2 D
|<small>Coomori {{goal|17}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|44}}</small>
| November 4, 2023
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC23_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup|2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 6-2 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|28||68||72||78}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|29}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|90+1}}</small>
| April 26, 2024
| {{team away|vst}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC24_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 0-5 L
| April 28, 2024
| {{team away|wg}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC24_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 2-3 L
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|58}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|78}}</small>
| May 4, 2024
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center| [[File:SBC24_Design_G.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup|2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C]]
| align=center| 1-4 L
|<small>Coomori {{goal|74}}</small>
| October 18, 2024
| {{team away|fa}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC24_Design_Bq.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group A]]
| align=center| 1-1 D
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|74}}</small>
| October 19, 2024
| {{team away|xs}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC24_Design_Bq.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group A]]
| align=center| 0-2 L
| October 20, 2024
| {{team away|h}}
| align=center| [[File:ABC24_Design_Bq.png|25px]] [[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group A]]
| align=center| {{tt|2-3 L|Len-kun!!! fucking dies in the 20'}}
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|28||66}}</small>

===Unofficial Matches===
===Unofficial Matches===
<div style='height:400px;display:inline-block;vertical-align:top;width:67%;overflow-y:scroll;margin:1em 0'>
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
{| class="wikitable" width=100%
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Date
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Date
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Opponent
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Opponent
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Competition
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Competition
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Result
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Result
!style="background:#8528A2;color:#92FFFF"| Scorers
!style="background:#823695;color:#8BFEEE"| Scorers
| December 22, 2012
| December 22, 2012
Line 548: Line 1,081:
| align=center|1(6)-1(5) W
| align=center|1(6)-1(5) W
|<small>Makoto Tachibana {{goal|53}}</small>
|<small>Makoto Tachibana {{goal|53}}</small>
| March 8, 2020
| {{team away|asp}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center| 1-2 L
|<small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|32|}}
| March 13, 2020
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center| 1(3)-1(4) L
|<small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|15|}}
| March 14, 2020
| {{team away|n}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center| 3-5 L
| -
| September 18, 2020
| {{team away|y}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-0 W
|<small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|22||34}}</small>
| September 25, 2020
| {{team away|vg}}
| align=center|[[2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|5-1 W
| <small>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|31||39||85||89}}<br>Len-kun!!! {{goal|54}}</small>
| April 9, 2023
| {{team away|vt}}
| align=center|[[2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|3-2 W
| <small>Len-kun!!! {{goal|10||58}}<br>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|56}}</small>
| August 31, 2024
| {{team away|o}}
| align=center|[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 420 BLAZE IT Victory Lap Edition|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|{{tt|3-3 W|won in PK, footage lost to the sands of time}}
| <small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|27}}<br>Kaworu Nagisa {{goal|66}}<br>Len-ken!!! {{goal|79}}</small>
| September 1, 2024
| {{team away|vmg}}
| align=center|[[2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 420 BLAZE IT Victory Lap Edition|2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies]]
| align=center|2-4 L
| <small>Suicidal Hooni {{goal|4}}<br>Coomori {{goal|14}}</small>
|vsteam      = y
|rivalryname = Boy Purity Derby
|description = Although both teams love their anime boys, this blue board vs red board brother battle runs hot once their flavor of the month boys get on the pitch with each other. Early beginnings between the two teams originated in the 2012 Summer Friendlies and 2012 Autumn Cup although these results are voided (but are accounted normally in the matchup record (one loss/one draw)). Officially, the two teams met again in 2013 Autumn's Round of 16 as /cm/ had an upset 0-2 loss to /y/. Despite a 2-0 win over /y/ in the unofficial 2013 Summer Friendlies, our bishounens weren't satisfied. Determined to show our brother we aren't to be pushed around, the two teams waged war in the 2014 Spring Cup with a 4-4 draw as /y/ struck in the 90+4' to even the score. At that moment, '''both teams agreed that this rivalry wouldn't be over till one of them submits'''.
Over the years, /cm/ has reigned over their big brother with the 2019 Summer Cup and many final day appearances. Although, after seven years in the making, the rivalry finally came to a head in the summer of 23 with a match booked in the group stage. The bishounens could not prove their offensive might against Yaranaika and were shutout by their big brother, 0-2 leading to relegation. The drubbing continued into spring of 24 when the bishounens were never able to match their big brother, resulting in a 1-4 loss for the cute boys. Making them go 0-3 in groups and spooning the boys as a result. The official record became one win, {{tt|two draws|including 1 pre-Dragongate}}, and {{tt|four losses|including 1 pre-Dragongate}} in the rivalry. Unofficially, the teams have fought in friendlies with three wins and one loss in favor of /cm/, friendly matches are in parenthesis.
|vsrecord    = W1(3) - {{tt|D2|including 1 pre-Dragongate}}(0) - {{tt|L4|including 1 pre-Dragongate}}(1)

*[[Weeabowl]]: 3rd place
File:Weeabowl logo 2012.png|'''[[Weeabowl]]''': <br>'''3rd Place'''
File:SBC19_Design_B1.png|'''[[2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup]]''': <br>'''{{tt|Golden Boot|Len-kun!!!}}'''
File:Summer19 C.png|'''[[2019 4chan Summer Cup]]''': <br>'''<span style="color:  #DAA520; font-size: 100%">1st Place</span>''' <br> '''{{tt|Golden Boot|Kaworu Nagisa}}'''<br>'''{{tt|Most assists|Len-Kun!!!}}'''<br>'''{{tt|Best player|Kaworu Nagisa}}'''
File:ABC22_Design_H.png|'''[[2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup]]''': <br>'''{{tt|Golden Boot|Kaworu Nagisa}}'''<br>'''{{tt|Most assists|Kaworu Nagisa and Suicidal Hooni}}'''
File:WC23_Design_G.png|'''[[2023 4chan Winter Cup]]''': <br>'''{{tt|Most assists|Kaworu Nagisa}}'''<br>'''{{tt|Best player|Len-kun!!!}}'''
{{Elite Tier}}
{{Champion|prev={{Year|2018|Summer|b}} {{team home|vg}}|season=Summer|year={{Year|2019|Summer|b}} (1st title)|next={{Year|2020|Summer|b}} {{team home|u}}}}

{{Navbox Teams}}
{{Navbox Teams}}

[[Category:Official teams|cm]] [[Category:Managerless teams|cm]]
[[Category:Official teams|cm]]  
[[Category:Founding Babbies|cm]]
[[Category:Summer Cup Champions|cm]]

Latest revision as of 23:43, 9 February 2025

Are You Ready?
Cm logo.png
/cm/ - Cute/Male
Founded February 2012
Manager Ego Jinpachi
Owner Fifth Sector
IRL manager FroggerP !!J1g7ld2COsV
Team colors
Chat color 8BD1EE
It's Not Gay If It's Cyan!
Ranking 40 (decrease 1)
Highest rank 1 (August 4, 2019)
Lowest rank 59 (March 2, 2015)
Top scorer Kaworu Nagisa (110)
Top assister Kaworu Nagisa (36)
Captain Len-kun!!!
Website /cm/ - Cute/Male
Nickname No nickname
Home ground Karasuno Gymnasium
Historic performance
52 25 48 125 41.6%
256 236 +20
Biggest win
/cm/ Cm icon.png 5–0 Tg icon.png /tg/
November 11th, 2013
Biggest defeat
/cm/ Cm icon.png 0–5 Vst icon.png /vst/
April 26th, 2024
First match
/cm/ Cm icon.png 1–4 S icon.png /s/
February 18th, 2012
Elite Cup
Appearances 12 (First in 2013 4chan Winter Cup)
Best result 1st, 2019 4chan Summer Cup
Babby Cup
Appearances 13 (First in 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup)
Best result 4th, 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
Team music
Anthem Inferno<MODv>
Victory Anthem Departure!
Hunter × Hunter

Goal horn マジLOVE1000%
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪
Home kit Cmhome-2018sbc.png
Away kit Cmaway-2018sbc.png
Goalkeeper kit Cm goalkeeper kit 2017 autumn babby cup qualifiers.png
Third kit Cmthird-2018sbc.png
Fourth kit Cmfourth-2018sbc.png


A board of modest beginnings, /cm/ - Cute/Male is the source for many a (gay) anon searching for images and comics of cute males. With a plethora of 14-year-old fujoshis, gentlemen and sportsmen alike cheering on this humble collection of the cute, the twinky, and the flavor-of-the-month boys that make up /cm/'s team, who knows what lies in store for their divegrass fortunes? Will their humbled attitude towards the other boards and quiet nature lead them to an underdog victory, or cause these bishounen to be saged below the feet of the ones they are up against?


No. Position Player
Shotabot 9S
Piggy on Ice
Mondstadt's Town Bike
he just like me fr!!!!
Makoto Tachibana
Lonely Gay NEET
Suicidal Hooni
Len-kun!!! Captain
Kaworu Nagisa
No. Position Player
World's Sexiest Psychic
Gerudo Sharkfucker
All Silvers Die
Anime Made Me Gay
ghost brojob woo woo
Yet Another JoJo Thread
Please Bang My OC
>tfw no alien fish bf
My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized
Singularity's Temptation

Team Information

See also the /cm/ Music page for more detailed info on /cm/'s music.

Information Exports


Cup Record

Event Finish
2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage, voided
2012 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16, voided
2013 4chan Winter Cup 4th Place, voided
2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16, promoted
2014 4chan Winter Cup Group Stage, relegated
2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage
2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16, promoted
2015 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16
2016 4chan Winter Cup Group Stage, relegated
2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage, relegated
2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16, promoted
2018 4chan Winter Cup Group Stage, relegated
2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage
2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group Stage
2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Quarterfinals, promoted
2019 4chan Summer Cup Champions
2020 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals
2020 4chan Summer Cup Quarterfinals
2021 4chan Winter Cup Third Place
2021 4chan World Cup Round of 32
2022 4chan Winter Cup Group Stage, relegated
2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Quarterfinals, promoted
2022 4chan Summer Cup Group Stage, relegated
2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4th Place, promoted
2023 4chan Winter Cup 4th Place
2023 4chan Summer Cup Group Stage, relegated
2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group Stage
2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group Stage, relegated
2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group Stage

Official Matches

Note: All of /cm/'s pre-Dragongate matches are voided. If you wish to see the pre-Dragongate match history of /cm/, go to this page.
Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
November 16, 2013 Sci icon.png /sci/ 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H 1-1 D Levi Goal 28'
November 22, 2013 Vr icon.png /vr/ 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H 0-3 L
November 24, 2013 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group H 5-0 W Levi Goal 4'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 19'45+'58'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 33'
November 30, 2013 Y icon.png /y/ 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16 0-2 L
February 14, 2014 Adv icon.png /adv/ 2014 4chan Winter Cup Group A 1-2 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 19'
February 16, 2014 Cgl icon.png /cgl/ 2014 4chan Winter Cup Group A 2-2 D Dio Brando Goal 35'
Levi Goal 68'
February 22, 2014 A icon.png /a/ 2014 4chan Winter Cup Group A 1-1 D Makoto Tachibana Goal 60'
April 4, 2014 N icon.png /n/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 1-4 L Makoto Tachibana Goal 23'
April 12, 2014 Y icon.png /y/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 4-4 D Dio Goal 29'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 44'54'
Tetsuya Kuroko Goal 84'
April 18, 2014 Diy icon.png /diy/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 1-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 11'
April 19, 2014 Po icon.png /po/ 2014 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 2-1 W Dio Brando Goal 32'87'
April 26, 2015 O icon.png /o/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E 2-2 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 15'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 59'
May 2, 2015 Y icon.png /y/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E 3-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 51'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 57'90+'
May 8, 2015 Adv icon.png /adv/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E 3-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 69'87'
Levi Ackermann Goal 90+'
May 10, 2015 Po icon.png /po/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group E 2-1 W Makoto Tachibana Goal 10'43'
May 16, 2015 Cgl icon.png /cgl/ 2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16 0-1 L
August 1, 2015 Hr icon.png /hr/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Group E 1-2 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 78'
August 7, 2015 M icon.png /m/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Group E 1-1 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 50'
August 9, 2015 Ck icon.png /ck/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Group E 3-0 W Makoto Tachibana Goal 6'50'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 43'
August 15, 2015 Mu icon.png /mu/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16 2-4 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 14'43'
February 19, 2016 D icon.png /d/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Group C 4-2 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 56'68'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 72'
Kagami Taiga Goal 77'
February 21, 2016 Mu icon.png /mu/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Group C 1-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 85'
February 27, 2016 Wg icon.png /wg/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Group C 2-4 L Kagami Taiga Goal 17'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 72'
May 6, 2016 O icon.png /o/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C 2-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 32'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 61'
May 8, 2016 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C 2-4 L Tieria Erde Goal 13'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 57'
May 14, 2016 His icon.png /his/ 2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C 2-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 33'
Sorey Goal 85'
October 13, 2017 Mlp icon.png /mlp/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C 0-2 L
October 14, 2017 Pol icon.png /pol/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C 2-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 23'61'
October 15, 2017 B icon.png /b/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C 3-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 27'81'
Overtwinks Goal 42'
October 28, 2017 Sp icon.png /sp/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E 1-1 D Len-Kun!!! Goal 58'
November 3, 2017 Out icon.png /out/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E 1-0 W Len-Kun!!! Goal 85'
November 5, 2017 V icon.png /v/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group E 3-1 W Len-Kun!!! Goal 25'
20 Adopted Children Goal 62'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 90+3'
November 11, 2017 Co icon.png /co/ 2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16 3-1 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 84'
February 17, 2018 Int icon.png /int/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Group H 0-2 L
February 23, 2018 A icon.png /a/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Group H 2-2 D 20 Adopted Children Goal 43'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 53'
February 25, 2018 An icon.png /an/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Group H 2-2 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 25'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 64'
May 4, 2018 Asp icon.png /asp/ 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 0-2 L
May 12, 2018 M icon.png /m/ 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 3-3 D 20 Adopted Children Goal 11'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 42'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 52'
May 18, 2018 Gif icon.png /gif/ 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 0-0 D
May 19, 2018 Mu icon.png /mu/ 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group D 2-1 W All Silvers Die Goal 6'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 45+2'
October 26, 2018 Gif icon.png /gif/ 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D 1-1 D All Silvers Die Goal 72'
October 28, 2018 His icon.png /his/ 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D 1-2 L Len-Kun!!! Goal 67'
November 3, 2018 U icon.png /u/ 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group D 2-1 L Len-Kun!!! Goal 13'
May 3, 2019 P icon.png /p/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C 2-2 D Len-Kun!!! Goal 6'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 67'
May 4, 2019 Fa icon.png /fa/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C 4-0 W All Silvers Die Goal 5'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 35'77'90+2'
May 5, 2019 Asp icon.png /asp/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Qualifiers Group C 3-0 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 44'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 64'86'
May 18, 2019 H icon.png /h/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F 1-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 52'
May 24, 2019 V icon.png /v/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F 2-3 L Len-Kun!!! Goal 5'85'
May 26, 2019 Mu icon.png /mu/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group F 4-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 23'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 62'75'81'
June 1, 2019 X icon.png /x/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16 3-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 28'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 74'81'
June 2, 2019 Jp icon.png /jp/ 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup Quarter Finals 1-1 (3-5 PK) L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 76'
July 19, 2019 Gd icon.png /gd/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Group A 3-1 W Len-Kun!!! Goal 18'50'
All Silvers Die Goal 27'
July 21, 2019 X icon.png /x/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Group A 2-2 D Suicidal Hooni Goal 41'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 90+3'
July 27, 2019 Wg icon.png /wg/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Group A 0-1 L
August 3, 2019 Diy icon.png /diy/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16 2-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 85'
/3dpg/ Scored 89'
August 4, 2019 Co icon.png /co/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Quarter Final 1-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 45+0'
August 4, 2019 W icon.png /w/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Semi Final 5-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 16'24'58'80'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 45+1'
August 4, 2019 Pol icon.png /pol/ Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup Final 5-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 9'31'39'74'87'
January 17, 2020 C icon.png /c/ WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup Group A 2-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 7'12'
January 19, 2020 R9k icon.png /r9k/ WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup Group A 2-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 33'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 84'
January 25, 2020 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup Group A 1-1 D Len-Kun!!! Goal 11'
February 1, 2020 X icon.png /x/ WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16 4-3 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 23'66'94'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 80'
February 2, 2020 Pol icon.png /pol/ WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals 1-2 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 41'
July 18, 2020 Sp icon.png /sp/ SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup Group E 0-4 L
July 24, 2020 H icon.png /h/ SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup Group E 2-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 38'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 64'
July 26, 2020 W icon.png /w/ SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup Group E 2-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 23'49'
August 1, 2020 I icon.png /i/ SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup Round of 16 4-3 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 22'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 42'
Len-kun!!!Goal 59'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 79'
August 2, 2020 Diy icon.png /diy/ SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup Quarterfinals 1-3 L Suicidal Hooni Goal 21'
January 30, 2021 P icon.png /p/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Group H 1-0 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 5'
February 5, 2021 M icon.png /m/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Group H 3-0 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 31'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 84'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 90+1'
February 7, 2021 Asp icon.png /asp/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Group H 2-4 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 63'
Len-Kun!!! Goal 81'
February 13, 2021 Vg icon.png /vg/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16 1-0 W My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized Goal 69'
February 14, 2021 Diy icon.png /diy/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals 2-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 61'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 77'
February 14, 2021 N icon.png /n/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Semifinals 0-1 L
February 14, 2021 Wg icon.png /wg/ WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup Third Place Match 4-2 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 23'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 52'119'
Len-kun!!! Goal 117'
July 16, 2021 An icon.png /an/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup Group O 5-1 W Len-Kun!!! Goal 9'28'50'87'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 33'
July 24, 2021 Aco icon.png /aco/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup Group O 3-2 W Len-kun!!! Goal 5'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 28'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 87'
August 1, 2021 U icon.png /u/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup Group O 2-2 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 18'
Len-kun!!! Goal 62'
August 8, 2021 N icon.png /n/ WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup Round of 32 1-5 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 88'
January 29, 2022 Vp icon.png /vp/ WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup Group H 1-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 71'
February 4, 2022 Co icon.png /co/ WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup Group H 3-3 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 17'23'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 29'
February 6, 2022 K icon.png /k/ WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup Group H 3-2 W Len-kun!!! Goal 19'27'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 50'
April 30, 2022 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H 2-1 W Len-kun!!! Goal 23'33'
May 6, 2022 Fa icon.png /fa/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H 1-1 D Len-kun!!! Goal 31'
May 8, 2022 W icon.png /w/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H 2-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 12'
Len-kun!!! Goal 77'
May 20, 2022 Xs icon.png /xs/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group H 3-1 W Len-kun!!! Goal 51'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 68'
wtf im gransexual now?? Goal 78'
May 21, 2022 Vm icon.png /vm/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Round of 16 1-0 W Len-kun!!! Goal 100'
May 22, 2022 Gd icon.png /gd/ SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup Quarter Finals 2-4 L Len-kun!!! Goal 56'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 77'
July 29, 2022 V icon.png /v/ SC22 Design G.png 2022 4chan Summer Cup Group C 1-2 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 14'
July 31, 2022 Sci icon.png /sci/ SC22 Design G.png 2022 4chan Summer Cup Group C 5-2 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 4'
Len-kun!!! Goal 12'37'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 27'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 32'
August 6, 2022 M icon.png /m/ SC22 Design G.png 2022 4chan Summer Cup Group C 0-3 L
November 4, 2022 Fa icon.png /fa/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group B 2-0 W Len-kun!!! Goal 57'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 71'
November 6, 2022 Xs icon.png /xs/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group B 1-1 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 43'
November 12, 2022 Jp icon.png /jp/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group B 2-1 W Len-kun!!! Goal 29'55'
November 19, 2022 Mu icon.png /mu/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Round of 16 5-3 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 11'24'
Len-kun!!! Goal 19'63'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 89'
November 20, 2022 Vst icon.png /vst/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Quarterfinals 5-3 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 4'105+0'117'
Len-kun!!! Goal 52'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 63'
November 20, 2022 Vr icon.png /vr/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Semi Finals 3-5 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 8'
Len-kun!!! Goal 41'
Coomori Goal 45+1'
November 20, 2022 Tg icon.png /tg/ ABC22 Design H.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Third Place Match 5-5 (3-4 PK) L Lonely Gay NEET Goal 33'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 51'76'
Len-kun!!! Goal 54'90+1'
January 27, 2023 Fit icon.png /fit/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Group D 2-2 D Suicidal Hooni Goal 68'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 90+4'
January 29, 2023 T icon.png /t/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Group D 4-0 W Len-kun!!! Goal 16'74'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 26'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 76'
February 4, 2023 Pol icon.png /pol/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Group D 4-1 W Len-kun!!! Goal 6'41'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 12'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 74'
February 11, 2023 Mu icon.png /mu/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Round of 16 3-2 W Len-kun!!! Goal 37'41'70'
February 12, 2023 Sci icon.png /sci/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Quarterfinals 2-2 (5-3 PK) W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 4'
Len-kun!!! Goal 102'
February 12, 2023 T icon.png /t/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Semifinals 2-3 L Suicidal Hooni Goal 12'
Len-kun!!! Goal 51'
February 12, 2023 Ck icon.png /ck/ WC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Winter Cup Third Place Match 3-4 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 33'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 44'71'
July 29, 2023 Co icon.png /co/ SC23 Design G1.png 2023 4chan Summer Cup Group E 3-4 L Suicidal Hooni Goal 7'
Coomori Goal 62'
Lonely Gay NEET Goal 80'
August 4, 2023 Y icon.png /y/ SC23 Design G1.png 2023 4chan Summer Cup Group E 0-2 L
August 6, 2023 Vr icon.png /vr/ SC23 Design G1.png 2023 4chan Summer Cup Group E 4-2 W Len-kun!!! Goal 22'43'59'79'
October 27, 2023 I icon.png /i/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C 2-4 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 36'61'
October 29, 2023 Int icon.png /int/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C 2-2 D Coomori Goal 17'
Len-kun!!! Goal 44'
November 4, 2023 Wg icon.png /wg/ ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Group C 6-2 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 28'68'72'78'
Len-kun!!! Goal 29'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 90+1'
April 26, 2024 Vst icon.png /vst/ SBC24 Design G.png 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C 0-5 L
April 28, 2024 Wg icon.png /wg/ SBC24 Design G.png 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C 2-3 L Len-kun!!! Goal 58'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 78'
May 4, 2024 Y icon.png /y/ SBC24 Design G.png 2024 4chan Spring Babby Cup Group C 1-4 L Coomori Goal 74'
October 18, 2024 Fa icon.png /fa/ ABC24 Design Bq.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group A 1-1 D Suicidal Hooni Goal 74'
October 19, 2024 Xs icon.png /xs/ ABC24 Design Bq.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group A 0-2 L
October 20, 2024 H icon.png /h/ ABC24 Design Bq.png 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers Group A 2-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 28'66'

Unofficial Matches

Date Opponent Competition Result Scorers
December 22, 2012 C icon.png /c/ Weeabowl Quarterfinals 4-1 W Shuu Iwamine Goal 42'
Soldier Blue Goal 93'98'
Griffith Goal 103'
December 22, 2012 U icon.png /u/ Weeabowl Semifinals 1-2 L Soldier Blue Goal 28'
December 22, 2012 D icon.png /d/ Weeabowl Third Place Match 3-2 W Shuu Iwamine Goal 25'
Soldier Blue Goal 46'80'
December 25, 2012 Tv icon.png /tv/ 2012 Christmas Cup Round of 16 0-2 L
July 12, 2013 Y icon.png /y/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-0 W Levi Goal 71'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 89'
July 20, 2013 O icon.png /o/ 2013 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-0 W Shuu Iwamine Goal 25'
Makoto Tachibana Goal 65'
September 28, 2013 C icon.png /c/ 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-2 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 29'74'
October 6, 2013 Sp icon.png /sp/ 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 5-5 D Kaworu Nagisa Goal 12'24'29'
Dio Brando Goal 39'74'
November 2, 2013 Wsg icon.png /wsg/ Halloween Bowl 2013 Round of 16 2-3 L VLC Glitch Scored 37'
Keisuke Goal 48'
December 15, 2013 M icon.png /m/ Weeabowl II Quarterfinals 0-5 L
January 19, 2014 Sci icon.png /sci/ 2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1-2 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 18'
January 25, 2014 Tg icon.png /tg/ 2014 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 2-5 L Makoto Tachibana Goal 55'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 86'
May 31, 2014 Lit icon.png /lit/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 0-0 D
June 8, 2014 K icon.png /k/ 2014 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 0-1 L
January 18, 2015 Fa icon.png /fa/ 2015 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 2-3 L Kuzunoha Goal 40'90+'
July 12, 2015 Y icon.png /y/ 2015 4chan Summer Cup Friendlies 2-1 W Makoto Tachinaba Goal 25'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 48'
August 22, 2015 Lgbt icon.png /lgbt/ Lark's Madness 1-3 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 70'
December 25, 2015 Vp icon.png /vp/ Kurisumasu Cup II Round of 16 3-2 L Hidekaz Goal 26'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 81'
January 24, 2016 Jp icon.png /jp/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies 2-4 L Kaworu Nagisa Goal 45+2'77'
January 30, 2016 N icon.png /n/ 2016 4chan Winter Cup Unfriendlies 2-1 W Kagami Taiga Goal 38'61'
January 19, 2018 Soc icon.png /soc/ 2018 4chan Winter Cup Friendlies 1(6)-1(5) W Makoto Tachibana Goal 53'
March 8, 2020 Asp icon.png /asp/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1-2 L Len-kun!!! Goal 32'
March 13, 2020 Y icon.png /y/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 1(3)-1(4) L Suicidal Hooni Goal 15'
March 14, 2020 N icon.png /n/ 2020 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 3-5 L -
September 18, 2020 Y icon.png /y/ 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-0 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 22'34'
September 25, 2020 Vg icon.png /vg/ 2020 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 5-1 W Kaworu Nagisa Goal 31'39'85'89'
Len-kun!!! Goal 54'
April 9, 2023 Vt icon.png /vt/ 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup Friendlies 3-2 W Len-kun!!! Goal 10'58'
Suicidal Hooni Goal 56'
August 31, 2024 O icon.png /o/ 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 3-3 W Suicidal Hooni Goal 27'
Kaworu Nagisa Goal 66'
Len-ken!!! Goal 79'
September 1, 2024 Vmg icon.png /vmg/ 2024 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Friendlies 2-4 L Suicidal Hooni Goal 4'
Coomori Goal 14'


Y logo.png
/y/ - Boy Purity Derby
Although both teams love their anime boys, this blue board vs red board brother battle runs hot once their flavor of the month boys get on the pitch with each other. Early beginnings between the two teams originated in the 2012 Summer Friendlies and 2012 Autumn Cup although these results are voided (but are accounted normally in the matchup record (one loss/one draw)). Officially, the two teams met again in 2013 Autumn's Round of 16 as /cm/ had an upset 0-2 loss to /y/. Despite a 2-0 win over /y/ in the unofficial 2013 Summer Friendlies, our bishounens weren't satisfied. Determined to show our brother we aren't to be pushed around, the two teams waged war in the 2014 Spring Cup with a 4-4 draw as /y/ struck in the 90+4' to even the score. At that moment, both teams agreed that this rivalry wouldn't be over till one of them submits.

Over the years, /cm/ has reigned over their big brother with the 2019 Summer Cup and many final day appearances. Although, after seven years in the making, the rivalry finally came to a head in the summer of 23 with a match booked in the group stage. The bishounens could not prove their offensive might against Yaranaika and were shutout by their big brother, 0-2 leading to relegation. The drubbing continued into spring of 24 when the bishounens were never able to match their big brother, resulting in a 1-4 loss for the cute boys. Making them go 0-3 in groups and spooning the boys as a result. The official record became one win, two draws, and four losses in the rivalry. Unofficially, the teams have fought in friendlies with three wins and one loss in favor of /cm/, friendly matches are in parenthesis.

W1(3) - D2(0) - L4(1)


Elite Cups
Preceded by
2018 /vg/ Vg icon.png
Summer Champions
2019 (1st title)
Succeeded by
2020 /u/ U icon.png